Kartikeya Vratam – Why You Should Fast On This Day

The Kartikeya Vratam is an ancient Hindu tradition that is observed by individuals of any age group. It is a festival in which people fast for the duration of the day and night, thereby praying for the well-being of their family and for being granted success in all their endeavors.

Why You Should Fast On This Day

According to Hindu tradition, Kartikeya is the god of war and victory. He is also the patron deity of athletes and those in competitive sports. As such, many Hindus believe that fasting on the day of Kartikeya Vratam can help them to victory in their chosen pursuits.

There are many reasons why Hindus might choose to fast on this day. Some do so as a form of devotion to Kartikeya, while others believe that it will help them to achieve success in their studies or other pursuits. Whatever the reason, fasting on this day can be a powerful spiritual practice.

Those who fast on Kartikeya Vratam typically eat only fruits and vegetables. Some also refrain from drinking water during the day, though this is not required. Fasting in this way can help to purify the body and mind, and can be a way of showing respect for Kartikeya.

If you are considering fasting on this day, be sure to speak with your doctor first to make sure that it is safe for you to do so. Fasting is not recommended for everyone, and it is important to make sure that you are physically able to handle it before proceeding.

What Happens On This Day?

According to the mythology, Lord Kartikeya is the son of Shiva and Parvati. He is also known as Skanda, Kandha, Murugan and Subrahmanya. He is the commander of the army of Devas and the leader of the ghost army. He is worshipped in the form of a six-faced Lingam.

The Kartikeya Vratam is observed on the Purnima day in the month of Margashirsha. On this day, devotees wake up early and take a holy bath. They wear new clothes and offer prayers to Lord Kartikeya. Devotees observe fast on this day and break their fast only after offering special prayers to Lord Kartikeya.


Kartikeya Vratam is one of the most auspicious days in the Hindu calendar. It is observed on the first day of the waxing moon in the month of Margashirsha. On this day, devotees fast and offer prayers to Lord Kartikeya, also known as Murugan.

There are many benefits of fasting on Kartikeya Vratam. It is believed that fasting on this day helps to purify the mind and body, and brings peace and prosperity. Fasting also helps to control the senses and develop self-discipline.

Observing this vratam is said to bring good health, long life and wealth. It is also believed to fulfill all desires and help in the attainment of moksha (liberation from the cycle of birth and death).

So, if you are looking for a day to start your fasts or observing a special day for Lord Kartikeya, then Kartikeya Vratam is the perfect day!


There are a few limitations to the Kartikeya vratam. First, it is only meant for those who are unmarried. Second, it is only to be observed by males. Third, one must not eat any type of grain during the vratam. Lastly, one should not drink alcohol or smoke during the vratam.


Kartikeya is the Hindu god of war and victory, and is also known as Skanda, Murugan and Subramanya. He is the son of Shiva and Parvati, and is usually depicted as a young man riding a peacock.

Hindus believe that fasting on the day of Kartikeya’s birth (the sixth day of the waxing moon in the month of Margashirsha) will please the god and bring them his blessings. Kartikeya is especially worshipped by those who wish for success in warfare, sports or business.

Here are some tips on how to fast on Kartikeya’s day:

1. Wake up early and take a bath. Wear clean clothes and sandals or shoes.

2. Place a small statue or picture of Kartikeya in front of you. Light a lamp or candles and offer flowers to the god.

3. recite prayers or mantras dedicated to Kartikeya. You can also listen to devotional songs or read religious texts about him.

4. The main part of the fast is to refrain from eating meat, eggs, dairy products, grains or anything else that is considered impure.