Today’s Horoscope – 20th February, 2024: Read your horoscope on VAMA

Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how today’s horoscope 20th February is expected to be for all.

Today’s horoscope [20th February 2024]: Today is the eleventh day of the Shukla Paksha in the month of Magha. The Nakshatra is Ardra, yoga is Priti, and the karana is Vishthi (Bhadra) until the afternoon, after which it is Bava. Additionally, the auspicious time today, i.e., ‘muhurat,’ is from 12:13 PM to 12:58 PM, while the inauspicious period, i.e., ‘Rahukal,’ is from 03:24 PM to 04:49 PM.

Today is the auspicious day of Ekadashi. Do not eat rice, and do fasting.

Now, let me share with you today’s horoscope, which predicts how your day will be in terms of your career, business, health, relationships with family and friends, and your love life. Today’s horoscope also includes any fortunate or unfortunate events that may occur throughout the day. Along with this, there are remedies or suggestions based on your zodiac sign for today’s horoscope.

So, let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how today’s horoscope 20th February is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2024.

LEO 2024VIRGO 2024

Today’s Aries Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Aries natives will be honoured in their work after achieving their goals. In business, you need to avoid unnecessary risks. It’s important to always work for the well-being of your family. Long-term investments will bring you good financial gains. In love, you may feel stressed today due to some disagreements with your partner. Consume a diet with salads, green vegetables, and fresh fruits with fibre to provide necessary nutrition to your body. Today is a good time to make new contacts or friends.

Status: Your dedication and perseverance will give you recognition and appreciation from colleagues and superiors. This could lead to increased visibility and a boost in your social standing within your professional circle.

Relationships: While disagreements with your partner may arise, remember that open communication and a willingness to understand each other’s perspectives are essential for resolving conflicts and maintaining a good relationship.

Career: Your hard work and commitment will finally pay off, bringing success and potential promotions or recognition in your career. When it comes to business ventures, carefully assess the risks before making any significant decisions. 

Family: Make an effort to spend quality time with your family members. Offer your support and contribute to their well-being, creating a strong and nurturing environment for everyone.

Health: Focus on maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet rich in fibre-filled vegetables and fruits. This will provide your body with the essential nutrients it needs to function optimally and keep you feeling energised throughout the day.

Today’s Lucky Number – 2

Today’s Lucky Colour – Saffron

Today’s Remedy– Chanting the mantra “Om Maṅgalāya Namaḥ” will bring positivity to your day.

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Today’s Taurus Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Taurus natives should avoid making changes in their career. To bring happiness to your family today, it’s necessary for you to stay silent in their matters. When planning for tax savings, also consider not overlooking life insurance. In your romantic relationships, try not to insist on having things your way. You need to follow some dietary restrictions for the sake of your health. Music and creative activities will attract you.

Status: Avoid making any major changes or decisions in your career today. Focus on completing your current tasks diligently and efficiently. This will help you maintain your good standing within your professional circle.

Relationships: Open and honest communication is key in any relationship. If there are any issues with your partner, express your feelings calmly and listen to their perspective. 

Career: It’s advisable to postpone any major career decisions or changes today. Focus on fulfilling your current responsibilities and avoid taking unnecessary risks.

Family: To bring happiness to your family today, prioritise creating a peaceful and harmonious environment. Offer your support and avoid getting involved in unnecessary arguments or disagreements.

Health: Be mindful of your dietary choices today. Follow any recommended restrictions to maintain good health and avoid potential health concerns.

Embrace creativity: Engaging in creative activities like music or art can be a great way to relieve stress and improve your overall well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Lucky Colour – Cream

Today’s Remedy – Chanting the mantra “Om Mahisutaya Namah:” will protect you.

Today’s Gemini Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Gemini natives, you will receive credit for the success of a program in your work area, and you may even be rewarded for it. Your hard work will improve the harmonious atmosphere in your family amid some difficulties. Financial fluctuations will be a bit more today due to market conditions, and expenses may increase. Satisfaction will increase in your love life. Engaging in yoga and exercise will enable you to enjoy good mental health. There might be some disagreement with friends on a certain matter today.

Status: Your dedication and hard work will be acknowledged at work. You might receive credit for the success of a program, potentially leading to rewards or recognition from superiors. 

Relationships: You can expect increased satisfaction and happiness in your romantic relationship. Enjoy quality time with your partner and strengthen your bond through open communication and understanding.

Career: Be mindful of potential financial fluctuations due to market conditions. You might experience increased expenses today. Careful budgeting and planning can help you navigate these temporary challenges.

Family: Despite some potential challenges, your efforts to maintain a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere within your family will be successful. Your hard work and dedication will be appreciated by your loved ones.

Health: Engaging in yoga and exercise will be beneficial for your mental health. These activities can help reduce stress, improve your mood, and promote overall well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Lucky Colour – Golden

Today’s Remedy – Chanting the mantra “Om mahaviraya Namah:” will enhance your happiness.

Today’s Cancer Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Cancer natives have to deal with unpleasant situations at the workplace. Property disputes at the family level will create some stress or mental pressure for everyone. A sudden increase in domestic expenses and a delay in financial gains will put you under financial strain. Following your love partner blindly will lead to disappointment. Patients with high blood pressure should maintain their fitness by sticking to a vegetarian diet and exercising. Keep yourself informed with the latest knowledge to influence others. 

Status: Today might bring challenging situations at your workplace. You might face conflicts with colleagues or superiors, or may go through unexpected problems. 

Relationships: Following your love partner blindly could lead to disappointment. Maintain open communication, express your concerns honestly, and be mindful of any red flags in the relationship.

Career: A sudden increase in domestic expenses coupled with a delay in financial gains could put you under financial strain. Careful budgeting and exploring additional income sources might be necessary to navigate this temporary challenge.

Family:  Property disputes within the family could create stress and tension for everyone involved. Open communication, understanding, and a willingness to compromise are crucial for finding a peaceful resolution.

Health: If you have high blood pressure, it’s essential to maintain your fitness through regular exercise and a balanced vegetarian diet. This will help regulate your blood pressure and improve your overall health.

Today’s Lucky Number – 8

Today’s Lucky Colour – Purple

Today’s Remedy– Apply a tilak today. 

Today’s Leo Horoscope (20th February 2024)

On this day, if you are a Leo zodiac sign, you will find success in your work by trying out new approaches. The positive impact of a happy family life will reflect on the children. To improve your financial situation, it is advisable to analyse your investment strategy with a good advisor. You may meet someone who will fulfil your emotional needs. A balanced lifestyle will enable you to enjoy a healthy life. Be prepared to face the excitement and challenges of a vibrant life.

Status: Trying out new approaches at work will lead to success and potentially enhance your social standing within your professional circle. Your innovative ideas and problem-solving skills will be appreciated by colleagues and superiors.

Relationships: There’s a possibility of meeting someone who fulfils your emotional needs and brings joy into your life. Be open to new connections and allow yourself to experience genuine connections.

Career: To improve your financial situation, consider seeking advice from a qualified financial advisor. Analyse your current investment strategy and explore options that align with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Family: The positive and harmonious atmosphere in your family life will have a beneficial impact on your children, fostering their emotional well-being and growth.

Health: Maintaining a balanced lifestyle that incorporates healthy eating habits, regular exercise, and adequate sleep is crucial for your overall well-being. This will help you manage stress, boost your energy levels, and enjoy a healthy life.

Today’s Lucky Number – 5

Today’s Lucky Colour – Red

Today’s Remedy –  Wear red clothing today, and your tasks will be successful.

Today’s Virgo Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Virgo natives need to be very honest and cautious in their work. Your presence at home alone will boost the morale of your children. Investing in the stock market will bring profits. Spending time with your love partner today will fill you with happiness. Meditation will greatly help in maintaining a positive mindset. Whatever you do, strive for excellence and make use of new techniques.

Status: Make sure you work today with honesty and care. This will help you maintain your reputation and avoid any potential conflicts with colleagues or superiors.

Relationships: Spending quality time with your love partner today will strengthen your bond and bring you closer. Engage in meaningful conversations, express your affection, and enjoy each other’s company.

Career: Investments in the stock market are likely to bring you profits today. However, conduct thorough research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

Family: Your presence at home, even if alone, will have a positive impact on your children’s morale. They will appreciate your support and feel reassured by your presence. 

Health: Practising meditation can significantly benefit your mental well-being. It can help reduce stress, improve focus, and promote a positive mindset.

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Lucky Colour – Green

Today’s Remedy –  Pour 900 grams of mustard seeds into flowing water, and your day will be auspicious. All your wishes will come true.

Today’s Libra Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Libra natives will achieve their goals by inspiring their colleagues. There will be a joyful atmosphere in the family. Due to indecision in the stock market, there might be losses from fluctuations. Your love relationship will strengthen with your partner. In the evening, back or neck pain might bother you. You might feel a bit stressed today due to not receiving the proper recognition at a social event.

Status: You will achieve your goals at work by motivating and inspiring your colleagues. This could lead to increased recognition and appreciation within your professional circle, potentially boosting your social standing.

Relationships: Your love relationship with your partner will experience a positive development. Open communication, understanding, and shared experiences will strengthen your bond.

Career: Be cautious when making investment decisions, especially in the stock market, as indecision and volatility could lead to losses. Conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before investing.

Family: A sense of joy and harmony will prevail in your family life. Enjoy quality time with your loved ones and cherish these positive moments.

Health: Be mindful of your posture throughout the day to avoid back or neck pain, especially in the evening. Taking breaks, stretching regularly, and maintaining good posture can help prevent discomfort.

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Lucky Colour – Light Red

Today’s Remedy – Chanting the mantra “Om Sukhine Namah” will bring happiness, prosperity, and peace.

Today’s Scorpio Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Scorpio natives should avoid any work related to partnerships. Encourage children to participate in activities like music, art, sports, and social interactions for overall development. Unexpected expenses may lead to some financial losses. Your love partner will need a mature perspective from you. Dental issues might cause discomfort. You’ll need to make minimal efforts today as problems will resolve on their own.

Status: Today is not the ideal day for work-related partnerships. Focus on individual tasks and avoid entering into any new collaborations or joint ventures.

Relationships: Your love partner might need your support and a mature perspective on a situation. Listen attentively, offer thoughtful advice, and be understanding of their needs.

Career: Be prepared for unexpected expenses that could lead to financial losses. Careful budgeting and avoiding unnecessary spending will help mitigate these challenges.

Family: Encourage your children to participate in activities that promote their holistic development, such as music, art, sports, and social interaction. This will nurture their talents and social skills.

Health: : You might experience some discomfort due to dental problems. Schedule an appointment with your dentist to address these concerns soon.

Today’s Lucky Number – 12

Today’s Lucky Colour – Red

Today’s Remedy – Sit in a Hanuman temple and recite Hanuman Chalisa 11 times; your troubles will be alleviated.

Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Sagittarius natives will deal with their business problems. Sharing personal issues with your family will help you find solutions. Your previous investments in questionable companies may unexpectedly bring you benefits today. You will be very pleased with your love partner today. Due to your mother’s health issues, you might have to visit the doctor and hospital. Issues with your car might cause you some stress.

Status: Today might bring challenges in your business ventures. However, sharing your concerns and seeking advice from trusted individuals, like family or mentors, can help you find solutions and navigate these obstacles effectively.

Relationships: You will experience joy and satisfaction in your romantic relationship. Enjoy quality time with your partner, express your affection, and strengthen your bond.

Career: Previous investments in companies that seemed risky might surprisingly bring you unexpected benefits today. This could improve your financial standing and provide a sense of security.

Family: Sharing personal issues with your family can provide valuable support and guidance. Their understanding and encouragement can help you overcome any difficulties you are facing.

Health: Health issues faced by your mother might require you to visit a doctor or hospital. Be supportive and provide the necessary care and attention.

Today’s Lucky Number – 2

Today’s Lucky Colour – Brown

Today’s Remedy – Insert a silver nail on your house’s door; it will provide relief from negative influences.

Today’s Capricorn Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Capricorn natives will try to learn something new at their workplace. Implementing new techniques in your business will bring positive changes. It is essential for you to keep control over yourself. Be cautious today as there might be fraud with you; avoid falling into any temptation. To maintain sweetness in your love relationships, you should not doubt your love partner. Due to your wife’s health issues, there might be a little stress in the family.

Status: Today is a good day to focus on learning new things at your workplace. Expanding your knowledge and skills can enhance your social standing within your professional circle.

Relationships: Avoid doubting your love partner, as this can create unnecessary tension and conflict in your relationship. Maintain open communication, express your feelings honestly, and trust each other.

Career: Implementing new techniques and innovative approaches in your business will bring positive changes and potentially lead to success. Be open to exploring new ideas and don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone.

Family: Health concerns faced by your wife might cause some stress within the family. Offer your support, be understanding, and work together to navigate this challenging situation.

Health: Take care of your physical and mental health. Avoid going out unnecessarily and take proper rest today. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 16

Today’s Lucky Colour – Turquoise

Today’s Remedy – The simplest and most effective remedy to eliminate all worries is to recite Sunderkand.

Today’s Aquarius Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Aquarius natives might face slight setbacks in their partnership-related activities. You will be quite busy in business today and may not even find time for lunch. Helping with domestic chores for your life partner will bring you happiness and contentment. To strengthen your financial situation, consider investing money in a new scheme. Issues related to the liver could cause some restlessness. You need to let go of all your bad habits and thoughts and work independently without seeking anyone’s help.

Status: Today, you might encounter minor setbacks in your partnership-related activities. Open communication and a willingness to compromise can help resolve any conflicts and ensure smooth collaboration.

Relationships: Your business commitments might keep you occupied today, leaving little time for personal interactions. However, taking some time to help with domestic chores can strengthen your bond with your partner and bring you satisfaction.

Career: Consider exploring new investment opportunities to improve your financial standing. Conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

Family: Choose your words carefully and avoid heated arguments. Listen actively and demonstrate empathy to maintain harmony.

Health: Issues related to your liver could cause some discomfort and restlessness. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise is essential for optimal liver function.

Today’s Lucky Number – 30

Today’s Lucky Colour– Blue

Today’s Remedy – The simplest and most effective remedy to eliminate all worries is to recite Sunderkand.

Today’s Pisces Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Pisces natives need to be careful in their business affairs to avoid problems. Talk with family members to share the ups and downs of life. Refrain from investing in risky and dubious projects. Distance from your love partner will make you restless. Tobacco consumption can lead to serious health issues. Keep control over your mental stress; otherwise, it may cause depression and mental illnesses.

Status: Be mindful and cautious in your business dealings today to avoid problems. Make sound decisions, avoid taking unnecessary risks.

Relationships: Make an effort to stay connected to your love partner through regular communication, express your affection, and plan ways to bridge the gap.

Career: Refrain from investing in ventures that seem uncertain or high-risk. Conduct thorough research, seek professional advice, and prioritise responsible financial decisions.

Family: Talking openly and honestly with your family members about your experiences, both positive and negative, can strengthen your bond and provide a sense of support. 

Health: Avoid tobacco consumption, as it can have serious negative health consequences. Focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle through a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management techniques.

Today’s Lucky Number – 8

Today’s Lucky Colour – Yellow

Today’s Remedy – Sit in a Hanuman temple, recite the Bajrang Baan 11 times, all your troubles will be resolved.

Today’s Horoscope – 20th February, 2024: Read your horoscope on VAMA

Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how today’s horoscope 18th February is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

Today’s horoscope [20th February 2024]: Today is the eleventh day of the Shukla Paksha in the month of Magha. The Nakshatra is Ardra, yoga is Priti, and the karana is Vishthi (Bhadra) until the afternoon, after which it is Bava. Additionally, the auspicious time today, i.e., ‘muhurat,’ is from 12:13 PM to 12:58 PM, while the inauspicious period, i.e., ‘Rahukal,’ is from 04:48 PM to 06:12 PM.

Today is the auspicious day of Ekadashi. Do not eat rice, and do fasting.

Now, let me share with you today’s horoscope, which predicts how your day will be in terms of your career, business, health, relationships with family and friends, and your love life. Today’s horoscope also includes any fortunate or unfortunate events that may occur throughout the day. Along with this, there are remedies or suggestions based on your zodiac sign for today’s horoscope.

So, let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how today’s horoscope 20th February is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2024.

Today’s Aries Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Aries natives will be honoured in their work after achieving their goals. In business, you need to avoid unnecessary risks. It’s important to always work for the well-being of your family. Long-term investments will bring you good financial gains. In love, you may feel stressed today due to some disagreements with your partner. Consume a diet with salads, green vegetables, and fresh fruits with fibre to provide necessary nutrition to your body. Today is a good time to make new contacts or friends.

Status: Your dedication and perseverance will give you recognition and appreciation from colleagues and superiors. This could lead to increased visibility and a boost in your social standing within your professional circle.

Relationships: While disagreements with your partner may arise, remember that open communication and a willingness to understand each other’s perspectives are essential for resolving conflicts and maintaining a good relationship.

Career: Your hard work and commitment will finally pay off, bringing success and potential promotions or recognition in your career. When it comes to business ventures, carefully assess the risks before making any significant decisions. 

Family: Make an effort to spend quality time with your family members. Offer your support and contribute to their well-being, creating a strong and nurturing environment for everyone.

Health: Focus on maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet rich in fibre-filled vegetables and fruits. This will provide your body with the essential nutrients it needs to function optimally and keep you feeling energised throughout the day.

Today’s Lucky Number – 2

Today’s Lucky Colour – Saffron

Today’s Remedy– Chanting the mantra “Om Maṅgalāya Namaḥ” will bring positivity to your day.

Today’s Taurus Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Taurus natives should avoid making changes in their career. To bring happiness to your family today, it’s necessary for you to stay silent in their matters. When planning for tax savings, also consider not overlooking life insurance. In your romantic relationships, try not to insist on having things your way. You need to follow some dietary restrictions for the sake of your health. Music and creative activities will attract you.

Status: Avoid making any major changes or decisions in your career today. Focus on completing your current tasks diligently and efficiently. This will help you maintain your good standing within your professional circle.

Relationships: Open and honest communication is key in any relationship. If there are any issues with your partner, express your feelings calmly and listen to their perspective. 

Career: It’s advisable to postpone any major career decisions or changes today. Focus on fulfilling your current responsibilities and avoid taking unnecessary risks.

Family: To bring happiness to your family today, prioritise creating a peaceful and harmonious environment. Offer your support and avoid getting involved in unnecessary arguments or disagreements.

Health: Be mindful of your dietary choices today. Follow any recommended restrictions to maintain good health and avoid potential health concerns.

Embrace creativity: Engaging in creative activities like music or art can be a great way to relieve stress and improve your overall well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Lucky Colour – Cream

Today’s Remedy – Chanting the mantra “Om Mahisutaya Namah:” will protect you.

Today’s Gemini Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Gemini natives, you will receive credit for the success of a program in your work area, and you may even be rewarded for it. Your hard work will improve the harmonious atmosphere in your family amid some difficulties. Financial fluctuations will be a bit more today due to market conditions, and expenses may increase. Satisfaction will increase in your love life. Engaging in yoga and exercise will enable you to enjoy good mental health. There might be some disagreement with friends on a certain matter today.

Status: Your dedication and hard work will be acknowledged at work. You might receive credit for the success of a program, potentially leading to rewards or recognition from superiors. 

Relationships: You can expect increased satisfaction and happiness in your romantic relationship. Enjoy quality time with your partner and strengthen your bond through open communication and understanding.

Career: Be mindful of potential financial fluctuations due to market conditions. You might experience increased expenses today. Careful budgeting and planning can help you navigate these temporary challenges.

Family: Despite some potential challenges, your efforts to maintain a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere within your family will be successful. Your hard work and dedication will be appreciated by your loved ones.

Health: Engaging in yoga and exercise will be beneficial for your mental health. These activities can help reduce stress, improve your mood, and promote overall well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Lucky Colour – Golden

Today’s Remedy – Chanting the mantra “Om mahaviraya Namah:” will enhance your happiness.

Today’s Cancer Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Cancer natives have to deal with unpleasant situations at the workplace. Property disputes at the family level will create some stress or mental pressure for everyone. A sudden increase in domestic expenses and a delay in financial gains will put you under financial strain. Following your love partner blindly will lead to disappointment. Patients with high blood pressure should maintain their fitness by sticking to a vegetarian diet and exercising. Keep yourself informed with the latest knowledge to influence others. 

Status: Today might bring challenging situations at your workplace. You might face conflicts with colleagues or superiors, or may go through unexpected problems. 

Relationships: Following your love partner blindly could lead to disappointment. Maintain open communication, express your concerns honestly, and be mindful of any red flags in the relationship.

Career: A sudden increase in domestic expenses coupled with a delay in financial gains could put you under financial strain. Careful budgeting and exploring additional income sources might be necessary to navigate this temporary challenge.

Family:  Property disputes within the family could create stress and tension for everyone involved. Open communication, understanding, and a willingness to compromise are crucial for finding a peaceful resolution.

Health: If you have high blood pressure, it’s essential to maintain your fitness through regular exercise and a balanced vegetarian diet. This will help regulate your blood pressure and improve your overall health.

Today’s Lucky Number – 8

Today’s Lucky Colour – Purple

Today’s Remedy– Apply a tilak today. 

Today’s Leo Horoscope (20th February 2024)

On this day, if you are a Leo zodiac sign, you will find success in your work by trying out new approaches. The positive impact of a happy family life will reflect on the children. To improve your financial situation, it is advisable to analyse your investment strategy with a good advisor. You may meet someone who will fulfil your emotional needs. A balanced lifestyle will enable you to enjoy a healthy life. Be prepared to face the excitement and challenges of a vibrant life.

Status: Trying out new approaches at work will lead to success and potentially enhance your social standing within your professional circle. Your innovative ideas and problem-solving skills will be appreciated by colleagues and superiors.

Relationships: There’s a possibility of meeting someone who fulfils your emotional needs and brings joy into your life. Be open to new connections and allow yourself to experience genuine connections.

Career: To improve your financial situation, consider seeking advice from a qualified financial advisor. Analyse your current investment strategy and explore options that align with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Family: The positive and harmonious atmosphere in your family life will have a beneficial impact on your children, fostering their emotional well-being and growth.

Health: Maintaining a balanced lifestyle that incorporates healthy eating habits, regular exercise, and adequate sleep is crucial for your overall well-being. This will help you manage stress, boost your energy levels, and enjoy a healthy life.

Today’s Lucky Number – 5

Today’s Lucky Colour – Red

Today’s Remedy –  Wear red clothing today, and your tasks will be successful.

Today’s Virgo Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Virgo natives need to be very honest and cautious in their work. Your presence at home alone will boost the morale of your children. Investing in the stock market will bring profits. Spending time with your love partner today will fill you with happiness. Meditation will greatly help in maintaining a positive mindset. Whatever you do, strive for excellence and make use of new techniques.

Status: Make sure you work today with honesty and care. This will help you maintain your reputation and avoid any potential conflicts with colleagues or superiors.

Relationships: Spending quality time with your love partner today will strengthen your bond and bring you closer. Engage in meaningful conversations, express your affection, and enjoy each other’s company.

Career: Investments in the stock market are likely to bring you profits today. However, conduct thorough research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

Family: Your presence at home, even if alone, will have a positive impact on your children’s morale. They will appreciate your support and feel reassured by your presence. 

Health: Practising meditation can significantly benefit your mental well-being. It can help reduce stress, improve focus, and promote a positive mindset.

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Lucky Colour – Green

Today’s Remedy –  Pour 900 grams of mustard seeds into flowing water, and your day will be auspicious. All your wishes will come true.

Today’s Libra Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Libra natives will achieve their goals by inspiring their colleagues. There will be a joyful atmosphere in the family. Due to indecision in the stock market, there might be losses from fluctuations. Your love relationship will strengthen with your partner. In the evening, back or neck pain might bother you. You might feel a bit stressed today due to not receiving the proper recognition at a social event.

Status: You will achieve your goals at work by motivating and inspiring your colleagues. This could lead to increased recognition and appreciation within your professional circle, potentially boosting your social standing.

Relationships: Your love relationship with your partner will experience a positive development. Open communication, understanding, and shared experiences will strengthen your bond.

Career: Be cautious when making investment decisions, especially in the stock market, as indecision and volatility could lead to losses. Conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before investing.

Family: A sense of joy and harmony will prevail in your family life. Enjoy quality time with your loved ones and cherish these positive moments.

Health: Be mindful of your posture throughout the day to avoid back or neck pain, especially in the evening. Taking breaks, stretching regularly, and maintaining good posture can help prevent discomfort.

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Lucky Colour – Light Red

Today’s Remedy – Chanting the mantra “Om Sukhine Namah” will bring happiness, prosperity, and peace.

Today’s Scorpio Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Scorpio natives should avoid any work related to partnerships. Encourage children to participate in activities like music, art, sports, and social interactions for overall development. Unexpected expenses may lead to some financial losses. Your love partner will need a mature perspective from you. Dental issues might cause discomfort. You’ll need to make minimal efforts today as problems will resolve on their own.

Status: Today is not the ideal day for work-related partnerships. Focus on individual tasks and avoid entering into any new collaborations or joint ventures.

Relationships: Your love partner might need your support and a mature perspective on a situation. Listen attentively, offer thoughtful advice, and be understanding of their needs.

Career: Be prepared for unexpected expenses that could lead to financial losses. Careful budgeting and avoiding unnecessary spending will help mitigate these challenges.

Family: Encourage your children to participate in activities that promote their holistic development, such as music, art, sports, and social interaction. This will nurture their talents and social skills.

Health: : You might experience some discomfort due to dental problems. Schedule an appointment with your dentist to address these concerns soon.

Today’s Lucky Number – 12

Today’s Lucky Colour – Red

Today’s Remedy – Sit in a Hanuman temple and recite Hanuman Chalisa 11 times; your troubles will be alleviated.

Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Sagittarius natives will deal with their business problems. Sharing personal issues with your family will help you find solutions. Your previous investments in questionable companies may unexpectedly bring you benefits today. You will be very pleased with your love partner today. Due to your mother’s health issues, you might have to visit the doctor and hospital. Issues with your car might cause you some stress.

Status: Today might bring challenges in your business ventures. However, sharing your concerns and seeking advice from trusted individuals, like family or mentors, can help you find solutions and navigate these obstacles effectively.

Relationships: You will experience joy and satisfaction in your romantic relationship. Enjoy quality time with your partner, express your affection, and strengthen your bond.

Career: Previous investments in companies that seemed risky might surprisingly bring you unexpected benefits today. This could improve your financial standing and provide a sense of security.

Family: Sharing personal issues with your family can provide valuable support and guidance. Their understanding and encouragement can help you overcome any difficulties you are facing.

Health: Health issues faced by your mother might require you to visit a doctor or hospital. Be supportive and provide the necessary care and attention.

Today’s Lucky Number – 2

Today’s Lucky Colour – Brown

Today’s Remedy – Insert a silver nail on your house’s door; it will provide relief from negative influences.

Today’s Capricorn Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Capricorn natives will try to learn something new at their workplace. Implementing new techniques in your business will bring positive changes. It is essential for you to keep control over yourself. Be cautious today as there might be fraud with you; avoid falling into any temptation. To maintain sweetness in your love relationships, you should not doubt your love partner. Due to your wife’s health issues, there might be a little stress in the family.

Status: Today is a good day to focus on learning new things at your workplace. Expanding your knowledge and skills can enhance your social standing within your professional circle.

Relationships: Avoid doubting your love partner, as this can create unnecessary tension and conflict in your relationship. Maintain open communication, express your feelings honestly, and trust each other.

Career: Implementing new techniques and innovative approaches in your business will bring positive changes and potentially lead to success. Be open to exploring new ideas and don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone.

Family: Health concerns faced by your wife might cause some stress within the family. Offer your support, be understanding, and work together to navigate this challenging situation.

Health: Take care of your physical and mental health. Avoid going out unnecessarily and take proper rest today. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 16

Today’s Lucky Colour – Turquoise

Today’s Remedy – The simplest and most effective remedy to eliminate all worries is to recite Sunderkand.

Today’s Aquarius Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Aquarius natives might face slight setbacks in their partnership-related activities. You will be quite busy in business today and may not even find time for lunch. Helping with domestic chores for your life partner will bring you happiness and contentment. To strengthen your financial situation, consider investing money in a new scheme. Issues related to the liver could cause some restlessness. You need to let go of all your bad habits and thoughts and work independently without seeking anyone’s help.

Status: Today, you might encounter minor setbacks in your partnership-related activities. Open communication and a willingness to compromise can help resolve any conflicts and ensure smooth collaboration.

Relationships: Your business commitments might keep you occupied today, leaving little time for personal interactions. However, taking some time to help with domestic chores can strengthen your bond with your partner and bring you satisfaction.

Career: Consider exploring new investment opportunities to improve your financial standing. Conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

Family: Choose your words carefully and avoid heated arguments. Listen actively and demonstrate empathy to maintain harmony.

Health: Issues related to your liver could cause some discomfort and restlessness. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise is essential for optimal liver function.

Today’s Lucky Number – 30

Today’s Lucky Colour– Blue

Today’s Remedy – The simplest and most effective remedy to eliminate all worries is to recite Sunderkand.

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Today’s Pisces Horoscope (20th February 2024)

Today, Pisces natives need to be careful in their business affairs to avoid problems. Talk with family members to share the ups and downs of life. Refrain from investing in risky and dubious projects. Distance from your love partner will make you restless. Tobacco consumption can lead to serious health issues. Keep control over your mental stress; otherwise, it may cause depression and mental illnesses.

Status: Be mindful and cautious in your business dealings today to avoid problems. Make sound decisions, avoid taking unnecessary risks.

Relationships: Make an effort to stay connected to your love partner through regular communication, express your affection, and plan ways to bridge the gap.

Career: Refrain from investing in ventures that seem uncertain or high-risk. Conduct thorough research, seek professional advice, and prioritise responsible financial decisions.

Family: Talking openly and honestly with your family members about your experiences, both positive and negative, can strengthen your bond and provide a sense of support. 

Health: Avoid tobacco consumption, as it can have serious negative health consequences. Focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle through a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management techniques.

Today’s Lucky Number – 8

Today’s Lucky Colour – Yellow

Today’s Remedy – Sit in a Hanuman temple, recite the Bajrang Baan 11 times, all your troubles will be resolved.

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