Mercury In Retrograde: What It Means For You

Mercury retrograde is when Mercury, the planet of communication and travel, moves backward in its orbit. It is a period where there are delays in communications and interruptions in travel plans. This can lead to misunderstandings and frustration as you’re forced to make difficult choices without the help of technology. In this article, I’ll be breaking down what it means for you, why you should care about Mercury’s position, and how to make it through the month with minimal frustration.


What does Mercury Retrograde mean?

Mercury Retrograde is a time when Mercury, the planet of communication, transport, and commerce, moves backward in its orbit. This can mean more delays or misunderstandings when communicating with others. Additionally, it can make it more difficult to get things done because of miscommunications. However, it is also a time for reflection and reconsidering old decisions.


How does it affect you?

Mercury in retrograde can be a little confusing, because it can seem to change things up a bit. But, in reality, it’s just a minor adjustment in the orbit of the planet Mercury.

So what does that mean for you?

Well, one main thing to keep in mind is that this is a time when communication may be harder than usual. This is because Mercury is moving slower than usual through the air (it takes about 28 days for it to go from Earth to Venus), so words might not always hit their intended target. It can also lead to delays and misunderstandings when trying to communicate with others.

But don’t worry, there are other ways to get your message across. You can use body language and sound effects instead of words, or write down your thoughts before speaking so that you don’t have any pauses or misunderstandings.

Overall, Mercury in retrograde is just an inconvenience, but it’s something to keep in mind if you’re planning on communicating with others during this time.


What to do and what not to do during a Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde is a time of change and transformation. It’s a time when you may feel pulled in different directions, or when projects you’ve been working on might not go as planned. Here are some tips to help make the most of Mercury Retrograde:


  1. Don’t over-commit yourself. This is a time when you may be more inclined to take on more than you can handle, which could lead to frustration and stress. Make sure to pace yourself and spread your work out throughout the retrograde period.
  2. Let go of what doesn’t work. During this time, it might be tempting to hold on to things that aren’t serving you anymore. Let go and move on, so that you can create space for new opportunities to come up.
  3. Take advantage of the energy of Mercury Retrograde. This is a time when change is likely to occur, so be open to new ideas and possibilities. Put your creativity into action and explore what’s possible during this time of transformation.