Today’s Horoscope, 21st February, 2024 – : Read your horoscope on VAMA

Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how 21th February today’s horoscope is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

[Today’s horoscope 21st February]: Today is the twelfth day of the Shukla Paksha in the month of Magha. It is Wednesday, and the nakshatra is Punarvasu. The yoga is Ayushman, and the Karana is Balava, which continues until the next day, known as Kaulava.

Additionally, the auspicious time today, i.e., ‘muhurat,’ is from 12:12 PM to 12:58 PM, while the inauspicious period, i.e., ‘Rahukal,’ is from 12:35 PM to 01:59 PM.

Now, let me share with you 21st february today’s horoscope, which predicts how your day will be in terms of your career, business, health, relationships with family and friends, and your love life. Today’s horoscope also includes any fortunate or unfortunate events that may occur throughout the day. Along with this, there are remedies or suggestions based on your zodiac sign for today’s horoscope.

So, let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how 21st February today’s horoscope is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2024.

LEO 2024VIRGO 2024

Today’s Aries Horoscope (21st February 2024)


Today, Aries natives will motivate their colleagues at work. It’s essential to control anger with your family today. Financial aspects look strong, with multiple sources contributing to wealth gain. Relationships will maintain sweetness, and some may meet people important to their love life in the evening. Meeting a spiritual guru today will bring positive energy through their discourse. There’s a possibility of a desire being fulfilled.

Status: You will be in a motivating mood today, encouraging and inspiring your colleagues at work. This positive energy can lead to increased productivity and collaboration.

Relationships: Existing relationships will continue to be sweet and harmonious. Singles might encounter someone special this evening, sparking a new connection.

Career: The financial outlook appears promising, with multiple sources potentially contributing to your wealth. This could be a good day to close deals or make important financial decisions.

Family: Be mindful of your temper today, especially when interacting with family members. Controlling your anger and practising patience will help maintain harmony in your relationships.

Health: Be mindful of your dietary choices today. Follow any recommended restrictions to maintain good health and avoid potential health concerns.

Today’s Lucky Number– 2

Today’s Lucky Colour– Orange

Today’s Remedy – Perform a puja for Lord Ganesha for an auspicious day.

Today’s Taurus Horoscope (21st February 2024)


Today, Taurus natives should avoid taking risks in partnerships, as it may impact their business prospects. Be cautious about airing family issues publicly to avoid the possibility of lowering your reputation. Today, an old fixed deposit may mature or mutual funds could yield good returns. Your thoughtful approach will be crucial for advancing love relationships. Maintaining happiness contributes to good health. Be careful, as enemies can cause harm, so proceed with wisdom and caution in your actions.

Status: Be cautious about entering into new partnerships or taking risks in existing ones, as it could damage your professional reputation.

Relationships: A thoughtful and considerate approach will be essential for strengthening your romantic relationships. Open communication and understanding will be the key.

Career: Today might bring financial gains through matured fixed deposits or good returns from mutual funds. However, be cautious in business dealings and avoid making hasty decisions.

Family: Maintaining a positive and harmonious atmosphere within the family is essential. Be mindful of your words and actions to avoid any conflicts.

Health: While overall health seems good, be wary of potential harm from envious individuals. Prioritise self-care and maintain a positive outlook for well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 7

Today’s Lucky Colour – Blue

Today’s Remedy – Offer Lord Ganesha five blades of Durva grass along with the Ganpati Mantra for an auspicious day.

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Today’s Gemini Horoscope (21st February 2024)


Today, Gemini natives will rely on the support of others to implement their business plans. They will engage in all activities for their mental well-being, aiming for prosperity and a happy household atmosphere. Avoid financial investments in activities like lotteries or gambling today to prevent losses. In love relationships, you will provide full support to your partner, assisting them in their endeavours. You will be successful in giving new ideas.

Status: Collaboration is key today. Rely on the support and expertise of others to successfully implement your business plans. Building strong professional relationships will be beneficial.

Relationships: You will be a pillar of support for your partner, offering encouragement and assistance in their endeavours. This strengthens your bond and fosters love and understanding.

Career: While pursuing your business goals, avoid risky financial ventures like gambling or lotteries. Focus on calculated decisions and investments to ensure financial stability.

Family: Engaging in activities that promote mental well-being for yourself and your family will create a positive and harmonious household environment.

Health: Your focus on mental well-being is commendable. Continue to engage in activities that bring you peace and reduce stress.

Today’s Lucky Number – 22

Today’s Lucky Color – Deep Green

Today’s Remedy – Apply sindoor to Lord Ganesha for auspicious results.

Today’s Cancer Horoscope (21st February 2024)


Today, Cancer natives might face a bit of confusion due to organisational changes in their professional field. Keep control over anger, maintaining distance from it, as otherwise, it could hurt the feelings of family members. You will gradually see growth in your profits. Efforts made in love on time will help you develop better relationships. Enjoying the benefits of silence will contribute significantly to your mental peace.

Status: You might face confusion due to organisational changes at work. Be prepared to adapt and maintain a positive attitude.

Relationships: Your efforts to nurture your relationship will be rewarded. Open communication and timely gestures will strengthen your bond.

Career: You will see gradual growth in your profits. This is a good time to focus on your work and showcase your skills.

Family: Control your anger and avoid letting it affect your interactions with family members. Practise patience and understanding.

Health: Embrace silence and solitude to find inner peace and reduce stress. This will contribute significantly to your mental well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number  – 9

Today’s Lucky Color  – Cream

Today’s Remedy – Recite Ganpati Stotra before leaving home; it will ensure success in all your endeavours.

Today’s Leo Horoscope (21st February 2024)

LEO horoscope

Today, Leo natives at the workplace will face pressure from senior officials for goal achievement. Your patience and mature behaviour will help you resolve your family issues. Your financial situation will improve, and there will be monetary gains. You may go shopping with your love partner at a mall today. Embracing the feelings of love will bring you joy in the company of others. There are indications of receiving good news from distant areas.

Status: You might face pressure from superiors at work to meet deadlines or achieve goals. Stay focused and demonstrate your capabilities to overcome this challenge.

Relationships: Spending quality time with your partner, like going shopping together, can strengthen your bond and bring joy to your relationship.

Career: Your financial situation will improve, with potential for monetary gains. This could be a good day for negotiations or closing deals.

Family: Patience and mature behaviour will help you resolve any family issues peacefully and maintain harmony within the household.

Health: Embracing feelings of love and positive emotions can contribute to your overall well-being and happiness.

Today’s Lucky Number  – 16

Today’s Lucky Colour– Red

Today’s Remedy – While doing morning prayers, recite Ganpati Atharvashirsha; it will remove all your worries.

Today’s Virgo Horoscope (21st February 2024)

VIRGO horoscope

Today, Virgo natives will need strong leadership skills to succeed in the exam phase at the workplace. The illness of your parents will keep you busy, and special attention is required to provide them immediate relief. It’s time to create a balanced budget to strengthen your financial situation. You will embark on a romantic journey to a scenic place with your love partner today. Make an effort to maintain an enthusiastic atmosphere around you.

Status: You will need strong leadership skills to excel during an exam phase at work. Focus on preparation, demonstrate your knowledge, and showcase your abilities.

Relationships: A romantic trip with your partner to a scenic location can strengthen your bond and bring joy to your relationship. Cherish these moments together.

Career: Creating a balanced budget is crucial to manage your finances effectively. This will help you achieve financial stability and avoid unnecessary spending.

Family: Your parents’ illness might require your attention and care. Be supportive and provide them with the necessary assistance for speedy recovery.

Health: Maintaining a positive outlook can contribute to your overall well-being. Surround yourself with positive influences and engage in activities that uplift your mood.

Today’s Lucky Number – 11

Today’s Lucky Colour  – Green

Today’s Remedy – Applying sindoor to Lord Ganesha will bring great benefits.

Today’s Libra Horoscope (21st February 2024)

21st february today's horoscope

Today, Libra natives should listen to their inner voice before making any decisions in their professional field. It’s a day to maintain balance within the family. There will be an improvement in the financial situation, and the afternoon is a good time if you are planning to invest. An argument with your love partner about something today might cause mental distress. To maintain good health, pledge today not to indulge in any kind of substance abuse.

Status: Trust your intuition and listen to your inner voice before making any decisions in your professional life. This will help you navigate challenges and make informed choices.

Relationships: Be mindful of your words and actions to avoid arguments with your partner. Open communication and understanding are key to resolving any disagreements peacefully.

Career: Expect an improvement in your financial situation. The afternoon might be a good time to invest, but make sure to conduct thorough research beforehand.

Family: Maintaining a balance within the family is crucial today. Promote understanding and avoid conflicts by practising patience and effective communication.

Health: To maintain good health, pledge to avoid any harmful substances like alcohol or drugs. Prioritise healthy habits and activities that promote physical and mental well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number  – 8

Today’s Lucky Color – Light Blue

Today’s Remedy – Offer three Durva leaves to Lord Ganesha by chanting Ganpati mantra for a fortunate day.

Today’s Scorpio Horoscope (21st February 2024)

21st february today's horoscope

Today, Scorpio natives should maintain good behaviour with colleagues in the workplace and stay serious. Be careful with your choice of words when speaking with family members; otherwise, tension may arise in relationships. While planning your investments today, be cautious, considering all future responsibilities. To save your love relationship, you need to take firm and timely action. Avoid junk food, and as much as possible, refrain from consuming fried and spicy food.

Status: Behave appropriately and seriously with colleagues at work. Avoid engaging in gossip or negativity, and focus on maintaining a positive and productive work environment.

Relationships:  If you’re facing challenges in your love life, take proactive steps to address them. Open communication, expressing your feelings, and making genuine efforts are crucial to save your relationship.

Career: Be cautious while making any investment decisions today. Consider all your future responsibilities and conduct thorough research before committing financially.

Family: Choose your words carefully when speaking with family members to avoid misunderstandings and potential arguments. Practise patience and understanding to maintain harmony within the household.

Health: Avoid unhealthy foods like junk food, fried items, and spicy dishes. Opt for nutritious and balanced meals to maintain good health and prevent any potential health concerns.

Today’s Lucky Number – 1

Today’s Lucky Color – Golden Brown

Today’s Remedy – While leaving the house, pray to Lord Ganesha for protection.

Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope (21st February 2024)

21st february today's horoscope

Today, Sagittarius natives may face uncertainties in their business, while job opportunities are likely to be favourable. The family environment will be joyful and harmonious. Financial strength is evident, and any money lent to someone is likely to be repaid today. Speaking with your love partner about someone else may upset you, causing considerable distress. Some people may experience nervous system-related health issues, so it’s advisable to seek medical advice.

Status: You might face uncertainties in your business ventures today. However, job opportunities seem favourable, so keep your options open.

Relationships: Avoid discussing irrelevant people with your partner, as it could lead to misunderstandings and emotional distress. Focus on strengthening your bond through open communication and understanding.

Career: Look out for promising job opportunities that come your way. While your business ventures might face some challenges, your career prospects seem bright.

Family: Expect a positive and harmonious atmosphere within the family. Cherish these moments of togetherness.

Health: Some individuals might experience nervous system-related health issues. If you experience any concerning symptoms, seek medical advice promptly.

Today’s Lucky Number  – 18

Today’s Lucky Colour  Saffron

Today’s Remedy – Chanting the mantra “Om Ram Rahave Namah:” will bring you prosperity and happiness.

Today’s Capricorn Horoscope (21th February 2024)

21st february today's horoscope

Today, Capricorn natives will bring changes in their behaviour in the workplace and make efforts to connect with new people. Your hard work will lead to growth in the business. The family atmosphere will remain enthusiastic and joyful due to auspicious events. Investing in the stock market or commodity market will be profitable for you today. You will spend quality time with your love partner, engaging in pleasant conversations, keeping your mind content. Some people may experience headaches due to stress.

Status: You’ll initiate positive changes in your behaviour at work, making an effort to connect with new colleagues. This fosters a more collaborative and productive environment.

Relationships: You’ll spend quality time with your love partner, engaging in meaningful conversations that strengthen your bond and bring contentment.

Career: Your dedication and hard work will lead to growth and success in your business ventures. Expect positive outcomes and recognition for your efforts.

Family: The family atmosphere will be filled with enthusiasm and joy due to auspicious events. Celebrate these special moments and cherish your loved ones.

Health: While your overall health seems good, be mindful of stress-related headaches. Practice relaxation techniques and prioritise activities that promote mental well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 6

Today‘s Lucky Colour– Lemon

Today’s Remedy – Chanting the mantra “Om Bum Budhaya Namah” will enhance growth in your business.

Today’s Aquarius Horoscope (21st February 2024)

21st february today's horoscope

Today, Aquarius natives will feel disturbed about something in the workplace. There might be some issues related to financial transactions with old customers in business. You will assist children in preparing for their exams. Today, you will plan to expand your business to strengthen your financial position. Keep sweetness in your romantic relationships, and consider giving a gift to your love partner. Some may seek medical attention for foot injuries or fractures.

Status: You might feel disturbed or unsettled about something at work. It’s crucial to identify the cause and address it effectively to maintain a positive work environment.

Relationships: Prioritise sweetness and understanding in your romantic relationship. Consider expressing your affection through kind gestures or a thoughtful gift.

Career: Potential issues might arise regarding financial transactions with old customers in your business. Be cautious and exercise due diligence to avoid any losses.

Family: You will be supportive and helpful towards your children, assisting them in their studies and ensuring their well-being.

Health: Be mindful of potential foot injuries or fractures. If you experience any discomfort, seek medical attention immediately.

Today’s Lucky Number – 9

Today’s Lucky Colour  – Blue

Today’s Remedy– Chanting the mantra “Om Bum Budhaya Namah” will enhance growth in your business and financial prosperity.

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Today’s Pisces Horoscope (21st February 2024)

21st february today's horoscope

Today, Pisces natives will focus on enhancing their skills in the workplace. Children at home will bring joy to your life. Financial troubles may persist due to the EMI bounce of a loan. To improve your financial situation, you may have to borrow today. Understanding the emotions of your love partner will help you develop better relationships. Pay special attention to your diet today. Legal issues may arise, and support from a friend will be beneficial.

Status: You’ll be dedicated to enhancing your skills and professional development at work. This proactive approach can lead to new opportunities and recognition.

Relationships:  By showing sensitivity to your partner’s emotions, you can strengthen your relationship and build deeper connections. Open communication and emotional support are key.

Career: You might face financial difficulties due to a loan EMI bounce. Consider creating a budget and exploring ways to manage your finances effectively. Borrowing money might be necessary, but do so cautiously and responsibly.

Family: Children will bring laughter and happiness into your day. Cherish these moments and strengthen your family bond.

Health: Be mindful of what you eat today. Opt for healthy and nutritious choices to maintain good health.

Today’s Lucky Number – 2

Today’s Lucky Colour – Yellow

Today’s Remedy – Chanting the mantra “Om Kem Ketave Namah” will dispel marital discord.

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