Kanyadaan in Hindu Wedding: Know The Significance And Rituals

In this blog, we will know about what is Kanyadaan in hindu weddings, and why it has great importance. We will also know the history of Kanyadaan.

Kanyadaan in Hindu Wedding: Marriages in Hindu religion include a number of rituals. It is filled with joy, happiness, enthusiasm, and great feelings. If we talk about all the events included in a marriage, then there comes the most essential one. This ceremony is Kanyadaan. 

The ritual of Kanyadaan in hindu weddings is performed by the father of the daughter getting married. In this ceremony, the father gives the hand of his daughter to the groom. It includes great values and emotions in the hindu culture. To the bride’s parents this ritual means alot to them.

In this blog, we will know about what is Kanyadaan in hindu weddings, and why it has great importance. We will also know the history of Kanyadaan.

What Is Kanyadaan In Hindu Wedding?

The Kanyadaan in hindu weddings comes with two words. Kanya means a girl, and Daan means donating. This together makes a meaning that the girl is being given by the parents to the groom. Such a ritual has been followed from vedic times. As per the Hindu culture, people consider groom as the Lord Vishnu avatar (incarnation). And the bride as the Goddess Lakshmi’s avatar. This religious culture holds great importance for the bride’s family. 

The bride’s parents consider it as a Mahadaan, because a child is everything to their parents. Such a ritual brings great changes in the bride’s life as now she becomes the wife of someone by entering into a new home. Other family members also perform Kanyadaan of the groom as it is a pure ritual of all. As per the Vedic scriptures, the Kanyadaan ritual purifies one’s body, mind, and soul. 

Kanyadaan in english means “Donating the Maiden” which means giving away one’s daughter. It includes a father who sacrifices for the happiness of his daughter. The text of ‘Manu Smriti’ includes quotations about Kanyadaan. As per them, a man is considered important for the existence of a woman. The father serves as the daughter’s guardian, he then gives his daughter to her husband. 

Significance Of Kanyadaan In Hindu Wedding

The ritual of Kanyadaan in hindu weddings is an essential and the most significant one in the hindu religion. Such an act is known as offering to the Lord, it is believed that parents of the bride get moksh which means removal of their suns and they get free from life and death. The father expects from his daughter’s husband that he will keep his daughter happy and will respect her throughout his life. 

Most of the rituals has great significance of Kanyadaan which takes place at the time of wedding. Vedas also mentions that the bride’s consent is necessary as both the partners enter into the marriage stage. Significance of Kanyadaan in hindu weddings is known to be the most precious gift given by the father of the bride to the groom. This is the most soft and sensible moment for the bride’s family, as it includes a number of feelings and emotional phases. 

It is very difficult to even to even imagine this situation from the perspective of the bride’s family. For the bride, she considers her father as the most loved and the most trustable man in her life. Her father trusts another man who will take good care of his daughter like he did. 


How To Perform The Rituals Of Kanyadaan?

The rituals of Kanyadaan includes a number of things to be followed. It starts with fasting as it is an essential part of the ritual. Here the father or the elder member of the bride’s family keeps the fast i.e, they stay without food and water till the rituals of Kanyadaan. Then in the Hasta Milap ceremony, or Kanyadaan, the father holds his daughter’s right hand and places it in the groom’s right hand. 

Then, the bride’s mother puts the holy water on her daughter’s palm and it flows through both the bride’s and groom’s hand. The priest then puts some rice on the hands of both and chants Kanyadaan mantra. After that, a number of things are placed on their hands. All the other rituals are then followed with mantras and other things.

History of Kanyadaan

The two forms of studies are followed in the Hindu religion. One is Mitakshara, and the other one is Dayabhaga. In the whole India, Mitakshara is followed while in West Bengal, Dayabhaga is followed. Various things are there in the Hindu marriages which are followed from generation to generation. The main reason is that consent from both sides is necessary. The groom should be 21 years old and the bride should be 18 years old. 

There are different forms of rituals in Kanyadaan, which have been named in history. They are Panigrahana, and Saptapadi. Panigrahana means that the groom holds the hand of the bride in front of the sacred fire. This shows the union between both. In Saptapadi, a couple takes seven steps together and this makes them the husband and wife. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of Kanyadaan?

The ritual of Kanyadaan in hindu weddings is an essential and the most significant one in the hindu religion. Such an act is known as offering to the Lord, it is believed that parents of the bride get moksh which means removal of their suns and they get free from life and death. 

What happens during Kanyadan?

The Kanyadaan includes a number of things to be followed. It starts with fasting as it is an essential part of the ritual. Here the father or the elder member of the bride’s family keeps the fast i.e, they stay without food and water till Kanyadaan.

What is the value of Kanyadan?

Kanyadaan in hindu weddings is known to be the most precious gift given by the father of the bride to the groom. This is the most soft and sensible moment for the bride’s family, as it includes a number of feelings and emotional phases. 

What is the ritual of Kanyadan?

The Kanyadaan includes a number of things to be followed. It starts with fasting as it is an essential part of the ritual. Here the father or the elder member of the bride’s family keeps the fast i.e, they stay without food and water till Kanyadaan. Then in the Hasta Milap ceremony, or Kanyadaan, the father holds his daughter’s right hand and places it in the groom’s right hand. 

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