23rd February, 2024, Today’s Horoscope: Read your horoscope on VAMA

Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how 23rd February today’s horoscope is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

23rd February today’s horoscope: Today is the fourteenth day of the Shukla Paksha in the month of Magha. It is Friday, and the Nakshatra is Pushya, with the Yoga being Saubhagya and the Karana being Taitula. Afterward, the Gar Karana will prevail.

Additionally, the auspicious time today is from 12:12 PM to 12:57 PM, while the inauspicious period is from 01:59 PM to 03:25 PM. Today is Guru Pushya Yoga. It is auspicious for growth and prosperity.

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2024.

LEO 2024VIRGO 2024

So, let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how 23rd February today’s horoscope is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

Today’s Aries Horoscope (23rd February 2024)


Today, Aries natives may find themselves facing the anger of their boss in the workplace due to incomplete tasks. Those involved in property dealings may encounter distress due to the breakdown of a deal. Engaging in social service will bring joy to family members. There will be an increase in income, leading to a situation where you can become debt-free. Falling in love will bring significant improvements to your life. Be cautious, as someone close may attempt to tarnish your image by spreading rumours.

Status: Tread carefully at work, as incomplete tasks might lead to confrontation with your boss. Property deals might face unexpected complications. Consider volunteering for a social cause to boost your reputation and bring joy to your family.

Relationship: Falling in love has the potential to significantly improve your life. However, be wary of someone close who might spread rumours about you.

Career: Be mindful of your responsibilities at work to avoid conflicts with superiors. Unexpected hurdles might arise in property dealings.

Family: Engaging in social service will bring happiness to your family members.

Health: Doing regular exercises will have a positive impact on your overall well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number: 17

Today’s Lucky Colour: Red

Today’s Remedy: Chanting Kanakadhara Stotram will bring financial growth.

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Today’s Taurus Horoscope (23rd February 2024)


Today Taurus natives will get favourable outcomes due to career changes. Your efforts in the business sector are likely to meet with success. However, be cautious as disagreements with children might create tension within the family. Consider investing in items that can bring financial gains. Demands from your love partner may be a source of concern. It’s time to make changes in your eating habits to keep heart-related issues at bay. Be prepared for potential disagreements with close friends or colleagues.

Status: Today brings favourable outcomes due to career changes and success in business ventures. However, be mindful of potential disagreements with close friends or colleagues that could impact your social standing.

Relationship: Demands from your love partner might cause some concern. Open communication and understanding are key to maintaining harmony in your relationship.

Career: Career changes and efforts in the business sector are likely to be met with success. Embrace new opportunities and showcase your talents.

Family: Be cautious, as disagreements with children could create tension within the family. Patience and understanding are crucial in maintaining a peaceful family environment.

Health: It’s time to prioritise your health by making positive changes to your eating habits, especially to avoid heart-related issues. Regular exercise and stress management are also recommended.

Today’s Lucky Number: 11

Today’s Lucky Colour: Deep Sky Blue

Today’s Remedy: When leaving home for a specific task, step out with your right foot at the main entrance, and success will follow.

Today’s Gemini Horoscope (23rd February 2024)


Today, Gemini natives, will maintain a positive atmosphere at the workplace today as it will lead you to great success. In the professional sphere, your eloquence and communication skills will pave the way for success. Creating a happy environment within the family will also prove successful. There is a possibility of a significant financial deal on the horizon. Today, you may experience love or encounter a new person in your life. Ensure you control the speed of your vehicle to avoid accidents. In the evening, there might be a sudden decline in your father’s health.

Status: Maintaining a positive and collaborative atmosphere at work will lead to success and enhance your social standing. Your communication skills will shine, potentially opening doors to new opportunities.

Relationship: Today holds the possibility of finding love or encountering someone new. Embrace this potential with an open heart.

Career: Your eloquence and communication skills will pave the way for success in the professional sphere. Embrace new opportunities and showcase your talents.

Family: Creating a happy and harmonious environment within the family will bring positive outcomes. However, be prepared for a potential decline in your father’s health in the evening. Offer support and care during this time.

Health: Be cautious while driving and practise safe habits to avoid accidents. Consider engaging in activities that promote relaxation and stress management to maintain overall well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number : 12

Today’s Lucky Colour : Coffee

Today’s Remedy : Consider donating blood today; it is a noble deed that will bring you great spiritual merit.

Today’s Cancer Horoscope (23rd February 2024)


Today, Cancer natives have to be honest. Being honest will help you progress and achieve many things. Timely assistance from your brothers will save you from deception. The influx of money into your hands will allow you to explore new investment avenues to increase profits. Cherished memories of love relationships will bring a smile to your face without any apparent reason. Due to changing weather, you might suffer from headaches, cough, or fever. To achieve your set goals, you’ll need to be more resourceful and capable.

Status: Honesty is key today. It will help you progress and gain respect in your social circle. Be wary of potential deception, but timely assistance from your brothers will guide you through any challenges.

Relationship: Cherished memories of past relationships might bring a smile to your face, but don’t dwell on the past. Stay focused on the present and potential new connections.

Career: The influx of money allows you to explore new investment opportunities. Utilise your resources wisely and seek guidance if needed.

Family: Your brothers will be a source of support and guidance. However, unforeseen circumstances might cause tension within the family.

Health: Be mindful of changing weather conditions, as they might lead to headaches, cough, or fever. Prioritise self-care and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Today’s Lucky Number: 4

Today’s Lucky Colour: Cream

Today’s Remedy: Recite Hanuman Chalisa silently while leaving home, and the day will bring positivity.

Today’s Leo Horoscope (23rd February 2024)

LEO horoscope

Today, Leo natives have to maintain their attitude in order to be successful in their work. Participating with your family in a gathering or party will bring joy and contentment. Your dream of purchasing a house is likely to materialise. Maintain emotional enthusiasm in your love life. Consuming a high-fat diet may lead to health issues, so be cautious. Hidden adversaries may be eager to spread rumours about you.

Status: Maintaining a positive attitude is crucial for success at work. Avoid negativity and strive to collaborate effectively with colleagues.

Relationship: Keep the spark alive in your love life by maintaining emotional enthusiasm. Open communication and understanding are key.

Career: A positive attitude and hard work will bring success in your professional endeavours. Focus on your goals and showcase your talents.

Family: Participating in family gatherings or celebrations will bring joy and strengthen bonds.

Health: Be mindful of your diet and avoid consuming excessive fat, as it could lead to health problems. Prioritise a healthy lifestyle.

Today’s Lucky Number: 2

Today’s Lucky Colour: Light Pink

Today’s Remedy: Use clean clothes and apply perfume; it will bring positivity to your day.

Today’s Virgo Horoscope (23rd February 2024)

VIRGO horoscope

Today, Virgo natives will defeat their enemies and will get great responsibilities. However, insisting on your opinions regarding children may hinder the fulfilment of your goals. Taking unnecessary loans will not only fail to restrain yourself but also put you under financial pressure. In your love life, avoid blowing small issues out of proportion, as it may lead to conflicts and even a separation. Revealing confidential matters with friends might lead to problems later.

Status: Victory over rivals could bring you greater responsibilities at work or in your social circle. However, be mindful of imposing your opinions regarding children on others, as it could hinder your progress.

Relationship: Avoid overreacting to minor issues in your love life. Blowing things out of proportion could lead to unnecessary conflicts and even separation. Practise open communication and understanding.

Career: Taking unnecessary loans might not be the best solution to your financial needs. Explore alternative solutions and manage your finances wisely. Focus on your career goals and showcase your talents to achieve success.

Family: Insisting on your opinions regarding children could create tension within the family. Opt for a more collaborative approach and prioritise healthy communication.

Health: Revealing confidential matters with friends might lead to problems later. Be cautious about who you trust and maintain discretion.

Today’s Lucky Number: 7

Today’s Lucky Colour: Pink

Today’s Remedy: Offering a lotus flower to Goddess Lakshmi will remove all obstacles related to wealth.

Today’s Libra Horoscope (23rd February 2024)

23rd february today's horoscope

Today, Libra natives will work on their performance today, as changes for the better are needed. If there is any family member upset with you, take control of the situation before it goes out of hand. New avenues for investment will be explored today. To strengthen your relationship with your love partner, you may rely on the support of gifts. Last-minute changes in your schedule might lead to the postponement of any planned trips.

Status: Reflect on your performance at work and identify areas for improvement. Proactive measures will enhance your social standing. Address any conflicts with family members promptly to maintain harmony.

Relationship: Gestures of affection, like gifts, can strengthen your bond with your partner. Open communication and understanding are key to a fulfilling relationship.

Career: Explore new investment opportunities that hold potential for financial growth. Utilise your resources wisely and seek guidance if needed.

Family: Address any conflicts with family members promptly to maintain harmony. Open communication and understanding are crucial.

Health: Last-minute changes in your schedule might disrupt travel plans. Be prepared to adapt and maintain a flexible approach.

Today’s Lucky Number – 5

Today’s Lucky Colour: Purple

Today’s Remedy: Avoid wearing torn or burnt clothes at any time.

Today’s Scorpio Horoscope (23rd February 2024)

23rd february today's horoscope

Today, Scorpio natives have to do clever handling of work under superiors. The arrival of in-laws will fill the atmosphere at home with joy. Attempting to take a loan to improve the financial situation may not be suitable at the moment. To bring stability in your love life, you may consider deciding to live together. To enhance your health, it is advisable to avoid outside food. Make promises to external parties only as much as you can fulfil.

Status: You might need to tread carefully and handle work situations with diplomacy to avoid conflicts with superiors.

Relationship: Taking a step towards living together could bring stability to your relationship.

Career: Taking a loan might not be the best financial decision at this time. Explore alternative solutions and manage your finances wisely.

Family: The arrival of in-laws can bring joy and strengthen family bonds.

Health: Avoid eating outside food to maintain good health. Prioritise a balanced and nutritious diet.

Today’s Lucky Number: 17

Today’s Lucky Colour: Navy Blue

Today’s Remedy: Donating marital items in a goddess’s temple will bring financial gains.

Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope (23rd February 2024)

23rd february today's horoscope

Today, Sagittarius natives will make new strategies in order to complete their important projects. People associated with the financial sector will find new clients, leading to business growth. An opportune moment arises to resolve conflicts with family members. There is a possibility of earning money through indirect sources such as property or attractive investment schemes. Expressing genuine emotions to your love partner will be great for you. You will actively participate in social and religious activities.

Status: Today is a good day to strategize and tackle important projects. Your efforts will be recognized, potentially boosting your social standing.

Relationship: Expressing your genuine emotions to your love partner will strengthen your bond and bring you closer.

Career: Implementing new strategies will be key to successfully completing important projects. Your dedication and hard work will be appreciated.

Family: An opportune moment arises to address and resolve any conflicts within the family, leading to improved relationships.

Health: Expressing your emotions openly and participating in social activities can contribute to your overall well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number: 11

Today’s Lucky Colour: Earthy Brown

Today’s Remedy: Remove grass before meals for prosperity.

Today’s Capricorn Horoscope (23rd February 2024)

23rd february today's horoscope

Today, capricorn natives should seek advice from higher authorities before taking any action in the professional sphere. Harmony in the family may not entirely align with your desires, so maintaining understanding is crucial. Some individuals may receive a refund on additional taxes. Collaborative efforts will yield financial benefits. You may find yourself attracted to someone today, but refrain from making impulsive decisions as it might lead to regrets later.

Status: Before taking any decisive action in your professional life, consult with superiors or colleagues for valuable advice. This can help you navigate challenges and avoid potential pitfalls.

Relationship: You might encounter someone you’re attracted to today. However, avoid making impulsive decisions based solely on this initial attraction. Take your time and get to know the person better before pursuing anything further.

Career: Working collaboratively with colleagues or partners can bring financial benefits. Teamwork and shared ideas can lead to success.

Family: While harmony within the family might not be ideal today, maintaining understanding and patience is crucial. Open communication can help bridge any gaps.

Health: Take care of your health by regular exercises and healthy diet intake. 

Today’s Lucky Number: 17

Today’s Lucky Colour: Chocolate Brown

Today’s Remedy: Add a few drops of perfume to the water while bathing in the morning.

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Today’s Aquarius Horoscope (23rd February 2024)

23rd february today's horoscope

Today, Aquarius natives should avoid taking the assistance of senior officers lightly. When resolving family matters, maintain a positive attitude. It’s a good time to work on new strategies to earn financial gains in business. In love relationships, trust and honesty are the foundations; therefore, it’s best to maintain them. You will find yourself filled with strong determination and energy. Associating with philosophers and intellectuals will be beneficial for you.

Status: Avoid taking the assistance of senior officers lightly. Be assertive and demonstrate your own capabilities to gain respect and recognition.

Relationship: Trust and honesty are essential for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling love life. Open communication and understanding are key.

Career: Today is a good time to work on new strategies to increase financial gains in business. Your efforts and innovative ideas have the potential to be successful.

Family: Maintain a positive attitude when resolving family matters. Patience and understanding will help navigate any challenges and strengthen family bonds.

Health: You will find yourself filled with strong determination and energy. Utilise this positive energy productively and engage in activities that bring you fulfilment.

Today’s Lucky Number:  5

Today’s Lucky Colour: Turquoise

Today’s Remedy: Distribute sweets or prasad made of rock sugar.

Today’s Pisces Horoscope (23rd February 2024)

21st february today's horoscope

Today, Pisces natives may face some problems in the professional field today, making it challenging to achieve their goals. Don’t hesitate to take calculated risks for the sake of your family. Financial concerns may persist, but approach them with careful consideration. Your love relationship will continue to progress smoothly, and no issues are foreseen today. Adequate sleep will help enhance your intellectual capabilities. Collaborating with infamous individuals might harm your reputation.

Status: Today might bring some difficulties in your professional field, potentially hindering your progress towards goals. Stay focused and persistent, and don’t be afraid to take calculated risks when necessary.

Relationship: Your love life appears to be in a positive state, with no major concerns foreseen for today. Enjoy the harmony and connection with your partner.

Career: Financial concerns might persist, but remain calm and approach them with careful consideration and sound financial planning.

Family: Don’t hesitate to take calculated risks for the well-being of your family. Your support and dedication will be appreciated.

Health: Adequate sleep is crucial for maintaining your mental clarity and enhancing your intellectual capabilities. Prioritise getting enough rest.

Today’s Lucky Number: 7

Today’s Lucky Colour: Saffron

Today’s Remedy: Recite Sri Suktam for resolving all financial issues.

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