Sharad Purnima 2023: Significance, Rituals, & Reasons To Keep Kheer In Moonlight

"Discover the joy of Sharad Purnima, the auspicious autumn full moon festival. Learn about its traditions highlighting divine love, health, and abundance."

Sharad Purnima, also known as Kojagari Purnima or Kumar Purnima, is a significant Hindu festival celebrated on the full moon day in the autumn season. This festival holds a special place in the hearts of people, particularly in India, where it is marked by various rituals and traditions. In this blog, we will delve into the significance, customs, and the delightful aura that Sharad Purnima brings with it.


Significance of Sharad Purnima

  1. Harvest Festival: Sharad Purnima is often considered a harvest festival. It falls in the autumn season when the fields are laden with ripe crops. Farmers see this as a time to celebrate the abundance and offer their gratitude to the deities for a bountiful harvest. Did you know that this harvest festival is also known as ‘Kojagiri festival’? The word ‘Kojagiri’ has been derived from the Bengali language, which means ‘who is awake’. So, as per mythological beliefs, Goddess Lakshmi only blesses those who stay awake during the night of the Sharad Purnima date.
  2. Worshipping the Moon God: The full moon of Sharad Purnima is believed to be the brightest and most beautiful of the year. This day is thought to be the only day of the year when the moon rises with all sixteen Kalas (virtues). In Hinduism, each human quality is linked to specific Kalas, and it is believed that the fusion of these sixteen different Kalas results in an ideal human character and perfect personality.People stay awake through the night to bask in the moon’s glow, believing it to have a positive influence on their health and well-being, seeking the blessings of the Moon god, Lord Chandra. Further, Lord Krishna, who embodied all sixteen Kalas, is said to have been the complete incarnation of Lord Vishnu and was born with this divine perfection.
  3. The Legend of Lord Krishna: In the Brij region, Sharad Purnima is associated with the romantic legend of Lord Krishna playing the divine flute on this night, attracting the gopis (milkmaids) to dance with him.
    Here, Sharad Purnima is also referred to as Raas Purnima. Legend has it that on Sharad Purnima, Lord Krishna engaged in the Maha-Raas, a celestial dance of divine love. On that enchanting night, captivated by the melody of Krishna’s flute, the Gopis of Vrindavan discreetly left their homes and families to dance with Krishna in the forest throughout the night. This was the occasion when Lord Krishna manifested numerous forms of himself to accompany each Gopi. It is believed that Lord Krishna extended the night supernaturally to match the duration of one night of Lord Brahma, which equates to billions of human years.
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Customs and Traditions

  1. Kheer Preparation: On this day, not only does the Moon radiate all sixteen Kalas, but its rays are believed to possess certain healing properties that nourish both the body and the soul. It is also thought that on Sharad Purnima, the moonlight drips nectar. As a result of this divine occurrence, it is a tradition to prepare a special dish, “Kheer”, a well-known Indian sweet dish made from cow milk, rice, and sugar, and place it in the moonlight throughout the night. This kheer is made with fresh, newly harvested rice and is offered to the moon god. In the morning, the Rice-Kheer, believed to be enriched and fortified with the moonlight, is consumed and shared as Prasad among family members, symbolising the joy of the harvest.
  2. Kojagari Lakshmi Vrat: In West Bengal, Orissa and Assam, the most important day to worship Goddess Lakshmi falls on the full moon day during the lunar month Ashwin. Lakshmi Puja on Purnima Tithi in the month of Ashwin is known as Kojagari Puja and more commonly known as Bengal Lakshmi Puja. Many devotees observe the Kojagari Lakshmi Vrat on this day.. Kojagari Vrat is also known as Kaumudi Vrat. They fast throughout the day and break it only after seeing the full moon at night. This ritual is believed to bring wealth and prosperity.
  3. Dancing and Singing: In some regions, young girls gather to celebrate the festival by singing and dancing through the night. This is a colourful and joyful aspect of Sharad Purnima celebrations, reliving the spirit of Maha-Raas, performed by Lord Krishna.
  4. Worship of Goddess Lakshmi: Many people also worship Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity, on this day, seeking her blessings for a prosperous year ahead. Although, in most parts of India, Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped on Amavasya tithi, during Diwali.

Sharad Purnima Puja Date and Important Timings:

Sharad Purnima Date: Oct 28, 2023, Saturday
Purnima Tithi Begins: 04:17 AM on Oct 28, 2023
Purnima Tithi Ends: 01:53 AM on Oct 29, 2023
Moonrise on Sharad Purnima Day: 05:20 PM

Rituals & Procedure for Sharad Purnima Puja

  1. On the day of Sharad Purnima, wake up during the Brahma Muhurta (the auspicious time before sunrise) and take a bath in a sacred river if possible.
  2. If taking a dip in a river is not feasible, perform a ceremonial bath using Ganga water at home and wear clean clothes.
  3. Next, spread a red cloth on a wooden platform or a clean spot and purify it with Ganga water.
  4. Place an idol or image of Goddess Lakshmi on this platform and drape it with a red attire.
  5. Afterward, offer red flowers (or Lotus), fragrance (perfume or incense), sweets, incense sticks, betel nuts, and more as part of ritual to appease Goddess Lakshmi.
  6. Recite the Lakshmi Chalisa (hymn dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi) in front of the deity.
  7. Conclude the puja by performing an aarti.
  8. In the evening, perform a second puja to Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu, and offer water (an offering) to the moon.
  9. Prepare “kheer” with rice and cow’s milk (a sweet rice pudding) and leave it under the moonlight.
  10.  At midnight, offer the kheer as prasad to Goddess Lakshmi and share the prasad with all the members of your family.

The Magic of Moonlight

One of the most enchanting aspects of Sharad Purnima is the moonlight. People believe that the moon’s rays on this night possess special healing properties and provide numerous health benefits. It is said that moonbathing on this night can help cure diseases and increase one’s longevity.

In a world dominated by artificial lights and the constant hustle and bustle of life, Sharad Purnima reminds us to take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature and the simple pleasures it offers.

sharad purnima 2023

Sharad Purnima and Its Spiritual Essence

Sharad Purnima is a festival that beautifully combines spirituality and nature’s beauty. It’s a time to express gratitude for the bountiful harvest, seek the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, and revel in the radiant moonlight. Whether through fasting, singing, dancing, or simply gazing at the full moon, this festival serves as a reminder to appreciate the beauty of life and the world around us.

Now that you’re aware of the rich history and cultural significance, if you ever have the opportunity to witness the magic of Sharad Purnima, don’t miss it, as it’s a celebration that truly touches the heart and soul.

If you want to learn more about Hindu festivals, download the VAMA app. Do note that performing special personalised rituals on Sharad Purnima helps you to strengthen Moon in your birth chart and protect you from its malefic effects. You may Talk to Our Expert Astrologers, to get effective remedies based on your birth chart.

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Frequently Asked Questions 

  1. When is Sharad Purnima this year?
    • Sharad Purnima falls on the full moon day in the Hindu month of Ashwin, typically in October. The exact date is 28th October, 2023.
  2. What are the special rituals for Sharad Purnima?
    • On Sharad Purnima, people often observe a fast and perform various rituals like offering the Kheer (sweet rice pudding) to the moon, which is a significant tradition associated with this festival. They may also stay awake during the night to see the moon.
  3. How do I prepare Kheer for Sharad Purnima?
    • Preparing Kheer is an essential part of the Sharad Purnima celebrations. It’s made from milk, rice, sugar, and other ingredients. Recipes can vary, but you can find detailed instructions for making Kheer online or in cookbooks.
  4. Can you explain the significance of offering Kheer to the moon on Sharad Purnima?
    • Offering Kheer to the moon is a symbolic gesture of absorbing the moon’s cooling and nourishing energy, which is believed to have a positive effect on one’s health and well-being.
  5. What should I wear for Sharad Purnima celebrations?
    • People often choose to wear traditional or festive clothing in white colour for Sharad Purnima. It’s a time when many prefer to dress in their best attire.
  6. How should I perform Sharad Purnima puja?
    • The Sharad Purnima puja involves various rituals, including offering the Kheer to the moon and reciting prayers. Specific details of the puja can vary among different regions and communities.