26th February 2024, Today’s Horoscope: Read your horoscope on VAMA

Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how 26th February today’s horoscope is expected to be for all.

[Today’s Horoscope, 26th February 2024]: Today is the second day of the Krishna Paksha of the Falgun month. The day is Monday, and the Nakshatra is Uttara Falguni until 4:31 AM. The Yoga is Dhriti until 3:27 PM, and the Karana is Til until 9:56 AM. The auspicious time for today is from 11:49 AM to 12:35 PM, and the inauspicious period will be from 7:52 AM to 9:19 AM.

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2024.

LEO 2024VIRGO 2024

So, let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how 26th February today’s horoscope is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

Today’s Aries Horoscope (26th February 2024)

Aries natives, today after facing a lot of troubles you will get relief. You may witness a miraculous turn of events in your favour. Financial gains are possible today. A sudden long-distance journey might be necessary. Engaging in extra work apart from your job may bring financial benefits. There could be a favourable family event, contributing to a peaceful and happy atmosphere.

Status: Relief from recent troubles could lead to a positive shift in social interactions and image. Potential for favourable events that enhance your social standing, like a peaceful and happy family gathering.

Relationship: Expect a strengthening bond with your partner. Consider exchanging gifts or enjoying an evening together.

Career: Financial gain possibilities and potential benefits from extra work suggest career success. A sudden long-distance journey could be related to work opportunities or achievements.

Family: Favourable family events contributing to a peaceful and happy atmosphere suggests positive developments within the family unit.

Health: Incorporating yoga or other forms of exercise into your routine is recommended for maintaining good health and managing energy levels.

Today’s Lucky Colour – Yellow

Today’s Lucky Number – 6

Today’s Remedy – Feed fruits to monkeys today.

Today’s Taurus Horoscope (26th February 2024)


Taurus natives, there might be auspicious events at your home today, creating a joyful atmosphere and bringing prosperity to the family. Significant changes in your life are not expected today. There may be opportunities to purchase new items for the home, leading to increased expenses. The arrival of guests at your home is possible, bringing happiness, and the day will conclude on a positive note.

Status: Auspicious events at home create a joyful atmosphere, potentially enhancing your social standing within the community. Arriving guests bring happiness and contribute to a positive social experience.

Relationship: Share happiness with your love partner. Enjoy a fulfilling relationship filled with mutual understanding and affection.

Career:  Utilise your talents and expertise to shine in your business ventures. Don’t be afraid to showcase your abilities.

Family: Increased expenses due to purchasing new items for the home might require careful budgeting within the family.

Health: Be mindful of skin problems. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and consider consulting a dermatologist if needed.

Today’s Lucky Colour – Red

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Remedy – Help someone who is unwell.

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Today’s Gemini Horoscope (26th February 2024)


This week, you might receive praise for your achievements, improving your social status. Sharing your success with your partner can strengthen your relationship. Work hard in your career or studies for positive outcomes. Family support will be abundant, and it’s essential to take care of your health. Be cautious with finances, avoiding investments on Friday and Saturday. Stay confident and patient to overcome challenges and achieve success this week.

Status: Your progress will bring joy to friends and relatives. Feeling proud of your achievements, you may be seen as fortunate. Be cautious while handling business matters today.

Relationship: Your success and progress may positively impact your relationships. Express pride in your accomplishments to your partner. Ensure careful handling of your relationship.

Career: Work diligently and with caution, as success is on the horizon. Students can expect favourable results from hard work. Worshipping Goddess Saraswati for success in your endeavours is advised.

Family: Family members will be happy and supportive of your achievements. Today is a good day to seek blessings from elders. Those desiring children may receive positive news.

Health: Take pride in your achievements for a positive impact on your well-being. Pay attention to safety while conducting tasks. Practise self-care and seek blessings for good health.

Today’s Lucky Colour = Magenta

Today’s Lucky Number = 8 

Today’s Remedy = Help an elderly person today.

Today’s Cancer Horoscope (26th February 2024)


Today, focus on charitable activities and concerns about your children may arise. Your mind could be unsettled, so consider going on a picnic with family to bring peace. Be mindful of your spending, and it’s likely that future expenses will be lower than expected. 

Status: Today, your social status may see a boost as your achievements are recognized, making friends and relatives happy.

Relationship: Your love relationship appears harmonious, and your partner is supportive. Spending quality time together, like going on a picnic, can strengthen your bond.

Career: In your career, focus on charitable endeavours and consider the impact of your actions on the community. Hard work may lead to recognition and positive outcomes.

Family: Family concerns, particularly regarding children, may be on your mind. Taking a break for a family picnic can provide a peaceful environment to connect with loved ones.

Health: Pay attention to your mental well-being. If feeling unsettled, engage in activities like meditation or spending time in nature to bring peace to your mind.

Today’s Lucky Colour: Grey

Today’s Lucky Number: 6

Today’s Remedy: Plant a tree in a garden.

Today’s Leo Horoscope (26th February 2024)

LEO horoscope

Leo natives, today might be a bit of an easy going day for you. There’s a chance of a slight slowdown in your business, so it’s time to avoid taking on any additional burdens. Instead, focus on working hard. Stay alert and aware today; this awareness will bring you good news by the end of the day. Don’t forget to worship Lord Hanuman today.

Status: Today might bring a light and easygoing atmosphere in your social interactions. It’s advisable to stay aware of your actions and words, as maintaining a positive image will be beneficial. Avoid taking on unnecessary burdens, especially those that could impact your social standing.

Relationship:The day may bring a sense of ease and contentment in your romantic relationship. However, staying alert and attentive to your partner’s needs is essential.

Career: Avoid taking on additional work burdens today, and focus on maintaining your current work efficiency. Stay informed and alert in your professional interactions to ensure a positive image.

Family: Family matters may require a bit of attention today. A light and joyful family outing could be a good idea to strengthen the family bond. 

Health: Health-wise, it’s essential to be mindful and take care of your well-being. Avoid unnecessary stress and prioritise self-care. 

Today’s Lucky Colour: Black

Today’s Lucky Number: 3

Today’s Remedy: Perform the worship of Lord Ganesha today.

Today’s Virgo Horoscope (26th February 2024)

VIRGO horoscope

Virgos will feel tired after a day full of hard work. The day’s hustle and bustle are likely to bring very favourable results for you. Your wishes will be fulfilled today, and in the coming times, you will benefit from your friends; their support will be available. You will spend today joyfully with your relatives. The evening will be auspicious for you.

Status: Despite the hard work, the day is likely to bring favourable outcomes, enhancing your social status. Colleagues and friends may acknowledge your dedication, contributing positively to your image.

Relationship: Virgos can expect their romantic wishes to come true today after a day full of hard work. Your partner’s support and cooperation will make the day enjoyable. 

Career: A day filled with hard work awaits Virgos, leading to a sense of accomplishment. Your diligence and dedication will be recognized, potentially improving your career standing. 

Family: Virgos may experience a harmonious and joyous time with family members today. Consider spending quality time together or planning a pleasant family activity. 

Health: The exhaustive efforts throughout the day might lead to physical and mental fatigue. Ensure you prioritise self-care and take breaks when needed. 

Today’s Lucky Colour – Light Pink

Today’s Lucky Number – 9

Today’s Remedy – Gift something to your father.

Today’s Libra Horoscope (26th February 2024)

LIBRA horoscope

Do not stress about anything in the professional field; your energy is capable of resolving all your stress. However, the health of any family member may be a cause for concern, so be cautious and take care of everyone. Your father’s support is crucial for you; avoid starting any new work without his advice.

Status: Avoid unnecessary stress and maintain a positive outlook. Your energy and positive attitude will contribute to enhancing your social standing. Focus on building positive connections with others.

Relationship: For love relationships, it’s essential to prioritise open communication and understanding. Your partner’s health may be a concern, so offer support and care. 

Career: In your professional life, refrain from stressing over trivial matters. Your energy and capability will help you overcome challenges. 

Family: Family plays a significant role today, and your attention to the health and well-being of each family member is crucial. Your father’s guidance and support are valuable, so involve him in important decisions.

Health: Pay special attention to health, both yours and your family’s. Stress may impact your well-being, so practise mindfulness and incorporate activities that promote relaxation. 

Today’s Lucky Colour – White

Today’s Lucky Number – 5

Today’s Remedy – Arrange a meal for a hungry person.

Today’s Scorpio Horoscope (26th February 2024)

today's horoscope 26th february

Scorpios may receive positive news today. Someone close might share favourable information related to your work area. Don’t let the stress from work weigh you down; your competence can simplify everything. You will find relief from past troubles. The day will be auspicious; don’t let disappointment enter your mind.

Status: Scorpios may receive positive news today that can elevate their social status. Your connections and relationships may bring favourable information. 

Relationship: Expect good tidings in your love life today. Someone close might share positive news. Handle work-related stress wisely to maintain harmony in your relationship. 

Career: Positive developments in your professional life are likely, and news of achievements or opportunities may come your way. Don’t let stress weigh you down; your competence can handle challenges effortlessly.

Family: Today brings auspicious news in your family life. Be open to positive information from relatives. Your ability to manage stress will lead to a more harmonious family environment. 

Health: While the day is generally favourable, be cautious not to let disappointment affect your well-being. Focus on maintaining a positive mindset and practice stress-relieving activities. 

Today’s Lucky Colour – Blue

Today’s Lucky Number – 7

Today’s Remedy – Show respect by giving a flower to someone.

Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope (26th February 2024)

today's Horoscope 26th february

Today is going to be special for you; you will experience full support from your destiny, and issues from the past will come to an end. Pay attention to financial matters today as expenses may be higher, causing some concern. However, unexpected money may come your way. Your self-confidence will increase, and spending time with family members tonight will be beneficial.

Status: Your efforts and hard work will contribute to a positive image in your social circle. People around you will appreciate your dedication and achievements.

Relationship: Your love relationship is likely to experience positive developments. The day brings an increase in self-confidence, and this will reflect in your interactions with your partner. The bond between you and your loved one may strengthen, and romantic feelings could intensify.

Career: In terms of your career, there may be some challenges to navigate. Pay attention to financial matters, and be cautious about expenses. Unexpected financial gains might balance out concerns. 

Family: Spending quality time with family members is advised for the day. It’s a good time to strengthen family bonds and create a positive atmosphere at home. Seek support and advice from family members if needed. 

Health: While your physical health appears stable, there might be a need to manage stress and maintain emotional well-being. Practice self-care and consider activities like meditation to keep your mind at ease. 

Today’s Lucky Colour – Red

Today’s Lucky Number – 7

Today’s Remedy – Present an item to Jupiter.

Today’s Capricorn Horoscope (26th February 2024)

today's Horoscope 26th february

In the career field, you will receive support from friends and colleagues today. There is a possibility of hearing praise for your work in the professional arena. Engaging in spiritual practices will bring satisfaction to many, and you may receive good news from your maternal uncle’s house. Your reputation is likely to grow, and it’s advised to bring something to eat when returning home in the evening.

Status: In terms of social status, you may gain recognition and praise for your work. Colleagues and friends will provide support, contributing to your positive image in the social circle.

Relationship: There are indications of satisfaction and harmony in your love relationship. Engaging in spiritual activities together may deepen your bond. Good news or positive developments in your romantic life could bring joy.

Career: The career front looks promising, with colleagues and associates offering assistance. Praise for your professional achievements may come your way, enhancing your reputation in the workplace. 

Family: Your family life appears stable and content. News from your maternal uncle’s house may bring happiness, and spending quality time with family members, especially during the evening, is advised.

Health: Overall, your health seems to be in good condition. However, it is essential to maintain a balanced approach and not neglect your well-being. Bringing a nutritious snack when returning home in the evening is recommended to ensure physical well-being.

Today’s Lucky Colour : Black

Today’s Lucky Number: 9

Today’s Remedy: Present a gift to your mother.

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Today’s Aquarius Horoscope (26th February 2024)

today's horoscope 26th february

If you want to start export-import work, today is an auspicious time. You will have a fortunate and successful day ahead. Your interest in your work will increase, and you may get an opportunity to participate in a festival. It’s also a good time to spend with your family. Make the most of your time, and the star of luck will shine brightly soon.

Status: If you want to start export-import work, today is an auspicious time. This endeavour could enhance your social status as you embark on a new venture.

Relationship: Today promises a fortunate and successful day ahead, which can positively impact your love relationship. You may find harmony and joy in your romantic endeavours.

Career: Your interest in your work will increase, suggesting a favourable time for career growth and professional development. There may be opportunities for expansion, such as participating in festivals related to your industry. 

Family: It’s also a good time to spend with your family. Strengthening familial bonds and enjoying quality time together can bring happiness and fulfilment to your domestic life.

Health: Taking care of your health is essential to make the most of your time. Ensure you maintain a balance between work and relaxation to promote overall well-being.

Today’s Lucky Colour: Red

Today’s Lucky Number: 5

Today’s Remedy: Offer a lemon mala to Goddess Kali.

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Today’s Pisces Horoscope (26th February 2024)

today's Horoscope 26th february

Today is going to be very fortunate for you; you may encounter some adversaries. Avoid lending money to anyone today. Show respect to your parents and mentors; consider giving them some gifts. The paths to progress are opening up, and now you don’t need to worry much. There might be some benefits from foreign connections.

Status: Today, you may encounter some adversaries, so it’s important to handle social situations with caution. Be mindful of your interactions and maintain a dignified presence.

Relationship: Show respect and appreciation to your parents and mentors. Offering them gifts can strengthen your bonds. Progress in your personal relationships is likely, and the day may bring positive developments.

Career: The paths to progress are opening up, and any previous worries may ease. Avoid lending money to others today. Focus on your career, and you might see improvements and new opportunities.

Family: Pay homage to your parents and mentors, as their blessings may guide you to success. It’s a favourable time to express your gratitude and strengthen family ties.

Health: Take extra care of your health. Avoid lending money today, and be cautious in financial matters. Additionally, be watchful of potential adversaries and navigate social situations wisely.

Today’s Lucky Colour: Light Yellow

Today’s Lucky Number: 9

Today’s Remedy: Arrange a meal for the visually impaired.

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