Vasi Yoga In Astrology: Meaning, Benefits, and its Effects

In this blog we will know about Vasi Yoga In Astrology, what it means, and what are its benefits and effects in one’s life. 

Vasi Yoga In Astrology: The Vasi Yoga is the yoga which is made by Sun’s help. It is positive in nature and showers success and power on the person. The Sun brings good luck to the one who has Vasi Yoga in their birth chart. Vasi Yoga comes when the planet takes place in the Sun’s 12th house. 

Vasi Yoga has both positive and negative effects. The position of Vasi Yoga tells that the person will be of higher standards or intelligent. As per this yoga, the person will be wise, and will have good communication skills. It tells that the person will have a good and prosperous life. 

The negative effect here comes that it may cause loss of memory and will make the person desire more from his life. They will not have any sympathy for people and will leave their family. Such a behaviour may  bring great problems in their lives. 

In this blog we will know about Vasi Yoga In Astrology, what it means, and what are its benefits and effects in one’s life. 

Participate in online puja organised by VAMA(Get the puja done with your name and gotra)
Name of PujaTemple (Place)
Rin Mukti PujaRin Mukteshwar Mahadev Temple (Ujjain)
Mata Kamakhya MahapujaMata Kamakhya Shakti Peeth (Guwahati)
Shani Sade SatiShani Shingnapur Devsthanam ,Maharashtra
Shri Lakshmi Kuber Mahayagya Aur RudrabhishekJageshwar Kuber Mandir,Almora, Uttrakhand
Rahu Grah Shanti PujaJarkutinatheshwar Mahadev Temple,Prayagraj

Meaning of Vasi Yoga In Astrology

The word Vasi means enhancement of intelligence. It indicates the energy which is in the mind of the person. It comes from sanskrit which means to reside in the inner part. People with Vasi yoga speak less and focus more on their work. 

The Veshi / Vasi Yoga tells the dignity, and power of the person. The main planets which are responsible for its effect are Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter. The Sun’;s connection with this Yoga tells about the social status and behaviour of the native. When the Sun is ahead of these planets, or is behind, then the Vasi Yoga comes into form.

This Yoga influences the person affecting their skills, attitude and their work area. Anyone who has a good status and stable life will have Vesi Yoga in their astrological chart. This will have a good impact on others too. It will also increase your social skills and will enhance your professional life. 

Want to know about Pushkala Yoga? Read this blog – Pushkala Yoga In Kundali: It’s Effects and Influence in Astrology

Benefits of Vasi Yoga in Vedic Astrology

There are various benefits of Vasi Yoga explained in the vedic astrology. They can affect positively in your life. Let’s discuss some of them in detail. 

Increases Leadership Qualities and Enhances Confidence 

One of the major benefits of Vasi Yoga is that it enhances the power of a person and grows their qualities of leadership. They get the nature to influence others and such a thing makes them a better manager or a leader. Having Vasi yoga in the birth chart brings positive changes and helps in living a good life. 


Communication Skills Get Better

Having Vasi Yoga in astrology brings good communication skills which allows a person to have better words with others in their professional field. These people will leave a great impact on others. 

Brings Financial Gains

Everyone wants a better financial life for themselves and for their family. Vasi yoga brings good financial gains and better stability in one’s life. It also gives self improvement and excellence to the person. 

How Vasi Yoga is Formed?

Vasi Yoga is formed when one or more than one planet is there in the Sun’s 12th house as per the astrological chart of the person. If the Moon is there with other planets, then this Yoga will not be there. Vadi Yoga brings positive results in one’s life. 

Vasi Yoga in Jupiter

Those who have Vasi Yoga in their birth chart, are more into religious activities. It happens when Vasi Yoga forms with Jupiter. These people are more connected to their tradition and rules. They have a great respect towards their relationships and give their everything to them. 

Vasi Yoga in Mercury

When Vasi Yoga forms with Mercury, it brings intelligence to the people with this yoga. They start working with more clearance. Although, natives can remain egoistic and may face arrogance. The best thing is that they will not harm anyone. They will be taunted by others, and financial difficulties may affect them. 


Vasi Yoga in Mars

When this Yoga combines with Mars, the person starts donating a lot. These people put their time into their work showing their physical power. They are daring and courageous in nature. They will push themselves a lot in the situations that are uncomfortable for them. 

Vasi Yoga in Venus

Such natives are attracted towards the field of art and creativity. Their own interventions will bring great ideas. They are soft in nature and easily get along with others. As per the monetary terms, they get good wealth. They earn a massive reputation and name. 

Vasi Yoga in Saturn

When Vasi Yoga forms in Sturn, the person becomes good in nature. Such people are not able to live alone and will need someone of the opposite gender to be with them. They deal with all the issues in their life with courage and dignity. 

Want to Know about Raj Yoga? Read this blog – Raj Yoga in Kundali: Kinds of Raj Yoga in Kundali and 6 Ranked Tips to Augment Raj Yoga

Effects of Vasi Yoga and How to handle them

There are various effects which Vasi yoga brings in one’s life. Let’s discuss some of them below.

  • Increase in confidence and self power.
  • Becomes intelligent and financially stable.
  • Remains honest and the one whom everyone can trust easily. 
  • Will have a good life with a great attitude. 
  • They will have a good personality and aura. 
  • Their courageous and bold approach will help them win over their enemies. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of Vasi Yogam?

One of the major benefits of Vasi Yoga is that it enhances the power of a person and grows their qualities of leadership. They get the nature to influence others and such a thing makes them a better manager or a leader. Having Vasi yoga in the birth chart brings positive changes and helps in living a good life. 

What is Vasi Yoga in Vedic astrology?

The word Vasi means enhancement of intelligence. It indicates the energy which is in the mind of the person. It comes from sanskrit which means to reside in the inner part. People with Vasi yoga speak less and focus more on their work.  The Veshi / Vasi Yoga tells the dignity, and power of the person. The main planets which are responsible for its effect are Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter.

What is the effect of Veshi Yoga?

Increase in confidence and self power.

Becomes intelligent and financially stable.

Remains honest and the one whom everyone can trust easily. 

Will have a good life with a great attitude. 

They will have a good personality and aura. 

Their courageous and bold approach will help them win over their enemies. 

Is Vasi yoga caused by Venus?

Such natives are attracted towards the field of art and creativity. Their own interventions will bring great ideas. They are soft in nature and easily get along with others. As per the monetary terms, they get good wealth. They earn a massive reputation and name.