Horoscope 2024: What’s In Store For 2024? Know here

At the beginning of the year, the auspicious planet Jupiter will be in your zodiac sign, due to which you will take an active part in social work along with education.

Aries Horoscope 2024

The new year 2024 is going to be great in many ways for Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. While this year holds great potential, taking good care of your health remains essential. At the beginning of the year, the auspicious planet Jupiter will be in your zodiac sign, due to which you will take an active part in social work along with education.

From May 1, 2024, Jupiter’s transit will also be auspicious for you. At this time you will get full support of family members, dispelling any lingering conflicts. Guru (Jupiter) is going to give you a lot of benefits in the year 2024.

You may also like to combine it with earning money and will be able to save a lot by the end of the year. Although the third vision of Shani will be on your income house this year, it is going to be auspicious for you, because the harder you work, the more your income will increase.


Saturn will remain in retrograde from 29 June 2024 to 15 November 2024. During this period you may have to face some ups and downs in your career. According to the annual horoscope for the year 2024, Rahu will be in the 12th house in your zodiac sign.

If you have a desire to go abroad, then you can start preparing for it this year. You can also get success in foreign affairs. Ketu in the 6th house can create transfer opportunities for job seekers. Overall, the year 2024 is going to be good in terms of job and business. 

Horoscope 2024 offers you a pleasant sign regarding love and relationships, you will get a little more of this happiness after June. Navigate January to May with caution, as relationship harmony might be tested. Last year’s complexities due to Rahu’s influence are behind you, heralding a year of progress. 

To further enhance your fortune, consider these measures: 

Embrace Rudrabhishek Puja to celebrate your birthday. 

Seek blessings by performing Hanuman Puja at a sacred pilgrimage. Nurture career growth and business success by conducting Durga Saptashati Puja on auspicious occasions throughout the year. 

Taurus Horoscope 2024 

Horoscope 2024 reveals a year of good health, financial boons, and career perks. However, the first four months might throw a few challenges your way before the tides turn in your favour from May 1. Get ready for a wave of opportunities throughout the year.

Jupiter takes the spotlight, showering you with blessings. Starting May 1, as Jupiter enters your zodiac sign, winds of change will whisk away past troubles. Your appetite for life might surge, but beware the Jupiter-induced temptation of overindulgence. 

Rahu’s transit to your eleventh house signals income from multiple streams. Shani nudges you to put in a bit more effort this year, with Saturn’s presence in your tenth house. Slow and steady wins the race, even if the career track seems leisurely. And remember, don’t rush job changes. From June 29 to November 15, career matters require extra care. 

Love’s realm might stir confusion due to Rahu’s influence and Ketu’s presence. Patience becomes your mantra. Students, refrain from excessive social media after April and channel your energy into studies. The year might feel like a course-changing rollercoaster, but hard work will lead you to your desired college. 

To paint a brighter 2024, consider these measures: 

Embrace Pitra Dosh or Pitra Tarpan Puja to receive ancestral blessings. Imbue joy into your love life by worshipping Venus. 

Seek wisdom and serenity by worshipping Saraswati Mata and participating in Guru Graha’s Shanti Puja. 

Gemini Horoscope 2024 

According to the Gemini yearly horoscope 2024, this year is going to be mixed for you. Sometimes you will be confused. Sometimes too happy. 

Saturn’s watchful eye on your income might stir a blend of financial feelings. Income looks promising, with an added dash of savings, albeit major expenditures on your travel escapades. In the beginning of the year, Jupiter is giving you immense possibilities to move forward. Advancement in job, chances of higher education, balance in love life, you will get all these easily by May. Horoscope 2024 urges you not to take big decisions in terms of career.

Don’t quit your job out of anger. There may be some problems at the workplace, but you will be able to solve them easily with your sharp mind. Due to the presence of Ketu in the fourth house this year, you may have to travel suddenly for some work related to land or ancestral property. During this time you will also worry about the health of your parents.

You must keep taking doctor’s advice from time to time for yourself as well as for your parents, it will serve you well. Those who do any work related to foreign countries i.e. import-export, it will be a very good time for them after May- there will also be progress in the job.

Horoscope 2024 also suggests that the time of September-October will be good for professional matters for Gemini signs. Those who want to buy a flat or land or their own house can also get benefits at this time.

You will embrace your spirituality a lot more this year- find a guru who will guide you towards yoga, meditation, prayer or worship. This year will also be good for those who want to study or work abroad.

Love life will be very exciting till May 2024. After this some differences may come, but try not to take them to heart. Financially, this year looks fruitful, but stash some away for rainy days. 

Enhance your journey with these steps: 

Seek peace with Rahu-Ketu for career benefits. 

Invoke economic progress by performing Vishnu Puja, Lakshmi Puja, or Guru Puja. Experience favourable luck with worship of Shani Dev at a sacred location. 

Cancer Horoscope 2024 

Horoscope 2024 for the water sign Cancer has brought many good opportunities and benefits. The kind of confusion that was there last year will be considerably less this year. At the beginning of the year, Jupiter will be in your tenth house. The change you have been thinking about regarding your career can happen at this time.

After May, Jupiter will remain in the eleventh house of your zodiac. This is going to be a great time for you, bringing in income from many places. The differences in love life that have been going on for the last few days will also be resolved at this time as Rahu and Ketu are also going to give you benefits this year.

You can expect to do a lot of travelling this year, due to Rahu this could include some religious trips, some for tourism or some long distance office or business tours. Rahu will be in the ninth house, so don’t rely on luck this whole year, work hard because Jupiter is motivating you to do the same.

According to Cancer Horoscope 2024, this whole year, Saturn will be in the eighth house from your zodiac sign, so you are advised not to lose your patience while doing any work. Do not drive a car or any vehicle yourself in long distance travel. In case of any minor illness, you must consult a doctor and maintain the respect of elders in the family.

Eighth Saturn retrograde can give you more adverse results from June 29 onwards. There is only one way to persuade Shani work and be patient. This year your financial condition will be good and money will keep increasing, but be cautious of spending a lot of money on house renovations, car repairs or buying non-essential items. 

In the case of love matters, the horoscope of 2024 is indicating that the time after May will be the best for you. The differences that were going on with your beloved will be resolved. People who are single can also enter into a relationship. 

Consider some of these measures to make this whole year better: 

Continuously worship Shani Dev to dispel unnecessary fear and confusion from your mind.

Engage in Guru Graha Shanti, Vishnu, or Lakshmi Yagya to enhance your economic conditions. 

To address any defects in your horoscope, consult our expert astrologers for solutions. 

Leo Horoscope 2024 

Horoscope 2024 for the fire element Leo has brought a lot of happiness. According to the Leo Horoscope 2024, Leo people will have a very good time before May. In these initial months of the year, Jupiter will be in the ninth house. Luck will be with you at this time.

The problems related to money will also go away. In these four months you will go on spiritual journeys. Your confidence will increase and if you are the owner of a company, or work with a franchisee, then this time will prove to be very prosperous for you.

After May, Jupiter will enter the tenth house. At this time, there will be no special problem regarding career, but avoid taking speedy decisions about new changes. During this period any dispute related to land-property or ancestral property can be resolved. 

You should be careful with Rahu throughout this year. Rahu will transit in your eighth house, so small accidents or disputes with family will keep happening repeatedly. People may find your speech bitter. Often you will feel like going away from the family, but amidst all this, the good thing is that you can also get some sudden monetary gain.

You may travel abroad many times in connection with your business. This year will also be good for higher education as you are set to make progress this year. Gradually you will see benefits in all areas of life. By the middle of this year you will be in a very good position. As the year progresses, you will feel that you are achieving a lot. 

However, now is the time to be careful about business. Do not make any big decisions at once, because this whole year Saturn will be in your seventh house. This house is also called the house of business and of relationships with business partner/s.

If you do any work in partnership, then you should do it very carefully. Meditation here directly means patience, because you may not like something about your partner. If you want to do something new in business, then try after April. Horoscope 2024 indicates that your love life can be very good this year. This year you can also welcome a small guest at home. 

To make their future better, the people of Leo zodiac must take these measures – 

Maintain worship of Shani Dev to eliminate the prevailing uncertainty in various aspects of life. 

Engage in the worship of Lord Surya to attain fame and wealth. 

Perform worship of Mata Durga to destroy your enemies.

Virgo Horoscope 2024 

Virgo is the zodiac sign of the earth element and the thoughts of the people of this zodiac do not stay in one place; The horoscope of 2024 also indicates something similar for the Virgos as this year will leave you feeling confused many times. The beginning of the year will be a bit weak, but as the year progresses, a lot of good times will start coming for you. From January to April, Jupiter will be in your eighth 

house. During this, your faith will increase in activities like astrology and tantra-mantra. On the other hand, any sudden health related problem like increase in cholesterol or obesity, sudden onset of depression, such symptoms will appear, but there is no need to panic, because it is going to last only till April 2024. Your luck will favour you as Jupiter transits in May. You will also be able to experience and partake in many religious journeys. 

Ketu and Rahu will be in your 1st and 7th house throughout this year, so every few days you will start feeling the fear of the unknown or loneliness. There will be arguments with the life partner in a few days, but you try to move past the differences and decorate the relationship beautifully. There may be some problems for working people this year.

Don’t quit your job in anger. Many times you will feel that only you are working and your co-workers are not supporting you at all. In such a situation, there may be arguments in the office, so work with patience. You can get a lot of support from siblings throughout this year. Your confidence will be at its peak every few days and you will also gather the courage to do something new. Those doing business should not do anything completely new. There will be ups and downs in health. Work on the advice of your doctor. 


According to the Horoscope for 2024, you can get success in love life this year. After April, you can enjoy a lot of romantic time with your partner. Singles can also enter into a relationship this year. Time will also be good for the students.

You will get the support of Jupiter after April and your result may come positive in some competitive exams. The horoscope advises you to avoid the habit of spending more this year. You can make a big fortune, so invest in the advice of many experts and maintain seriousness in the matter of health. This year can give you success in many other matters, you just have to take some easy measures, like 

Continue to engage in Rahu-Ketu Shanti Puja and actively take part in Lord Shiva’s Rudrabhishek during every significant occasion. 

Illuminate your fortune with the observance of Vishnu and Lakshmi Puja. Ensure the performance of Shani Shanti Puja. 

Libra Yearly Horoscope 2024 

The year 2024 has brought balance for Libra, the zodiac sign that maintains balance in life. Horoscope 2024 suggests that the year will commence with many positive things for you. There will be a lot of money gain. There will also be a good

atmosphere in the house and you will get the support of the family members. At this period you will be able to think of doing something new in business.

The position of Jupiter will transit from May and Jupiter will move to the eighth house from your zodiac, at this point you will have to take care of some matters. After this, you should avoid extra expenditure and take minor illnesses seriously, because during this time you may have the problem of frequent stomach pain. In the beginning of the year, your behaviour towards people will be positive and you will be able to do a lot of work with your sweet speech. You will get a lot of respect and profit in your business or job.

Any of your dreams related to going abroad can come true this year. For students or working professionals who are willing to work or study abroad, many opportunities may come their way this year. You have to recognize these opportunities and move forward. As the year progresses, some unnecessary expenses will also start draining your savings.

You cannot control them even if you want to. At some intervals throughout the year, the desire to live in solitude will arise in your mind. Although everything will be fine in the family, you will worry about the children very often.

Libra’s yearly horoscope 2024 indicates that if you show a lack of patience, due to which your love life may also face some difficulty. You may want to take a break from the relationship yourself, but keep in mind that your zodiac sign is Libra and you know how to balance everything. It’s time for students to work a little extra, because you may waste your precious time with social media, movies, theatre, music.

If you are doing research work, then this time will be good for you. You can also experience success in property work. Any old dispute regarding an ancestral property can also be resolved. For more profit this whole year, you must adopt some measures – 

Perform Siddha Yagya of Mata Baglamukhi on every auspicious occasion. Invoke progress and success in your love life through the worship of Saturn and Venus. 

Engage in Mahamrityunjaya Puja to attain economic progress and health benefits.

Scorpio Yearly Horoscope 2024 

For the people of Scorpio who keep everything secret, horoscope 2024 indicates that they should continue working silently and keep achieving success. The beginning of the year will be very good for you. Advancement in job, success in foreign travel, victory over enemies and financial gains, can mean that the beginning of the year 2024 will be as everyone wants for you. Jupiter will remain in the sixth house till April.

During this period you will outnumber your opponents. Leadership qualities will develop within, allowing you to deal easily in new projects. Jupiter’s support will keep your family life harmonious even after May. For those doing business, this season will bring with it a new opportunity. 

This year Rahu will be in your fifth house and Ketu in your 11th house, so you will need to be a little cautious when it comes to your love life. Differences with your partner will be visible often. This situation of estrangement could be enough to break

the relationship if you’re not mindful. While your income will be good, a fixed income will not be possible for the whole year- sometimes you may suddenly get a lot of money, and some months there will be less work. However, Horoscope 2024 suggests that throughout the year you will work hard to increase more than one source of income and you will also reap its benefits. 

The presence of Saturn in the fourth house is going to be auspicious for you, but if you have thought of making a deal on a house, land or flat, then there may be some delay in it. According to Scorpio Horoscope 2024, you will receive a lot of support from your parents, but you will also be worried about their health.

From June 29, 2024 to November 15, 2024, when Saturn will remain retrograde, you will be able to muster the courage to buy a new car or house. You will also get the support of your family members in this. This year will be a little confusing for students as they will often consider changing their course. Moreover, students doing research will be unable to reach any specific result; to counter this you may work with the help of seniors or teachers.

There may be some health issues after May, indicating an increase in cholesterol, sudden depression or an issue of diabetes. Make sure to include meditation, yoga and exercise in your routine this year. To make the most of 2024, try some of our recommendations 

Engage in the worship of Lord Shiva on every auspicious occasion. Let Rahu-Ketu work towards achieving peace if you seek success in love. Contribute to the prosperity of your family and income growth through participation in Guru Shanti and Vishnu-Lakshmi Puja. 

Sagittarius Yearly Horoscope 2024 

An auspicious year awaits for the Sagittarius zodiac- 2024 promises to be a year of great opportunities and positive outcomes for those born under the fire sign. As you dive into this year, your Sagittarius Horoscope 2024 reveals a series of exciting phases that are set to unfold. Starting from January through April, Jupiter’s presence in your fifth house will be a boon. This period will bring a boost in education, love, and income.

If you’re in the workforce, you might even land that promotion you’ve been eyeing. As your income grows, so does the positivity in your love life. Luck might just seem to favour you more often than not during this phase. For those contemplating a career change or a leap into entrepreneurship, the time post-May holds immense promise.

Any lingering health concerns are likely to fade away, and you might find your opponents turning into allies. If studying or working abroad has been on your mind, post-May could offer favourable chances. Rahu and Ketu, the shadow planets, have intriguing plans for you this year. Those engaged in politics

could see substantial gains. Although they might stir up family tensions occasionally, don’t let that derail your focus. Keep your patience intact, and remember, any love-related hiccups after May aren’t insurmountable. Saturn in your third house, offers a remarkable year ahead. Your self-assuredness will soar, driven by your belief in hard work over mere luck.

Multiple avenues to increase your income are likely to open up. Yet, be prepared to be patient when Saturn goes into retrograde from June. Supporting your siblings becomes essential during this phase. Students, this year could be golden. Your chances of success are heightened, especially until May. The possibility of acing exams or achieving milestones is on the cards. Enhance your journey through 2024 with these measures: 

Find solace in Guru Shanti Puja and immerse in the special yagyas of Vishnu-Lakshmi. 

Strengthen your connection with Hanuman ji through dedicated worship on special occasions. 

Harness the power of Mahamrityunjaya worship of Lord Shiva during auspicious times. 

Capricorn Horoscope 2024 

Capricorn, even though you’re in the final phase of Shani Sade Sati, Horoscope 2024 suggests that this year holds the promise of good fortune. The persistent problems that have lingered seem destined to fade away gradually.

As the year kicks off, Jupiter transits in the fourth house of your zodiac. This brings support and affection from your mother’s side, resolving disputes related to ancestral property, and potentially allowing for the acquisition of a new vehicle or property. Jupiter’s positive influence continues even beyond May, boosting your income and benefiting students who excel in their studies. 

Rahu and Ketu, the shadow planets, are your allies this year. Rahu bolsters your confidence, emboldening you to take calculated risks. Hard work is your key to realising ambitions in both job and business domains.

Money will come in and flow out for worthy causes. If dreams of working abroad have crossed your mind, post-May might be the time to see them come true. In 2024, your ruling planet Shani occupies the second house, its own abode. This positioning won’t bring undue harm; in fact, it ensures harmony within your family.

This year, you’ll be less prone to reacting impulsively to others’ words. Financial constraints won’t stall your endeavours, though you should remain mindful about health from June to November. At the year’s start, Mercury and Venus grace your eleventh house, promising a boost in income and the resolution of past love-related differences. Post-May, pay close attention to your partner’s health. Family trips could be a highlight this year. 

To ensure a better year, consider these measures:

As Sade Sati continues, keep your devotion to Shani strong. 

Embrace Lord Shiva’s worship on your and your family’s birthdays. Pave the path to economic progress with Guru Shanti, Vishnu-Lakshmi, and Durga Puja. 

Aquarius Horoscope 2024 

For Aquarius, Horoscope 2024 brings a blend of outcomes for you. With Saturn’s Sade Sati’s second phase upon you, the year might feel a little complex. Throughout the year, Saturn’s influence remains as it transits through your sign.

While this may lend a touch of seriousness to your personality, remember that seriousness isn’t the same as harshness. Strive for a balanced approach. Relationships, particularly with your life partner, might encounter turbulence, requiring patience on your part to avoid separation. The initial months could bring respite, due to Jupiter’s influence.

The career landscape demands hard work, but don’t let temporary setbacks discourage you. Jupiter’s early presence will infuse you with confidence and courage, empowering you to take well-calculated risks and make significant career decisions. However, seeking a new job might not yield favourable results this year.

Business-wise, avoid suspicion regarding your partner and resist expecting sudden profits. Instead, focus on maintaining a harmonious partnership. Spiritual journeys and auspicious events at home could dot your year. Rahu might incite some familial differences, and Ketu’s presence in your eighth house piques your interest in spiritual subjects.

There’s potential for a sudden financial gain through Ketu, but do monitor your health, particularly cholesterol and blood pressure levels. For students, the year promises to be industrious; however, remember that one’s fortune can hinge on time’s alignment. 

To enhance the year’s prospects, consider these steps: 

Honour the ongoing Sade Sati with Shani Shanti Puja. 

Embrace Maha Mrityunjaya Puja on festive and auspicious occasions. Integrate Vishnu Puja and Shukra Puja to nurture romance in both love and married life. 

Pisces Horoscope 2024 

Pisces, the year ahead presents a mixed bag of fortunes, mirroring your dual nature. As you find yourself in Saturn’s Sade Sati’s middle phase, hard work becomes your path to better outcomes. There might be moments where luck seems distant, yet patience and diligence serve as steadfast companions during this phase.

Horoscope 2024 warns you of potential expenditures on medical, legal, or children’s needs that could dent your savings. The presence of Rahu adds an air of confusion throughout

the year. Your inherent dual nature might intensify under this influence. However, Rahu’s transit in your sign could inspire resourcefulness, assisting you in finding shortcuts to accomplish tasks efficiently. Meanwhile, Ketu’s influence may evoke a desire for solitude, driving you to embark on spiritual journeys or meditation camps.

In terms of career, avoid hasty business decisions. Instead, focus on earnest effort and allow outcomes to flow organically. Your income sources might flourish until April, and job advancements are possible during this period. If considering a job change after May, exercise patience and persistence for successful transitions.

Jupiter’s presence in your third house from April boosts your confidence but might introduce income fluctuations. Health should be a priority in 2024, as potential issues like burning sensations in the eyes and foot pains could arise. Students brace for a period of hard work. Immediate results might elude you, but persistence will pave the way for eventual success. 

Consider these measures to enhance your prospects this year: 

Honor Saturn with Shani Shanti Puja on special occasions. 

Embrace Rudrabhishek Puja monthly for comprehensive benefits. Consult our astrologers to identify horoscope defects and seek remedies.


ये भी पढ़ें- वार्षिक राशिफल 2024