Today’s Horoscope, 15th March 2024: Read your horoscope on VAMA

Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how today’s horoscope 15th March is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

[Today’s Horoscope, 15th March 2024]: Everyone wishes to know their horoscope for the day. In this regard, the renowned astrologer Acharya Dev brings today’s horoscope for you.

Today’s horoscope includes predictions about career, business, health, relationships with family and friends, love life, and the events that may unfold throughout the day. Additionally, there are remedies and today’s horoscope with lucky colour and number are suggested based on your zodiac sign.

Today is the sixth day of the waxing phase of the Magha month, Thursday. The constellation is Ashwini, the yoga is Shukla, and the karana is Taaitula until it transitions to Gar. The auspicious time today (shubh muhurat) is from 12:11 PM to 12:58 PM, and the Rahu Kaal is from 01:59 PM to 03:22 PM.

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2024.

LEO 2024VIRGO 2024

So now let us know in VAMA ‘s today’s horoscope, how will today’s day 15th March, 2024 be for you.

First of all, let us know today’s horoscope of Aries.  

Today’s Aries Horoscope (15th March 2024)

Today, Aries natives will work under pressure and achieve their goals. There will be an atmosphere of happiness in the family due to the purchase of a new vehicle. The economic situation will improve. Today you will feel happy and cheerful. Will talk for a long time on mobile with a love partner. You will be free from diseases and will feel healthy. Will win over enemies.

Status: Aries natives will work under pressure but will successfully achieve their goals, indicating a positive status in their professional endeavours.

Relationship: Spending quality time chatting with the love partner over the phone suggests a strong and harmonious relationship, fostering emotional connection and communication.

Career: Working under pressure and achieving goals signifies progress and success in the professional sphere, indicating a positive outlook for career advancement.

Family: The purchase of a new vehicle leading to happiness in the family indicates a positive familial atmosphere and material well-being, contributing to overall family harmony.

Health: Enjoying good health, free from ailments, suggests physical well-being and vitality, enabling Aries natives to tackle challenges with energy and vigour.

Today’s Lucky Number – 18

Today’s Lucky Colour – Purple

Today’s Remedy – Keep chanting the mantra of Om Brim Brihaspatye Namah so that Gurudev’s blessings remain with you.

Today’s Taurus Horoscope (15th March 2024)


Taurus natives will keep running around for their work today. The harder you work, the more success you will not get. Will try to resolve family disputes through dialogue. Today you will invest in an insurance policy which will also result in tax saving and will yield good returns in the long term. Your love partner will prove to be lucky for you. People associated with the political field will work very hard in their field of work.

Status: Taurus natives are expected to be quite active and engaged in various social activities today. Whether it involves networking, attending meetings, or participating in community events, there’s a sense of busyness and interaction with others. 

Relationship: For Taurus natives in romantic relationships, the message suggests a supportive and fortunate dynamic with their partners. This could manifest as emotional support, understanding, and perhaps even tangible gestures of affection. 

Career: While Taurus natives may put in considerable effort and hard work in their professional endeavours today, immediate success or recognition may not be forthcoming. 

Family: There’s an indication that Taurus natives will actively seek to address any family disputes or conflicts through open communication and dialogue. 

Health: It’s essential for Taurus natives to prioritise their well-being amidst their busy schedules. This could involve maintaining a balanced lifestyle, getting adequate rest, and attending to any health concerns promptly. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 9

Today’s Lucky Colour – Lemon

Today’s Remedy – You should recite Ramcharitmanas so that you get happiness and prosperity.

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Today’s Gemini Horoscope (15th March 2024)


Today, Gemini natives will use new technology in their work and will achieve success. There may be new contracts in business which will strengthen the economic situation. You will feel a little worried due to not getting importance in the family. Today you will get back the money lent for many years. Sweetness in a love relationship will keep your mind happy. You will try to keep yourself in a strong position at the social level.

Status: Gemini natives are likely to engage with new technology or innovative approaches in their professional endeavours today, potentially leading to success or breakthroughs in their work. 

Relationship: The message indicates a harmonious and fulfilling love relationship for Gemini individuals today. They may experience emotional fulfilment and happiness in their romantic partnerships, characterised by affection, understanding, and mutual support. 

Career: Gemini natives may encounter new opportunities or contracts in their business ventures today, which could have a positive impact on their financial stability. 

Family: Despite achievements in other areas, Gemini natives may experience some concern or unease due to a perceived lack of importance or recognition within their family dynamics today. 

Health: Gemini natives may generally enjoy good health and well-being, allowing them to focus on their professional, social, and personal endeavours with energy and vitality. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 1

Today’s Lucky Colour – Green

Today’s Remedy – By chanting the tantric mantra of the Guru Om Gram Grim Graun Sah Guruve Namah, income, respect, position and reputation will increase.

Today’s Cancer Horoscope (15th March 2024)


Today, Cancer natives will work in a planned manner to achieve their goals. Will enter into a contract with a company for business promotion. You will get financial help from your father which will help you in getting many of your works done. There will be economic strength and the situation of money inflow will improve rapidly. Your love partner will not like you talking to someone else, due to which there will be arguments between the two. Some people will suffer from arthritis.

Status: Cancer natives will be working in a planned manner to achieve their goals, indicating a positive reputation and recognition in their social circles.

Relationship: There may be some tension in your love relationship, with conflicts arising due to jealousy or insecurity about interactions with others.

Career: Cancer natives will enter into a beneficial contract for business promotion, suggesting progress and growth in their professional endeavours.

Family: Financial assistance from the father will contribute to accomplishing tasks and strengthening the family’s financial situation.

Health: Some natives may experience arthritis or joint-related issues, indicating a need for attention to physical health and well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 8

Today’s Lucky Colour – Cream

Today’s Remedy – While leaving the house, chant the Sun mantra Om Ghrini: Suryay Namah, you will get success in all money related work.

Today’s Leo Horoscope (15th March 2024)

LEO horoscope

Today, Leo natives will hold a meeting with their team through an online medium and discuss how to achieve the target. There is a need to investigate the work being done by the partnership. Disagreements between family members can take the form of tension. Do not invest money in any dubious scheme otherwise you will incur loss. Love partner will promise to take many risks for you. Some people may feel a lot of trouble due to back pain.

Status: Leo natives will demonstrate leadership by holding online meetings with their team, indicating their active involvement in professional responsibilities and maintaining a favourable social status.

Relationship: Love partners may make promises of commitment and support, showing dedication and willingness to take risks for each other’s sake.

Career: There is a need to scrutinise partnerships and business arrangements, suggesting potential challenges or conflicts in professional collaborations.

Family: Tension may arise within the family due to disagreements, highlighting the importance of open communication and conflict resolution.

Health: Some individuals may experience back pain, emphasising the need for proper posture, rest, and possibly medical attention to address physical discomfort.

Today’s Lucky Number – 22

Today’s Lucky Colour – Red

Today’s Remedy – Today offer Google incense in the temple and recite Durga Chalisa, your day will be auspicious.

Today’s Virgo Horoscope (15th March 2024)

VIRGO horoscope

Today, Virgo natives will increase the sales of their products due to their eloquence. Will try their best to fulfil family responsibilities. You will try to take a loan to do some big work. Interference from a third person is creating sourness in love. Your image is becoming very strong socially. You will remain a little silent due to lack of agreement with friends. Drive the vehicle carefully as there is a possibility of leg injury.

Status: Virgo natives will enhance their social image by effectively communicating and increasing sales, showcasing their eloquence and business acumen.

Relationship: Interference from a third party may cause tension or conflict in romantic relationships, highlighting the importance of trust and communication between partners.

Career: Virgo natives will prioritise family responsibilities alongside their professional endeavours, demonstrating a balanced approach to work-life commitments.

Family: Efforts will be made to fulfil family obligations, indicating a strong sense of duty and responsibility towards loved ones.

Health: There is a risk of leg injury, prompting caution while driving or engaging in physical activities to prevent accidents or harm to oneself.

Today’s Lucky Number – 7

Today’s Lucky Colour – Green

Today’s Remedy – Chant the Navarna mantra Om Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundayai Vicche to gain wealth.

Today’s Libra Horoscope (15th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Libra natives will listen to the suggestions of their subordinates and try to implement them. Enjoying the company of family members will make you forget your problems. The financial situation will be satisfactory, provided you do not spend carelessly. Today you will learn about some negative behaviour of your love partner. Do not involve yourself in any dispute otherwise there will be mental stress. 

Status: Libra natives will exhibit open-mindedness by listening to and considering the suggestions of their subordinates, fostering a positive and collaborative work environment.

Relationship: Discovering negative behaviour in their love partner may lead to concerns or conflicts, highlighting the importance of communication and understanding in relationships.

Career: Libra natives will prioritise their family time, finding solace and distraction from work-related stress by enjoying quality moments with their loved ones.

Family: Spending enjoyable time with family members will provide a welcome distraction from personal worries or challenges, fostering a sense of unity and happiness within the family unit.

Health: It’s advisable for Libra natives to maintain their overall well-being by prioritising self-care practices such as adequate rest, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and managing stress levels effectively. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 1

Today’s Lucky ColoUr – Golden 

Today’s Remedy – Offer lotus flowers to Goddess Mahalakshmi with great emotion. 

Today’s Scorpio Horoscope (15th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today for Scorpio natives, excessive workload will force them to lose their temper. Give up careless thoughts that hurt the sentiments of family members. You will need to invest wisely to earn financial gains. Today you will fulfil the demands of your love partner. The blessings of a saint will give you mental peace. Consult a doctor to get rid of any ear related problem. 

Status: Scorpio natives might face challenges in maintaining their social status today due to excessive workload and potential outbursts caused by stress. 

Relationship: In their love relationships, Scorpio individuals are advised to prioritise understanding and fulfilling the needs of their partners. 

Career: Scorpio natives may encounter a heavy workload today, leading to frustration and potential conflicts at work.

Family: Scorpio natives should be mindful of their interactions with family members, avoiding careless remarks or actions that could hurt sentiments. 

Health: Health-wise, Scorpio natives should prioritise their well-being, especially addressing any ear-related problems promptly by consulting a doctor. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 5

Today’s Lucky Colour – Turquoise 

Today’s Remedy – Help a needy person with money. 

Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope (15th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Sagittarius natives will have an upper hand over their opponents in their work field. Today you are likely to learn a lot from the experiences of your family. Today you will gain more money than expected. In love life, today you will not like the behaviour of your love partner. Hormonal changes in teenagers can make them victims of acne. You will bring glory to your reputation by involving yourself in voluntary work. 

Status: Sagittarius natives will enjoy an advantageous position over their competitors in their professional endeavours today. 

Relationship: In their romantic relationships, Sagittarius natives may face some challenges today, as they might find themselves dissatisfied with their partner’s behaviour. 

Career: Sagittarius natives will excel in their work today, surpassing their rivals and achieving success in their endeavours.

Family: Family interactions will be enriching for Sagittarius individuals today, as they glean wisdom and insights from their relatives’ experiences. 

Health: Teenage Sagittarians should be mindful of hormonal changes that can lead to acne breakouts. It’s important to maintain a healthy skincare routine and seek professional advice if needed.

Today’s Lucky Number – 7

Today’s Lucky Colour – Magenta 

Today’s Remedy – If you are facing any money related problem then recite Sri Sukta. 

Today’s Capricorn Horoscope (15th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Capricorn natives will set the tone for success at the workplace by creating work culture and discipline. Sharing problems with relatives will not only help you find solutions, but will also free you from a huge mental stress. Today you are likely to get big government contracts. Today you will be happy with your love partner. Think positive and stay away from negative emotions, this is the secret mantra to stay healthy. 

Status: Capricorn natives will establish a foundation for success in their professional life by cultivating a culture of productivity and discipline in the workplace. 

Relationship: Spending quality time with their love partner will strengthen their bond and bring them closer together, fostering mutual understanding and affection.

Career: Capricorn natives will excel in their careers today, as they secure significant government contracts that propel them towards success and advancement. 

Family: Sharing their concerns and challenges with family members will provide Capricorn natives with valuable support and guidance, alleviating mental stress and fostering a sense of unity and connection within the family.

Health: Maintaining a positive mindset and avoiding negative emotions will be crucial for Capricorn natives’ health today. Cultivating optimism and resilience will help them manage stress effectively and maintain their overall well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 5

Today’s Lucky Colour – Black 

Today’s Remedy  – Before leaving home, first visit any temple you find and pay obeisance to God.

Today’s Aquarius Horoscope (15th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Starting a business will be beneficial today. All the family members will join you in some function. Your investment in the share market will give you good profits today. Love happens only once in life, not many times. There is a need to be careful about health, you will be able to keep yourself healthy by doing yoga and exercise. Your risk-taking ability will impress people who keep a close eye on you. 

Status: Your bold and decisive actions will showcase your leadership qualities and leave a lasting impression on others, enhancing your social standing and influence.

Relationship: Today, you will realise the importance of true love as you cherish the bond you share with your partner. Remember that love is a rare and precious gift, deserving of your utmost care and attention. 

Career: Starting a new business venture will bring favourable outcomes today, as the stars align in your favour. Your entrepreneurial spirit and innovative ideas will pave the way for success and prosperity in your endeavours.

Family: Today, you will experience a strong sense of unity and togetherness as all family members come together to celebrate a special occasion or participate in a meaningful event.

Health: Prioritise your health today by incorporating yoga and exercise into your daily routine. These activities will not only improve your physical fitness but also promote mental well-being, helping you maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Today’s Lucky Number – 4

Today’s Lucky Colour – Electric Grey 

Today’s Remedy  – Recite Hanuman Chalisa. 

Today’s Pisces Horoscope (15th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Pisces natives will have to face challenges in the workplace, which you will overcome easily. Time spent with family members will bring vitality and energy. Money will be received through online mediums. There is a possibility of falling in love with a very good friend. Yoga and meditation will help you stay fit and mentally active. Your interest in charity and social service will be seen increasing. 

Status: Your growing interest in charity and social service activities will enhance your reputation and standing within your community.

Relationship: Pisces natives may find themselves developing romantic feelings for a close friend today. Embrace this newfound connection with an open heart and explore the potential for a meaningful and fulfilling relationship. Communication and honesty will be key in nurturing this bond.

Career: Pisces natives may encounter challenges in the workplace today, but their resilience and determination will enable them to overcome these obstacles with ease. 

Family: Spending quality time with family members will rejuvenate Pisces individuals, infusing them with vitality and positive energy. 

Health: Prioritise your physical and mental well-being by engaging in yoga and meditation practices. These activities will not only promote physical fitness but also foster mental clarity and emotional balance. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 2

Today’s Lucky Colour – Saffron 

Today’s Remedy – Feed biscuits to dogs.

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