Today’s Horoscope, 21st March 2024: Read your horoscope on VAMA

Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how today’s horoscope 21st March is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

[Today’s Horoscope, 21st March 2024]: Everyone wishes to know their horoscope for the day. In this regard, the renowned astrologer Acharya Dev brings today’s horoscope for you.

Today’s horoscope includes predictions about career, business, health, relationships with family and friends, love life, and the events that may unfold throughout the day. Additionally, there are remedies and today’s horoscope with lucky colour and number are suggested based on your zodiac sign.

Today, in the Hindu lunar month of Phalgun, it is the twelfth day of the waxing phase, which falls on a Thursday. The lunar mansion is Ashlesha, and the yoga is Sukarma, with the karana being Bava followed by Balava.

The auspicious time for today is from 12:04 PM to 12:53 PM, while the inauspicious time for today is from 01:59 PM to 03:30 PM.

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2024.

LEO 2024VIRGO 2024

So now let us know in VAMA ‘s today’s horoscope, how will today’s day 21st March, 2024 be for you.

First of all, let us know today’s horoscope of Aries.  

Today’s Aries Horoscope (21st March 2024)

Today, Aries natives will get new opportunities in their career. Will give knowledge of moral education to children. Today there is a need to control unnecessary expenses. Do not upset your beloved partner, otherwise you will also get stressed. Be kind and remove your ego. Secret enemies will conspire to harm you. There will be some kind of problem related to health. It’s going to be a hectic day.

Status: Aries natives will encounter new career opportunities today, which can positively impact their social status and professional reputation.

Relationship: It’s advised not to upset one’s romantic partner today to avoid unnecessary stress in the love relationship. Kindness and humility are recommended to maintain harmony.

Career: Today presents new career prospects for Aries individuals, indicating potential advancements or opportunities in their professional life.

Family: Educating children on moral values is highlighted, suggesting a focus on family values and upbringing. Additionally, there may be concerns about managing expenses, which can affect family dynamics.

Health: There might be health-related issues or challenges today, indicating a need for careful attention to one’s well-being amidst a busy schedule.

Today’s Lucky Number – 6

Today’s Lucky Colour – Chocolate

Today’s Remedy – Feed bananas to the cow.

Today’s Taurus Horoscope (21st March 2024)

Today, disappointment in the business of Taurus natives will encourage them to work harder. The cheerful nature of the family members will make the atmosphere of the house pleasant. Investing in real estate is a good idea. The company of your love partner will inspire you. For good health, you should adopt good eating habits. Listen to your inner voice and do what is right.

Status: Taurus natives may experience disappointment in their business endeavours today, which can affect their social status and professional confidence. 

Relationship: Spending time with one’s love partner is highlighted as a source of inspiration and positivity. This can contribute to strengthening the love relationship and fostering emotional well-being.

Career: Encountering setbacks in business may serve as a motivation for Taurus individuals to intensify their efforts and strive for better outcomes in their professional pursuits.

Family: The cheerful and supportive nature of family members is emphasised, contributing to a pleasant and harmonious atmosphere within the household. 

Health: Adopting good eating habits is recommended for maintaining good health and well-being. Prioritising health-conscious choices can contribute to overall physical and mental wellness.

Today’s Lucky Number – 8

Today’s Lucky Colour – Cream

Today’s Remedy – Feed jaggery and gram to the cow.

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Today’s Gemini Horoscope (21st March 2024)

Today, the efforts made by Gemini natives in their workplace in the morning will determine the path to success. Do not have unnecessary disputes over small matters at home. Today is a very good day in terms of financial situation. Today you will meet your love partner and hang out together. You have to control your speech otherwise your social status will be weak. You will surely get success in the work done with the suggestion of friends.

Status: Gemini natives are advised to be mindful of their speech and avoid unnecessary disputes, as these can impact their social status and reputation negatively.

Relationship: Spending time with one’s love partner is highlighted as a source of joy and companionship. This signifies a positive and harmonious relationship, contributing to emotional fulfilment and well-being.

Career: The efforts made by Gemini natives in their workplace are emphasised as crucial for determining their path to success. Diligence and dedication in the morning can pave the way for favourable outcomes in their professional endeavours.

Family: Avoiding unnecessary disputes over trivial matters at home is recommended, fostering a peaceful and harmonious family environment. 

Health: It’s important for individuals to prioritise their health by maintaining a balanced lifestyle, including regular exercise, proper nutrition, adequate rest, and seeking medical attention when necessary.

Today’s Lucky Number – 31

Today’s Lucky Colour – Royal Blue

Today’s Remedy – Feed wheat and jaggery to the monkey.

Today’s Cancer Horoscope (21st March 2024)

Today, Cancer natives will find themselves developing interest in routine work. Your nature will be the centre of attraction in family social functions. Businessmen will have to work hard to earn their profits. There will definitely be some problems in love life, solve it by talking. People suffering from heart and circulatory diseases will get a solution. You will definitely get the solution to your problem today.

Status: Cancer natives may find themselves gaining recognition for their diligent approach towards routine tasks, which could positively impact their social status within their community or social circle.

Relationship: Challenges may arise in the love life of Cancer natives today, suggesting the need for open communication and resolution of any issues through dialogue and understanding.

Career: Cancer natives involved in business ventures may encounter challenges requiring them to put in extra effort to ensure profitability and success in their endeavours.

Family: Cancer natives are likely to be the centre of attention in family gatherings or social functions, enjoying a harmonious and enjoyable time with their loved ones.

Health: Those suffering from heart and circulatory ailments among Cancer natives may find relief or solutions to their health issues today, indicating a positive turn in their well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 1

Today’s Lucky Colour – Pink

Today’s Remedy – Reciting Hanuman Chalisa before leaving home, you will get success.

Today’s Leo Horoscope (21st March 2024)

Today Leo natives will have to face some problems in their workplace. Today you will launch a sales scheme in your business. Children will help in completing household duties. Today’s investment will be beneficial for you. Your attraction towards your partner will increase. Music will help you overcome mental and physical problems. Don’t criticise anyone.

Status: Leo natives may encounter some challenges in their workplace today, which could potentially affect their social standing or reputation among colleagues or superiors.

Relationship: There could be an increase in attraction and affection between Leo natives and their partners today, fostering a deeper connection and intimacy in their love relationships.

Career: Launching a sales scheme in their business endeavours indicates proactive efforts by Leo natives to boost their career prospects and financial success.

Family: Children’s assistance in completing household duties suggests a harmonious and cooperative atmosphere within the family, where everyone contributes to shared responsibilities.

Health: Leo natives may find solace and relief from mental and physical issues through music therapy, indicating the importance of self-care and relaxation for overall well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 22

Today’s Lucky Colour – Saffron

Today’s Remedy – Perform aarti with camphor and cloves in the whole house.

Today’s Virgo Horoscope (21st March 2024)

Today, Virgo natives associated with graphic designing, computer software or networking have a strong possibility of getting job opportunities abroad. You will have to take disciplinary action to change the bad habits of children. You will take a loan to buy a vehicle. Your efforts will contribute to strengthening your love life. You are likely to get relief from right ear pain.

Status: Virgo natives associated with graphic designing, computer software, or networking may enhance their social status today by securing job opportunities abroad, showcasing their expertise and skills on an international platform.

Relationship: Efforts to strengthen love life indicate a proactive approach by Virgo natives to nurture and deepen their romantic bonds, fostering greater understanding and harmony in their relationships.

Career: The possibility of job opportunities abroad suggests significant career advancements for Virgo individuals in fields like graphic designing, computer software, or networking, providing them with new avenues for professional growth and development.

Family: Taking disciplinary action to address children’s bad habits highlights Virgo natives’ commitment to maintaining discipline and order within the family, ensuring a conducive environment for growth and development.

Health: Relief from right ear pain signifies an improvement in Virgo individuals’ physical well-being, indicating potential relief from discomfort or health issues related to the ear.

Today’s Lucky Number – 8

Today’s Lucky Colour – Lemon

Today’s Remedy – Circulate a coconut around the house and break it outside the main door, negativity will go away.

Today’s Libra Horoscope (21st March 2024)

Today, Libra natives will get better results than expected at their workplace, which will increase your confidence. Will try to solve problems at home immediately. Financial situation is likely to improve but not as per your expectations. Today you will talk for a long time with your love partner on your mobile. In case of blood loss, you will consult a doctor.

Status: Libra natives may experience a boost in social status today as they achieve better-than-expected results in their workplace, garnering recognition and appreciation for their efforts and abilities.

Relationship: Engaging in long conversations with their love partner indicates Libra natives commitment to nurturing their romantic relationships, fostering deeper connections and understanding between them.

Career: Successfully solving workplace problems contributes to Libra natives career advancement, enhancing their professional reputation and instilling confidence in their abilities to overcome challenges.

Family: Taking immediate action to address issues at home demonstrates Libra natives’ dedication to maintaining harmony and peace within their family environment, fostering a supportive and nurturing atmosphere.

Health: Consulting a doctor in case of blood loss highlights Libra natives’ proactive approach to addressing health concerns, prioritising their well-being and seeking appropriate medical attention when needed.

Today’s Lucky Number – 15

Today’s Lucky Colour – Orange

Today’s Remedy – Hang lemon and chilli at the main door, negative energy will not enter.

Today’s Scorpio Horoscope (21st March 2024)

Today, concentration and continuous hard work will guarantee Scorpio natives success at the workplace. Family members are going to take great care of you today. Do not make too risky investments otherwise you may lose money. You will help someone succeed in love. People suffering from heart disease need to take special care. Problems will arise due to conflicting ideas with friends.

Status: Scorpio natives can expect an elevation in their social status today as their dedication and continuous hard work yield success in the workplace, earning them recognition and respect from colleagues and superiors.

Relationship: Playing a supportive role in helping someone succeed in love indicates Scorpio natives commitment to fostering strong and nurturing relationships, contributing to the happiness and fulfilment of their loved ones.

Career: Concentrating and putting in continuous hard work ensures Scorpio natives achieve success in their careers today, positioning them favourably for advancement and recognition in their professional endeavours.

Family: Scorpio natives can anticipate receiving great care and support from family members today, fostering a sense of security and belonging within their familial relationships.

Health: Those suffering from heart disease are advised to take special care of their health today, prioritising measures to manage and mitigate the risks associated with their condition.

Today’s Lucky Number – 18

Today’s Lucky Colour – Cream

Today’s Remedy – Make pakoras and distribute them among the poor.

Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope (21st March 2024)

Today Sagittarius natives will implement their ambitious business plans. For some people, a change in residence will prove beneficial. Today you will pay all your old bills. Despite your love partner’s hatred, you should express your love so that the relationship can move forward. Asthma patients should maintain distance from smokers. You will benefit greatly by joining any social work group.

Status: Sagittarius natives can expect a boost in their social status today as they implement ambitious business plans, showcasing their leadership and entrepreneurial skills to peers and associates, thereby enhancing their reputation and influence within their professional network.

Relationship: Despite potential challenges and conflicts with their love partner, expressing love and affection is advised for Sagittarius natives today, fostering understanding and strengthening the bond in their romantic relationship, enabling it to progress positively.

Career: Implementing ambitious business plans ensures Sagittarius individuals make significant strides in their careers today, propelling them towards their professional goals and aspirations, and opening up new opportunities for growth and success.

Family: Some Sagittarius natives may benefit from a change in residence today, which can contribute to a positive and harmonious family environment, promoting stability and happiness within the household.

Health: Asthma patients are cautioned to maintain distance from smokers today, prioritising measures to protect their respiratory health and minimise exposure to triggers that may exacerbate their condition.

Today’s Lucky Number – 11

Today’s Lucky Colour – Yellow

Today’s Remedy – Recite Vishnu Sahastranam.

Today’s Capricorn Horoscope (21st March 2024)

Today, Capricorn natives, if you are looking for a career abroad then you will be successful. You will get some good news from a relative. Today is going to be a very auspicious day from a financial point of view, there will be financial gain. There will be sweet talks and meetings with your love partner. Eat food on time to maintain good health. Today your day will be spent in social work.

Status: Capricorn natives may experience a positive boost in their social status today, particularly if they succeed in securing career opportunities abroad, which can enhance their reputation and standing within their professional and social circles.

Relationship: Sweet talks and meaningful meetings with their love partner characterise Capricorn individuals’ romantic relationships today, fostering intimacy, understanding, and harmony in their love life, strengthening their bond with their partner.

Career: Capricorn natives aiming for a career abroad can expect success today, as favourable opportunities arise and their efforts to expand their professional horizons yield positive outcomes, paving the way for advancement and growth in their career.

Family: Good news from a relative brings joy and positivity to Capricorn natives’ family life today, fostering a sense of unity, happiness, and emotional fulfilment within the household.

Health: Prioritising timely meals is essential for maintaining good health, and Capricorn individuals are reminded to eat food on time today to support their well-being and ensure proper nutrition.

Today’s Lucky Number – 20

Today’s Lucky Colour – Grey

Today’s Remedy – Do not use mustard oil on the body today.

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Today’s Aquarius Horoscope (21st March 2024)

Today, help from like-minded colleagues will be crucial for Aquarius natives business success. Children will bring some tremendous news. Today you will invest in such stocks whose rates are going to increase, which will bring financial benefits in future. Many things may spoil due to excessive shyness. You will be successful in maintaining distance from negative emotions. Circumstances will demand you to change your daily schedule.

Status: Aquarius natives may find their social status positively impacted today, especially in their professional sphere, as they receive crucial assistance and support from like-minded colleagues, enhancing their reputation and influence in their workplace and social circles.

Relationship: Experiencing excessive shyness may hinder Aquarius natives’ romantic endeavours today, potentially causing missed opportunities or strained interactions with their partner.

Career: Aquarius natives business endeavours receive a significant boost today, as they receive invaluable help and cooperation from colleagues who share their vision and goals, leading to success and progress in their professional pursuits.

Family: Exciting news brought by children brings joy and excitement to Aquarius natives’ family life today, fostering positivity, enthusiasm, and a sense of pride within the household.

Health: Successfully maintaining distance from negative emotions contributes to Aquarius natives overall well-being today, promoting mental and emotional balance and resilience in the face of challenging circumstances.

Today’s Lucky Number – 11

Today’s Lucky Colour – Purple

Today’s Remedy – Do not use soap while washing clothes or bathing today.

Today’s Pisces Horoscope (21st March 2024)

Today, Pisces natives will achieve success in work with the help of their colleagues. Old family contacts and close relatives will be very helpful. If you invest in the education sector in the share market today, you will get financial gain. Your love partner will give you a very beautiful gift today. To get relief from body pain, you will benefit greatly from massage therapy. There will be some kind of problem in the left eye also.

Status: Pisces individuals may experience a boost in their social status today. As they achieve success in their work with the support and collaboration of their colleagues. 

Relationship: Pisces natives are likely to receive a beautiful and thoughtful gift from their love partner today. You will foster appreciation, and joy in their romantic relationship.

Career: Success awaits Pisces individuals in their professional endeavours today, as they benefit from the assistance of their colleagues and achieve significant milestones at work.

Family: Close family contacts and relatives play a supportive role in Pisces natives’ lives today, offering assistance and guidance when needed. 

Health: Pisces natives may experience relief from body pain through massage therapy today, enhancing their physical well-being and promoting relaxation and comfort. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 8

Today’s Lucky Colour – Dark Yellow

Today’s Remedy – Recite Ram Raksha Stotra.

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