Today’s Horoscope, 16th April 2024: Read your horoscope on VAMA

Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how today’s horoscope 16th april is expected to be for all.

[Today’s Horoscope 16th April 2024]: Everyone wishes to know their horoscope for the day. In this regard, the renowned astrologer Acharya Dev brings today’s horoscope for you.

Today’s horoscope includes predictions about career, business, health, relationships with family and friends, love life, and the events that may unfold throughout the day. Additionally, there are remedies suggested based on your zodiac sign.             

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2024.

LEO 2024VIRGO 2024

So, let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how 16th April  today’s horoscope is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

First of all, let us know today’s horoscope of Aries.

Today’s Horoscope for Aries (16th April 2024)

Today, clear thinking and good foresight will be beneficial at your workplace. A surprising news for all the members will keep you excited. Failure to catch an investment opportunity will deprive you of earning profits. Sweetness will remain in your love relationship. Today we will try to increase physical activity by walking or jogging. Today’s Horoscope for Aries says that the right plan will help you get your rhythm back. Be original in your conversations and avoid taking any action to keep problems away.

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Lucky Colour – Red

Today’s Remedy – Recite Hanuman Chalisa.

Today’s Horoscope for Taurus (16th April 2024)

Today you can spend most of your time planning about your career prospects. There will be some kind of problem in the family. Today, whether your journey is professional or personal, it will definitely be successful. Your investment will bring financial gain today. You can make the day better by enjoying the company of your love partner. Today’s Horoscope for Taurus says that good physical health will give you the desired energy. You will get a lot of respect in your friend circle.

Today’s Lucky Number – 4

Today’s Lucky Colour – Blue

Today’s Remedy – Donate 1.25 kg of red lentils to a temple.

Today’s Horoscope for Gemini (16th April 2024)

There is a possibility that some of you will have to face problems in the workplace. Irresponsible thoughts will hurt the sentiments of family members. Exercise utmost caution while mortgaging property. Will try to strengthen the relationship in love affairs. Today’s Horoscope for Gemini says that you should eat a high-fibre diet and drink plenty of fluids to keep yourself physically fit and well.

Today’s Lucky Number – 6

Today’s Lucky Colour – Chocolate

Today’s Remedy – Apply vermillion tilak on the right arm of Hanuman ji.

Today’s Horoscope for Cancer (16th April 2024)

Today you will face challenging situations at work. There is no need to make any extra efforts to bring happiness on the family front today as it will come into your life automatically. If you invest in the share market today, you will gain money. It will be a loss if you do not invest in online games today. There are signs of a long time friendship turning into a permanent relationship. Drive the vehicle carefully. Today’s Horoscope for Cancer says that difficult situations will be resolved easily with the help of friends.

Today’s Lucky Number – 8

Today’s Lucky Colour – White

Today’s Remedy – Recite Hanuman Ashtak, all kinds of problems will go away.

Today’s Horoscope for Leo (16th April 2024)

Today you will be more involved in the work field. There will also be mental stress due to running around. Today’s Horoscope for Leo says that be careful in business transactions, losses are visible. There seems to be tension with your spouse over some issue. Today you will listen to your agent due to which you will benefit from the investment. Today you will not be able to meet or talk to your love partner, which will cause some tension. Early detection of any potentially serious disease will enable you to treat it in time.

Today’s Lucky Number – 7

Today’s Lucky Colour – Golden

Today’s Remedy – Feed wheat and jaggery to the monkey.

Today’s Horoscope for Virgo (16th April 2024)

Today you will achieve your goal which will also increase your respect. You will get a golden opportunity to work for the welfare of your family. By investing in the share market, you will get more profit than your deposit. Do not argue too much with your love partner, otherwise separation will occur. Today’s Horoscope for Virgo says that you will feel healthy or if you are suffering from any disease, you will get relief from that too. You will resolve your past differences with friends.

Today’s Lucky Number – 22

Today’s Lucky Colour – Light Green

Today’s Remedy – Keep a fast today and do special worship of Goddess Durga.

Today’s Horoscope for Libra (16th April 2024)

Today, Libra natives need to work hard to maintain their social recognition. Your family’s support will provide you power to overcome certain situations which you are facing in your life. For earning better profits you need to take more risks. To save your love life, you need to take over the risks of your lover. You need to take care of the old ones at your home and make sure their health remains better. Today’s Horoscope for Libra says that, you will spend time helping others with their requirements. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 1

Today’s Lucky Colour – Light Red

Today’s Remedy – Keep a fast today and do special worship of Goddess Durga.

Today’s Horoscope for Scorpio (16th April 2024)

Today, Scorpio natives will be worried about not being able to make good decisions at their work. Your sole decision of changing the interior design of your home will make your family members angry. Today, you will make decisions of investments and will plan accordingly. You are not able to express your love towards your life partner due to which your relationship is not working properly. Today’s Horoscope for Scorpio says that take proper care of your health and make sure you eat proper meals. Any form of greed will not attract you. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 17

Today’s Lucky Colour – Saffron

Today’s Remedy – Do the paath of Durga Saptashati. 

Today’s Horoscope for Sagittarius (16th April 2024)

Today, don’t start working on any new task as it will not get successful. The competition is about to increase in your work. Make sure to try your best to bring closeness in your relationship with your partner. Work only on those things which will be completed in less time. Keep your emotions in control and make your relationship stronger. Today’s Horoscope for Sagittarius mentions that, there are chances that your health will remain good. Your close friend may put you into a bad situation. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 10

Today’s Lucky Colour – Saffron

Today’s Remedy – Do the path of Siddha Kunjika around 108 times.  

Today’s Horoscope for Capricorn (16th April 2024)

Today, people associated with sales and marketing and interior designing are likely to fulfil their dreams. Avoid losing your temper over domestic problems today at all costs. Don’t let financial problems come in the way of implementing important projects. In love relationships, you will have to handle the situation patiently and calmly to get a positive response. Today’s Horoscope for Capricorn says anger begins with foolishness and ends with repentance, so control yourself to avoid disappointment.

Today’s Lucky Number – 8

Today’s Lucky Colour – Silver

Today’s Remedy – Today you should go out of the house only after performing Havan puja.

Today’s Horoscope for Aquarius (16th April 2024)

Today your wish for success in your work will be fulfilled. You will win over your enemies. The problems which you were facing in your married life will be over today. If you are thinking of investing somewhere then today is the best day for it. Don’t put too much mind thinking about your love life, as these things work on belief. Those who are having diabetes need to eat less and walk more. You are likely to realise the importance of reaching out to people.

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Lucky Colour – Magenta

Today’s Remedy – Chantthe and do the havan while chanting the Maa Durga’s Navarna mantra.

Today’s Horoscope for Pisces (16th April 2024)

Today your desire to achieve success in the workplace will definitely be fulfilled. Today you will conquer your opponents. The problems going on in marital life will go away. If you are planning to invest in any work project then today is the right day. There is no need to put too much mind into love, love runs on trust. Diabetic patients should take a balanced diet and take walks. You are likely to realise the importance of reaching out to people.

Today’s Lucky Number – 4

Today’s Lucky Colour – Light Yellow

Today’s Remedy – Pray to Maa Durga and provide food to girls.

For more essential information on astrology, festivals, horoscopes, and culture, be sure to read the VAMA blogs.