What Do The Architecture, Sculpture And Carvings On Indian Temples Tell Us?

What Do The Architecture, Sculpture And Carvings On Indian Temples Tell Us?

As you walk through an Indian temple, the carvings on the walls, columns and doorways might seem like random patterns of lines and shapes. But these sculptures actually have meaning. They tell us about the Hindu religion, which is a belief system that emphasizes reincarnation and dharma.


Indian temples are famous for their beautiful architecture, sculptures and carvings. The buildings and carvings are often intricately detailed and colorful. Some of the most famous temples in India include the Taj Mahal and the Golden Temple in Amritsar. 

Temples have been a part of Indian culture for centuries, and are used to worship various deities. Indian temples are also used as places of meditation, and are often decorated with beautiful sculptures and paintings.

Why Are Hindu Temples Carved?

Hindu temples are carved with intricate and beautiful carvings that tell stories of gods and goddesses, of history and tradition, and of the lives of the people who worshipped there. The art is a reflection of the Hindu culture and its religious beliefs, as well as a means of conveying spiritual truths to worshippers.

The architecture of a Hindu temple is typically based on the principles of symmetry and balance. The external walls and roof are typically decorated with intricate sculpted details, while the interior walls are often left unfinished so that worshippers can feel one with the divine. Carvings on the deities’ bodies represent their various attributes and accomplishments, while those on the floors depict scenes from their mythology.

Why Do Some Temples Have A Straight Wall?

Indian temples have a unique design that is often compared to other world famous structures such as the Parthenon in Greece. One of the reasons for this is the way Indian temples are built. For example, many Indian temples have a straight wall instead of a curved wall like most other buildings. This is because it is important to keep the temple’s shape and dimensions consistent from one end to the other. 

Another reason for the straight wall is that it helps to evenly distribute the weight of the building on its foundation. A curved wall would not be able to do this as well, since it would create more stress on the foundations.

The Many Designs Of One Temple

The architecture, sculpture and carvings on Indian temples tell us a great deal about the culture and beliefs of the people who built them. Some of the more common designs found on Indian temples include lotus flowers, animals with human characteristics, chariot wheels, and spirals. These forms are often used to represent different aspects of life, such as religion, mythology, and fertility.

Some of the most famous temples in India are located in the city of Mumbai. The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) maintains around 100 Hindu temples within the city limits. The most notable of these is the Mahabalipuram Temple, which is home to some of India’s most renowned sculptures. The temple is also known for its expansive gardens and lakes.

Indian temples have also been built in other parts of the world, including in England, Scotland, and Wales. Some of these overseas temples are home to similar sculptures and carvings to those found on Indian temples in India. For example, the Scottish temple Dundee Kaliyugaalan Temple has a famous statue of Shiva that is made from a single piece of rock.

Monumental Wooden Carvings

Indian temples are often adorned with intricate wood carvings and sculptures. Many of these carvings depict scenes from Indian mythology and history, as well as religious symbols. What do these carvings tell us about the culture and belief system of the people who built and frequented these temples?

The carvings on Indian temples are some of the most intricate and beautiful examples of woodworking in the world. They depict a wide range of subjects, including scenes from Indian mythology and history, as well as religious symbols. 

The carvings on Indian temples reflect the religious beliefs of the people who built them. Many of the scenes depicted in Indian temple carvings are related to Hinduism, one of India’s major religions. Hindu mythology is full of stories about gods and goddesses, and many of the scenes depicted in Indian temple carvings reflect this