What The Full Moon In Virgo Will Mean For You

The Virgo Full Moon will also be a SuperMoon, which means that the moon will be within 90% of its closest orbital point to Earth.


The Full Moon In Virgo

The full moon in Virgo will be a time of heightened emotions and intuition. This is because the full moon is in the sign of Virgo, which is ruled by the planet Mercury. Mercury is the planet of communication and thought. Therefore, the full moon in Virgo will be a time when we are more attuned to our thoughts and feelings. We may find ourselves thinking about things that we normally would not think about, and we may feel things more deeply than usual. It is important to pay attention to our thoughts and feelings during this time, as they may be trying to tell us something important.


What Each Sign Will Experience During This Eclipse

The Full Moon in Virgo is upon us and it’s time to see what this celestial event will mean for each zodiac sign. This is an eclipse season, so we can expect some big changes and shifts in our lives. Virgo is all about order, analysis and perfectionism, so this Full Moon is sure to bring some challenges for us all. Let’s see how each sign will be affected.



You may find yourself feeling a little out of sorts during this Full Moon. The Eclipse will bring up some hidden fears and insecurities that you thought you had dealt with. It’s important to face these emotions head on, otherwise they will continue to hold you back. There may also be some tension with your family or close friends during this time. Try to stay calm and constructive when communicating with loved ones.



This Full Moon will be a positive one for you, Taurus. You’ll feel confident and optimistic, ready to take on whatever comes your way. Things will be flowing smoothly in your relationships and you’ll find it easy to connect with others. Use this energy to your advantage and make progress on your goals. You may also receive some good news or


How to get prepared

The full moon in Virgo is coming up soon, and if you want to make the most of its energies, there are a few things you can do to prepare. First, take some time to reflect on what you want to achieve or manifest in your life. What area of your life could use a little boost? Whether it’s your love life, your career, or your health, focus your intention on what you’d like to see improve.

Next, take a look at your lifestyle and see if there are any areas that could use a little tweaking. If you’re feeling out of balance or scattered, this is the perfect time to get organized and streamline your routine. Simplifying your life will help you to focus on what’s really important and make room for positive change.

Finally, don’t forget to pamper yourself a bit during this full moon. Treat yourself to a relaxing massage or bath, light some candles, and just take some time to unwind. You deserve it!


How to prepare for the next Full Moon

The next Full Moon takes place in the sign of Virgo on March 9th. This Full Moon is known as the Worm Moon, as it signals the time of year when worms begin to appear in the soil as the ground thaws. The Full Moon in Virgo also marks the beginning of the astrological New Year.

So what can you expect during this time? Virgo is a sign that is all about order, organization, and perfection. This Full Moon will bring these energies to the forefront, so it’s a good time to take stock of your life and see where you can make some improvements. If you’ve been procrastinating on a project or goal, this is the time to get things moving.

This Full Moon is also a good time for self-care and pampering. Virgo is associated with the health and wellbeing, so use this energy to treat yourself to a massage, facial, or any other form of relaxation. You deserve it