Today’s Horoscope, 20th March 2024: Read your horoscope on VAMA

Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how today’s horoscope 20th March is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

[Today’s Horoscope, 20th March 2024]: Everyone wishes to know their horoscope for the day. In this regard, the renowned astrologer Acharya Dev brings today’s horoscope for you.

Today’s horoscope includes predictions about career, business, health, relationships with family and friends, love life, and the events that may unfold throughout the day. Additionally, there are remedies and today’s horoscope with lucky colour and number are suggested based on your zodiac sign.

Today, in the Hindu lunar month of Phalgun, it is the eleventh day of the waxing phase (Shukla Paksha), which falls on a Wednesday. The nakshatra (lunar mansion) is Pushya, and the yoga is Atiganda, with the karana being Vanija followed by Vishti (Bhadra).

The auspicious time for today is from 12:04 PM to 12:53 PM, while the inauspicious time for today is from 12:29 PM to 01:59 PM.

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2024.

LEO 2024VIRGO 2024

So now let us know in VAMA ‘s today’s horoscope, how will today’s day 20th March, 2024 be for you.

First of all, let us know today’s horoscope of Aries.  

Today’s Aries Horoscope (20th March 2024)

Today, Aries natives will achieve their goals on time with the help of their subordinates at the workplace. Don’t forget to spend some happy time with your children. Avoid financial risks today. You will see special love for yourself in the eyes of your love partner. Persons suffering from digestive (gastric) problems will get relief from the disease. Some personal decisions will not be in your favour which will cause tension this evening.

Status: Aries natives will experience a boost in their social status as they successfully achieve their goals with the assistance of their subordinates at the workplace. 

Relationship: Today, Aries natives will feel cherished and valued by their love partner, as they notice special affection and appreciation in their partner’s eyes.

Career: Aries natives will find success in their career endeavours, particularly in accomplishing their tasks with the support of their subordinates. 

Family: It’s essential for Aries individuals to allocate time for their children and nurture their family relationships. Engaging in happy moments and meaningful interactions with family members will foster a harmonious and supportive family environment.

Health: Aries natives suffering from digestive or gastric issues will experience relief from their ailments today. It’s important for them to prioritise their health and seek appropriate treatment to maintain their well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Lucky Colour – dark yellow

Today’s Remedy  – Recite Ram Raksha Stotra.

Today’s Taurus Horoscope (20th March 2024)


If Taurus natives are looking for a good career today, then the tourism sector will be a better career for you. Will attend the function along with family at a friend’s place. Investing in mutual funds today will bring financial gains in future. Dedication and faith are very important in love. You will control fatty foods and start exercising regularly to keep yourself physically fit.

Status: Taurus natives may find that pursuing a career in the tourism sector could enhance their social status today. Exploring opportunities in this field may lead to professional growth and recognition, elevating their standing in society.

Relationship: In love, Taurus natives are reminded of the significance of dedication and faith. Building a strong foundation of trust and commitment in their relationship will foster harmony and deepen their bond with their partner.

Career: Today presents favourable prospects for Taurus individuals considering a career in the tourism sector. Exploring opportunities in this field could lead to promising career advancements and opportunities for growth.

Family: Spending time with family at a friend’s function will strengthen the familial bond for Taurus natives today. Engaging in joyful moments with loved ones fosters a sense of unity and belonging within the family.

Health: Taurus natives are encouraged to prioritise their health by controlling their intake of fatty foods and incorporating regular exercise into their routine. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 22

Today’s Lucky colour – Grey

Today’s Remedy – Recite the Ganapati Stotra which is the destroyer of troubles. All types of crises will end.

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Today’s Gemini Horoscope (20th March 2024)


Today, Gemini natives will pursue their goals with utmost dedication and hard work will pave the way for success in the workplace. Today you will enjoy beautiful moments with your family members. Income from previous investments is expected to increase. In love you become very simple and emotional due to which you will also suffer loss. High blood pressure patients have to simplify their lifestyle to control the disease.

Status: Gemini natives will be recognized for their dedication and hard work in the workplace today, enhancing their social status and reputation among colleagues and superiors. 

Relationship: In love, Gemini natives may find themselves feeling simple and emotional today, which could lead to vulnerability and potential loss in their relationship. 

Career: Pursuing their goals with dedication and hard work will lead to success for Gemini natives in their career endeavours today. Their proactive approach and commitment to excellence will pave the way for professional advancement and growth.

Family: Gemini natives will cherish beautiful moments spent with family members today, fostering a sense of joy and harmony within the family. Strengthening familial bonds through shared experiences strengthens their support system and brings happiness.

Health: Gemini natives with high blood pressure are advised to simplify their lifestyle and prioritise stress management techniques to control the disease. Taking proactive measures to maintain their health ensures overall well-being and vitality.

Today’s Lucky Number – 8

Today’s Lucky Colour – Light Green

Today’s Remedy – Rice should not be used in food today.

Today’s Cancer Horoscope (20th March 2024)


Today, Cancer natives will try to know the needs of their customers, which will help a lot in expanding the business. Today is the day to meet relatives. If you invest in the stock market or commodity market today, you will gain money. Today you will share old memories with your love partner. Young people will take the help of exercise and gym to make their body beautiful and attractive.

Status: Cancer natives will enhance their social status and reputation by prioritising customer needs and expanding their business ventures. Their focus on understanding and meeting customer requirements earns them respect and trust in the business community.

Relationship: Cancer natives will reminisce about old memories and share intimate moments with their love partner today, deepening their emotional connection and strengthening their bond. 

Career: By prioritising customer needs and focusing on business expansion, Cancer individuals will make significant strides in their professional endeavours today.

Family: Cancer natives will spend quality time with relatives today, fostering familial bonds and creating cherished memories. Connecting with family members brings joy and happiness, strengthening their support system and sense of belonging.

Health: Young Cancer individuals will prioritise physical fitness and attractiveness by engaging in exercise and gym routines today. Their commitment to maintaining a healthy and attractive physique promotes overall well-being and confidence.

Today’s Lucky Number – 4

Today’s Lucky Colour – white

Today’s Remedy – Today listen to the story of Lord Satyanarayan from a learned Brahmin and perform havan.

Today’s Leo Horoscope (20th March 2024)

LEO horoscope

Today’s Leo natives will upset their close associates by not giving direct answers. Abuse of personal relationships will spoil family life. You will benefit financially from online sources. Do not invest money in new contracts today. May today’s journey be painful. Your love partner will prove lucky for you. Many people will be troubled by urine infection. Some women will feel pain due to cysts in the uterus.

Status: Leo natives may damage their social status by upsetting close associates with indirect or evasive responses today. Their communication style may lead to misunderstandings and strain in personal relationships, affecting their reputation and standing in social circles.

Relationship: Abuse of personal relationships could disrupt family harmony for Leo natives today. Their failure to provide direct answers may create tension and dissatisfaction among loved ones, challenging the stability of their romantic partnerships and family life.

Career: Leo natives should refrain from investing in new contracts today, as financial gains may be uncertain. It’s advisable to exercise caution and avoid making significant financial commitments in their career ventures to mitigate potential losses.

Family: Family life may be affected by strained personal relationships and communication issues for Leo natives today. Disharmony caused by indirect responses could lead to conflicts and disruptions in familial relationships, requiring patience and understanding to resolve.

Health: Some Leo female natives may encounter pain due to cysts in the uterus, highlighting the importance of seeking medical advice and care for any health concerns.

Today’s Lucky Number – 18

Today’s Lucky Colour – Saffron

Today’s Remedy – Chant the mantra of Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya.

Today’s Virgo Horoscope (20th March 2024)

VIRGO horoscope

Today, Virgo natives will get everything very easily at the workplace and there will be an atmosphere of happiness. You will have to depend on the help of your family for your needs. You have to be very careful in financial matters. There will be an argument with your love partner over some issue. There is a strong possibility that you will get relief from the problem of persistent cough.

Status: Virgo natives may experience a sense of ease and contentment in their workplace today, contributing to a positive atmosphere and potentially enhancing their social status among colleagues. 

Relationship: Virgo natives may encounter disagreements or arguments with their love partner today, leading to potential strains in their relationship. 

Career: At work, Virgo individuals may find tasks and responsibilities coming to them easily, fostering a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment in their career. 

Family: Depending on family support for personal needs may underscore the importance of familial relationships for Virgo natives today. Their interactions and dynamics within the family sphere could influence their overall well-being and sense of security.

Health: There is a possibility that Virgo natives may experience relief from persistent coughing today, offering a reprieve from any discomfort or health issues they may have been experiencing. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 14

Today’s Lucky Colour – green

Today’s Remedy – Keep a fast on Ekadashi, all your wishes will be fulfilled.

Today’s Libra Horoscope (20th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Libra natives will go for an interview. People associated with music and art fields will get contracts to perform new functions. Strictly avoid legal interference in family matters. Expenses will go out of your budget. Don’t hide any personal things from your love partner. Mental happiness is like a tonic for physical health. An enjoyable trip with friends will be very satisfying.

Status: Libra natives may have an opportunity to enhance their social status today by attending an interview, potentially leading to positive career prospects and professional recognition. 

Relationship: Transparency and honesty in communication will be crucial for Libra natives in their love relationships today. They are advised to refrain from concealing any personal matters from their partners to maintain trust and harmony in their romantic bonds.

Career: Participating in interviews or securing contracts related to music and art may present favourable career opportunities for Libra individuals today. 

Family: Libra natives are advised to refrain from interfering in family matters from a legal standpoint today, as such actions could lead to tensions or disagreements within the family dynamics.

Health: Mental well-being and happiness are emphasised as essential components of physical health for Libra natives today. Engaging in enjoyable activities such as a trip with friends can provide mental refreshment and contribute to overall well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 9

Today’s Lucky Colour – Pink

Today’s Remedy – Offer banana prasad to Lord Vishnu. 

Today’s Scorpio Horoscope (19th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Scorpio natives will not like the way you handle some important issues with your colleagues at the workplace. Don’t ignore your parents. Investing in real estate will give you great profits. You will feel very happy in your love life. Diabetic patients must take their medicines on time. Today you will try to do some work with friends in which you will get success.

Status: Scorpio natives may face challenges in managing important issues with colleagues at work today, which could potentially impact their social status and professional reputation.

Relationship: Scorpio natives can expect happiness and fulfilment in their love life today. They may experience joy and contentment in their romantic relationships, fostering a deeper connection with their partners and enhancing the quality of their love bonds.

Career: Investing in real estate could bring significant financial gains for Scorpio individuals today, contributing to their career advancement and financial prosperity. 

Family: Scorpio natives are reminded not to neglect their parents’ needs and well-being today. Spending quality time with family and attending to familial responsibilities can strengthen familial bonds and promote harmony within the household.

Health: Diabetic patients should prioritise taking their medications on time and adhering to their treatment regimen to manage their condition effectively. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 9

Today’s Lucky Colour – saffron

Today’s Remedy – Chant the name of Lord Vishnu.

Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope (20th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Sagittarius natives should review their work if their results at work are less than expected. There will be some trouble in the family because children will not do what you want. Investing in some special stocks in the share market will definitely be beneficial. You will sacrifice personal happiness for your love partner. Any kind of intoxication will greatly spoil your health. This evening you will be very worried about something.

Status: Sagittarius natives may need to reassess their work if they are dissatisfied with their results today, as this could impact their social status and professional reputation. 

Relationship: Sacrificing personal happiness for the sake of their love partner could be a theme for Sagittarius natives today. They may prioritise their partner’s well-being and happiness, demonstrating dedication and commitment to their relationship.

Career: Despite challenges at work, Sagittarius individuals are encouraged to persevere and review their performance to identify areas for improvement. 

Family: Sagittarius natives may encounter some challenges in their family life today, particularly related to children not complying with their wishes. 

Health: Sagittarius natives are cautioned against indulging in any form of intoxication today, as it could have adverse effects on their health. Prioritising self-care and adopting healthy lifestyle choices is essential for maintaining overall well-being and vitality.

Today’s Lucky Number – 4

Today’s Lucky Colour – Orange

Today’s Remedy – Worship Lord Vishnu duly.

Today’s Capricorn Horoscope (20th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Capricorn’s positive attitude towards work today will lay the foundation for future success. Today we will concentrate all our attention on the progress of the family. Your investment today will bring good financial benefits in future. You will take special care of your love partner today. To improve your health, you should take help of yoga and exercise. Keep in mind that while trying to help others, you will cause harm to yourself.

Status: Capricorn natives’ positive attitude towards work today can enhance their social status and reputation, laying the foundation for future success. 

Relationship: Taking special care of their love partner today reflects Capricorn natives’ commitment and affection in their relationship. By prioritising their partner’s needs and well-being, they strengthen the bond and foster a deeper connection in their love life.

Career: Investing time and effort in family matters can contribute to overall well-being satisfaction, which in turn can positively impact their career in the long run.

Family: By prioritising family needs and fostering open communication, they strengthen familial bonds and create a harmonious atmosphere.

Health: By taking proactive steps to improve their physical well-being, they can enhance their overall health and vitality, enabling them to tackle daily challenges with energy and resilience.

Today’s Lucky Number – 2

Today’s Lucky Colour – Turquoise

Today’s Remedy – All your troubles will go away by observing a fast.

Today’s Aquarius Horoscope (20th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Aquarius natives will make a new appointment at their workplace. Do not let outsiders know about family disputes. You will also get money through online gaming. Your love partner will expect a gift from you today. Some people will be very troubled by headaches or migraines. Today you will overpower your enemies and will win over them. You will get victory in the judicial process also.

Status: Aquarius natives may enhance their social status at the workplace by making a new appointment or taking on new responsibilities, showcasing their competence and leadership qualities to colleagues and superiors.

Relationship: Fulfilling their love partner’s expectations by giving a thoughtful gift today can strengthen the bond and foster deeper emotional connection in Aquarius natives’ love relationship, enhancing mutual affection and understanding.

Career: Making a new appointment at work signifies Aquarius natives’ proactive approach to their career growth and development. By seizing opportunities and taking on new challenges, they demonstrate ambition and determination to excel in their professional endeavours.

Family: Keeping family disputes private and not involving outsiders reflects Aquarius individuals’ respect for family privacy and commitment to maintaining harmony within the household. 

Health: Aquarius individuals experiencing headaches or migraines are advised to take measures to alleviate discomfort and seek appropriate medical advice if necessary. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Lucky Colour – Blue

Today’s Remedy  – Recite Vishnu Sahasranama.

Today’s Pisces Horoscope (20th March 2024)

Today, Pisces natives will prepare to go abroad for studies. Relatives and friends will join you for a wonderful evening. Will purchase books related to children’s education. Agents associated with the finance sector will get good commission today. Today you will go on a long drive with your love partner. You will try to correct any of your shortcomings. You should not criticise others unfairly.

Status: Today, Pisces natives may find themselves in situations where their actions and decisions contribute positively to their social status. Engaging in activities that garner respect from peers and the community can elevate their standing among their social circles.

Relationship: In terms of love relationships, Pisces natives may experience heightened emotions and deep connections with their partners today. They may find themselves expressing love and affection more openly, strengthening the bond between them and their significant other.

Career: Career-wise, Pisces natives may encounter opportunities for advancement or recognition. Their dedication and hard work will be noticed by superiors or colleagues, leading to positive developments in their professional lives.

Family: Family matters may take precedence for Pisces individuals today. Spending quality time with family members and addressing any familial issues or concerns can contribute to a harmonious and supportive family environment.

Health: Pisces natives should pay attention to their health today. Engaging in activities that promote physical and mental well-being, such as exercise, meditation, or seeking medical advice if needed, can ensure they maintain optimal health and vitality.

Today’s Lucky Number – 5

Today’s Lucky Colour – Lemon

Today’s Remedy – Offer 21 Durva leaves to Lord Ganesha.

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