Horoscope Today: April 25, 2024

See what the stars have in store for your sign. Let us know today's (April 25, 2024, horoscope) for all the zodiac signs.

Today Horoscope 25 April 2024: Everyone wishes to know their horoscope for the day. In this regard, the renowned astrologer Acharya Dev brings today’s horoscope for you.

Today’s horoscope includes predictions about career, business, health, relationships with family and friends, love life, and the events that may unfold throughout the day. Additionally, there are remedies suggested based on your zodiac sign in this daily horoscope.    

LEO 2024VIRGO 2024

So, let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how 25 April today’s horoscope is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

First of all, let us know today’s horoscope of Aries.

Aries Daily Horoscope

Aries Horoscope Today: April 25, 2024

Don’t gossip too much at work today, it will hinder your success. Your efforts will help in bridging the distance between parents. Your love towards your mother will increase and you will also remember her. Increase in household and general expenses will force you to withdraw fixed deposits.

The idea of ​​new investment will also come. You will get full support from your partner and your wishes will be fulfilled. Today you have to control your anger, otherwise you will have a dispute with someone outside. Today your money will be spent in helping others.

Today’s Lucky Number – 12

Today’s Lucky Colour – Orange

Today’s Remedy – Feed jaggery and gram to the cow.

Taurus Today's Horoscope

Taurus Horoscope Today: April 25, 2024

Today, students preparing for competitive exams have a strong possibility of getting positive results. With the help of family members, you will be successful in channelizing your real potential and energy in a direction. Monetary situation will improve, as you are likely to get some benefits from foreign transactions or external contacts.

There are also possibilities of earning money from the online work you do. You may forgive your partner for past mistakes. Despite the busy schedule, health is likely to remain fine.

Today’s Lucky Number – 21

Today’s Lucky Colour – turquoise

Today’s Remedy – Offer turmeric water to the banana tree.

Gemini Daily Horoscope

Gemini Horoscope Today: April 25, 2024

Today you will win in the competition going on in your workplace and you will also be honoured. Your work related to business which was not being done till now will be done today. You will try something new in the family. Your participation in family functions will be important. You will also strengthen your fame and financial position through social media and YouTube.

To strengthen the relationship, you have to take care of your partner’s emotional feelings. Participating in outdoor activities increases physical fitness and also keeps diseases away.

Today’s Lucky Number – 1

Today’s Lucky Colour – Cream

Today’s Remedy – Distribute toffee to small children.

Cancer Today's Horoscope

Cancer Horoscope Today: April 25, 2024

Today you will have to work hard to achieve your goal, yet something will be missing. Respect the elders in the family and do not get unnecessarily angry with the children. Be careful with those with whom you do financial transactions today. The absence of your love partner will bother you today.

Dedicating yourself to helping needy people today will bring unlimited happiness and mental peace. Be careful, today someone may try to mislead you.

Today’s Lucky Number – 5

Today’s Lucky Colour – Pink

Today’s Remedy – Recite Vishnu Sahasranama.

Leo Daily Horoscope

Leo Horoscope Today: April 25, 2024

Today you have to keep your distance from people who lie and gossip and do not argue with them. Today you will catch your partner’s lies in business. You will not get support from your elder brother today.

Investing in the share market and commodity market will prove beneficial for you today. When distance is created between two people, attraction also increases and a lot of memories come, you will feel this today. If you have ear pain, make sure you take it seriously. Today you are likely to gain popularity through social interaction.

Today’s Lucky Number – 7

Today’s Lucky Colour – Orange

Today’s Remedy – Keep water and grains for birds on the roof.

Virgo Today's Horoscope

Virgo Horoscope Today: April 25, 2024

Today you will inspire and guide your subordinates. Your work will get done by obeying your elder brothers in the family. Today you invest in the share market but when you start getting profits, withdraw the profits immediately otherwise you will incur losses. The company of your long lost love partner will refresh pleasant memories.

Today there are signs of recovery from long standing lower back problems. The time has come to stop increasing obesity by adopting good eating habits. Self-discipline will help you manage emotions easily.

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Lucky Colour – Light Green

Today’s Remedy – Float a water filled coconut in flowing water.

Libra Daily Horoscope

Libra Horoscope Today: April 25, 2024

Today businessmen will be successful in taking their business to greater heights. Tireless efforts in business will yield more profits than expected. Control your behaviour as it is spoiling domestic peace and harmony.

Today it is important for you to obey your love partner and act according to his/her wishes. Today you are likely to get some relief from long standing stress. Keep your future interests in mind before doing anything. Today you will conquer the enemy. Some people will be troubled by piles disease.

Today’s Lucky Number – 16

Today’s Lucky Colour – Coffee

Today’s Remedy – As soon as you wake up in the morning, offer a pot of water at the main door from inside the house.

Scorpio Today's Horoscope

Scorpio Horoscope Today: April 25, 2024

You will sense everything today before anything bad happens. Today you will go to the hospital to see a relative who is ill. Maintain cordial relations with neighbours. Any kind of dispute will stop your progress. Before investing in property today, definitely consider all the aspects.

Today you will not get the support of your love partner. You should give up drug addiction, it is harming your social reputation. Any of your posts on social media will create a new controversy. Today your vehicle will break down on the way which will cause big trouble.

Today’s Lucky Number – 17

Today’s Lucky Colour – Brown

Today’s Remedy – Light a mustard oil lamp at the main entrance in the evening.

Sagittarius Today's Horoscope

Sagittarius Horoscope Today: April 25, 2024

Today, personal efforts are likely to lead to success in achieving difficult goals. Today businessmen will make unexpected profits in business through influential contacts. Don’t ignore your relatives. All efforts made to strengthen the economic situation will be successful.

You need to keep your enthusiasm under control to avoid doing anything foolish in your love life. There will be improvement in health. Today your personality will attract many people and your social prestige will also increase.

Today’s Lucky Number – 18

Today’s Lucky Colour – Yellow

Today’s Remedy – Recite Ram Raksha Stotra.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Capricorn Horoscope Today: April 25, 2024

Today, with your behaviour in the workplace, you will get a lot of work done from your colleagues. Some people are thinking of doing something new in business today. With positive thinking and courageous efforts, today you will be able to solve family problems easily. Today you should buy only essential items.

Today you will not be able to concentrate on worshipping. Today your love partner will be angry about something, you will be busy convincing him/her. While leaving home, follow all safety rules and drive carefully.

Today’s Lucky Number – 2

Today’s Lucky Colour – Purple

Today’s Remedy – Keep fast on Thursday and worship.

Aquarius Today's Horoscope

Aquarius Horoscope Today: April 25, 2024

Today, your strong will power in the workplace will prove to be effective in making you successful. Your domestic challenges can become a stepping stone to success. To earn profit in the stock market, you will have to listen to some experts. The beginning of love will make you feel happy.

Today, people suffering from digestive problems are likely to get treatment for their ailments. Today you will try to keep yourself busy. Today, due to your posting on social media, some people will oppose you and some people will talk in your favour.

Today’s Lucky Number – 15

Today’s Lucky Colour – Muddy

Today’s Remedy – Offer Bhog to Lord Vishnu and distribute the Prasad among the people.

Pisces Daily Horoscope

Pisces Horoscope Today: April 25, 2024

Today you will face some difficulties at work. Do not transact money with anyone in business today, you may get stuck. Today some people in the family will not like your advice. Maintain a sweet relationship with your spouse and avoid bitterness.

Old investment will definitely give you profit today. Your love partner will get angry over something today which will cause you tension in the evening. Discomfort and moderate pain will bother you today. Today you will keep yourself busy with creative work.

Today’s Lucky Number – 9

Today’s Lucky Colour – Saffron

Today’s Remedy – Distribute jaggery and roasted gram among the people.

For more essential information on astrology, festivals, horoscopes, and culture, be sure to read the VAMA blogs.