What To Do When Life Gets Hard? Three Things The Gita And Vedas Have To Say

Life can be tricky sometimes. The challenges of adulthood, the disappointment of not achieving goals, and the confusion of not knowing what you want to do with your life can make it difficult to feel happy again. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to turn your mood around and this blog post will explore three different perspectives from ancient texts from a well-known Hindu tradition.

The Gita and Veda on Handling Difficult Times

When life gets tough, it can be helpful to look to ancient wisdom for guidance. The Gita and Vedas are two of the oldest and most revered texts in Hinduism. Here are three things they have to say about handling difficult times:

  1. Don’t get attached to outcomes.

One of the central teachings of the Gita is that attachment is the root of all suffering. When we get attached to a particular outcome, we set ourselves up for disappointment and suffering if things don’t go our way.

  1. Stay present and focused on your goals.

It’s easy to get caught up in worry and anxiety when times are tough. But the Gita reminds us that worry is a form of attachment, and attachment leads to suffering. Instead, focus on staying present and keeping your attention on your goals.

  1. Trust that everything happens for a reason.

The Vedas teach that there is a deeper intelligence at work in the universe, even during difficult times. Everything happens for a reason, even if we may not be able to see it in the moment. Trusting in this higher intelligence can help us weather any storm.

Krishna’s Guidance to Arjuna on the Battlefield

When life gets hard, it can be difficult to know what to do. Should we fight or give up? Should we keep going or turn back? The Gita and the Vedas offer some guidance on this difficult question. 

Krishna, in the Gita, tells Arjuna that it is his duty to fight. He should not give up or turn back, even though the odds seem insurmountable. This is because it is our dharma, our duty, to stand up and fight for what is right. We may not always win, but it is our duty to try. 

The Vedas also offer some guidance on this question. They tell us that we should never give up hope. No matter how dark and difficult things seem, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. We should never give up on ourselves or on our dreams.

So when life gets hard, remember the guidance of the Gita and the Vedas. Stand up and fight for what is right, and never give up hope.

Quotes from Krishna’s Counselling

When life gets hard, it can be difficult to know what to do. We may feel lost and alone, not sure where to turn. But there is wisdom and guidance available to us, if we only take the time to look for it.

The Bhagavad Gita and the Vedas are two ancient texts that can offer us helpful advice in times of trouble. Here are three things they have to say about how to deal with difficult times:

  1. Don’t despair

No matter how bad things seem, we must never give up hope. Krishna tells Arjuna in the Gita that even if our lives seem like a total disaster, we should never lose faith or give up (2.7). This is because he knows that eventually everything will work out for our good (2.20).

  1. Keep doing your duty

In the midst of difficulties, it’s easy to forget our responsibilities and just try to get by however we can. But the Gita reminds us that we still have duties to perform, no matter how hard life gets (3.35). So even when everything seems hopeless, we should continue doing our best and Trust that things will eventually get better

The Gita Is A Counseling Book

The Gita is a book of ancient Indian scripture that is revered by Hindus. It is also known as the Bhagavad Gita, which means “Song of the Lord”. The Gita is part of the Mahabharata, an epic poem that tells the story of a civil war between two branches of a royal family. The Gita is spoken by Krishna, an avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu, to the warrior prince Arjuna. In the Gita, Krishna counsels Arjuna on how to deal with the trials and tribulations of life.

The Vedas are a collection of sacred texts that are the foundation of Hinduism. They date back to around 1500 BCE and were written in Sanskrit. The Vedas contain hymns, prayers, and rituals that were used by priests to worship the gods. They also contain philosophical and moral teachings.

Both the Gita and the Vedas offer advice on how to deal with difficult times in life. Here are three things they have to say:

  1. Accept that life is full of ups and downs.
  2. Don’t be afraid to face your fears.
  3. Trust in yourself and your ability to

The Vedas: Guiding Principles For Humans

The Vedas are a set of ancient texts that provide guidance for humans. They offer advice on how to live a good life and how to deal with difficult situations. The Gita, which is a part of the Vedas, is particularly relevant when life gets hard. It provides three key principles that can help us navigate through tough times. 

First, the Gita teaches us that we should see our difficulties as an opportunity to grow and learn. Life is full of challenges, and it is how we face them that defines us. If we can view our struggles as an opportunity to become stronger and wiser, then we will be better equipped to handle whatever life throws our way.

Second, the Gita tells us that we should never give up. No matter how hard things get, we must never lose hope. As long as we keep fighting, there is always a chance that things will improve. Even if the odds seem insurmountable, we must never give up on ourselves or our goals.

Third, the Gita reminds us that we are not alone in our struggle. Whenever we feel alone and lost, we can always turn to the divine for guidance and strength. There is always someone who can help us overcome our problems. Fourth, the Gita teaches us to be kind to others. The more we hold onto hatred and anger, the more we will suffer. We should always practice forgiveness and compassion so that we can lead happier and more fulfilling lives. Finally, the Gita tells us that everything happens for a reason. There is no such thing as an accident or coincidence in this world. Everything is connected and follows a certain path. If we have faith in God’s plan, then we can get through anything that comes our way with ease.