Today’s Horoscope – 18th February, 2024: Read your horoscope on VAMA

Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how today’s horoscope 18th February is expected to be for all.

Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how today’s horoscope 18th February is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

Today’s horoscope [18th February 2024]: Today is the ninth day of the Shukla Paksha in the month of Magha. The Nakshatra is Rohini, yoga is Vaidhriti, and the karana is kaulava. Additionally, the auspicious time today, i.e., ‘muhurat,’ is from 12:13 PM to 12:58 PM, while the inauspicious period, i.e., ‘Rahukal,’ is from 04:48 PM to 06:12 PM.

Now, let me share with you today’s horoscope, which predicts how your day will be in terms of your career, business, health, relationships with family and friends, and your love life. Today’s horoscope also includes any fortunate or unfortunate events that may occur throughout the day. Along with this, there are remedies or suggestions based on your zodiac sign for today’s horoscope.

So, let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how today’s horoscope 18th February is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2024.

LEO 2024VIRGO 2024

Today’s Aries Horoscope (18th February 2024)

For Aries, today you will have to motivate and inspire your colleagues to be successful in your work. It is in your best interest to keep yourself calm and work diligently to strengthen your efforts. Financial troubles will be solved with the help of your father. You will join a meeting for a part-time business to increase your income. Before starting a love affair, be sure to consider all the pros and cons. High blood pressure and heart patients should be careful.

Status: Maintain a positive and motivating attitude towards colleagues for successful collaboration. This might be a good day to participate in social gatherings or network professionally.

Relationships: Avoid rushing into new romantic relationships without careful consideration. Existing relationships might benefit from open communication and understanding.

Career: Your father’s guidance or support could prove crucial in overcoming financial challenges related to your career. Explore opportunities to increase your income through part-time ventures or side hustles.

Family: Your father’s support can be instrumental in resolving financial difficulties. Open and honest communication within the family is important for maintaining harmony.

Health: People with blood pressure or heart issues should be extra cautious and adhere to their prescribed treatment plans. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with balanced diet and regular exercise is essential.

Today’s Lucky Number – 17

Today’s Lucky Color – Pink

Today’s Remedy – Chanting the mantra “Om Arunaya Namaha” will increase your income.

Today’s Taurus Horoscope (18th February 2024)

Today, Taurus natives you will set targets for your employees in your business and also give them incentives for achieving them. You should discuss family problems without delay and try to solve them. Your success today will surely pave the way for financial gains. True love can last a long time. Diabetic patients will have to be extra careful today. There may be a disagreement with friends today.

Status: Setting targets and offering incentives for employees will showcase your leadership skills and boost your social standing within the workplace.

Relationships: True love and mutual respect are essential for a long-lasting relationship. Focus on understanding and building trust with your partner.

Career: Today’s achievements will pave the way for financial gain and recognition within your career. Consider exploring opportunities for expansion, new projects, or taking on additional responsibilities to further your career goals.

Family: Open and honest communication is key to resolving any family issues and strengthening relationships with loved ones.

Health: If you have diabetes, be extra cautious about your health today and strictly follow your doctor’s advice regarding diet, medication, and activity levels.

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Lucky Color – Sky Blue

Today’s Remedy – Chanting the mantra “Om Achyutaya Namaha” will bring success in your workplace.

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Today’s Gemini Horoscope (18th February 2024)

Today, Gemini natives will experience a busy and demanding work pace. Unwanted disputes with neighbors can disturb your mental peace. Financial problems may arise in completing a project. You will spend more time with your love partner. Some people may suffer from urinary infections. Your day will be hectic and stressful. Tasks may get stuck just before completion. People associated in the political field will achieve success.

Status: The workload will be high today, and you may feel overwhelmed by the demands of your job. Those involved in politics are likely to achieve success today. Your hard work and dedication will be recognized.

Relationships: You will get to spend more time with your love partner today. This will strengthen your bond and bring you closer.

Career: You may face financial difficulties in completing a project. Be prudent with your spending and explore alternative funding options. 

Family: There may be some minor disagreements within the family. Handle them calmly and with understanding.

Health: Some people may experience urinary tract infections. Drink plenty of fluids and maintain good hygiene to prevent this.

Today’s Lucky Number: 1

Today’s Lucky Color: Red

Today’s Remedy: Chanting the mantra “Om Vishwarupaya Namaha” will enhance your fortune.

Today’s Cancer Horoscope (18th February 2024)

Cancer natives should not delay their work today, otherwise they will face trouble. Do not argue with your spouse, otherwise you will remain stressed throughout the day. A good opportunity to earn money will come after noon. You will have an emotional conversation with your love partner. You are likely to make necessary changes in your eating habits to enjoy good health. You need to be careful as even a little carelessness can create some trouble.

Status: Delaying your work today can lead to trouble. Be proactive and complete your tasks on time.

Relationships: You will have an emotional and meaningful conversation with your love partner. This will strengthen your bond and bring you closer. 

Career: Look out for a good opportunity to earn money after noon. This could be a new project, a business deal, or an investment opportunity.

Family: Family life will be peaceful and harmonious. Enjoy spending time with your loved ones.

Health: You are likely to make necessary changes in your eating habits to improve your health. This is a positive step that will benefit you in the long run.

Today’s Lucky Number: 5

Today’s Lucky Color: Chocolate

Today’s Remedy: Chanting the mantra “Om Inaay Namah” will protect you from unforeseen troubles.

Today’s Leo Horoscope (18th February 2024)

Leos will use modern technology to progress in their business today. They will achieve victory over their enemies. They will spend their precious time with their children and be happy. They will make a profit by buying and selling something today. They will try to strengthen their love relationship. They will have to be careful not to have disputes with outsiders.

Status: Modern technology adoption will drive progress and potentially boost your reputation within your industry. Be mindful of potential disagreements with outsiders to maintain a positive social image.

Relationships: Making efforts to strengthen your love bond, like spending quality time, can deepen your connection and bring happiness.

Career: Utilizing modern technology can lead to advancements and profit in your business ventures. Buying and selling strategically can bring financial gain.

Family: Enjoying precious moments with your children will create lasting memories and strengthen family ties. 

Health: Focus on a balanced lifestyle and healthy habits to maintain good health. Be mindful of minor health concerns and take preventive measures.

Today’s Lucky Number: 7

Today’s Lucky Color: Pink

Today’s Remedy: Chanting the mantra “Om Inaay Namah” will bring peace and happiness in the family.

Today’s Virgo Horoscope (18th February 2024)

Virgos may have disputes at the workplace today. They will sign a new contract with someone for business progress. Their children’s exams are going on and they will help them prepare for their subjects. Their financial condition will be normal. They should not argue with their girlfriend on small things, otherwise the dispute may increase. Both disease and enemies will be pacified. You will win the case in the court.

Status: Potential disputes with colleagues or superiors could impact your social standing within the workplace. Be mindful of potential conflicts with outsiders as they may negatively impact your public image.

Relationships: Avoid unnecessary arguments with your partner. Prioritize understanding and patience to maintain harmony.

Career: Signing a new contract signifies progress and potential partnerships or investments. Be prepared to navigate minor challenges at work. Remain calm and focused to overcome them.

Family: Enjoy quality time with your children and offer support with their exams. This will strengthen family bonds.

Health: Maintain a healthy lifestyle to stay free from major illnesses. Be mindful of potential minor health issues and take preventive measures if needed.

Today’s Lucky Number: 1

Today’s Lucky Colour: Green

Today’s Remedy: Chanting the mantra “Om Adibhutaya Namah” will give you victory over your enemies.

Today’s Libra Horoscope (18th February 2024)

Today, Libra natives might face troubles for some reason or the other. Take care of your valuables at home, otherwise they might get stolen. You will have to work hard to earn money. Your love life will be good. People associated with the music field will have a program today. Your friends will help you in some big work. You will be very upset due to an injury to your foot.

Status: Expect challenges today that could impact your social standing. Maintain a positive attitude and navigate situations gracefully. Be cautious of potential conflicts with others, as they might damage your reputation.

Relationships: Enjoy a sweet and harmonious relationship with your partner. Spend quality time together to strengthen your bond.

Career: Hard work and dedication will be necessary to achieve success today. Don’t get discouraged by obstacles. Earning money might require extra effort. Manage your finances wisely and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Family: Focus on maintaining peace and understanding within the family. Minor disagreements are possible, but communication can resolve them.

Health: Be mindful of your feet, as there’s a possibility of an injury. Wear appropriate footwear and avoid risky activities.

Today’s Lucky Number: 7

Today’s Lucky Colour: Dark Red

Today’s Remedy: Chanting the mantra “Om Vasudevaya Namah” will remove all your troubles today.

Today’s Scorpio Horoscope (18th February 2024)

Scorpios will have a mixed day today. They will have a meeting with their business partner and their love life will be good. However, their father’s health will deteriorate. They will have to take him to the doctor and get him checked up. They may also have to borrow money from someone. They will spend quality time with their partner and enjoy each other’s company. 

Status: A business meeting with your partner could influence your social standing within the industry. Focus on collaboration and positive interactions.

Relationships: Enjoy a good and harmonious relationship with your partner. An evening meeting promises connection and romance.

Career: Prepare well for a crucial business meeting with your partner. Communication, collaboration, and strategic planning are key.

Family: Your father’s health concerns might temporarily strain family dynamics. Offer support and understanding.

Health: Be mindful of potential headaches or fever. Early diagnosis and rest will ensure a speedy recovery.

Today’s Lucky Number: 1

Today’s Lucky Colour: Saffron

Today’s Remedy: Chanting the mantra “Om Ishaya Namah” will remove your mental troubles.

Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope (18th February 2024)

Sagittarius will have a mixed day today. They will complete their work on time and make progress in their business. However, they will have a disagreement with their siblings and their mental state will be disturbed. They will be focused and efficient today. Sagittarius’ financial situation will be normal today. They will not have any major expenses.

Status: Completing work efficiently can enhance your reputation within your professional circle. However, be mindful of maintaining positive relationships with colleagues.

Relationships: Enjoy romantic moments and strengthen your connection with your partner. Today you will get full support from your life partner, strengthening your bond.

Career: Completing work on time demonstrates excellent work ethic and reflects positively on your career. Opportunities for growth and profit exist in these fields. Utilize your skills and network effectively.

Family: A potential argument with siblings could disrupt domestic peace. Seek constructive solutions and prioritize family unity. 

Health: Confusing thoughts and worries might cause temporary mental unrest. Seek calming activities and practice mindfulness to overcome them.

Today’s Lucky Number: 9

Today’s Lucky Colour: Yellow

Today’s Remedy: Chanting the mantra “Om Sushilāya Namah” will increase your courage today.

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Today’s Capricorn Horoscope (18th February 2024)

Capricorns should maintain control and avoid getting hyper in business today. Success will come through calculated actions. Children’s health may need attention, as minor ailments may arise. Provide them with care and support. For those preparing for competitive exams, today is the day of the exam. Stay focused and maintain a positive mindset. You may decide to enter into a partnership with someone today. Mutual respect and trust will be key to success.

Status: Control your emotions and maintain professionalism in business dealings. Success will follow through calculated actions. Recognition for your achievements is likely, boosting your social standing.

Relationships: You may decide to enter into a partnership with someone today. Mutual respect and trust will be key to success.

Career: Students appearing for competitive exams can expect favorable results. Stay focused and maintain a positive mindset. You may be inspired to initiate new projects or ventures. 

Family: Children’s health may need attention, as minor ailments may arise. Provide them with care and support.

Health: Take preventive measures to avoid kidney stone formation. Stay hydrated and maintain a healthy diet.

Today’s Lucky Number: 3

Today’s Lucky Color: Blue

Today’s Remedy: Chanting the mantra “Om Ugrarupaya Namah” will strengthen your financial position.

Today’s Aquarius Horoscope (18th February 2024)

Today, Aquarius natives might face disappointment as their expectations go unmet. They should be prepared for high expectations from family and cautious in their words and actions. An eye doctor visit might be necessary, but love life finds some resolution with misunderstandings clearing up. 

Status: Be mindful of your actions and communication due to potential scrutiny and high expectations from others. This could impact your social standing.

Relationships: Misunderstandings clear up, strengthening your relationship with your partner.

Career: Remain cautious and meticulous in your work to avoid unnecessary errors or conflicts. : The unmet expectations might temporarily impact your job satisfaction.

Family: High expectations from family members could create tension. Practice patience and prioritize open communication. Social activities with family can offer comfort and emotional support.

Health: An eye doctor visit might be necessary for potential issues.

Today’s Lucky Number: 3

Today’s Lucky Color: Black

Today’s Remedy: Chanting the mantra “Om Anantaya Namah” will reduce mental stress today.

Today’s Pisces Horoscope (18th February 2024)

Pisces natives, can expect a productive day. You will prepare a file for a government contract and participating in religious gatherings with family bring positive vibes. Financial gains will be there through recovering loaned money. Love life flourishes with close encounters with your partner, but back pain might cause discomfort. However, your social media presence thrives as your subscriber base grows. 

Status: Preparing a government contract showcases your skills and professionalism, potentially boosting your professional reputation.

Relationships: Enjoyable encounters with your partner strengthen your emotional connection and bring happiness.

Career: Preparing a government contract signifies advancement opportunities and career achievements. Potential financial income through bonuses, commissions, will improves your financial standing.

Family: Shared religious activities deepen family connections and foster shared spiritual experiences. Strong family support system provides emotional comfort and encouragement for your endeavours.

Health: Address back pain or backbone pain promptly to avoid further discomfort and potential limitations. Enjoyable moments with loved ones and financial gains alleviate stress and contribute to mental well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number : 8

Today’s Lucky Colour for: Saffron

Today’s Remedy: Chanting the mantra “Om Ijjaya Namah” will remove all your troubles.