Today’s Horoscope, 25th February 2024 : Read your horoscope on VAMA

Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how 25th February today’s horoscope is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

Today’s horoscope [25th February 2024]: Today is Falgun month, Krishna Paksha, Pratipada Tithi. The day is Sunday, Nakshatra – Purva Phalguni till 1:25 AM, Yoga – Sukarma till 2:29 PM, Karana – Balava till 7:17 AM. The auspicious time today is from 11:49 AM to 12:35 PM, and the inauspicious period is from 4:32 PM to 5:58 PM.

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2024.

LEO 2024VIRGO 2024

So, let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how 25th February today’s horoscope is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

Today’s Aries Horoscope (25th February 2024)

Today, Aries native will experience domestic happiness. There are indications of progress in the professional field. The sound of your child’s laughter will resonate in the house. Enemies will not disturb you anymore. There might be a possibility of a distant journey. You may gain profits from the stock market today.

Status: You might struggle to put your ideas into action this week. Laziness could hold you back, preventing you from reaching your full potential and impacting your social interactions. 

Relationship: This week promises a strong connection with your love partner. Communication should flow smoothly, fostering mutual understanding and deepening your bond. 

Career: Laziness and procrastination could hinder your progress at work. Ensure you meet deadlines and manage your time effectively. 

Family: This week shines light on your strong family bond. You’ll enjoy harmonious relationships with your loved ones, receiving support and encouragement from younger siblings and your parents. 

Health: Some individuals might experience foot injuries or burns. Be cautious and take necessary precautions to avoid accidents. 

Today’s Lucky Colour – Red

Today’s Lucky Number – 5

Today’s Remedy – Meditate on Lord Ganesha and offer green durva grass.

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Today’s Taurus Horoscope (25th February 2024)

Taurus natives may have the opportunity to take on a leadership role today. You will be at the forefront of every task, and your work style will be praised. Your influence will bring advancement in your professional field. There is a chance of sudden income from somewhere. Profits are indicated in the stock market or through commissions.

Status: Opportunity to take on a leadership role, gaining praise and influence that could lead to professional advancement.

Relationship: Strong support and sweetness prevail in your romantic relationship. Enjoy quality time with your partner in the evening.

Career: Today you will get sudden income, profits in the stock market or through commissions. There are chances of potential financial success related to career endeavours.

Family: Enjoy a peaceful family atmosphere with the added support of younger siblings. Appreciate their presence and cherish the positive vibes.

Health: Maintain a healthy lifestyle by performing exercises and yoga.

Today’s Lucky Colour – Yellow

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Remedy – Meditate on Lord Shiva and offer water.

Today’s Gemini Horoscope (25th February 2024)

Gemini natives may come across new job opportunities today. There will be progress in the ongoing partnership-related work. Students will achieve success in their studies. Although there are opportunities for advancement, today your parents’ health may be a bit off.

Status: New job opportunities and progress in partnership-related work could lead to increased social standing and recognition. Success in studies for students could also bring positive attention.

Relationship: Expect a strengthening bond with your partner. Consider exchanging gifts or enjoying an evening together.

Career: New job opportunities and progress in partnership-related work suggest positive developments in your career.

Family: Parents’ health concerns could be a source of worry and may require attention.

Health: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through balanced diet, exercise, and stress management can benefit both you and your family.

Today’s Lucky Colour – Green

Today’s Lucky Number – 9

Today’s Remedy – Worship your mother with a betel leaf offering.

Today’s Cancer Horoscope (25th February 2024)

Cancer natives, today your mind may be restless, but luck will be on your side. New opportunities for progress will arise. Your partner’s health may be a bit off. There will be an increase in attraction towards your love interest. Unexpected long-distance travel is possible. Old debts may be recovered.

Status: Luck could bring unexpected opportunities for progress, potentially enhancing your social standing. Increased attraction towards your love interest could lead to positive social interactions and connections.

Relationship:  Increased attraction towards your love interest suggests a blossoming or strengthened bond. Your partner’s health concerns may require attention and support, potentially impacting the quality of your relationship. Communication and empathy are key.

Career: Luck could bring new opportunities for progress, potentially leading to career advancement.

Family:  Your partner’s health concerns could create worry and strain within the family unit.

Health: Your partner’s health is a concern. Be mindful of their well-being and offer support. Additionally, your own restlessness could impact your mental and emotional well-being.

Today’s Lucky Colour – White

Today’s Lucky Number – 4

Today’s Remedy – Donate rice.

Today’s Leo Horoscope (25th February 2024)

Today, your enemies will be weak in front of you. Victory will be achieved over all obstacles. You will attain respect and honour. If you were troubled by stomach issues, they may come to an end today. There might be a slightly contentious atmosphere at home. Blessings from the elders are foreseen.

Status: Victories over obstacles and enemies can boost your social standing and earn respect. A slightly contentious atmosphere at home might create tension with others.

Relationship: Romantic relationships remain stable and fulfilling. Enjoy a special date or celebration with your partner. Maintain clear and open communication to avoid misunderstandings.

Career: Overcoming challenges and achieving victories can lead to career advancement and recognition.

Family: A slightly contentious atmosphere might create tension within the family. Blessings from elders can bring support and guidance.

Health: Your stomach issues may improve.

Today’s Lucky Colour – Red

Today’s Lucky Number – 5

Today’s Remedy – Arrange a meal for someone in need.

Today’s Virgo Horoscope (25th February 2024)

Your focus and dedication to work will make your efforts successful today. Victory over enemies is indicated, but be cautious about any lingering health issues. Students associated with civil engineering may find new opportunities. Businesspeople in the hardware industry may experience unexpected financial gains.

Status: Your hard work and dedication will be recognized and bring success, potentially enhancing your social standing. Victories over challenges or competitors could boost your reputation and influence.

Relationship: Your charm and charisma attract admirers, and your existing relationship thrives. Enjoy the love and connection you share with your partner.

Career: Your focus and dedication will pay off, leading to successful work endeavours. Students in civil engineering might find exciting new opportunities, and businesspeople in the hardware industry could experience unexpected financial gains.

Family: A visit to the doctor might be necessary due to your father’s health concerns. Be supportive and prioritise his well-being.

Health: Be cautious of your health issues that could require attention. Prioritise your well-being and seek medical advice if needed.

Today’s Lucky Colour – Blue

Today’s Lucky Number – 7

Today’s Remedy – Feed fruits to a cow today.

Today’s Libra Horoscope (25th February 2024)

Today, your adversaries will be weaker in front of you, and victory will be yours. Recognition and respect will be achieved. If you were troubled by stomach issues, they may come to an end today. There might be a slight atmosphere of discord at home. Seek the blessings of the elders.

Status: Victories over adversaries and achievement of recognition and respect can elevate your social standing.

Relationship: You might develop feelings for someone new or encounter a secret admirer. Be cautious and prioritise genuine connections over fleeting attractions.

Career: Overcoming challenges and achieving victory can lead to career advancement and recognition.

Family: A slightly contentious atmosphere might create tension within the family.

Health: Stomach issues may improve or resolve.

Today’s Lucky Number– 5

Today’s Lucky Colour– Red

Today’s Remedy – Arrange a meal for someone in need.

Today’s Scorpio Horoscope (25th February 2024)

Today, you might feel more courageous. Good news related to property or buildings is likely. It’s important to be careful with your words to avoid misunderstandings. Pay attention to your ongoing work, as there could be some challenges. Unexpected positive news might come in your way. Younger children in the family are likely to achieve success. For those hoping for children, there will be positive news for you.

Status:  Increased courage and positive news related to property or buildings could enhance your overall social standing and image. Younger children’s achievements could bring recognition and positive attention.

Relationship: Make an effort to stay connected through calls or video chats with your love partner.

Career: Pay close attention to your ongoing work, as there could be challenges or potential issues requiring your focus and effort.

Family: Younger children’s success and positive news for those hoping for children can bring joy and strengthen family bonds.

Health: Good health will contribute to your overall well-being and productivity. Maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep.

Today’s Lucky Colour – Blue

Today’s Lucky Number – 1

Today’s Remedy – Feed a piece of bread to a dog.

Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope (25th February 2024)

Today, there will be a joyful atmosphere in your home. Older siblings may receive some new and positive news, potentially leading to advancements in their future. Maintain your enthusiasm, as this enthusiasm will prove beneficial for you in the coming days. It will enhance your courage, opening up new opportunities for you.

Status: A joyful atmosphere at home can contribute to a positive social experience and potentially enhance your social standing.. 

Relationships: Family support will boost your morale and strengthen your relationships. You will successfully resolve any disagreements in your love life.

Career: Maintaining your enthusiasm and courage could lead to new opportunities, potentially enhancing your career prospects.

Family: A joyful atmosphere and positive news for older siblings suggest a harmonious and supportive family environment.

Health: Individuals with high blood pressure need to pay special attention to their diet and avoid criticising others, as it can create unnecessary tension.

Today’s Lucky Colour – Purple

Today’s Lucky Number – 9

Today’s Remedy – Offer something to a teacher or your mentor.

Today’s Capricorn Horoscope (25th February 2024)

Capricorn natives may experience fluctuating emotions with anger today. Your nature will remain unpredictable, so try to control your temper. The day will open new avenues for income for you. There is a possibility of financial gain for a family member.

Status: Unpredictable nature and anger outbursts could lead to social conflicts or misunderstandings. Be mindful of your interactions and manage your emotions effectively to avoid damaging your social standing.

Relationships: Spend quality time with your love partner. Their love and support will uplift your mood and strengthen your bonds. In your love life, be prudent and avoid making impulsive decisions.

Career: New avenues for income suggest potential financial improvement and career advancement. Controlling your temper and unpredictable behaviour is crucial for maintaining a professional image and avoiding conflicts with colleagues.

Family: Potential financial gain for a family member could benefit the overall family financial situation.

Health:  Fluctuating emotions and anger could lead to stress and potential health issues. Practice relaxation techniques and manage your emotional state for better well-being.

Today’s Lucky Colour – Black

Today’s Lucky number  – 10

Today’s Remedy – Visit a Shani temple and donate black colour items.

Today’s Aquarius Horoscope (25th February 2024)

Today, you will need to leave laziness aside and work hard; otherwise, the opportunity at hand may slip away. Keep control over your words, as even your sweet words might disturb someone. There is a possibility of gaining benefits from foreign-related connections or friends, or you may receive some good news.

Status: Laziness could hinder you from taking advantage of a valuable opportunity, potentially impacting your social standing. Additionally, be mindful of your words, even when they are intended to be kind.

Relationships: Romantic relationships will remain sweet and harmonious.

Career: Laziness could lead to missed opportunities or setbacks in your career. Procrastination and lack of focus could also negatively impact your professional image.

Family: Following your parents’ advice can help maintain positive family relationships.

Health: Be cautious, as smoking is negatively impacting your health. Consider quitting or reducing your smoking habit.

Today’s Lucky Colour – Yellow

Today’s Lucky Number – 9

Today’s Remedy – Feed bananas to monkeys.

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Today’s Pisces Horoscope (25th February 2024)

Today, it is highly essential for you to meditate, which will bring a clarity of mind. Without it, your mind may remain restless. Therefore, keep your mind under control in order to perform tasks attentively.

Status: Today, your social status may experience a positive change. There might be an opportunity for recognition or honour in your social circle.Maintaining good relations with others will contribute to your social standing.

Relationship: Your love relationship is predicted to be harmonious. Some individuals may transition from a love relationship to marriage. 

Career: Executing new plans may be challenging. Laziness could affect work efficiency, and completing tasks on time is emphasised. Advice you give to others about work ethics should be applied to yourself.

Family: Everyone in the family will be happy with you. Younger siblings may contribute to your success. Financial assistance from parents might help reduce your debt.

Health: Conquer laziness and focus on self-improvement. Attention to health is essential, especially for those with heart conditions. 

Today’s Lucky Colour – Pink

Today’s Lucky Number – 6

Today’s Remedy – Arrange for a meal for someone in need.

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