Today’s Horoscope, 17th March 2024: Read your horoscope on VAMA

Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how today’s horoscope 17th March is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

[Today’s Horoscope, 17th March 2024]: Everyone wishes to know their horoscope for the day. In this regard, the renowned astrologer Acharya Dev brings today’s horoscope for you.

Today’s horoscope includes predictions about career, business, health, relationships with family and friends, love life, and the events that may unfold throughout the day. Additionally, there are remedies and today’s horoscope with lucky colour and number are suggested based on your zodiac sign.

Today is the eighth day of the waxing phase of the Falgun month, Sunday, under the Mrigashirsha Nakshatra, with the yoga being Ayushman and the Karana being Vishti (Bhadra). The auspicious time today (shubh muhurat) is from 12:05 PM to 12:53 PM, and the Rahu Kaal is from 04:59 PM to 06:30 PM.

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2024.

LEO 2024VIRGO 2024

So now let us know in VAMA ‘s today’s horoscope, how will today’s day 17th March, 2024 be for you.

First of all, let us know today’s horoscope of Aries.  

Today’s Aries Horoscope (17th March 2024)

Today, Aries natives’ understanding of new technology will help them maintain an edge over their competitors. Will go to the hospital to meet a sick relative. Today you will recover the money that has been outstanding for a long time. Today you will get the necessary strength to strengthen your love. To stay healthy you should drink as much water as possible. Today you will not be able to stop yourself from being attracted towards materialistic needs.

status: Aries natives’ understanding of new technology will help them maintain an edge over their competitors, potentially enhancing their reputation in their professional circle.

Relationship: Today you will get the necessary strength to strengthen your love, indicating a positive development or improvement in your romantic relationship.

Career: Aries natives may utilize their understanding of new technology to advance in their career, potentially gaining an advantage over their competitors.

Family: Will go to the hospital to meet a sick relative, showing care and concern for family members during times of illness or distress.

Health: To stay healthy, Aries natives should drink as much water as possible, emphasizing the importance of hydration for overall well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 2

Today’s Lucky Colour – Pink

Today’s Remedy – Offer Arghya to Lord Sun by pouring water in a copper pot along with hibiscus flowers.

Today’s Taurus Horoscope (17th March 2024)

Today, the writing ability of Taurus natives will bring you the desired success in your respective field. You will be able to communicate your feelings to your family members effectively. Investing in antiques and jewellery will bring monetary gains and also improve your financial condition. Today you will enjoy a very sweet love journey. You are conscious about your health, this is a good quality of yours. Today you have to be cautious of enemies.

Status: The writing ability of Taurus natives will bring desired success in their respective fields, potentially enhancing their social status and reputation.

Relationship: Today, Taurus natives will enjoy a very sweet love journey, indicating positive developments or romantic experiences in their relationships.

Career: Taurus natives may find success in their careers through their writing ability, potentially achieving recognition or advancement in their professional field.

Family: Taurus natives will be able to communicate their feelings to their family members effectively, fostering understanding and harmony within the family unit.

Health: Taurus natives are conscious about their health, reflecting a good quality and a proactive approach to maintaining their well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 15

Today’s Lucky Colour – Turquoise

Today’s Remedy – Offer Madar flower to Lord Shiva with great enthusiasm and your wish will be fulfilled.

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Today’s Gemini Horoscope (17th March 2024)

Today, Gemini people will be disappointed due to colleagues not achieving their goals in the workplace. Parents will remain stressed by involving themselves in useless matters. Avoid taking unnecessary loans as this will put unnecessary pressure on you. Your love partner will come in your dreams. By doing meditation for the first time, your mind will wander among many thoughts and you will not be able to concentrate. You will have a desire to do something, but due to lack of any support it will be difficult for you to do so.

Status: Gemini natives may experience disappointment due to colleagues not achieving their goals in the workplace, potentially impacting their social status and confidence in their professional environment.

Relationship: The presence of the love partner in their dreams suggests a deep connection or longing in Gemini natives love relationships, indicating emotional significance and possibly influencing their thoughts and feelings towards their partner.

Career: Colleagues not achieving their goals in the workplace may lead to frustration or setbacks in Gemini individuals’ careers, highlighting challenges or obstacles they may encounter in their professional endeavours.

Family: Parents may experience stress by involving themselves in useless matters, potentially affecting the familial atmosphere and causing tension within the family unit for Gemini individuals.

Health: Trying meditation for the first time may result in a scattered mind and difficulty concentrating for Gemini natives, indicating potential challenges in their efforts to improve their mental well-being through meditation practices.

Today’s Lucky Number – 9

Today’s Lucky Colour – Magenta

Today’s Remedy – Wear a copper ring on the ring finger.

Today’s Cancer Horoscope (17th March 2024)

Today, Cancer natives will use their business skills and expertise to expand their business. Today you will help a sick relative financially or physically. To improve your financial condition, you may plan to mortgage your property. Today you will be attracted to someone’s beauty. Do not undergo any kind of surgery today, it is not an auspicious day for you. To get rid of the past you have to make yourself mentally strong.

Status: Cancer natives may enhance their social status by utilizing their business skills and expertise to expand their business, potentially gaining recognition and respect in their professional community.

Relationship: Feeling attracted to someone’s beauty today suggests a potential romantic interest or attraction in Cancer individuals’ love life, indicating a desire for connection or admiration towards someone special.

Career: Expanding their business through the application of their business skills and expertise signifies growth and advancement in Cancer individuals’ career, showcasing their ability to seize opportunities and achieve success in their professional endeavours.

Family: Providing financial or physical assistance to a sick relative demonstrates Cancer individuals’ dedication to family and their willingness to support loved ones in times of need, fostering harmony and unity within the family.

Health: Advising against undergoing any surgery today signifies potential risks or complications associated with medical procedures for Cancer individuals, highlighting the importance of caution and avoiding unnecessary health risks.

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Lucky Colour – Light Yellow

Today’s Remedy – Offer a pot of water from a copper pot to the Madar tree while meditating on Lord Surya.

Today’s Leo Horoscope (17th March 2024)

Today, Leo natives should not try to change their career completely, otherwise they will face difficulty in achieving success. You will be happy if you take a short trip with relatives along with your family. To get more returns you will have to take more risk, this is the secret mantra of earning money. Today in the afternoon you will enjoy a stroll with your love partner. Drive the vehicle carefully to avoid any problem. Avoid giving unnecessary importance to small things.

Status: Advising Leo individuals against completely changing their career path suggests the importance of stability and continuity in maintaining their social status. 

Relationship: Enjoying a stroll with their love partner in the afternoon indicates a romantic and pleasant experience for Leo natives in their love relationship.

Career: Cautioning against drastic career changes implies the potential challenges and difficulties Leo individuals may face in achieving success if they pursue major career shifts. 

Family: Taking a short trip with relatives and family members signifies a time of bonding and enjoyment within the family for Leo natives. It suggests a harmonious and joyful atmosphere, where spending quality time with loved ones strengthens familial relationships.

Health: Advising to drive the vehicle carefully to avoid any problems underscores the importance of prioritising safety and well-being in Leo natives daily activities. It implies a focus on caution and mindfulness to prevent potential accidents or health risks.

Today’s Lucky Number – 2

Today’s Lucky Colour – Light Pink

Today’s Remedy – Recite Aditya Hridaya Stotra, your wish will be fulfilled, political wish will also be fulfilled.

Today’s Virgo Horoscope (17th March 2024)

Today, Virgo natives will take a training which will help you in giving positive results anywhere, anytime. Today you will buy expensive jewellery or home appliances. Today you will make a plan to improve your financial situation. You will make your love partner happy by giving a beautiful gift. You have to be a little careful while travelling long distances. Some people will be troubled by back pain, seek doctor’s advice.

Status: Engaging in training that yields positive results emphasises Virgo individuals’ commitment to personal and professional development, enhancing their social status by showcasing their dedication to growth and improvement.

Relationship: Making their love partner happy by giving a beautiful gift signifies Virgo natives efforts to nurture and strengthen their romantic relationship. 

Career: Taking training to improve skills suggests Virgo natives proactive approach to advancing their career and achieving success. 

Family: Buying expensive jewellery or home appliances implies a focus on improving the household and enhancing family comfort and well-being. 

Health: Being careful while travelling long distances highlights Virgo natives’ awareness of potential health risks associated with travel. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 1

Today’s Lucky Colour – Lemon

Today’s Remedy – If there is unrest in the family, then chant Surya with Vedic mantras.

Today’s Libra Horoscope (17th March 2024)

Today, Libra natives will use their hidden talents due to competition at the workplace. Family members will hold a special place in your life. With the arrival of money you will manage all your expenses. Lovers will take utmost care of family sentiments. While trying to lose weight, stay away from all types of sugar and fried snacks. Prepare yourself to face a life of adventure and risk.

Status: Utilising hidden talents in response to workplace competition showcases Libra natives abilities and potential, enhancing their social status by demonstrating their skills and capabilities to colleagues and superiors.

Relationship: Taking utmost care of family sentiments in romantic relationships highlights Libra natives commitment to maintaining harmony and balance between their love life and familial relationships. 

Career: Using hidden talents to navigate workplace competition suggests Libra natives adaptability and resourcefulness in achieving success in their professional endeavours. 

Family: Holding a special place for family members in life emphasises Libra individuals’ strong familial bonds and prioritisation of family relationships. 

Health: Staying away from sugar and fried snacks while trying to lose weight reflects Libra natives commitment to maintaining their health and well-being. 

Today’s Lucky number – 3

Today’s Lucky Colour – Brown

Today’s Remedy – Feed jaggery to the cow.

Today’s Scorpio Horoscope (17th March 2024)

Today, Scorpio natives will start all their work only after noon. There will be financial gain due to the crowd of customers in business today. By attending a family function, you will form new relationships. Income and expenditure are likely to remain balanced. Someone will be attracted to you because of your habit of keeping others happy. You should reduce your stress today otherwise you will not be able to sleep throughout the night. Some people will suffer from health related problems due to change in weather.

Status: Starting work in the afternoon showcases Scorpio natives flexibility and adaptability, reflecting positively on their social status as they demonstrate efficiency in managing their tasks and responsibilities.

Relationship: Attracting someone due to the habit of keeping others happy highlights Scorpio natives’ charismatic and caring nature in their relationships. 

Career: Experiencing financial gain from increased customer traffic in business suggests Scorpio individuals’ success in capitalising on opportunities and maximising profits in their professional endeavours. 

Family: Forming new relationships by attending a family function emphasises Scorpio natives’ openness to building connections and bonds with relatives and loved ones. 

Health: Experiencing health problems due to weather changes underscores the importance of Scorpio natives self-care and attention to their well-being. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 4

Today’s Lucky Colour – Pinkish Brown

Today’s Remedy – Put Ganga water and jaggery in a copper pot and offer it to the Sun.

Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope (17th March 2024)

Today, the respect of Sagittarius natives will increase at their workplace due to their knowledge of computers and expertise in managing programs properly. You will be successful in resolving past differences with close associates. Guidance from parents will help in new plans and projects. Money will be received through online mediums. Only positive thinking will keep your love life happy. Today you will feel healthy and happy.

Status: Sagittarius natives expertise in computer management and program proficiency enhances their respect and reputation in the workplace. 

Relationship: Maintaining a positive outlook fosters happiness in Sagittarius natives love life, emphasising the importance of optimism and constructive thinking in nurturing romantic relationships. 

Career: Successfully resolving past differences with close associates indicates Sagittarius individuals’ adeptness in conflict resolution and interpersonal skills, fostering cooperation and collaboration in their professional endeavours. 

Family: Receiving guidance from parents for new plans and projects underscores Sagittarius individuals’ appreciation for familial support and wisdom. 

Health: Feeling healthy and happy emphasises Sagittarius natives overall well-being and positive mindset. It underscores the importance of mental and physical wellness in maintaining a fulfilling and balanced life.

Today’s Lucky Number – 22

Today’s Lucky Colour – Saffron

Today’s Remedy – Before leaving the house, definitely bow to the Sun.

Today’s Capricorn Horoscope (17th March 2024)

Today, Capricorn natives should not misbehave with their colleagues at the workplace. Your careless behaviour is harming the interests of other family members. Do money transactions very carefully. Today you will reduce the discord with your love partner, but consider this as an opportunity if you want to maintain the relationship. A little restraint in eating habits will save you from stomach problems. By joining a social organisation you will help people.

Status: Capricorn individuals are advised to maintain professionalism and avoid misbehaviour with colleagues at work to uphold their social status and reputation in the workplace. 

Relationship: It is important for Capricorn natives to address any careless behaviour that may be affecting their relationship with their love partner. 

Career: Carelessness that harms the interests of other family members can have implications for Capricorn natives career stability and advancement. 

Family: Capricorn individuals need to be mindful of their actions and how they affect their family members’ well-being and interests. 

Health: Practising restraint in eating habits is recommended for Capricorn individuals to prevent stomach problems and maintain good digestive health. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 18

Today’s Lucky Colour – Beige

Today’s Remedy – Give sugar and flour mixed to ants.

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Today’s Aquarius Horoscope (17th March 2024)

Today, Aquarius natives should not have any kind of illusion at the workplace, otherwise you will face problems. Family members are making some kind of plan this evening which will create a happy atmosphere in the house. Investing in real estate will be profitable. Today you may have an argument with your love partner on some issue. You will have to face some problems due to headache. Friends will come to your help if needed.

Status: Aquarius natives are advised to maintain clarity and avoid any illusions or misconceptions in their professional endeavours. 

Relationship: Aquarius individuals may experience disagreements or arguments with their love partner today. It is important for them to address issues calmly and communicate openly to resolve conflicts and maintain a healthy relationship.

Career: Maintaining focus and clarity at work is crucial for Aquarius individuals to navigate challenges effectively and avoid potential problems. 

Family: A positive and happy atmosphere is forecasted in the household as family members collaborate on making plans. Participating in family activities and fostering a harmonious environment contribute to Aquarius natives’ social standing within their family circle.

Health: Aquarius natives may encounter headaches or other health issues today. Prioritising self-care and seeking appropriate remedies or treatments can help alleviate discomfort and promote overall well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 15

Today’s Lucky Colour – Red

Today’s Remedy – Give jaggery and roasted gram to the poor to eat.

Today’s Pisces Horoscope (17th March 2024)

Today, Pisces natives will achieve success in their work field by taking quick and judicious decisions. Good results from children will bring a different kind of happiness. To maintain financial prosperity, you will have to take some calculated risks. Today you will be happy with your lovemate and the day will pass happily. You should do yoga and exercise to lose weight. Today for some reason you will be very busy and will also feel a little stressed.

Status: Pisces natives will earn recognition and respect in their work field by making swift and wise decisions. Their ability to navigate challenges and achieve success enhances their social status and reputation among colleagues and peers.

Relationship: Pisces natives will enjoy a day filled with happiness and contentment with their partner. Strengthening their bond through shared experiences and mutual affection contributes to the health and stability of their romantic relationship.

Career: Success awaits Pisces natives in their professional pursuits, provided they make quick and prudent decisions. Embracing opportunities and taking calculated risks can lead to advancements and accomplishments in their career, bolstering their professional reputation.

Family: Happiness will abound as Pisces natives celebrate the accomplishments of their children. Positive outcomes from familial endeavours contribute to the overall harmony and well-being of the family unit, enhancing Pisces natives social standing within their family circle.

Health: Prioritising physical well-being is essential for Pisces individuals, particularly through activities like yoga and exercise to maintain a healthy weight. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 1

Today’s Lucky Colour – Orange

Today’s Remedy – While going for any important work, keep dry Madar wood with you, you will get success in the work.

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