VAMA – Your Mandir On Mobile

The "Virtual Mandir Booking and Astrology" app is a great way to get your daily dose of astrology without any hassle.

Virtual Mandir Booking and Astrology- No Hassle, Affordable

VAMA – Virtual Astrology and Mandir App, is a user-friendly phone app that offers a range of services related to astrology and Hindu temple management. Available on Android and IOS phones, the app will offer you access to the world of astrology, temple management, consultation, learning and more.

How to use the app

The “Virtual Mandir Booking and Astrology” app is a great way to get your daily dose of astrology without any hassle. The app is designed to be user-friendly and affordable, so you can get your astrology readings without spending a lot of money. Here’s how to use the app:

  1. Simply open the app and enter your birth details.
  1. The app will generate a personalized horoscope for you based on your birth chart.
  1. You can then book a virtual mandir consultation with one of our expert astrologers.
  1. During the consultation, our astrologer will interpret your horoscope and give you advice on what to do next.
  1. After the consultation, you can make a virtual mandir booking to reserve a spot in our online mandir.
  1. Once you’ve made a booking, you can access our online mandir anytime, anywhere.
  1. We also offer an affordable subscription service that gives you access to all of our features, including daily horoscopes, weekly forecasts, and more.

What is a Virtual Mandir and Astrology?

A virtual mandir is an online booking service for Hindu temples. It is a convenient and affordable way to book a temple for prayers or rituals. Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies in order to divined information about human affairs and terrestrial events.

About VAMA App

The VAMA app is a new and revolutionary way to book appointments for mandir visits and consultations with astrologers. It is the brainchild of two young entrepreneurs, Vaibhav and Manish, who saw a need for a more convenient and affordable way to access these services.

The app is designed to be user-friendly and easily navigable. It offers a wide range of features, including the ability to book appointments, view available timeslots, check prices, and read reviews from other users. There is also a handy blog section where you can read about the latest news and updates from VAMA.

Whether you’re looking to schedule a mandir visit or consult with an astrologer, VAMA is the perfect solution for you. With its affordable prices and convenient booking system, it’s no wonder that this app is quickly becoming the go-to choice for many people. So why not give it a try today?

Pros and Cons of using VAMA App

There are many reasons to use the VAMA App for booking your virtual mandir. It is affordable, and there is no hassle in terms of having to find an available time or managing your schedule. Additionally, the app offers a number of features that can be helpful for users, such as astrology readings. However, there are also a few potential drawbacks to using the VAMA App. One downside is that you may not be able to speak with a live priest in order to ask questions or receive guidance. Additionally, the app may not be available in all countries. Overall, the pros outweigh the cons when it comes to using the VAMA App for booking your virtual mandir.


Looking to get your mandir booked without any hassle? Check out our virtual mandir booking and astrology services. Our team of experts will help you choose the right date and time for your event, and provide you with an affordable, no-hassle solution.
