Today’s Horoscope, 12th March 2024: Read your horoscope on VAMA

Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how today’s horoscope 12th March is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

[Today’s Horoscope, 12th March 2024]: Everyone wishes to know their horoscope for the day. In this regard, the renowned astrologer Acharya Dev brings today’s horoscope for you.

Today’s horoscope includes predictions about career, business, health, relationships with family and friends, love life, and the events that may unfold throughout the day. Additionally, there are remedies and today’s horoscope with lucky colour and number are suggested based on your zodiac sign.

Today is the second day of the bright fortnight of the month of Phalguna. The date is Tritiya until 7:12 AM, followed by Chaturthi. It is Tuesday, and the Nakshatra is Revati. The Yoga is Shukla until 7:52 AM, after which it is Brahma. The Karana is Kaulava until 7:12 AM, and then it is Taitula until 5:34 PM, followed by Gar. The auspicious time today is from 12:07 PM to 12:55 PM, and the inauspicious time today is from 03:29 PM to 04:58 PM.

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2024.

LEO 2024VIRGO 2024

So now let us know in VAMA ‘s today’s horoscope, how will today’s day 12th March, 2024 be for you.

First of all, let us know today’s horoscope of Aries.  

Today’s Aries Horoscope (12th March 2024)

Today, for Aries natives, pressure from superiors at work will put you under unnecessary stress. The feeling of jealousy will create some problems on the family front. An unexpected increase in your expenses may unbalance your budget today. Do not argue with your love partner. Your feeling of restlessness may bother you. There is a possibility of some secret personal wish being fulfilled.

Status: Pressure from superiors at work could be a source of stress, affecting your social status. It’s important to handle workplace challenges with resilience and professionalism.

Relationship: Feelings of jealousy may create issues in your love relationship. It’s crucial to communicate openly and address any insecurities or concerns with your partner to maintain a healthy relationship.

Career: Work-related stress is likely as superiors exert pressure. Focus on managing tasks efficiently and seek support or guidance when needed. Maintain professionalism to overcome workplace challenges.

Family: Unexpected increases in expenses may disrupt your budget, causing family concerns. It’s advisable to communicate with family members about financial matters and work together to find solutions.

Health: Restlessness may impact your overall well-being. Take time for self-care and consider activities that help alleviate stress. Prioritize your mental and emotional health to maintain a balanced lifestyle.

Today’s Lucky Number – 5

Today’s Lucky Colour – Red

Today’s Remedy – Recite Hanuman Chalisa.

Today’s Taurus Horoscope (12th March 2024)


Today, partnerships will be beneficial for businessmen with the Taurus natives. Today is a good time to get involved in activities in which children are also involved. There are chances of investment in property or vehicle. The support of your love partner will be useful in some important work of yours. Good physical health will enable you to participate in outdoor activities. You will be successful in materialising new ideas at the personal level.

Status: Partnerships will be beneficial for Taurus businessmen, contributing positively to their social status. Collaborations and joint ventures could lead to success in the business arena.

Relationship: The support of your love partner will be valuable in important matters. This signifies a strong and harmonious connection in your love relationship, fostering mutual understanding and cooperation.

Career: Businessmen may find today to be opportune for partnerships, leading to potential financial gains. Exploring joint ventures or collaborations can enhance the career prospects of Taurus natives.

Family: Engaging in activities involving children can bring joy and a sense of fulfilment to family life. Consider spending quality time with family members, participating in activities that bring everyone together.

Health: Good physical health will enable Taurus natives to engage in outdoor activities. Prioritise your well-being and take advantage of the positive energy to stay active and fit.

Today’s Lucky Number – 1

Today’s Lucky Colour – Lemon

Today’s Remedy – Keep the north-east corner of the house clean and tidy.

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Today’s Gemini Horoscope (12th March 2024)


It would be great for Gemini natives to implement their business plans today. Take your parents into confidence regarding your new projects and plans. The support of the planets will help you achieve financial prosperity. There is a strong possibility of meeting the person of your choice. You will have enough time to improve your health. You have to choose your words carefully while interacting with a man or woman in a social gathering.

Status: Implementing business plans could enhance the social status of Gemini natives. Successful execution of projects may earn recognition and respect in social circles.

Relationship: Meeting the person of your choice suggests favourable developments in your love life. This could be a promising time for forming new connections or deepening existing relationships.

Career: Implementing new projects and plans in business is advised for Gemini natives. This proactive approach may contribute to financial prosperity and advancement in the career sphere.

Family: Taking parents into confidence regarding new projects and plans indicates a harmonious family relationship. Open communication fosters a supportive family environment.

Health: Having enough time to improve health suggests that Gemini individuals can focus on well-being. Consider incorporating healthy habits and activities to promote physical and mental fitness.

Today’s Lucky Number – 11

Today’s Lucky Colour – Light Blue

Today’s Remedy – If you are facing any obstacle in your work field, then float a covered coconut in the river while saying your wish.

Today’s Cancer Horoscope (12th March 2024)


Today, Cancer natives will get new opportunities due to success in their professional work. Spending some pleasant time with children will bring happiness. You are likely to suffer some financial losses because you will spend your hard-earned money on other people’s things. Your practical knowledge will save you from trouble in your love life. Too much worry will cause stress. Performing any religious ritual will be extremely beneficial.

Status: Success in professional work is anticipated to open new opportunities for Cancer natives, positively influencing their social status.

Relationship: The practical knowledge of Cancer natives will play a pivotal role in averting potential troubles in their love life. Applying practical wisdom and effective communication can lead to stability and harmony in romantic relationships.

Career: The day brings new opportunities in the professional sphere for Cancer individuals. Success in career-related endeavours paves the way for growth and advancement. 

Family: Spending enjoyable and quality time with children is highlighted, bringing happiness and strengthening familial bonds. The emphasis on family time contributes to a positive and harmonious family environment.

Health: Excessive worry leading to stress is indicated for Cancer natives. It is essential for them to find effective stress management strategies, such as mindfulness, relaxation techniques, or seeking support. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 6

Today’s Lucky Colour – Orange

Today’s Remedy – Recite Sunderkand.

Today’s Leo Horoscope (12th March 2024)

LEO horoscope

Today, Leo natives will travel to another city to strengthen their work. Ignoring the advice of your parents will lead to a breakdown in relations with them. Today, financial transactions i.e. lending money or taking loans will be harmful. You will go to some picturesque place with your love partner. People suffering from high cholesterol will have to take special care of their eating habits. There is a high possibility of a property dispute breaking out with close friends. 

Status: Leo natives are likely to travel to another city to enhance their professional endeavours. This reflects a proactive approach to career development, contributing positively to their social status.

Relationship: Spending quality time with a love partner at a picturesque place is highlighted. This indicates a focus on nurturing and strengthening romantic relationships. 

Career: The decision to travel for work signifies a commitment to professional growth. Leo natives are encouraged to embrace opportunities for career advancement, further solidifying their position in the professional sphere.

Family: Ignoring parental advice may lead to strained relations with parents. It is essential for Leo individuals to maintain open communication and understanding within the family to prevent breakdowns in relationships.

Health: People suffering from high cholesterol are urged to pay special attention to their eating habits. Prioritising a healthy lifestyle and dietary choices becomes crucial for maintaining well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Lucky Color – Cream 

Today’s Remedy – After taking bath in the morning, offer Arghya to the Sun. 

Today’s Virgo Horoscope (12th March 2024)

VIRGO horoscope

Today, some people will try to disrupt the plans of Virgo natives at their workplace for the day. Making family problems public will defame you today. The arrival of guests will cause some financial burden. Stupid actions will create a rift in relations with your love partner. Meditation and self-realisation will prove beneficial. Today you will have the power to stay ahead of others. 

Status: Virgo natives may encounter disruptions in their workplace plans, possibly due to the interference of certain individuals. It’s advisable to navigate such challenges with resilience and professionalism to maintain social standing.

Relationship: Refraining from making family problems public is crucial to prevent potential defamation. Virgo natives are encouraged to handle personal matters discreetly to preserve the integrity of their love relationships.

Career: Workplace challenges may arise, but Virgo natives are urged to remain focused and resilient. Prioritising professional integrity will help them navigate disruptions and stay ahead in their careers.

Family: The arrival of guests may bring financial burdens, requiring careful budgeting. Virgo natives should manage family expenses judiciously to maintain financial stability and harmony within the household.

Health: Engaging in meditation and self-realisation is recommended for overall well-being. Amidst challenges, maintaining mental and emotional balance through mindfulness practices can prove beneficial.

Today’s Lucky Number – 22

Today’s Lucky Colour – Sky Blue 

Today’s Remedy – Feed biscuits to dogs.

Today’s Libra Horoscope (12th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Libra natives will achieve their goals even in difficult situations with colleagues at the workplace. Understanding the feelings of parents and seeing things from their perspective will help you achieve positive results. Earning profit from property transactions will increase savings. A feeling of admiration and respect for the qualities of a particular person will generate love in your life. The charity work done will give mental peace and comfort. 

Status:Libra natives are likely to overcome challenges at the workplace and achieve their goals. Their ability to navigate difficult situations with colleagues will contribute to maintaining a positive social status.

Relationship: Understanding the feelings of parents and adopting a perspective that aligns with theirs will lead to positive outcomes in love relationships. 

Career: Overcoming challenges at the workplace indicates that Libra natives have the capacity to achieve their professional goals even in difficult situations. 

Family: Understanding and considering the feelings of parents will foster positive outcomes within the family. Libra natives are encouraged to maintain open communication and empathise with family members to strengthen familial bonds.

Healthy:  Engaging in charity work will provide mental peace and comfort for Libra natives. Contributing to the well-being of others can positively impact their own emotional health.

Today’s Lucky Number – 4

Today’s Lucky Colour – Purple 

Today’s Remedy – Apply saffron tilak.

Today’s Scorpio Horoscope (12th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, the thinking of Scorpio natives will be the key to success at the workplace. Working against the interests of the family will spoil the harmonious home environment. You will see an increase in your bank balance. There will be an argument with your love partner. Expressing disagreement publicly with influential people will be harmful in the long run. People suffering from diabetes should take care of their health and take medicines on time. 

Status: The thoughtfulness and strategic thinking of Scorpio natives will play a crucial role in achieving success at the workplace. 

Relationship: An argument with the love partner suggests challenges in the romantic relationship. Scorpio natives are advised to address disagreements privately and work towards maintaining harmony in their love life.

Career: The key to success at the workplace for Scorpio natives lies in their thoughtful approach. Utilising strategic thinking and considering the implications of their decisions will contribute to advancements in their career.

Family: Working against the interests of the family is highlighted as a potential issue. Scorpio natives are encouraged to prioritise family harmony and avoid actions that may disrupt the peaceful home environment.

Health: People suffering from diabetes are specifically advised to take care of their health and adhere to prescribed medications on time. This emphasises the importance of maintaining good health practices to manage existing health conditions.

Today’s Lucky Number – 6

Today’s Lucky Colour – Grey

Today’s Remedy – Recite Bajrang Baan. 

Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope (12th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, someone will try to harm your reputation at the workplace. Neglect of parents can spoil the happiness of the family. After paying bills and EMIs today, the financial condition will be weak. You need to be practical and realistic on the love path. Today you will walk a lot due to which there will be physical pain. 

Status: Someone attempting to harm your reputation at the workplace indicates a potential challenge in maintaining a positive social status.

Relationship: Being practical and realistic in love suggests a need for grounded and pragmatic approaches in romantic relationships. 

Career: Potential harm to your reputation at work may pose challenges in your career. It’s crucial to stay vigilant, address workplace dynamics diplomatically, and focus on maintaining a positive professional image.

Family: Scorpio natives are encouraged to prioritise family relationships and ensure that actions at work or in personal life do not negatively affect the overall well-being of the family.

Health: Physical pain due to excessive walking suggests a need for self-care. Scorpio natives should be mindful of their physical well-being, rest when needed, and avoid activities that may lead to discomfort or pain.

Today’s Lucky Number – 11

Today’s Lucky Colour – Orange 

Today’s Remedy – Worship Lord Vishnu today. 

Today’s Capricorn Horoscope (12th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Capricorn natives will be troubled due to sudden changes in their work area. There will be growth in your business today. Long discussions with family members will help in bringing positive results at home. Investing in the share market or commodity market will result in financial loss. You will have a good day with your love partner. People suffering from headache and migraine will remain troubled. There will be names of people associated with social work. 

Status: The mention of names associated with social work indicates recognition or involvement in social activities. Capricorn natives may find fulfilment and recognition in their contributions to social causes.

Relationship: Having a good day with your love partner suggests positive interactions and a harmonious relationship. Capricorn natives can enjoy quality time with their partners, fostering love and understanding.

Career: Capricorn natives may experience challenges or disruptions in their work area due to sudden changes. It’s important to adapt to these changes with resilience and find effective ways to navigate through any difficulties.

Family: Long discussions with family members will yield positive results, fostering a harmonious atmosphere at home. Capricorn natives should engage in open communication and collaboration within the family.

Health: Capricorn natives should manage stress, get adequate rest, and consider consulting a healthcare professional for relief from such health issues.

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Lucky Colour – Dark Grey 

Today’s Remedy – Offer chola in Hanuman temple today. 

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Today’s Aquarius Horoscope (12th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, for Aquarius natives, a jealous colleague will create trouble for you at work. Family problems will keep you stressed today. You will have to control unnecessary expenses. You must understand the feelings of your love partner, otherwise your loving relationship may spoil. Choose traditional weight loss methods to get rid of your obesity problem. Blindly following others will harm your interests. 

Status: Being independent in decision-making rather than blindly following others can enhance your social status. Demonstrating self-reliance and a strong sense of individuality can earn respect within your social network.

Relationship: Understanding the feelings of your love partner is necessary today, as failure to do so may lead to complications in the relationship. 

Career: Aquarius natives may encounter challenges at work, particularly from a jealous colleague. It’s important to navigate workplace dynamics diplomatically and focus on maintaining a positive professional image.

Family: Family problems may contribute to stress for Aquarius natives on this day. Taking a thoughtful and patient approach to address family issues can help in finding resolutions and restoring harmony at home.

Health: Choosing traditional weight loss methods is recommended for Aquarius natives dealing with obesity issues. Prioritising a healthy lifestyle and seeking professional guidance can contribute to successful weight management.

Today’s Lucky Number – 2

Today’s Lucky Colour – Dark Sky Blue 

Today’s Remedy – Donate vermilion and jasmine oil in any Hanuman temple. 

Today’s Pisces Horoscope (12th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Pisces natives will be able to bear a lot of work pressure without feeling any discomfort. By taking family problems lightly, you will be successful in finding solutions. There are possibilities of financial gain from the stock market. Today you will be happy with your love partner. There is a possibility of some trouble due to a hasty decision. Therefore, think calmly before making any decision. Keep a tight control on your tongue in your circle of friends. 

Status: The advice to control speech implies a cautious approach to social interactions. It suggests being mindful of communication to maintain social harmony.

Relationship: Happiness prevails in the love life of Pisces natives today. Positive interactions with their love partner bring joy and satisfaction.

Career: Pisces natives can handle a significant workload with ease today, showcasing their ability to manage work pressure efficiently.

Family: Taking a light-hearted approach to family problems proves successful for Pisces natives today. Finding practical solutions and maintaining a positive atmosphere at home enhances overall well-being.

Health:  The emphasis on being in good shape and taking care of mental well-being suggests a focus on health. Those suffering from mental pain should prioritise self-care.

Today’s Lucky Number – 22

Today’s Lucky Colour – Saffron 

Today’s Remedy – Feed roti to cow while leaving home, you will get success in work.

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