Weekly Horoscope:  4 August to 10 August 2024

Weekly Horoscope 4 August to 10 August 2024: In this weekly horoscope, we will know the weekly predictions related to career, business, health, relationships with family and friends, love life. Along with this, we will also get to know the various events that may bring challenges during the week.

This weekly horoscope by VAMA aims to provide true information as well proper guidance to individuals of all zodiac signs. Whether it’s personal, professional or related to other aspects of your life, horoscopes serve as an essential need for decision making for the upcoming days.  

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, the annual horoscope for 2024.

LEO 2024VIRGO 2024

So, let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how the weekly horoscope is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

weekly horoscope

Aries Weekly Horoscope 4 August to 10 August 2024

This week is bringing mixed results for Aries. The beginning of this week will be very auspicious for you. The lord of the fourth house, Moon in the fourth house will give peace to your mind.

There will be an atmosphere of happiness and peace in your house. The lord of the ascendant is transiting in the second house. Due to which there is a possibility of a festive atmosphere in your house.

The transit of the lord of the second house in the fifth house is indicating further increase in your wealth. The auspicious sign received from the children can make your mind happy. The presence of the lord of the fifth house in the fourth house is creating yoga for students, especially for higher education.

weekly horoscope

Taurus Weekly Horoscope 4 August to 10 August 2024

This week is going to be auspicious for Taurus people. The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in your Lagna is going to give you benefits. Your knowledge will increase, and your knowledge will be appreciated.

You will get the opportunity to lead. Mars of the Lagna is looking at the fourth house. Due to which you will see some kind of progress inside your house. If you want to buy a house, vehicle etc. yourself, then your wish seems to be fulfilled soon.

The position of Ketu in your fifth house can disappoint you on behalf of your child. Students may have to struggle a lot in studies during this time. It is an auspicious time for students who want to go abroad for higher education. If the physical condition of your life partner is not good.

weekly horoscope

Gemini Weekly Horoscope 4 August to 10 August 2024

This week is going to be very good for Gemini people. This week, Mercury, the lord of your ascendant, is transiting in the third house.

With Mercury transiting in the third house, people will be attracted to you due to the effect of your speech. Mercury’s conjunction with Venus has brought a lot of flexibility in your behaviour. Due to which people are getting very impressed by you.

The arrival of the Moon with Mercury Venus from the beginning of the week will prove to be very auspicious for you. Tuesday can be a day full of romance for you. Give gifts to your spouse. It is time for peace to come in the married life of those who were struggling in their life till now.

Cancer Today's Horoscope

Cancer Weekly Horoscope 4 August to 10 August 2024

The beginning of the week is going to be very auspicious for Cancerians. The transit of the Sun in the ascendant is increasing your brilliance and valour.

The support you get from your father is getting rid of all the problems in your life. The conjunction of Mercury and Venus is continuously present in the second house. Due to which there are indications that there will be happy events in your house.

The transit of Ketu in the third house can make you progress and achieve valour. The transit of Saturn in the eighth house is indicating physical suffering. The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in the eleventh house is making you gain wealth.

weekly horoscope

Leo Weekly Horoscope 4 August to 10 August 2024

This week is going to be auspicious for Leos due to the conjunction of Mercury and Venus in the ascendant. Due to the conjunction of Mercury and Venus in the ascendant, you will get respect in the society due to the sweetness of your speech.

Transit of Venus in the ascendant will keep your mind full of romance. Your nature will fascinate everyone. The conjunction of Ketu and Moon in the middle of the week can create unrest. Some kind of tension can arise.

There is a possibility of a dispute with your spouse. Control your speech by the end of the week. Your words can be hidden from others. Especially in your work area, you may have to bear the anger of your boss. Maintain a relationship with an elderly person in the office.

weekly horoscope

Virgo Weekly Horoscope 4 August to 10 August 2024

The week has brought very auspicious results for Virgo people. The position of Ketu in the Lagna is constantly giving you progress. But the transit of the Lagna lord in the Lagna Seva is indicating physical trouble.

If you have a disease like diabetes, then you need to take special care of your food this week. The disease can emerge and increase, you may have to travel abroad or this week is not going to give much auspicious results for those who work as daily passengers.

The transit of the Sun in the eighth house has brought special auspicious results for you. There are indications of prosperity of wealth and grains. The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in your fortune house is indicating special auspicious results for you.

Libra Daily Horoscope

Libra Weekly Horoscope 4 August to 10 August 2024

This week is going to be very auspicious for Librans. Your Lagna’s lord Venus is transiting in the 11th house with Mercury. Due to which you are likely to get continuous money.

Mercury’s aspect on the fifth house is giving you auspiciousness from the side of children. There are chances of foreign travel. If you were planning a foreign trip, then you can get very auspicious results. You are likely to get special benefits in foreign related works. Students who are willing to study abroad. There are chances of special success for them.

Saturn being in the fifth house is indicating auspicious results for people associated with the engineering line and the field of advocacy. Rahu transiting in your sixth house will destroy your enemies and will face the court.

Scorpio Today's Horoscope

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 4 August to 10 August 2024

For Scorpio sign people, the week is going to be mixed. Mars, the lord of Scorpio sign, is transiting in your seventh house. The conjunction of Mars with Jupiter is giving you auspicious results, due to which your knowledge is being appreciated everywhere. The decisions of your intellect will bring you success everywhere.

The transit of Ketu in your 11th house is giving you progress. Due to which special opportunities are being created for you to get wealth and grains. The transit of Saturn in your fourth house is creating opportunities for you to get there.

This week is bringing special success for you to get there. The conjunction of Rahu in the fifth house can give some kind of inauspicious news from the children. You may get news of children not being successful in the examination or not getting admission in higher education.

weekly horoscope

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 4 August to 10 August 2024

This week will not be particularly auspicious for Sagittarius people. But you will see progress in some tasks. Also, you may have to face health related problems this week. The transit of Saturn in your third house can get you special love from your siblings. With Rahu in the fourth house, you may have to face difficulties in your work area.

You can get progress due to the transit of Ketu in the sham house. The conjunction of Mercury, Venus and Moon in the fortune house which will be formed in the middle of the week can give you special benefits.

Rely on luck and take decisions, you will get success. There is no limit to this. Avoid investing money in the stock market, have faith in money. We are providing you strength in every way. Due to which it is possible for you to get fame and reputation.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope 4 August to 10 August 2024

This power has brought auspiciousness for Capricorn people. The transit of the lord of Lagna in the second house indicates peace and happiness in the house.

The atmosphere will remain pleasant due to the arrival of a guest in the house. With the seventh aspect of Mercury Venus on the second house, there is a possibility of rain of wealth in the house. Transit of Rahu in the third house can create some kind of worry about siblings or there is a possibility of mutual dispute.

Control your speech at the end of the week. The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in the fifth house is indicating good news from children. Transit of the Sun can create some kind of dispute with the spouse. There may be some kind of problem in the work going on in partnership.

weekly Horoscope

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 4 August to 10 August 2024

Time is continuously auspicious for Aquarius sign people. Transit of the lord of Lagna in Lagna is considered very good. But Saturn is making you lazy due to which your work is getting delayed.

Do not leave the work for the future, get it done soon or else you may have to face problems in future. Transit of Rahu in the second house can create some kind of disturbance in your house.

Transit of Mars and Jupiter in the fourth house creates the possibility of bringing some kind of new vehicle in your house or if you are in a private job then you are likely to get an appraisal. Then transit of the Sun in the sixth house is destroying your enemies. If you had any kind of matter going on in the court then you are likely to get success in it.

weekly Horoscope

Pisces Weekly Horoscope 4 August to 10 August 2024

For Pisces, the lord of the ascendant is transiting in the third house, due to which you are likely to receive money continuously. Your respect may increase due to the increase in courage.

The progress of your siblings will also make you happy. This week, you will see such changes in your life. Due to which your life will appear to be changing.

The conjunction of the Sun in the fifth house is making you get good news from your children. The position of Mercury and Venus in the sixth house is indicating an increase in your enemies.

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