Weekly Horoscope: December 3-December 9, 2023

In this week's horoscope (December 3-9th, 2023) by VAMA, find out what this week holds for each zodiac sign, and which sign stands in a favourable position. Explore the details here.

The month of December has started. How will the new week be for you from 3rd December to 9th December 2023?

In this week’s horoscope (December 3-9th, 2023) by VAMA, find out what this week holds for each zodiac sign, and which sign stands in a favourable position. Explore the details here.

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First of all, let us know about Aries, how will this week be for you?



This week holds the promise of a cosmic jackpot for Aries individuals, with financial gains and an upswing in material happiness on the horizon. Brace yourself for a cosmic career boost as positive developments pave the way for a potential leap forward in your professional journey. Those donned in the armour of justice can anticipate exciting new cases, ensuring a victorious stand for their clients, while the stellar support of friends adds an extra layer of fortitude.

While the celestial winds favour your sails, it’s crucial to navigate the week with a mindful eye on your mother’s well-being — seeking counsel from a doctor is strongly advised. The business battleground may call for a strategic move, prompting a journey to another city. In the delicate dance of planetary movements, maintaining marital harmony is paramount, especially given the potential celestial squabbles. Keep a vigilant watch over your younglings, preventing any daring driving escapades.

Love may face a temporary tempest, but fear not, for by the time Friday rolls around, relations are set to serenade into harmony, sweeping away any lingering discord. Political warriors may find themselves in the arena of public opposition, yet amidst the challenges, Wednesday heralds the potential for receiving celestial honours at a social gala, coinciding with a joyous family nuptial celebration.

Caution flags flutter as potential legal storms brew, with a looming government spectre, possibly in the form of notices from the cosmic police or court. Come Saturday, a mental tempest stirred by unresolved disputes may cloud the cosmic clarity. The celestial advice? Navigate these astral waves with the resilience of a seasoned sailor and bolster your journey with open lines of cosmic communication for a positively celestial outcome.


This week, Taurus individuals are in for a celestial boost with the potential for family support in pursuing a business venture. The long-awaited marriage of a younger sibling is finally on the cards, bringing joy that had been delayed for quite some time. Fortunes align favourably in the professional arena, allowing you to play a significant role.

However, be prepared for physical discomfort that might hinder work, necessitating advice from a medical expert. Caution is advised on Thursday against hasty investments in the stock market, as financial losses may loom.

Emotional turbulence may be stirred on Tuesday due to unforeseen circumstances, possibly related to vehicle trouble. This could lead to both financial and physical challenges. A disagreement in your romantic affairs may surface, testing a valuable friendship. There’s a cosmic hint at doctors opening new hospitals, and for computer engineers, an opportunity to work abroad may arise. Job seekers are in luck, with promising prospects on the horizon. Middle-management individuals may encounter challenges in their professional domains.

Financial gains through someone’s generosity are indicated, implying the possible repayment of an old debt. Parental woes may arise as school complaints regarding your children’s education may land in your lap. Concerns about the health of an older sibling may require a hospital visit. Female Taurus individuals may experience physical distress due to a deficiency in blood.

Despite these challenges, the week holds the promise of dynamic opportunities and familial milestones. Navigating through with resilience and a positive mindset will pave the way for a rewarding outcome.


This week brings a silver lining for Gemini individuals, promising relief from health issues related to facial ailments. Family life is set to be harmonious, with joy and contentment prevailing. Wednesday holds the potential for recognition or attaining a significant position, boosting your prowess.

Your colleagues will be staunch supporters, diligently collaborating to accomplish shared tasks. While contemplating changes in your business endeavours, it’s advisable to wait for a more opportune time.

An unexpected call from a long-lost acquaintance will bring positive vibes. Exercise caution if someone contacts you through an online platform, as there’s a chance of falling into a love trap that could compromise your dignity and lead to monetary demands.

Your tweet is poised for a surge in likes, comments, and shares. Those connected to the music industry may witness a surge in popularity for an album, creating a viral sensation and reaping financial rewards. Musicians may find themselves exceptionally busy in their professional sphere.

For those awaiting marriage, the week holds the promise of ending the prolonged wait. Some love birds may transition into a marital bond with family approval. It’s a favourable period for writers, with recognition coming their way, be it for a book or an article.

In summary, this week offers a mix of recognition, family bliss, and professional opportunities for Gemini individuals. Embrace these positive energies and navigate the week with enthusiasm and resilience.


This week promises a dynamic shift for Cancer individuals as they enjoy a break from domestic duties, although a surge in workload may keep them on their toes. Interestingly, even adversaries seem to be inadvertently working in your favour. Engaging in intraday trading from Monday to Friday could bring financial gains, adding new dimensions to your wealth. The prospect of economic strength and growth is also indicated through online business endeavours.

It’s a propitious time to review your life insurance policy or reap the benefits of a matured money-back policy. There’s a cosmic nudge towards acquiring a new vehicle or perhaps receiving one as a gift or for marriage. While emotions may run high, especially in a wedding scenario, expressing your feelings might prove challenging.

The week highlights concerns about children’s health, leading to both financial and emotional distress. Parents are urged to pay special attention to their education. Some Cancer individuals may witness their children tying the knot, marking a significant familial milestone.

In the professional realm, diligent effort and tactful communication with superiors are essential to avoid potential disputes. Those in defense or police services may find themselves engrossed in resolving a case, elevating their reputation. Increased work demands are also foreseen for individuals in these fields.

Fashion-forward ventures, such as buying new clothes, are on the cards, contributing to enhanced social recognition and fame. However, a cautionary note is sounded for careful driving to prevent accidents caused by others’ mistakes.

In essence, this week presents a blend of financial opportunities, family events, and professional challenges for Cancer individuals. Approach each situation with resilience and a positive attitude to make the most of these cosmic currents.


This week advises Leo individuals to be mindful of their health, particularly on Sunday and Monday when consulting a doctor for advice and treatment due to some health issues may be necessary. It’s crucial to control your speech to avoid conflicts with loved ones.

A sense of arrogance might be creeping in, but it’s essential to understand that material possessions, prestige, and wealth are all transient. Quitting smoking can prove beneficial for your health, as the addiction poses serious risks. 

There’s a plan to purchase a house or land, and the possibility of its completion is on the horizon. Be wary as adversaries may be devising new schemes to trap you, and workplace opposition may increase. Be cautious about activities that could harm your reputation and self-esteem.

There’s an unfavourable planetary influence on your honor and reputation, so avoid engaging in any questionable activities. Electronic appliances at home may malfunction, causing mental distress. Success may not come easily for those active on social media or creating short videos this week.

Disputes may arise in the business sector, especially concerning financial transactions. However, businesses related to clothing, jewellery, and beauty will flourish, strengthening the financial aspect for those involved in these areas.

Be prepared for potential conflicts with your spouse, as there may be a legal case ongoing. It’s time for dialogue and negotiation to reach a resolution. Pay special attention to your children, as exams are approaching. Sweetness will prevail in romantic relationships.

Remember, this is just a glimpse, and facing challenges with resilience will contribute to a more positive outcome.


This week promises joy and leisure for Virgo individuals, especially on Sunday. Consider going on a picnic with family or exploring a shopping mall, watching a movie, and hosting a dinner party.

For those involved in business, it’s a favourable time. Planning to expand your business scope will be successful. Meeting new people will bring positive outcomes. However, if you’re contemplating a business partnership, exercise caution—now might not be the right time as financial losses are foreseen.

Financial gains are on the horizon through the sale of ancestral property. A long-standing legal case or dispute may find resolution through mutual understanding. Your eloquence will play a significant role in accomplishing tasks. Social media enthusiasts and content creators may find this week less rewarding.

In the business sector, disputes regarding financial transactions are likely. On the brighter side, businesses related to clothing, jewellery, and beauty will thrive, ensuring financial stability for those involved.

Be cautious of potential conflicts with your spouse, especially if there’s an ongoing legal matter. Dialogue and negotiation are essential for resolution. Pay special attention to your children, especially as exams are approaching. Romantic relationships will continue to be sweet.

Remember, challenges are part of life, and facing them with optimism will contribute to a more positive outcome.


This week, Libra individuals need to approach their tasks with special caution to ensure success. Pay attention to your health, especially if you are diabetic, as negligence might lead to complications. Women born under Libra are advised to undergo a thyroid check, considering the potential risk of thyroid-related issues. Additionally, adopt the right sitting posture to avoid cervical spondylitis.

Monday and Tuesday are promising for financial gains, particularly through the stock market. Your invested stocks are likely to witness a significant surge, so ensure timely profit booking. Online ventures, such as your YouTube channel and blog, will contribute to your financial strength, with a rapid increase in subscribers and followers.

The week brings joy and satisfaction in marital life, making it an opportune time for any collaborative projects. Wednesday evening may bring challenges related to your child’s health, so be vigilant. Advise your children to wear helmets while riding, as there is a risk of accidents.

In the realm of love, emotional connections deepen, and for some, marriage is on the horizon. Considerable progress is anticipated in romantic relationships. Embrace this positive energy and navigate the week with enthusiasm.


This week, Scorpio natives are in for a travel opportunity, and for some, it might mark their first enjoyable experience of air travel. Those engaged in sales can expect a boost in product sales, leading to financial gains. The time is right for those contemplating a change of residence. Job seekers continue to see success in their efforts, with positive results on the horizon. Relief from past headaches is expected starting Monday.

Avoid excessive criticism in the workplace, as it doesn’t contribute positively to the work environment and only increases stress. Factory workers may go on strike over their demands; hence, addressing their concerns is crucial to maintain the supply chain. Health issues may trouble some, especially those engaged in agriculture who find themselves exceptionally busy. Managing excessive work pressure is not suitable for you at the moment.

Be cautious while driving on Saturday, as there is a risk of accidents. Your boss will be supportive, and there’s a chance you may interview new team members. Skillful management is your forte, and you might be planning to take a loan or have already initiated paperwork. A minor dispute among children is likely. Students preparing for competitive exams need to overcome laziness to ensure effective study sessions.


This week calls for careful consideration of your financial matters, especially during transactions, particularly online. Drive cautiously on Sunday to avoid potential accidents. If your car tire is showing signs of damage, don’t delay in changing it to prevent unforeseen financial and mental challenges down the road. Financial assistance from your father is on the horizon, providing a boost to your business ventures. Your decisions will receive unanimous support from senior officers, ensuring a favorable environment.

Consider exploring business opportunities with a close friend. Individuals in the catering business will experience a significant financial upswing this week. FMCG traders may face delays in product deliveries. Your commitment to research and guidance will solidify your position at work, garnering support from colleagues. A journey abroad to visit your children is in the cards. Success in competitive exams appears promising. Be prepared to settle some old pending bills that might disrupt your financial budget.

Financial conditions are set to improve from Monday to Saturday, with gains expected through various channels. Bone-related ailments will see improvement, and oral health issues will show signs of recovery by Friday. Concerns related to your children’s habits, such as quick retorts and procrastination, might be a source of worry. Some may feel apprehensive due to health issues. Stay engaged and proactive in addressing these challenges.


This week’s celestial influences bring a positive impact on Capricorn’s financial front. The week kicks off with an increase in daily income. Steer clear of borrowing and lending on Tuesday and Wednesday to ensure a smooth flow of funds. Your stock in the share market is poised for favourable returns. A surge in the value of stocks across various sectors in your portfolio promises financial gains. Real estate dealers will find lucrative profits in property transactions. Those dealing in pharmaceuticals will witness business growth.

Family disputes are likely to settle, bringing relief to those going through domestic conflicts. Be cautious as your partnership might be at risk; engage in open discussions to mend any rifts. Female natives may experience physical discomfort for a few days. Support from your wife and children will be unwavering. Those working in the education sector can expect an increase in admissions. Health-wise, be mindful of respiratory issues. Avoid unnecessary arguments as they may lead to conflicts.

Exercise caution to avoid haste; patience is key to executing all tasks successfully. Promptly service your vehicle to prevent unexpected breakdowns. Emotional stress may weigh you down on Tuesday. Attending a marriage anniversary party with friends and family will bring joy. A relative’s wedding may demand your presence, offering opportunities to connect with both old and new family members. This week demands high activity levels. Organise a candlelight dinner party with your partner on Friday evening, ensuring a delightful experience. Parental blessings have the potential to alleviate all worries.


This week brings auspicious news for Aquarius. Professional opportunities are on the rise, and there’s a possibility of securing a new job. Those in the medical field will achieve unprecedented success, and students engaged in research will find assistance in completing their theses. Government service employees might experience a transfer. Contractors can anticipate financial gains, and loans for business expansion or land acquisition are favourable. Shopping for new attire in preparation for a wedding ceremony is likely.

Engaging in stock market trading will yield positive returns, and options trading is also predicted to be profitable. Social media posts will attract positive attention, leading to an increase in followers. Bloggers and short video creators will experience growth in subscribers and likes, translating into financial gains. Caution is advised in online gaming to avoid losses.

Mental stress might manifest as heart-related issues, and some may require procedures like stents or pacemakers. Careful driving is essential to prevent knee injuries or fractures. Certain astrological hindrances to marriage will be resolved through guidance, and the weddings of partners or loved ones might cause emotional distress.

Financially, the week holds promise. Trading in the stock market and wise investment choices are likely to bring in profits. Be cautious in online gaming, and focus on your health. The weekend brings joy and happiness as you attend a family celebration. Engaging in outdoor activities or spending quality time with friends will be rejuvenating.

This week, maintain a balance between work and relaxation, and you’ll find success in both professional and personal spheres.


This week unfolds with promising prospects for Pisces, bringing the potential for a new job and the recovery of borrowed money. Your financial ventures could extend to online gaming, bringing in unexpected returns. Family respect will be earned through your dedication to your children’s well-being, and those who heed your advice will see a brighter future. Business expansion or the opening of a new center or shop is on the horizon. Financial gains are anticipated for those working in the finance sector, and government data collection departments might require extra effort this week.

Health-wise, dental issues may arise, prompting a visit to the dentist. Some might even need dental procedures. Eye discomfort suggests a need for an eye checkup, and wearing glasses might become necessary. Back pain could cause discomfort, and financial strain may result from excessive spending. However, success is foreseen in the professional sphere, with support from subordinates.

A pleasant trip with your spouse is on the cards, and for some, marriage is in the offing. Favourable astrological conditions for auspicious occasions prevail at home. Maintaining silence to avoid family troubles is advisable. Stronger work connections are foreseen due to romantic relationships. If travel is on your agenda, ensure the security of valuable items to prevent theft.

Enemies will find it challenging to harm you. A new job, financial gains, and family celebrations mark a week of positivity for Pisces. Stay vigilant, prioritise safety during travels, and enjoy the rewarding aspects of the week.

Summing up, this was the weekly horoscope for all zodiac signs from December 2 to December 9, 2023. Stay connected to the VAMA App, for more information on astrology and horoscope. Download the VAMA App.