Today’s Horoscope – February 1, 2024: Read your horoscope on VAMA

Let's hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, about your Today's Horoscope February 1, 2024.

Today’s horoscope 1 February 2024: Today is the sixth day of the Magha month. The nakshatra is Chitra, the yoga is Dhriti, and the Karana is Vanij, followed by Vishthi (Bhadra). The auspicious time today (shubh muhurat) is from 12:12 PM to 12:56 PM, and the Rahu Kaal is from 01:56 PM to 03:17 PM.

Let me tell you about today’s horoscope, which includes predictions about your career, business, health, relationships with family and friends, love life, along with the auspicious and inauspicious events throughout the day. Additionally, there are remedies (upay) based on your zodiac sign.

Now, Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, about how the day will be for all zodiac signs. 

Let’s begin by understanding the horoscope for the Aries sign.

Today’s Aries Horoscope (1st February 2024)

Your skillful, organised, and positive behaviour today will enable you to handle additional responsibilities. Make sure that you invest today only after taking proper advice. Moving forward in your love life will not only bring unlimited joy, but it will also strengthen the bond of love. You should take care of everyone’s problems in your family, which will help to create mutual harmony.

Listen to music to relax and de-stress. Music can have a positive impact on your mental and physical health. You may suffer due to others’ unfulfilled promises, as you will try to fulfill them. Be careful not to overstress yourself. It is important to take breaks and avoid taking on too much responsibility.

Today’s Lucky Number – 1. 

Today’s Lucky Color – Light red. 

Today’s Remedy – Have faith in God’s power and your own actions.

Today’s Taurus horoscope (1 February 2024)

On this day, individuals with the Taurus zodiac sign people will achieve success in their work due to their excellent communication skills and behaviour. Be professional and polite in your work. This will help you to build relationships with your colleagues and clients. You are likely to get relief from ear pain.

Be prepared to accept whatever comes your way, as it may prove to be challenging later. Trusting your intuition and honestly following your emotional instincts will lead you on the right path in your love life. You may face financial disappointment as checks may bounce, resulting in the loss of an important contract.

Today’s Lucky Number – 6. 

Today’s Lucky Color – Pinkish Brown. 

Today’s Remedy – Once after waking up, recite the names of the twelve Jyotirlingas and take blessings.

Today’s Gemini Horoscope (1 February 2024)

On this day, people with the Gemini zodiac sign should be careful while working in their respective fields to avoid major problems. Encourage children to meet your expectations and motivate them. The feeling of admiration and respect for the qualities of a particular person can communicate a new feeling in your life.

Stay calm for the sake of your health. Investing the extra money in safe financial plans for the long term will lay the foundation for economic benefits. Be open and honest with your partner. This will help to build trust and intimacy.

Today’s Lucky Number – 9. 

Today’s Lucky Color – Saffron. 

Today’s Remedy – Offer water to the Peepal tree and light a diya with the use of desi ghee.

Today’s Cancer Horoscope (1 February 2024)

On this day, individuals with the Cancer zodiac sign may come across new career opportunities. In business, you will engage in work with new contracts. The possibility of a marriage for your sibling will create excitement in the family.

Make no major decisions during discussions about financial transactions. Don’t forget to meditate for your mental peace. Being clear and appreciating others’ perspectives will bring immense benefits.

Today’s Lucky Number – 17. 

Today’s Lucky Color – Light Pink. 

Today’s Remedy – Keep millet in a corner and the next morning, scatter it for birds to pick.

Today’s Leo Horoscope (1 February 2024)

On this day, individuals with the Leo zodiac sign are  likely to be successful in developing contacts with important people at the workplace. A disappointing stressful situation can arise in your family.

You will come across various kinds of investment schemes today, therefore, make sure to read all directions before making any investments. Asthma patients will be successful in staying away from smokers. You need to maintain your composure as overconfidence can snatch any opportunity from your hands. 

 Today’s Lucky Number – 5. 

Today’s Lucky Color – Light Yellow. 

Today’s Remedy – Don’t come back empty-handed while returning home even if you take a piece of paper. 

Today’s Virgo Horoscope (1 February 2024)

On this day, individuals with the Virgo zodiac sign may face significant challenges in achieving their goals at work. You may achieve great progress in your business today. Guidance from parents will be essential for your success. If possible, then stay away from making any long-term investments.

Young individuals will experience the true emotion of love, bringing meaning to their lives. Stay away from overeating and take care of your health as it can make you obese. Remember that handling too many tasks simultaneously can lead to unfulfilled expectations. 

 Today’s Lucky Number – 22. 

Today’s Lucky Color – Royal Blue. 

Today’s Remedy – Place food near a babul tree on the night of the new moon; it will remove negative energies from your house.

Today’s Libra Horoscope (1 February 2024)

On this day, individuals with the Libra zodiac sign will avoid an embarrassing situation at the workplace with their excellent logical skills. Make a plan carefully of where you want to invest your hard-earned money, as any investment made too quickly can be risky. In matters of love, you will feel light-hearted and happy.

Noise pollution can be annoying and may increase your problems. An influential person will be in contact with you and you will be able to strengthen your relationship with them. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 2. 

Today’s Lucky Color – White. 

Today’s Remedy –  Today’s remedy is to get the wheat grounded and adding 100 grams of black gram in it, will bring good health and success in your life. 

Today’s Scorpio Horoscope (1 February 2024)

On this day, individuals with the Scorpio zodiac sign will need to be aware of the people at work who are trying to degrade you. Make sure you give full attention to your family and avoid any negligence from your end. Any inconvenience caused may affect you heavily.

Regular practice of Reiki will help balance and enhance your energy, improving creativity and aiding in the aging process. Your thoughts today will influence others, and you may extend help to some individuals. There is a possibility of gaining benefits from real estate investments. You will face the real test of your love. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 8. 

Today’s Lucky Color – Deep Turquoise. 

Today’s Remedy – Recite Hanuman Ashtak today. 

Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope (1 February 2024)

On this day, individuals with the Sagittarius zodiac sign should avoid involving themselves in anything at the workplace that has no business with them. Utilize the powers of decision-making for parents in matters related to children.

There is a possibility of a significant financial deal coming in your way. In matters of love, you will try to create a new path to enjoy romantic companionship. Massage therapy will be beneficial in relieving body pain. Your hard work and dedication shine even in unfamiliar environments. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 7. 

Today’s Lucky Color – Yellow. 

Today’s Remedy – Reciting Vishnu Sahasranama will bring you good fortune.

Today’s Capricorn Horoscope (1 February 2024)

On this day, individuals with the Capricorn zodiac sign need to utilise their energy into meaningful tasks at the workplace. Expressing honest appreciation towards your spouse will enhance your marital relationships.

The day brings prosperity and financial security. Be mindful of your words in love relationships, as speaking without thinking may create issues. Special care will help you relieve body pain. Don’t forget to engage in conversations with those whom you rarely meet, as it can bring long-term benefits.

Today’s Lucky Number – 15. 

Today’s Lucky Color – Chocolate. 

Today’s Remedy – Recite Hanuman Chalisa daily.

Today’s Aquarius Horoscope (1 February 2024)

On this day, individuals with the Aquarius zodiac sign won’t experience any changes at work; you’ll need to follow your daily routine. Addressing family achievements and celebrating success will maintain peace and harmony. Your honest efforts will bring significant improvements in your financial situation.

To preserve romantic friendships, you need to control your emotional behaviour. Positive thinking will help you easily overcome negative emotions. While everyone wants to be your friend, make sure to be concerned about your choices.

Today’s Lucky Number – 3. 

Today’s Lucky Color – Yellow. 

Today’s Remedy – Reciting Ganpati Atharvashirsha Path will remove all your problems.

Today’s Pisces Horoscope (1 February 2024)

On this day, individuals with the Pisces zodiac sign can expect positive changes in their career. You will succeed in building love and trust with your family. There will be financial gains in the stock market in the afternoon.

To preserve your bonds, avoid behaving rudely with your partner. Health related remedies will contribute to bringing excellence into your life, and you will enjoy mental peace. Developing friendly relationships with everyone and removing negativity towards others will benefit you.

Today’s Lucky Number – 22. 

Today’s Lucky Color – Deep Yellow. 

Today’s Remedy – Reciting Sundarkand Path is essential to avoid the negative effects of Saturn’s Sade Sati.

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