Why The Peacock Feather Is A Secret Symbol of Lord Krishna

The peacock feather is a secret symbol of Lord Krishna. The peacock is a sacred bird in Hinduism and is considered to be a symbol of the divine.

The peacock feather is a secret symbol of lord krishna and the peacock is his avatara.

Why is the Peacock Feather a secret symbol of Lord Krishna?

The peacock feather is a secret symbol of Lord Krishna. The peacock is a sacred bird in Hinduism and is considered to be a symbol of the divine. The peacock’s feathers are said to be the most beautiful in the world, and its plumage is often used in religious art. Peacock feathers are also sometimes used as symbols of royalty and power. 


It is believed that Lord Krishna took on the form of a peacock when he descended to earth to meet the princess Kunti. According to legend, Kunti was so impressed by Lord Krishna’s beauty that she agreed to marry him even though she was already married. When Lord Krishna revealed his true form, all of Kunti’s husband’s hair fell out in shock. The peacock feather was one of Lord Krishna’s many stunning features, and it is said that it made Kunti fall in love with him all over again. 

The peacock feather has since become a symbol of Lord Krishna because it is believed to represent his beauty and power. In Hindu culture, the peacock is considered to be a symbol of purity and grace.

What are some stories about the Peacock Feather and Lord Krishna?

One of the most popular stories about the Peacock Feather and Lord Krishna is that Lord Krishna once used the feather to fly to Dwarka, his home in northern India. The peacock feather is also said to be a symbol of Lord Krishna’s divine power and majesty.

How do we use the Peacock Feather and Lord Krishna’s story today?

The peacock feather (Athene noesios) is a secret symbol of Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna is the divine incarnation of love and compassion. The peacock feather is often associated with Lord Krishna because of its radiant colors and its ability to create beautiful, vibrant patterns in the air.

The peacock feather can also be seen as a symbol of royalty and power. When Lord Krishna was crowning himself with a peacock feather, he was declaring himself to be royalty and ruler of the universe. Similarly, when a queen or princess wears a peacock feather in her hair, she is declaring herself to be powerful and influential.

What does it have to do with love, hope, faith, beauty, peace and prosperity?

The peacock feather is a secret symbol of Lord Krishna. It has been said that the peacock is a manifestation of Lord Krishna himself, and that by wearing or carrying a peacock feather, one can attract his blessings and bring prosperity and peace into their lives. The peacock is also known for its beauty and for its ability to fly effortlessly through the air. These qualities allude to Lord Krishna’s transcendence, which makes him a perfect spiritual guide for those seeking guidance in their lives.

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