Today’s Horoscope, 11th March 2024: Read your horoscope on VAMA

Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how today’s horoscope 11th March is expected to be for all.

[Today’s Horoscope, 11th March 2024]: Everyone wishes to know their horoscope for the day. In this regard, the renowned astrologer Acharya Dev brings today’s horoscope for you.

Today’s horoscope includes predictions about career, business, health, relationships with family and friends, love life, and the events that may unfold throughout the day. Additionally, there are remedies and today’s horoscope with lucky colour and number are suggested based on your zodiac sign.

Today is Falgun month, first day of the lunar month, Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of the moon), Monday, and the lunar mansion is Uttara Bhadrapada until 11:04 PM. The Yoga is Shubh until 11:57 AM, and the Karana is Bava until 10:46 AM. The auspicious time today is from 11:46 AM to 12:32 PM, and the inauspicious time is from 7:41 AM to 9:10 AM.

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2024.

LEO 2024VIRGO 2024

So now let us know in VAMA ‘s today’s horoscope, how will today’s day 11th March, 2024 be for you.

First of all, let us know today’s horoscope of Aries.  

Today’s Aries Horoscope (11th March 2024)

Today is going to be a good day for Aries natives. The ongoing work in your work area will gain momentum. If any work was pending, it is likely to be completed today. Do not take any decision in haste. Auspicious work can happen in the family. Will buy some new items for the home. You will get full support of luck.

Status: Today is going to be a good day for Aries natives. The ongoing work in your social circles will gain momentum. If any pending social engagements were delayed, they are likely to be completed today.

Relationship: It’s a favourable time for your love life. Auspicious moments may unfold, bringing joy and harmony to your relationship. Consider spending quality time with your partner.

Career: In your career, the ongoing projects will see progress, and any pending tasks are likely to be completed today. However, exercise caution and avoid making hasty decisions.

Family: Auspicious events may take place in the family today. Consider investing time and effort in household matters. This could be a good day to acquire new items for the home.

Health: Your well-being is likely to be supported by luck today. Take advantage of this positive energy to focus on your health and overall vitality.

Today’s Lucky number– 4

Today’s Lucky Colour– Light green

Today’s Remedy– Feed the monkeys.

Today’s Taurus Horoscope (11th March 2024)

Today is going to be a great day for Taurus natives. Today you will get opportunities for progress in your workplace. Leave the house with the blessings of your parents. Paths for higher education will open for students. You may get a gift from your lover  today. If you are planning to travel, it will be successful. You will get relief from old debts. Your stuck money will be recovered. There will be an atmosphere of happiness in the family. You will get support from your brothers and sisters.

Status: Today is a great day for Taurus natives. Opportunities for progress in your social circles are on the horizon. Seek blessings from your parents before stepping out, and it will set a positive tone for the day.

Relationship: For those in romantic relationships, today may bring a pleasant surprise. Expect a gift from your lover, adding a touch of sweetness to your love life.

Career: Professionally, you’ll find avenues for progress at your workplace. Embrace these opportunities and make the most of them. Your hard work and dedication will likely be recognized.

Family: The family atmosphere will be filled with joy. Support from your brothers and sisters will enhance the overall positive environment at home. It’s a good time to strengthen familial bonds.

Health: Your overall well-being is supported today. Use this positive energy to address any lingering health concerns. Consider it a day of relief and recovery.

Today’s Lucky Number– 7

Today’s Lucky Colour– Purple

Today’s Remedy – Feed black gram to the horse.

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Today’s Gemini Horoscope (11th March 2024)

Today is a day to be careful for Gemini natives. There may be troubles in love life. There may be differences with life partners. Control your expenses, otherwise the situation may worsen. Today you need to take care of your social reputation, you may face stigma. Students will have to struggle more to achieve their goals. Will have to face hardships. You may hear some good news from your child.

Status: Today is a day to be cautious about your social reputation. There’s a possibility of facing stigma, so it’s essential to handle interactions with care. Be mindful of your words and actions in social situations.

Relationship: Troubles in love life may arise today, leading to differences with your life partner. It’s crucial to communicate openly and find solutions to maintain harmony in your relationship.

Career: Financial matters need careful attention. Control your expenses to avoid worsening the situation. Be prudent with your financial decisions, especially in the workplace, to ensure stability.

Family: Despite challenges, you may hear some good news from your child, bringing a positive aspect to your family life. Focus on the positive elements to maintain a sense of joy within the family.

Health: There might be additional struggles and hardships, especially for students striving to achieve their goals. It’s essential to stay resilient and focused on your objectives.

Today’s Lucky Number– 4

Today’s Lucky Colour– white

Today’s Remedy– Give a gift to your wife.

Today’s Cancer Horoscope (11th March 2024)

Today is going to be a lucky day for Cancer natives. Your work will increase today. You will get full support from your life partner. You will be praised everywhere. If you are worried about your children, your worries will end today. The future of your children will become strong. If you want to start a new business, then do it only after taking someone’s advice. The economic situation will be strong. There are chances of gaining money from the share market.

Status: Today is a fortunate day for Cancer natives. You will receive praise and recognition in various spheres of life. Your positive reputation will be highlighted, contributing to an elevated social status.

Relationship: You can expect full support from your life partner, fostering a harmonious and supportive relationship. This positive energy in your love life adds to the overall favourable atmosphere.

Career: Workload is set to increase today, but it comes with positive outcomes. Embrace the challenges, and your efforts are likely to be recognized, enhancing your professional standing.

Family: Concerns about your children will be alleviated today, and their future prospects will strengthen. It’s a positive time for family dynamics, with a focus on the well-being of your loved ones.

Health:  Gemini natives are encouraged to maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life, ensuring that they prioritise their health amid professional successes.

Today’s Lucky Number– 3

Today’s Lucky Colour– Red

Today’s Remedy – Feed sweet paan to your father.

Today’s Leo Horoscope (11th March 2024)

Today will prove to be a mixed day for Leo natives. Today you can do real estate work. You will be able to fulfil family responsibilities well. There will be an atmosphere of happiness among the family members today. Plans can be made to go out to eat with family. Today a proposal for love marriage for you may arrive. Today you will get praise for your honest work in your work field.

Status: The day is expected to be mixed for Leo natives. Engaging in real estate work could positively impact your social standing. Praise for your honest work in the professional realm may contribute to an enhanced social status.

Relationship: A proposal for love marriage is foreseen, bringing an element of excitement to your love life. This could be a significant development in your romantic relationships.

Career: Recognition for your honest work is highlighted, indicating positive outcomes in your professional sphere. This acknowledgment contributes to a favourable career environment.

Family: Fulfilling family responsibilities and creating a happy atmosphere within the family are emphasised. Plans for a family outing or dining together suggest a positive family dynamic.

Health: The overall mixed nature of the day implies that maintaining a balance in various aspects, including health, is essential.

Today’s Lucky Number– 8

Today’s Lucky Colour– Pink

Today’s Remedy – Light a black sesame lamp in front of Lord Shiva.

Today’s Virgo Horoscope (11th March 2024)

Virgo natives will have to spend the day thoughtfully. Students will have to struggle more. Youth looking for employment will have to work harder. If you want to start some new work, you will have to stop now. Have faith in your spouse. The coming times will be good.

Status: The day suggests a need for thoughtful consideration. It might be a time for introspection and careful decisions in social interactions.

Relationship: Faith in your spouse is emphasised, indicating the importance of trust and understanding in romantic relationships. The prediction hints at better times ahead in the realm of love.

Career: The prediction suggests that students and youth seeking employment may face challenges and need to put in extra effort. Starting new ventures might be advised against for now.

Family: The general theme of thoughtful spending and having faith in your spouse suggests a focus on family dynamics.

Health: Engaging in activities that promote good health will complement the positive energy surrounding you today.

Today’s Lucky Number- 7

Today’s Lucky Colour- Sea Green

Today’s Remedy – Apply Tilak with Hanuman ji’s vermilion.

Today’s Libra Horoscope (11th March 2024)

Today is a day to be cautious for Libra natives. It is a day to take decisions thoughtfully. Don’t lend money to anyone. False allegations may be made against you. There may be obstacles in completing your business project. There will be sweetness in your marital life. Children can be sent abroad for higher education.

Status: The day suggests caution, especially regarding false allegations. It implies that Libra natives should be mindful of their reputation and take decisions thoughtfully to avoid any negative impact on their social status.

Relationship: There’s a positive note regarding marital life, indicating sweetness in relationships. This suggests that despite challenges, there may be harmony and positive interactions in romantic partnerships.

Career: Obstacles in completing a business project are mentioned, advising careful consideration in professional endeavours. It might be a day to navigate challenges in the workplace and business projects with caution.

Family: The mention of sending children abroad for higher education implies potential opportunities for educational advancements within the family. This could be a positive aspect amid other cautious considerations.

Health: The sustained energy throughout the day bodes well for your overall well-being. Libra natives should channel this positive energy into activities that promote good health and vitality. 

Today’s Lucky Number– 9

Today’s Lucky Colour– Magenta

Today’s Remedy: Visit the temple today.

Today’s Scorpio Horoscope (11th March 2024)

Today is a time of progress for Scorpio natives. Don’t trust anyone blindly today. Someone else can take advantage of your plan. It is good to help, but after seeing the time and situation. Your work experience will be useful to you today. There doesn’t seem to be any economic benefit. Avoid investing money in the share market today.

Status: The advice not to trust anyone blindly suggests a need for vigilance in social interactions. Scorpio natives are urged to be cautious about sharing plans, as someone might take advantage. This implies a focus on protecting one’s social standing.

Relationship: A significant improvement will be there in your relationship with your spouse today. The love between you and your partner will deepen, and any previous bitterness or conflicts will come to an end. 

Career: The prediction acknowledges the usefulness of work experience, indicating a time of progress in the professional domain. This suggests that Scorpio individuals can leverage their expertise for positive outcomes in their career.

Family: The troubles at home will end, leading to a more harmonious family environment. Scorpio natives should cherish these moments of peace and unity within the family. 

Health: Engaging in activities that promote good health will complement the positive energy surrounding you today.

Today’s Lucky Number– 1

Today’s Lucky Colour– Grey

Today’s Remedy– Feed the poor.

Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope (11th March 2024)

Today is going to be a very good day for Sagittarius natives. Today your wisdom will pay off in the workplace. But tension may increase in the family. Today you need to make decisions calmly. You may meet an old friend today. You will experience happiness in life. Spend time with your life partner today. The day will be good, your children’s success will make your mind happy.

Status: For Sagittarius natives, today will bring happiness and contentment. Your achievements and successful endeavours will contribute positively to your social standing. 

Relationship: The advice to spend time with the life partner indicates a focus on nurturing and enjoying the romantic aspect of relationships. The overall tone suggests a good day for love and companionship.

Career: The mention of wisdom paying off in the workplace suggests positive developments in the professional sphere. Sagittarius natives are likely to make successful decisions, contributing to their career growth.

Family: The caution about tension increasing in the family suggests a need for Sagittarius natives to handle family matters calmly. Despite potential challenges, the overall tone is positive, indicating that happiness will be there inn your family.

Health: Emotional well-being directly impacts your health. Sagittarius natives should prioritise mental and emotional balance. Engaging in activities that promote relaxation and stress relief will be beneficial.

Today’s Lucky Number- 5

Today’s Lucky Colour– Light Blue

Today’s Remedy– Feed bread to the dog today.

Today’s Capricorn Horoscope (11th March 2024)

For Capricorn natives, today is the day of progress for children. Today, good results of children will keep the mind happy. You will get support from brothers and sisters. Avoid eating outside today. Health may deteriorate. Life partner’s advice will prove to be good. Try to create an atmosphere of happiness at home. Don’t bring office stress into your home.

Status:  It is crucial to be mindful of your expressions and emotions in social interactions. Maintaining a calm and composed demeanour can contribute positively to your social standing. 

Relationship: The advice to create an atmosphere of happiness at home and to heed the life partner’s advice suggests a focus on maintaining a positive and harmonious love relationship.

Career: The advice not to bring office stress home implies a need for maintaining a work-life balance.

Family: The prediction emphasises the importance of family and suggests that Capricorn natives can experience happiness at home. The support from siblings adds a positive touch to family relationships.

Health: The caution about health deteriorating suggests that Capricorn natives should be mindful of their well-being. Avoiding eating outside could be a preventive measure.

Today’s Lucky Number– 3

Today’s Lucky Colour– yellow

Today’s Remedy– Feed the birds today.

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Today’s Aquarius Horoscope (11th March 2024)

Today is going to be a very good day for Aquarius natives. Today the stars of luck will favour you. Understand your spouse’s feelings. The ongoing problems in the work area will come under control. The star will shine in business. If you are doing iron work, you may get money today. Trust your friends.

Status: For Aquarius natives, today holds the promise of being a remarkable and special day. Satisfactory news from your children can bring joy and pride, positively influencing your social status.

Relationship: Understanding your spouse’s feelings indicates a positive and harmonious love relationship. The overall tone is favourable for matters of the heart.

Career: The prediction suggests that ongoing problems in the work area will come under control, and the star will shine in business. This implies a positive outlook for career and business endeavours.

Family: The satisfactory news from your children contributes to a positive and harmonious atmosphere within the family. Aquarius natives should share these moments with family members, fostering a sense of unity and celebration.

Health: The overall positivity in various aspects of life can also positively impact your health. Embrace this energy by engaging in activities that contribute to your well-being. 

Today’s Lucky Number– 9

Today’s lucky Colour– Blue

Today’s Remedy –  Roll the salt over yourself and throw it in the dirty place.

Today’s Pisces Horoscope (11th March 2024)

The day is going to be normal for Pisces natives. The position of the planets is not favourable for you. Control your speech. Do not start a new website. There may be obstacles in the means of income. Do not give money to anyone, there may be obstacles in getting the money back. be in good shape. If someone is suffering from mental pain, he should definitely take care of himself. 

Status: The advice to control speech implies a cautious approach to social interactions. It suggests being mindful of communication to maintain social harmony.

Relationship: It is advisable for Pisces natives to focus on maintaining open communication and understanding with their partners, fostering a healthy and supportive connection.

Career: The caution against starting a new venture, like a website, indicates a less favourable outlook for career-related endeavours.

Family:  Your influence within the family will strengthen, and you may find support and encouragement from family members.

Health: The emphasis on being in good shape and taking care of mental well-being suggests a focus on health. Those suffering from mental pain should prioritise self-care.

Today’s Lucky Number- 5

Today’s Lucky Colour- Green

Today’s Remedy– Stay away from dirt, keep alum in your room.

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