Today’s Horoscope, 22nd March 2024: Read your horoscope on VAMA

Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how today’s horoscope 22nd March is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

[Today’s Horoscope, 22nd March 2024]: Everyone wishes to know their horoscope for the day. In this regard, the renowned astrologer Acharya Dev brings today’s horoscope for you.

Today’s horoscope includes predictions about career, business, health, relationships with family and friends, love life, and the events that may unfold throughout the day. Additionally, there are remedies and today’s horoscope with lucky colour and number are suggested based on your zodiac sign.

Today is the fourth day of the waxing phase of the Falgun month, Wednesday. The star is Ashwini, the yoga is Aindra, and the karana is Vanij. After that, it is Vishthi (Bhadra).

The auspicious time for today is from 12:07 PM to 12:54 PM, and the inuspicious time for today is from 12:31 PM to 01:59 PM.

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2024.

LEO 2024VIRGO 2024

So now let us know in VAMA ‘s today’s horoscope, how will today’s day 22nd March, 2024 be for you.

First of all, let us know today’s horoscope of Aries.  

Today’s Aries Horoscope (22nd March 2024)

Today, Aries natives will get positive results in their work field. Businessmen will invest in new schemes. There will be an atmosphere of happiness in family life today. You will feel happy with your love partner. Your energy level will remain high. It is better to turn it in a positive direction. Today, by blindly trusting others, the chances of getting cheated are high. Control your anger otherwise disputes will increase.

Status: Aries natives can expect positive outcomes in their work field today, which can enhance their social status and reputation.

Relationship: Harmony and happiness are indicated in love relationships for Aries natives today, fostering a strong emotional bond with their partners.

Career: Aries natives, including businessmen, will likely invest in new schemes, indicating potential progress and growth in their careers or businesses.

Family: Family life will be marked by joy and contentment for Aries natives today, fostering a harmonious and supportive atmosphere at home.

Health: Aries natives can expect to maintain high energy levels today, but it’s important to channel this energy positively and to take care of their health to avoid potential issues. Additionally, controlling anger is advised to prevent unnecessary disputes.

Today’s Lucky Number – 17

Today’s Lucky Colour – Lemon

Today’s Remedy – Worship Lord Ganesha.

Today’s Taurus Horoscope (22nd March 2024)


Today, Taurus natives will start one of the best periods of their career life. Relatives and family members will bring you comfort and happiness today. Being extra generous by joining the group will create unnecessary financial burdens. Your love partner will support you emotionally. There will always be a smile on your face and even strangers will start recognizing you. Avoid harsh comments, even if you are forced to argue.

Status: Taurus natives may experience a positive boost in their social status as they enter a favourable period in their career life, potentially garnering recognition and respect from others.

Relationship: Emotional support and understanding from their love partner are highlighted for Taurus natives today, fostering a strong and supportive bond in their relationship.

Career: Taurus natives are likely to embark on a period of success and growth in their careers today, marking the beginning of positive developments and opportunities.

Family: Comfort and happiness are indicated in family life for Taurus natives today, as they receive warmth and support from their relatives and family members.

Health: Maintaining a positive outlook and a smile on their face can contribute to Taurus natives’ overall well-being today, promoting good mental and emotional health. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 5

Today’s Lucky Colour – Grey

Today’s Remedy – Float live planet fish in the river in the evening and add the lye for food.

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Today’s Gemini Horoscope (22nd March 2024)


Today, Gemini natives associated with engineering and accounting fields will get good rewards for their efforts. Auspicious work will take place in your family. There is a possibility of profit from buying and selling of property or vehicle. You will try to strengthen your relationship with your love partner. Today your confidence and energy will be positive. Today you will need to keep a vigilant eye to know what is happening around you.

Status: Gemini natives associated with engineering and accounting fields may receive recognition and rewards for their hard work, enhancing their social status and reputation in their professional circles.

Relationship: Efforts to strengthen the bond with their love partner are highlighted for Gemini natives today, indicating a desire for deeper connection and understanding in their relationship.

Career: Favourable developments in their career, particularly related to auspicious work and potential profits from property or vehicle transactions, are indicated for Gemini natives today.

Family: Positive and auspicious events are forecasted within the family, contributing to a harmonious and supportive familial environment for Gemini natives.

Health: Gemini natives are likely to experience a positive surge in confidence and energy levels today, which can positively impact their overall health and well-being. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 1

Today’s Lucky Colour – Green

Today’s Remedy – Offer 21 Durvas to Lord Ganesha with the mantra of Om Gan Ganapataye Namah.

Today’s Cancer Horoscope (22nd March 2024)


Today, Cancer natives are likely to get many opportunities at the workplace. Family support will help you make wise decisions. Be extra careful while investing your hard-earned money. You will not be able to spend time with your love partner today. When eating, make sure the food is nutritious and safe for consumption. This is the right time to bring changes in life by adopting a new but balanced attitude.     

Status: Cancer natives may encounter numerous opportunities in their workplace, potentially enhancing their social status and professional growth through diligent efforts and wise decision-making.

Relationship: Due to busy schedules or other commitments, Cancer natives may find it challenging to spend quality time with their love partner today, requiring understanding and communication to maintain harmony in their relationship.

Career: Cancer natives can expect supportive family dynamics to aid in making wise decisions regarding their career path, contributing to their professional growth and success in seizing opportunities presented at the workplace.

Family: Support and guidance from family members are highlighted for Cancer individuals today, enabling them to make informed decisions and navigate challenges effectively within their familial environment.

Health: Cancer natives are advised to prioritise nutritious and safe food choices to maintain their health and well-being, emphasising the importance of balanced nutrition for overall vitality and energy levels.

Today’s Lucky Number – 4

Today’s Lucky Colour – White

Today’s Remedy – Offer five-leaf Durva to Lord Ganesha and your wishes will be fulfilled.

Today’s Leo Horoscope (22nd March 2024)

LEO horoscope

Today, Leo natives will be able to see some of their professional aspirations fulfilled. Timely help from family will not only remove loneliness but will also save you from depression. Today only wise investment will give you good returns. Your relationship with your love partner will be very good. This is a beneficial day to work on things that will improve your health. Avoid running away from any problematic situation.

Status: Leo natives may experience a boost in their social status as they see some of their professional aspirations being fulfilled, potentially garnering recognition and respect from peers and colleagues.

Relationship: Leo natives can anticipate a harmonious and fulfilling relationship with their love partner today, fostering emotional connection and mutual understanding, contributing to the strength and stability of their romantic bond.

Career: Leo natives are likely to make progress in their career pursuits, aided by timely assistance from family members, which may help alleviate feelings of loneliness and contribute to their overall professional success and satisfaction.

Family: Support from family members will play a crucial role in Leo natives’ day, providing them with emotional support and guidance, helping them navigate challenges and maintain a positive outlook on life.

Health: Leo natives are encouraged to focus on activities and habits that promote good health and well-being, taking advantage of the beneficial day to work on improving their physical and mental health.

Today’s Lucky Number – 8

Today’s Lucky Colour – Navy Blue

Today’s Remedy – Recite Aditya Hridaya Stotra.

Today’s Virgo Horoscope (22nd March 2024)

VIRGO horoscope

Today, Virgo natives’ challenges at the workplace will make you a more tough and successful person. Spend some relaxing moments with family members. Your path will be easy but you will have to work carefully in financial matters. Your smiling face makes anyone’s heart skip a beat. Special attention is needed towards health. There is a possibility of getting trapped in the temptation of opponents.

Status: Challenges at the workplace may test Virgo individuals, but overcoming them will enhance their reputation and social status, earning them respect and recognition for their resilience and perseverance.

Relationship: Spending relaxing moments with family members can strengthen the bond between Virgo natives and their loved ones, fostering warmth and intimacy in their relationships and creating cherished memories together.

Career: Challenges at the workplace will present opportunities for Virgo individuals to demonstrate their resilience and determination, ultimately leading to personal and professional growth, paving the way for future success and achievement.

Family: Investing time in relaxing moments with family members will bring joy and contentment to Virgo natives, nurturing a supportive and harmonious family environment where they can find solace and comfort amidst life’s challenges.

Health: Virgo natives are reminded to pay special attention to their health, prioritising self-care and adopting healthy habits to maintain physical and mental well-being, ensuring they have the energy and vitality to tackle any challenges that come their way.

Today’s Lucky Number – 11

Today’s Lucky Colour – Turquoise

Today’s Remedy – Feed the birds today.

Today’s Libra Horoscope (22nd March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, the confidence and courage of Libra people will give a lot of inspiration to move forward at the workplace. You will receive unexpected gifts from close relatives and family members. To balance the budget, you will have to keep a close eye on expenses. Honest efforts will help you find true love. Feeling of insecurity and disorientation can cause dizziness. Avoid arguing with friends.

Status: Libra people will exude confidence and courage, earning admiration and respect from colleagues and superiors at the workplace, enhancing their social status and reputation as capable and determined natives.

Relationship: Honest efforts in relationships will lead to genuine connections and true love for Libra natives, fostering trust and understanding in their romantic partnerships, and bringing them closer to their loved ones.

Career: Libra natives confidence and courage will inspire them to make strides in their careers, propelling them forward towards success and advancement, as they tackle challenges with determination and resilience.

Family: Unexpected gifts from close relatives and family members will bring joy and happiness to Libra natives, strengthening their bond with their loved ones and creating a supportive and nurturing family environment.

Health: Libra natives are advised to beware of feelings of insecurity and disorientation, which may lead to dizziness, emphasising the importance of maintaining emotional balance and seeking support when needed to safeguard their overall well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 8

Today’s Lucky Colour – Cream

Today’s Remedy – Feed jaggery and gram to the cow.

Today’s Scorpio Horoscope (22nd March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Scorpio people need to execute their plans safely to bring desired business results. You will utilise your free time with family members in beautifying the house. Money will be received through online mediums. You will forget important work while spending time with your love partner. People will try to take advantage of your friendship.

Status: Scorpio natives will need to execute their plans safely to achieve desired business results, which may positively impact their social status and reputation as competent and strategic individuals in their professional endeavours.

Relationship: While spending time with their love partner, Scorpio individuals may forget important tasks, emphasising the need to balance personal relationships with other responsibilities, ensuring harmony and understanding in their romantic partnerships.

Career: Scorpio natives will focus on executing their plans effectively to achieve desired business outcomes, demonstrating their strategic thinking and competence in their career endeavours, potentially leading to success and advancement in their professional lives.

Family: Scorpio natives will utilise their free time to bond with family members and beautify their homes, fostering a sense of togetherness and harmony within the family, creating a supportive and nurturing environment for all.

Health: It’s important for Scorpio individuals to be cautious of potential exploitation by others who may try to take advantage of their friendship, emphasising the need to maintain boundaries and protect their emotional well-being and mental health.

Today’s Lucky Number – 9

Today’s Lucky Colour – Saffron

Today’s Remedy – Recite the Ganpati Stotra.

Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope (22nd March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Sagittarius, don’t waste your precious time just making plans at work. Sharing happiness with parents will remove their feelings of loneliness and depression. Wise investment and careful spending will yield immense benefits. There will be discord with your love partner. This is a good time to draw attention towards spirituality to increase mental strength. Will be troubled due to back pain.

Status: Sagittarius natives should avoid wasting time merely making plans at work, as taking action and executing plans effectively will contribute to their productivity and reputation in the workplace, potentially enhancing their social status as proactive and capable professionals.

Relationship: Discord with their love partner suggests that Sagittarius natives may encounter challenges or disagreements in their romantic relationships, highlighting the importance of effective communication and understanding to maintain harmony and resolve conflicts.

Career: Instead of just planning, Sagittarius individuals are advised to take decisive action in their professional endeavours, demonstrating their proactive approach and commitment to achieving their career goals, which may lead to success and advancement in their careers.

Family: Sharing happiness with parents can alleviate their feelings of loneliness and depression, fostering a sense of connection and support within the family unit, and strengthening bonds with loved ones.

Health: Sagittarius natives may experience back pain, indicating the need to prioritise their physical well-being by addressing any discomfort through appropriate measures such as rest, stretching, or seeking medical attention if necessary.

Today’s Lucky Number – 2

Today’s Lucky Colour – Light Pink

Today’s Remedy – Recite Ram Raksha Stotra.

Today’s Capricorn Horoscope (22nd March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Capricorn natives will have to resort to manipulation to bring expected business results. Today you will act as a peacemaker in the family. You will find yourself in a much better financial position. Today you will be attracted to someone. A happy state of mind brings mental peace. You have to prepare yourself to face unexpected risks. Some people will be troubled by cervical spondylosis.

Status: Capricorn natives may need to resort to manipulation or strategic tactics to achieve their desired business outcomes, which could impact their social status if not handled ethically and transparently. 

Relationship: Capricorn natives may experience attraction or romantic interest towards someone today, indicating potential developments in their love life. 

Career: Acting as a peacemaker within the family suggests that Capricorn natives may need to mediate conflicts or resolve tensions in their professional environments.

Family: Taking on the role of a peacemaker within the family indicates that Capricorn natives may play a pivotal role in resolving conflicts or promoting unity and understanding among family members.

Health: Some natives may experience discomfort or issues related to cervical spondylosis, highlighting the importance of prioritising their health and seeking appropriate medical attention or remedies to alleviate symptoms and promote overall well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 1

Today’s Lucky Colour – Light Brown

Today’s Remedy – Offer water mixed with peepal root in the evening.

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Today’s Aquarius Horoscope (22nd March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Aquarius natives will gain knowledge of new technical skills by attending a seminar. The company of humorous relatives will reduce your stress and give you much-needed relief. Today you are sure to gain money from the stock market. You should adopt a practical approach in love relationships. Mental alertness will help you solve any complex problem. Listen carefully to the advice of friends and follow it for your benefit.

Status: Attending a seminar and gaining knowledge of new technical skills can enhance Aquarius natives’ social status by showcasing their dedication to self-improvement and professional development. 

Relationship: Adopting a practical approach in love relationships suggests that Aquarius individuals may prioritise clear communication, mutual respect, and realistic expectations in their romantic partnerships. 

Career: Gaining knowledge of new technical skills through seminar attendance indicates Aquarius natives’ commitment to advancing their careers and staying updated with industry trends.

Family: Enjoying the company of humorous relatives can provide Aquarius individuals with much-needed stress relief and relaxation, fostering a positive and joyful atmosphere within the family. 

Health: Maintaining mental alertness to solve complex problems indicates Aquarius natives proactive approach to managing their mental health. Staying mentally sharp and attentive can help them navigate challenges effectively and maintain overall well-being. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 7

Today’s Lucky Colour – Metallic Blue

Today’s Remedy – Light a mustard oil lamp under the Peepal tree and say that your wish will be fulfilled.

Today’s Pisces Horoscope (22nd March 2024)

Today, Pisces people will have to try their best to achieve the desired success in the workplace. Your child’s performance will bring you great joy. Ending a long standing legal battle will help you avoid financial losses. Adopting an honest approach in love is likely to improve the relationship. Your positive attitude and confidence will ensure your success.

Status: Pisces natives may need to exert maximum effort to achieve desired success in the workplace, indicating their commitment to professional excellence and advancement. 

Relationship: Adopting an honest approach in love suggests that Pisces natives may prioritise authenticity, sincerity, and open communication in their romantic relationships..

Career: Striving for success in the workplace reflects Pisces natives determination to excel in their careers and accomplish their professional goals. 

Family: Finding joy in their child’s performance signifies Pisces natives emotional investment in their family life and their pride in their loved ones’ achievements. 

Health: Maintaining a positive attitude and confidence indicates Pisces natives proactive approach to maintaining their mental and emotional well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 7

Today’s Lucky Colour – Blue

Today’s Remedy – Recite Ganpati Atharvashirsha.

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