Weekly Horoscope: 25 August to 31 August 2024

Weekly Horoscope 25 August to 31 August 2024: In this weekly horoscope, we will know the weekly predictions related to career, business, health, relationships with family and friends, love life. Along with this, we will also get to know the various events that may bring challenges during the week.

This weekly horoscope by VAMA aims to provide true information as well proper guidance to individuals of all zodiac signs. Whether it’s personal, professional or related to other aspects of your life, horoscopes serve as an essential need for decision making for the upcoming days.  

So, let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how the weekly horoscope is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

How will the year 2025 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2025. 
Aries 2025Taurus 2025
Gemini 2025Cancer 2025
Leo 2025Virgo 2025
Libra 2025Scorpio 2025
Sagittarius 2025Capricorn 2025
Aquarius 2025Pisces 2025

Aries Weekly Horoscope 25 August to 31 August 2024

This week all job related problems will go away. This week you will get new opportunities in your career. People associated with the insurance sector will get new clients. Their insurance policy will come with a good premium. 

You will also invest money in a tax saving scheme.  Any of your EMIs will have to be deposited this week. Everyone in the family will remain healthy and happy. Children will also pay special attention to their studies because exams are coming.  

Relations with your wife will be cordial but at the end of the week there will be discord due to some reason. There will be no worries of any kind related to health. Your love relationship will be strong, this week you will spend good time with each other. 

Taurus Weekly Horoscope 25 August to 31 August 2024

This week you will have to avoid politics in the workplace. This week is very good for you. People associated with the trading sector may get offers from a new company. Those working in the iron or steel sector will achieve their goals very easily. 

Due to poor health of the father in the family, you will have to visit the doctor or hospital, you will get rest at the end of the week.  Pay special attention to children’s studies, the child is not interested in studies. Investing in the share market will be beneficial from Wednesday. You seem to be profiting from the automobile sector.  

Due to the lover’s health not being well, we will not be able to meet this week, only conversations will happen. There will be displeasure with friends over some issue which will last till this week. Be cautious this week, enemies will try to harm you.  

Gemini Weekly Horoscope 25 August to 31 August 2024

This week you will receive respect at work for doing well in any of your work. You will also be honoured by some social organisation for your good work. Daily income will increase, businessmen will be happy with the progress of their business. You will get new sources of income.  

There will be some tension due to some things on Wednesday and Thursday, after which things will be fine. In a love relationship, you will meet on Friday and Saturday and dine together in a good restaurant or have a party. You will also benefit from partnership, everything will go well.  

Drive the vehicle carefully as damage is visible in the vehicle. Due to which financial loss is possible. There will be some ups and downs in your wife’s health, you will get relief from doctor’s advice. 

Cancer Weekly Horoscope 25 August to 31 August 2024

This week, Cancer people will not get good results in the beginning even if they work hard, but things will get better from Wednesday. People associated with real estate are seen getting good commission and there is financial gain due to sale of some property.  

This week you will have to go somewhere for some office work. Some people will go on a religious trip or visit a temple this weekend. There may be an argument over some issue in the family, you may also feel bad about what your parents say. 

There will be victory over the enemy. Some of your files may open due to which you will face problems. Investigate everything before investing, otherwise you will suffer financial loss. This week you may be troubled by back pain. 

Leo Weekly Horoscope 25 August to 31 August 2024

This week, Leo people will contact people by using new technology in their workplace and increase their client base. Your promotion will give good results this week, people will contact you.  In love life, this week you will celebrate your lover’s birthday. 

You have to control your anger because there may be a dispute with your wife in the family. You have high expectations from your child, which seem to be being fulfilled. Investing in the FMCG sector in the share market is showing good money gains for you. You will win a case. 

There is a need to be more cautious while talking to a girl on mobile. There may be financial loss. You will get a chance to help a relative. People associated with social work will help the poor through their organisation and will also promote it on social media. 

Virgo Weekly Horoscope 25 August to 31 August 2024

This week will start with tension, some dispute may arise. There will be a need to be careful with neighbours especially on Sunday. Everything will be fine at work on Tuesday, you will go with your boss to a meeting with a client. 

Sales and marketing people will achieve their goals due to which they will also be honoured in front of other colleagues.  You have to avoid discord in the family, you have to maintain happiness and peace. While investing in the stock market, keep in mind that losses are visible. It would be better for you if you do not invest in the commodity market.  

There is a lot of tension going on in the love relationship regarding some issue, even the conversation has stopped, but both the parties will feel like talking and will wait to see who will take the initiative. You will remain active on social media. Will try to promote your channel. Health is going to be fine. 

Libra Weekly Horoscope 25 August to 31 August 2024

Your start this week is going to be very good. Will attend a family wedding ceremony. During this time you will feel a lot of joy and happiness. In the workplace, you will form a new team to achieve your goal. 

You will definitely get respect for your artistic skills.  You will get work as per your interest this week. You will get an opportunity to go to a party where various types of food stalls are set up, and you will get a good taste. 

You may be proposed to by a man or woman older than you, which will make you feel uncomfortable. In love life, youth will talk according to their daily routine. Those preparing for the competitive field will take their studies in a critical direction, which will lead to good preparation. Your awareness towards health will keep you healthy. 

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 25 August to 31 August 2024

This week is going to be very good for Scorpio people. This week you may think about changes in your work. Many people will also get new responsibilities. Some people are speaking ill of you in the workplace, you will have to clarify with your boss.  

There will be emphasis on buying and selling in the electronic sector. People associated with this will get benefits. There will be less jobs in the software sector and competition will increase. 

Sade Sati on Saturn will continue to trouble you in some way or the other. If your vehicle’s tire gets damaged, it will have to be replaced, which will increase your financial burden. This week, toothache will take you to the doctor. People associated with the political field will meet their people and get information about further preparations. 

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 25 August to 31 August 2024

This week you will do your work properly but you will not get as good results as you should get. Many difficulties may arise in your work, you will also have to face some government notice. You will definitely overcome all situations. 

You will appoint a skilled trainer to train people in your company.  You will be troubled by some old dispute in which a case was filed, you will have to go to court. Some decisions will come from the court which will benefit many people. 

Your religious sentiments will inspire you to help others. Since all the members in the family are unanimous, you will have to go to a picnic spot.  This week you may feel some kind of bond. You will have a headache this week. This could also be due to some stress or due to weakness of the eyes, the doctor will tell. 

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope 25 August to 31 August 2024

There will be a change of place for Capricorn people this week. You will get posting at a new place and new responsibility. Some people may even change jobs. Traders associated with the clothing sector will give discount offers this week to increase their sales, which will increase the crowd of customers and bring financial benefits.  

You have to avoid excessive arguments in the family, otherwise discord will increase. Young people in love can go on a long drive with their lover or enjoy a party. Drive your vehicle carefully on Sunday, there is a possibility of an accident.  

This week your strategy of investing money will be in the right direction and you will gain money. Those doing daily work will be satisfied with their income. Any disease will send you to the hospital. At the end of the week you will feel good in all areas. 

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 25 August to 31 August 2024

This week, Aquarius people will have to travel to a city due to their business, but this trip will not bring any business profit. Any change in job is not going to be in your interest. Your family members will say this week that you are not able to fulfil your responsibilities properly.  

You are thinking of doing good from your heart but it is not happening. Your speech will also be full of harsh words. There will be a short temper with your wife. Do not transact money on Wednesday i.e. neither lend nor borrow otherwise you will suffer financial loss. 

Long term investment will give definite benefits.  You are going to benefit from travelling abroad. You will go abroad this week. Those who were waiting for their visa will get their visa. Stay away from fire, there are indications of burning. Your car will break down which will make you feel uneasy. 

Pisces Weekly Horoscope 25 August to 31 August 2024

This week, Pisces people will be troubled due to running around on Sunday. There will be unnecessary mental stress due to which the entire family will remain under stress due to your anger. It will be much better from Monday. A lot will happen as per your wish in the workplace.  

This week your boss is going to be happy with your work. Many of your plans are made but they do not come to fruition. People doing land work will be able to expand their business well. People engaged in product selling will expand their business with the help of new technology. 

Money will come in, some of your old fixed deposits are about to be completed.  Organic farmers will increase the rates of their products according to the demand, which will increase wealth. There is a possibility that you will receive money from a government contract this week. Some people will be admitted to hospital due to bone fractures.

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