Astrology for Love Marriage: How to know if there are chances of Love Marriage in Kundali?

In this blog, we will know about astrology for love marriage as whether there are chances of love marriage in your kundali and various astrological insights connected with it. 

Astrology for Love Marriage: The most beautiful thing in this world is falling in love with someone. And the most beautiful thing is marrying the person you love. Everyone wants to marry their lover. But involving astrology in this case is necessary to make sure everything goes well. 

Various best astrologers for love marriage out there know if there are chances of love marriage in your kundli or not. Even if there are indications of love marriage or arranged marriage in your kundli, astrology can tell you everything. Everything is told in your horoscope. 

In this blog, we will know about astrology for love marriage as whether there are chances of love marriage in your kundali and various astrological insights connected with it. 

Love Marriage in Astrology 

For the prediction of the love marriage in astrology, a person should have the knowledge of planetary positions and about his astrology houses in their horoscope. The different houses on different planets increases the chances of Love Marriage in your kundali. Proper chart and its readings by the best astrologer for love marriage can also help you in understanding whether a love marriage or an arranged marriage is written in your destiny. 

If analysis is performed in a more detailed manner, then it can also tell that about the name of your partner. In hindu religion, matching of the astrology for Love Marriage of both the partners is made necessary. Due to this, major issues like no inter-caste marriage, inter-religion marriage, or other gotra related issues arise which creates problems in love marriage possibilities. 

What Are The Role Of Planets In Love Marriage?

Various different planets have their roles in creating chances of love marriage. Here we have discussed about them in detail below:-

Rahu (Dragon’s Head)

The planet Rahu, affects the relationship of the individuals. It is advised to sit properly in a  good position otherside Rahu may increase the chances of your breakup. Along with this, confusions and misunderstandings in your love marriage too. Among most of the planets, Rahu contributes to the divorce even more negatively. 


The only planet who is feared by most people is Saturn. In the field of astrology, individuals are afraid of this planet. It is the evil planet and is known for making things bad and delaying marriage related occasions. 

The planet Saturn is the Shani, which spreads negativity in married life. Such a thing affects the trust between the love partners. Therefore, it will cause separation from the love marriage. 


The planet Ketu is also known as the South node of planet Moon or Descending lunar node. It is the planet of second shadow and it affects the interests of a human in decision making. As when Ketu is not in a good position, the person will not be satisfied in their relationship.

He will remain in distractions, and his physical as well as emotional needs will be affected. Ketu’s inauspicious effect will give a negative reach to married and love life of a human being. 


The planet Mercury does not affect a human being’s married life. When Mercury is in a good position, it provides a positive effect in a relationship by making communication strong between the partners. 

It allows the person to be more logical in their relationship by which he can make sure to make decisions wisely. However, thinking too logically may remove the romantic side of the person, and it may affect the relationship between the both. 


The Sun is the star which is known as the most egoistic one. It shows power and ruling nature. Mostly, it is used for showing ego in a person or a dominant form. 

If we talk about it in married life then the Sun should not be in the wrong position in one’s horoscope. This Sun’s position will affect the relationship of a person and will create misunderstandings and conflicts between the two. 

Significance of Astrology for Love Marriage


In the field of astrology, the importance of love marriage depends on various factors. There are various points which tell about the Significance of Love Marriage. Let’s discuss them below in detail:-

A Person’s Own Choice

Instead of being bound by the family decisions and society thoughts, a person can choose their life partner based on their emotional beliefs. Personal desires play an essential role allowing you to make your own decisions for your upcoming married life. 

The Role and Effects of Planets

Astrology for Love Marriage also depends on the different planetary behaviours and their movements. Such a behaviour can affect the relationship between love partners and therefore affect the love marriage. Love marriages are affected by the planets who play a significant role in partnerships, romantic relationships, and love. 

The Matching Of Kundali (Astrological Chart)

In the astrology field, also in Astrology for Love Marriage, the matching of the different sorts of things between the two partners who are getting married is done through kundli matching (birth chart matching). Such a practice matches the compatibility of the partners and makes sure their astrological charts are matching. 

Challenges and Energies

Love marriage gives positive energy to the relationship. As the bond is made by love, and trust, it therefore contributes to the strong bond between the two partners. There sometimes can be various challenges or pressure from society. 

For a solution to this, go for the best astrologer for love marriage as it may help you in overcoming those challenges and promoting peace in a relationship. 

Will you choose love marriage?

Love marriage works well as it focuses more on bonding and genuine connection between the love partners. As in arranged marriage, connection is decided on the financial, societal, and horoscope factors while love marriage focuses on understanding between the partners. 

In a love marriage, couples know each other more, share their thoughts and feelings with each other which creates a better scenario than arranged marriage. Such an emotional intimacy helps in facing challenges and problems together. The two choose each other on the basis of interests, connection, and a desire for making life together. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is astrology important for love marriage?

For the prediction of the love marriage in astrology, a person should have the knowledge of planetary positions and about his astrology houses in their horoscope. The different houses on different planets increases the chances of Love Marriage in your kundali.

How to know love marriage in astrology?

As per the astrology, love marriage is indicated in the 5th as well as 7th house. Such a thing contributes towards the love marriage of the love marriage.

Can astrology help in love marriage?

If analysis is performed in a more detailed manner, then it can also tell that about the name of your partner. In hindu religion, matching of the kundli of both the partners is made necessary. Due to this, major issues like no inter-caste marriage, inter-religion marriage, or other gotra related issues arise which creates problems in love marriage possibilities.