How Hindu mythology helped create the Multiverse Theory

The Multiverse theory is a theory that posits that the universe is made up of numerous universes that are all coexisting at the same time. Hindu mythology is one of the sources that helped create this theory.

One of the most popular theories about the origin of the universe is the multiverse hypothesis. This hypothesis suggests that there are many universes, each with its own set of laws and constants. Some of these universes may be similar to our own, while others may be very different.

One of the sources that helped create this theory was Hindu mythology. Indian mythology contains stories about infinite universes, which are called sahasrara or brahmananda. These universes are created by gods when they meditate.

Another source of information about universes comes from quantum mechanics. In this theory, particles can exist in more than one state at the same time. This means that there could be many universes with different laws and constants.

Together, these sources suggest that there might be many universes, each with its own set of laws and constants. This idea is based on Hindu mythology, which teaches us about infinite universes and how to create them through meditation. Some modern thinkers are even more speculative. The philosopher David Deutsch, for example, suggested that there might be a multiverse made up of many universes with different laws and constants. If this is true, then our universe has to be the one in which we live. This is why scientists call it the “observable” universe (in contrast to the so-called “unobservable” ones).If it turns out that our universe is unusual in some way and not typical for all other universes, then it would mean that there is something special about it. We could think of this thing as God or as an intelligent designer. But these views are still speculative and not supported by science yet.


How Hindu mythologies differ from each other

Different Hindu mythologies portray a vast and colorful universe, with many realms of existence. These myths inspired early astronomers to develop the theory of the multiverse.

The Hindu universe is comprised of a vast number of universes, each with its own set of laws. This doctrine was first proposed by Indian astronomer Brahmagupta in the 6th century AD. Brahmagupta’s multiverse theory stipulated that the universe is composed of an infinite number of tiny universes, each with its own set of physical laws.

The Hindu concept of reincarnation also played a significant role in the development of the multiverse theory. According to this belief, after death an individual may reappear in another universe or realm. This idea contributed to the belief that all universes are interconnected and that our universe is just one among many.