Horoscope Today: August 5 2024

Horoscope Today August 5 2024: Everyone wishes to know their Horoscope Today for the day. In this regard, the renowned astrologer Acharya Dev brings Horoscope Today for you.

Today is a better day than usual. It is a day of auspicious results for all zodiac signs. Cancer, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces may have to struggle.

Today has brought mixed results for all the zodiac signs. Today, people of Aries, Gemini and Leo zodiac signs seem to be getting profit in business, while people of Virgo, Taurus and Sagittarius zodiac signs may have to face problems in the work field.

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2024. 

LEO 2024VIRGO 2024

First of all, let us know about Horoscope Today August 5, 2024 of Aries.

Horoscope today

Aries Horoscope Today: August 5, 2024

Today is going to be a very good day for Aries people. You will see progress in your life today. The pending works will be completed soon. The works which you were planning for a long time will also see a stir.

You may get opportunities for progress in the work field. Comforts may be added to the house. You will be happy after receiving good news from your in-laws. A religious festival may be organised at home.

Beware of enemies. Today is a good day for students. The youth looking for employment will have to struggle more.

Today’s Lucky Number – 11

Today’s Lucky Colour – Purple

 Horoscope today

Taurus Horoscope Today: August 5, 2024

For Taurus people, the dawn of new knowledge is breaking out. New ideas are sprouting inside you. Express your thoughts and you may get new opportunities. Progress in the work field is strongly visible.

You are getting full support from your spouse. Courage is increasing. It is time for students to struggle. You will have to wait for some knowledge. The day is mixed for the youth looking for employment.

Today’s Lucky Number – 9

Today’s Lucky Colour – Dark brown

Horoscope today

Gemini Horoscope Today: August 5, 2024

Today has brought auspicious signs for Gemini people. Today you will get more than you expected. You may get an opportunity to do something that you had not even thought of.

If you are planning to go abroad, then you are likely to get success. Today can be a risky day for the youth who invest in the stock market. You may have to struggle to get money. 

It is a mixed time for students. Youth looking for employment may get good opportunities.

Today’s Lucky Number – 11

Today’s Lucky Colour – Pink

Cancer Today's Horoscope

Cancer Horoscope Today: August 5, 2024

For Cancerians, today is starting with the conjunction of the Sun and Moon. Due to which your mind will sometimes be disappointed and sometimes restless. Try to control the emotions of the mind.

Today is a very important day. The decisions taken by you will give you happiness throughout your life. There is peace and happiness at home but you may be worried due to the deteriorating health of a family member.

Be worry free about children. Students are seen getting success in the field of studies. For the youth looking for employment, now is the time to struggle.

Today’s Lucky Number – 10

Today’s Lucky Colour – Silver

Today’s Horoscope

Leo Horoscope Today: August 5, 2024

For Leo, the transit of Mercury and Venus in the ascendant is continuing, due to which your speech is having an impact on people’s minds.

The sweetness of your speech will make you achieve fame and prestige. If you are associated with the field of politics, then this time can prove to be very good for you.

Eye problems can trouble you. The support you get from your spouse can take the form of art in the evening. Time is normal for students. Youths looking for employment may have to work harder.

Today’s Lucky Number – 19

Today’s Lucky Colour – Golden brown

Virgo Today's Horoscope

Virgo Horoscope Today: August 5, 2024

It is a time of constant struggle for Virgo people. The work done by you during this time will have a deep impact on your future.

There is a possibility of becoming a victim of the boss’s anger in the office. Think about the consequences before postponing any work.

You may have to travel abroad. There are good opportunities for students interested in foreign education. It is a good time for youth looking for employment.

Today’s Lucky Number – 28

Today’s Lucky Colour – Chocolate

Libra Daily Horoscope

Libra Horoscope Today: August 5, 2024

Today can be a lucky day for Librans. If you are investing in the share market, then today will be a lucky day for you. Do not spend too much. There is a possibility of increasing debt.

You will be happy to get back the money given to someone. There is a possibility of progress in the field of employment.

It is a good time for students. It is a favourable time for youth looking for employment to get good jobs.

Today’s Lucky Number – 16

Today’s Lucky Colour – Saffron

Scorpio Today's Horoscope

Scorpio Horoscope Today: August 5, 2024

For Scorpio sign people, the transit of the lord of the ascendant in the seventh house is giving auspicious signs. Due to the influence of Mars, you are getting leadership abilities. You will get opportunities for social service in the society.

The knowledge of Guru is making you gain fame everywhere. The lord of your eighth house is transiting in the sixth house, due to which there may be some problems regarding money. 

The transit of Ketu in the eighth house is showing the possibility of loss of money.The time is favourable for students. Youths looking for employment will get success in works related to hardware engineering.

Today’s Lucky Number – 56

Today’s Lucky Colour – Deep Red

Sagittarius Today's Horoscope

Sagittarius Horoscope Today: August 5, 2024

Today is going to be a normal day for Sagittarius people. Today can be a great day but working with a Guru can improve this day.

The conjunction of wisdom and Venus in the house of fortune can give you progress. Do not insult anyone.

Feelings of pride are coming in your mind, keep them calm. This morning is auspicious for students. This is an auspicious day for youth looking for employment.

Today’s Lucky Number – 12

Today’s Lucky Colour – Light Red

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Capricorn Horoscope Today: August 5, 2024

For Capricorns, the transit of the lord of the ascendant in the rice house is giving auspicious signs. Today you may get sudden money. But the presence of Saturn in the family house is indicating the presence of someone around in the house. You may get happy news from your children.

It is possible for children to get high employment. There may be some kind of dispute with the life partner in the evening. It may also spoil their health. If you have any skin related disease, then take special care of your food and drink.

For the youth looking for employment, now is the time to struggle. There is a possibility of sudden loss of money for the people associated with interior decoration.

Today’s Lucky Number – 27

Today’s Lucky Colour – Grey

Aquarius Today's Horoscope

Aquarius Horoscope Today: August 5, 2024

The transit of Saturn in the ascendant is auspicious for Aquarius people. Those who were looking for employment for a long time, there are chances of getting success in the field related to employment, but you will have to give up your laziness.

Someone’s health in the house may deteriorate due to which you may have worries. There is a continuous flow of comforts in the house. This is a very auspicious sign for you, enemies will stay away from you.

Your spouse’s romantic mood will calm your mind in the evening. Have dinner with family to get rid of the day’s fatigue. People related to employment may have anxiety in the work area today. The day remains favourable for the youth looking for employment.

Today’s Lucky Number – 25

Today’s Lucky Colour – Turquoise

Horoscope today

Pisces Horoscope Today: August 5, 2024

For Pisces, Rahu’s transit in the ascendant is going to give mental worries. Due to Ketu’s independent aspect, Rahu can also give you progress. Keep your mind under control, only then all this can happen.

Long journey will prove to be tiring. There can be distance from the spouse. Transit of Mars and Jupiter in the third house is making you achieve valour. Do not say wrong words to anyone even by mistake.

Time is favourable for students. Time is favourable for students who are studying to become doctors. Youths looking for employment may have to struggle more now.

Today’s Lucky Number – 12

Today’s Lucky Colour – Yellow

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