Today’s Horoscope, 18th March 2024: Read your horoscope on VAMA

Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how today’s horoscope 18th March is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

[Today’s Horoscope, 18th March 2024]: Everyone wishes to know their horoscope for the day. In this regard, the renowned astrologer Acharya Dev brings today’s horoscope for you.

Today’s horoscope includes predictions about career, business, health, relationships with family and friends, love life, and the events that may unfold throughout the day. Additionally, there are remedies and today’s horoscope with lucky colour and number are suggested based on your zodiac sign.

Today is the ninth day of the bright fortnight of the month of Phalguna, Monday, with the Ardra Nakshatra, Saubhagya Yoga, and the Kaulava Karana. The auspicious time for today is from 12:05 PM to 12:53 PM, and auspicious time for today is from 07:59 AM to 09:29 AM.

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2024.

LEO 2024VIRGO 2024

So now let us know in VAMA ‘s today’s horoscope, how will today’s day 18th March, 2024 be for you.

First of all, let us know today’s horoscope of Aries.  

Today’s Aries Horoscope (18th March 2024)

Despite the best efforts of Aries natives today, they will not get satisfactory results in the workplace. You may have to face some domestic problems. Investing in the share market today will not bring much benefit. Today your love partner will not be able to help you when needed. Diabetes patients will develop the habit of regular walking from today. Be careful, some people can fraud you by posing as friends.

Status: Despite their best efforts, Aries natives may not achieve satisfactory results in the workplace today, which could affect their social status among colleagues and superiors.

Relationship: Today, Aries natives may experience a lack of support or assistance from their love partners when needed, potentially leading to strains or disagreements in their relationships.

Career: Challenges and obstacles may arise in the career path of Aries natives today, despite their efforts. This could affect their professional growth and progress.

Family: Domestic issues or conflicts may surface for Aries natives today, requiring attention and resolution within the family sphere.

Health: Diabetes patients among Aries natives are advised to adopt a habit of regular walking from today to improve their health condition. Additionally, they should remain cautious of potential health risks and fraudulent activities.

Today’s Lucky Number – 22

Today’s Lucky Colour – Turquoise

Today’s Remedy – Help the poor with money.

Today’s Taurus Horoscope (18th March 2024)


Today, Taurus natives will be able to make proper use of those opportunities which will give progress in their career. Performing religious rituals at home will prove beneficial. Today is the right time to invest in the share or commodity market, you will get good returns. Today you will try to improve your love relationships. People who smoke are advised to quit smoking otherwise they will become victims of serious diseases. Your intelligence and reaction will be of great help in developing right relationships with others.

Status: Taurus natives may experience progress in their career today, which could positively impact their social status and reputation among colleagues and peers.

Relationship: Today, Taurus natives will focus on improving their love relationships, dedicating time and effort to strengthen bonds with their partners.

Career: Opportunities for career advancement and success are likely to arise for Taurus natives today, prompting them to take proactive steps towards their professional goals.

Family: Performing religious rituals at home will bring benefits to Taurus natives and their families, fostering a sense of harmony and spiritual well-being within the household.

Health: Taurus natives who smoke are advised to quit smoking today to prevent the risk of serious diseases and improve their overall health and well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 1

Today’s Lucky Colour – Maroon

Today’s Remedy – Help a poor girl financially in her marriage.

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Today’s Gemini Horoscope (18th March 2024)


Today, Gemini natives will accept challenging work at their workplace which will be beneficial in the future. Today your behaviour with family members at home will be very good which will create an atmosphere of happiness. Improvement in financial situations will enable you to make important purchases. Don’t wait for something big to enjoy your lover’s company. Exercise has hormonal effects on the body, keeping the body healthy.

Status: Gemini natives may accept challenging tasks at work, which could enhance their reputation and status among colleagues and superiors.

Relationship: Today, Gemini natives will prioritise spending quality time with their loved ones, enjoying moments of happiness and intimacy in their relationships.

Career: Accepting challenging work assignments at the workplace will pave the way for future success and career advancement for Gemini individuals.

Family: Gemini natives will exhibit positive behaviour towards family members, fostering a harmonious and joyful atmosphere within the household.

Health: Engaging in regular exercise will have positive hormonal effects on the body, promoting overall health and well-being for Gemini natives.

Today’s Lucky Number – 22

Today’s Lucky Colour – Brown

Today’s Remedy – Feed toffee to children.

Today’s Cancer Horoscope (18th March 2024)


Today, people with Cancer natives will be very worried at their workplace. There will be ups and downs in business. Today you will attend some function which will bring you in contact with your close relatives. Do not take any risk in investment today. Today there will be tension with your love partner over some issue. You must protect your belongings while travelling, because there is a possibility of losing valuables. You will go to see an admitted patient in the hospital.      

Status: Cancer natives may experience worry and stress at their workplace today, potentially affecting their social status and relationships with colleagues.

Relationship: Tension may arise with their love partner over some issue today, leading to potential conflicts or disagreements in their relationship.

Career: There will be ups and downs in business for Cancer natives today, requiring them to navigate challenges and uncertainties in their professional endeavours.

Family: Attending a function and coming into contact with close relatives may provide a sense of familial connection and support amidst other concerns.

Health: While visiting an admitted patient in the hospital, Cancer natives should also take care to protect their belongings while travelling, ensuring their own safety and well-being.                 

Today’s Lucky Number – 18

Today’s Lucky Colour – Pink

Today’s Remedy – Roam the coconut around the house and break it at the main entrance, the negativity from the house will go away.

Today’s Leo Horoscope (18th March 2024)

LEO horoscope

Today, Leo natives will be successful in achieving their goals by managing their time wisely. Good news will bring happiness in the family. To keep your relationship with your spouse sweet, understand his/her feelings. Getting a government contract will bring you great happiness today and financial benefits in the future. You will experience the happiness of love. Do not use things containing too much oil in your food. Court cases will be in your favour.

Status: Leo natives will experience success in achieving their goals by effectively managing their time, which may positively impact their social status and reputation among peers.

Love Relationship: Understanding and empathising with their spouse’s feelings will help Leo natives maintain a sweet and harmonious relationship with their partner, fostering love and emotional connection.

Career: Obtaining a government contract will bring Leo natives great happiness and potentially significant financial benefits in the future, indicating progress and success in their career endeavours.

Family: Good news within the family will bring happiness and joy, fostering a positive and supportive familial atmosphere for Leo natives.

Health: Leo natives are advised to avoid consuming foods high in oil to maintain their health and well-being, promoting better dietary habits and overall wellness.

Today’s Lucky Number – 6

Today’s Lucky Colour – Coffee

Today’s Remedy – Put rice outside for the birds to eat.

Today’s Virgo Horoscope (18th March 2024)

VIRGO horoscope

Today, by delegating responsibilities at the workplace to Virgo, the business will reach new heights. Despite your irregular behaviour, you will get full support from your parents. Some people will take out a loan to buy a new plot. Don’t spoil your love relationship because of someone else. You will have to take care of your health. Stop involving yourself in matters that have nothing to do with you.

Status: By effectively delegating responsibilities at the workplace, Virgo natives may enhance their social status and reputation, contributing to the success and growth of the business.

Relationship: Virgo natives are advised not to let external factors affect their love relationship negatively, emphasising the importance of maintaining trust and communication with their partner.

Career: Delegating responsibilities at work may lead to new heights of success and achievement in Virgo natives careers, indicating professional growth and advancement.

Family: Despite irregular behaviour, Virgo natives will receive full support from their parents, fostering a supportive and understanding familial environment.

Health: It’s crucial for Virgo natives to prioritise their health and well-being, emphasising the importance of self-care and maintaining a healthy lifestyle amidst busy schedules.

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Lucky Colour – Cream

Today’s Remedy – Perform aarti of camphor and cloves at home.

Today’s Libra Horoscope (18th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Libra natives will get success by working hard in their workplace. You will win over your opponents in business. All family members will be happy due to success in the field of art. Today any of your old loans will expire. New sources of income will be available. Your love partner will like your fairness and generosity towards love. Due to any infection in your health, your health will deteriorate.

Status: Libra natives may experience success and recognition in their workplace by demonstrating hard work and dedication, potentially enhancing their social status and reputation among colleagues and superiors.

Relationship: Libra natives are likely to strengthen their love relationship by demonstrating fairness and generosity towards their partner, fostering mutual respect and appreciation in their romantic connection.

Career: Success in the workplace is indicated for Libra individuals, suggesting that their efforts and hard work will pay off, leading to achievements and advancements in their professional endeavours.

Family: The success of a family member, particularly in the field of art, will bring joy and happiness to all family members, fostering a supportive and harmonious familial environment.

Health: It’s important for Libra individuals to be cautious about their health, as there may be a risk of health deterioration due to infections or illnesses. Prioritising self-care and seeking medical attention if needed is crucial for maintaining well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 17

Today’s Lucky Colour – Grey

Today’s Remedy – Do Abhishek with milk on Shivling in Lord Shiva’s temple and all the problems will go away.

Today’s Scorpio Horoscope (18th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Scorpio natives should live in harmony with their colleagues at the workplace. Face family problems properly and find solutions by talking to each other. Today you will suffer loss due to greed for more money. You are not very serious about love. Today will be a painful time for migraine patients. This evening will be spent very well with friends.

Status: Scorpio natives are advised to maintain harmonious relationships with their colleagues at work, which can positively impact their social status and reputation in the workplace.

Relationship: There may be challenges in the love life of Scorpio natives, as indicated by their lack of seriousness about love. It’s important for them to address any issues and communicate openly with their partners to maintain a healthy relationship.

Career: Striking a balance between work and personal life is crucial for Scorpio natives, as indicated by the need to face family problems and find solutions while also maintaining harmony at the workplace.

Family: Scorpio natives are encouraged to address family problems effectively by engaging in open communication and finding solutions together. This can contribute to a harmonious and supportive family environment.

Health: Scorpio natives who suffer from migraines may experience pain and discomfort today. It’s important for them to take care of their health and seek appropriate treatment or remedies to alleviate symptoms.

Today’s Lucky Number – 12

Today’s Lucky Colour – Pink

Today’s Remedy – Keep salt standing at the corner of the west and south wall, problems in the house will go away.

Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope (18th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Sagittarius natives will have a very busy schedule due to competition in their workplace. Do not point out faults in anyone unnecessarily, otherwise family peace will be disturbed. Long term investments in stocks and mutual funds will help you earn profits. Due to personal problems, you will not be able to talk to your love partner today. Your body weight is increasing, take measures to reduce it. The problem that has been going on for a long time will go away.

Status: Sagittarius natives may find themselves in a busy work environment today due to competition. It’s important for them to manage their time effectively and maintain professionalism to uphold their social status in the workplace.

Relationship: Sagittarius natives may face challenges in their love life today, as indicated by their inability to communicate with their partners due to personal problems. It’s important for them to address these issues with honesty and understanding to maintain a healthy relationship.

Career: Sagittarius natives are likely to experience a competitive atmosphere in their workplace today, requiring them to stay focused and dedicated to their tasks to excel in their careers.

Family: It’s advised for Sagittarius individuals to avoid unnecessary criticism or pointing out faults in family members, as this may disrupt family harmony. Open and respectful communication is key to resolving any conflicts that may arise.

Health: Sagittarius natives are encouraged to pay attention to their health, particularly their body weight, which may be increasing. Taking measures to reduce weight through healthy lifestyle choices and regular exercise is recommended to maintain overall well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 17

Today’s Lucky Colour – Dark Brown

Today’s Remedy – Swallow a Tulsi leaf while leaving home, you will get success in work.

Today’s Capricorn Horoscope (18th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Chartered accountants with Capricorn sign need to be careful before taking any decision today. It is going to be a good day for businessmen and there will be financial gains. Live with close relatives who understand your feelings and needs. Investing in stocks today will give good returns in the afternoon. Today you will promise your love partner to stay with you for the rest of your life. Diabetic patients should develop the habit of balanced diet and walking.

Status: The status for Capricorn natives today suggests a need for careful consideration and decision-making, particularly for chartered accountants. It’s important to approach professional matters with caution and seek advice if necessary.

Relationship: Capricorn natives may express their commitment to their love partners today, promising to stay together for the long term. It’s a favourable time for strengthening bonds and reaffirming love and commitment in relationships.

Career: Capricorn chartered accountants are advised to exercise caution and carefully consider their decisions today. It’s important for them to weigh their options and seek advice if necessary before making any major decisions in their professional endeavors.

Family: Capricorn individuals are encouraged to seek support from close relatives who understand their feelings and needs. Maintaining strong bonds with family members can provide emotional support and a sense of belonging.

Health: Diabetic patients, including those with the Capricorn sign, are advised to adopt a balanced diet and incorporate regular walking into their routine. These lifestyle choices can contribute to better management of diabetes and overall health and well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 4

Today’s Lucky Colour – Blue

Today’s Remedy – Wear a silver bracelet in your hand.

Today’s Aquarius Horoscope (18th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Aquarius natives who work in real estate will get clients which will bring financial benefits. You along with your family will attend a wedding at a relative’s place. Investing in the share market or commodity market will be beneficial for you. Some old memories of your life will bother you today. Some people will be troubled by cervical spondylitis. Before updating anything on Facebook, check the authenticity of the content.

Status: Aquarius natives working in the real estate sector can expect to attract clients today, leading to potential financial gains. Attending a family wedding will provide an opportunity to strengthen familial bonds and enjoy a joyous occasion together.

Relationship: There may be some nostalgia or reflection on past memories for Aquarius natives today, which could affect their emotional state. It’s important to address any lingering emotions and seek support from loved ones if needed.

Career: Investing in the share market or commodity market is highlighted as a beneficial move for Aquarius individuals today, indicating potential opportunities for financial growth and stability in their career or investment portfolios.

Family: Spending time with family at a relative’s wedding signifies a focus on familial connections and shared celebrations. It’s a time to cherish moments with loved ones and strengthen familial bonds.

Health: Aquarius natives may experience discomfort or issues related to cervical spondylitis today. It’s important to prioritise self-care and seek appropriate medical attention if necessary to manage any health concerns effectively.

Today’s Lucky Number – 14

Today’s Lucky Colour – Black

Today’s Remedy – Leave the house after chanting the Navarna Mantra of Goddess Durga.

Today’s Pisces Horoscope (18th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Pisces natives will counsel their subordinates well and tell them a plan to work in the right direction. Children will achieve good positions in their school which will make you happy too. There will be definite improvement in the economic situation. Today you will have to face difficulties on the path of love. By adopting good eating habits, you will be able to keep yourself in good health. Do not get trapped in any kind of greed otherwise you will suffer loss.

Status: Pisces natives will demonstrate effective leadership and guidance in their professional roles today, particularly in counselling their subordinates and directing them towards success.

Relationship: Challenges may arise in the realm of love and relationships for Pisces natives today, requiring patience and understanding to navigate through difficulties.

Career: Pisces natives can expect improvements in their financial situation today, suggesting potential advancements or opportunities for increased income and stability in their career.

Family: Positive developments are indicated in the academic achievements of children, bringing joy and pride to Pisces natives. This reflects a supportive and nurturing family environment.

Health: Emphasising the importance of adopting healthy eating habits, Pisces individuals can maintain their well-being and vitality. Avoiding indulgence and greed is advised to prevent potential setbacks or losses.

Today’s Lucky Number – 16

Today’s Lucky Colour – Saffron

Today’s Remedy – Perform Abhishek of Lord Shiva with sugarcane juice today, all kinds of money related problems will go away.

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