What You Should Know About Rahu And Ketu In Astrology

Rahu and Ketu are two types of celestial bodies in Hindu astrology, known as the Lunar nodes. The different positions of Rahu and Ketu are associated with different effects on your life and on the world around you. In this blog article, I’ll cover what these two celestial bodies are, how they affect your life, and how to figure out where they will be at any given time.


What is Rahu?

Rahu is one of the two shadowy planets in Vedic astrology, the other being Ketu. Rahu is known as the north node of the Moon while Ketu is the south node. In Vedic astrology, Rahu and Ketu are considered to be highly malefic planets and are responsible for causing eclipses.

Rahu is also known as the “head of the dragon” while Ketu is known as the “tail of the dragon”. Rahu signifies obsessions and desires while Ketu signifies spiritual enlightenment.

Rahu and Ketu are said to be powerful planets that can cause both good and bad events in a person’s life. They are also said to be karmic planets that can influence a person’s past life karma.


What is Ketu?

Ketu is one of the nine major planets in Vedic astrology. It is known as the “tail of the dragon” and is considered to be a powerful planet. Ketu is said to represent spiritual knowledge, enlightenment, and detachment from the material world. It is also associated with mystical experiences and psychic ability.


Positive and Negative effects of Rahu and Ketu in astrology

When it comes to astrology, Rahu and Ketu are often considered to be negative forces. However, they can also have positive effects on a person’s life. Here’s what you should know about Rahu and Ketu in astrology.

Rahu and Ketu are known as the “shadow planets” because they are not actually planets. They are points where the orbits of the Sun and Moon intersect. Rahu is considered to be the North Node while Ketu is the South Node.

In astrology, Rahu and Ketu are known for causing problems and obstacles in a person’s life. They are also associated with things like addiction, obsession, and violence. However, they can also have positive effects.

For example, Rahu can give a person power, wealth, and fame. It can also help a person to achieve their goals. Ketu, on the other hand, can give a person spiritual knowledge and wisdom. It can also help them to let go of the past and move on with their lives.

Overall, Rahu and Ketu can both have positive and negative effects on a person’s life depending on how they are aspected in their birth chart.



Rahu and Ketu are two of the most important planets in astrology. They are often responsible for major life events, such as marriage, children, and career changes. If you want to understand your own personal astrology chart, it is essential to learn about Rahu and Ketu.