Today’s Horoscope, 10th March 2024: Read your horoscope on VAMA

Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how today’s horoscope 10th March is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

[Today’s Horoscope, 10th March 2024]: Everyone wishes to know their horoscope for the day. In this regard, the renowned astrologer Acharya Dev brings today’s horoscope for you.

Today’s horoscope includes predictions about career, business, health, relationships with family and friends, love life, and the events that may unfold throughout the day. Additionally, there are remedies and today’s horoscope with lucky colour and number are suggested based on your zodiac sign.

Today is the fourteenth day of the waning phase (Krishna Paksha) of the month of Phalguna. It is Sunday, and the Nakshatra is Purva Bhadrapada until 1:55 AM. The Yoga is Sadhya until 4:14 PM, and the Karana is Nag until 2:30 PM. The auspicious time today is from 11:46 AM to 12:32 PM, and the inauspicious time will be from 4:36 PM to 6:05 PM.

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2024.

LEO 2024VIRGO 2024

So now let us know in VAMA ‘s today’s horoscope, how will today’s day 10th March, 2024 be for you.

First of all, let us know today’s horoscope of Aries.  

Today’s Aries Horoscope (10th March 2024)

There are chances of a long distance journey for Aries natives today. Too much work today may make you tired. Students should work harder to get results in the examination, otherwise they will not get favourable results. Today is a day for business people to work harder, they will get profits till evening.

Status: Today brings the possibility of a significant journey for Aries natives, providing an opportunity to broaden their social horizons. 

Relationship: It is advisable for Aries natives to focus on maintaining open communication and understanding with their partners, fostering a healthy and supportive connection.

Career: For students, the day emphasises the importance of hard work to achieve favourable results in examinations. Diligence and focused efforts will be key to success. 

Family: Aries natives are encouraged to maintain a harmonious atmosphere at home, balancing their professional and personal responsibilities.

Health: Aries natives should prioritise self-care and manage their energy levels to ensure overall well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number– 9 

Today’s Lucky Colour– Yellow 

Today’s Remedy– Offer something to Guru Ji.

Today’s Taurus Horoscope (10th March 2024)


Today is going to be a very happy day for Taurus people. Today you will get respect. There will be an atmosphere of happiness in the house. Spend today listening to music. Do not fight with anyone. This is a time of increasing troubles in your life, be careful.

Status: Today holds the promise of a joyful and fulfilling day for Taurus natives, marked by an increase in respect and recognition. Interactions with others may contribute positively to their social standing.

Relationship: Taurus natives are encouraged to prioritise understanding and communication in their romantic partnerships, fostering a loving and peaceful atmosphere.

Career: While the text doesn’t explicitly mention career-related details, Taurus natives can enhance their overall well-being by maintaining a positive work-life balance. 

Family: The day is predicted to bring an atmosphere of happiness to the family. Taurus natives are advised to spend quality time with family members, fostering positive connections and creating memorable moments.

Health: Amid the potential for increasing troubles, Taurus natives are reminded to be cautious and prioritise their well-being. 

Today’s Lucky Number– 6

Today’s Lucky Colour– Cream

Today’s Remedy– Donate black items in Shani temple.

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Today’s Gemini Horoscope (10th March 2024)


For Gemini natives, today is a day of progress in work by ending worries. Today again the influence of your sweet speech will subdue people. Your work area will continue to be favourable for you. There will be a possibility of financial gain for those doing business.

Status: For Gemini natives, today signifies a day of progress, with concerns giving way to positive developments. Your ability to communicate effectively and persuasively will continue to have a favourable impact on your social interactions. 

Relationship: Gemini natives are encouraged to maintain open and honest communication in their romantic endeavours, fostering understanding and harmony.

Career: Gemini natives are likely to experience positive developments in their work, with their persuasive communication skills contributing to favourable outcomes. 

Family: Gemini natives are advised to carry the positive energy from their professional success into their family life. Spending quality time with family members can further enhance the positive atmosphere.

Health: A positive day at work may contribute to an overall sense of well-being. Gemini natives are encouraged to maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life, ensuring that they prioritise their health amid professional successes.

Today’s Lucky Number– 4

Today’s Lucky Colour– Light Blue

Today’s Remedy– Gift something to your father.

Today’s Cancer Horoscope (10th March 2024)


Today is going to be a very good day for Cancer natives. Today you will hear praise, which will boost your morale. You will hear good news from your children. If you are suffering from any disease, the disease will end.

Status: For Cancer natives, today promises to be exceptionally good. The positive feedback and praise you receive today can significantly elevate your social status. 

Relationship: Cancer natives are encouraged to share their positive experiences with their partners. Celebrate the good news and accomplishments together to strengthen the bond in your relationship.

Career: Cancer natives can expect to hear praise and positive feedback in their professional endeavours, which will significantly boost morale. It may also pave the way for further career advancements.

Family: Cancer natives are encouraged to share these moments with their family members, fostering a sense of joy and togetherness within the household.

Health: Cancer natives should take this as an opportunity to prioritise their well-being. Embrace a healthy lifestyle to maintain and enhance your overall health.

Today’s Lucky Number– 8

Today’s Lucky Colour– Gray

Today’s Remedy: Leave some writing material at the government office.

Today’s Leo Horoscope (10th March 2024)

LEO horoscope

For Leo natives, the troubles going on at home will end today. Love with your spouse will increase. Bitterness in mutual relationships will end. Luck will remain favourable for you. Today people will be impressed by your speech. You will also get new opportunities.

Status: For Leo natives, today marks the end of troubles on the home front. Your ability to navigate and resolve familial issues will contribute positively to your social status.

Relationship: A significant improvement will be there in your relationship with your spouse today. The love between you and your partner will deepen, and any previous bitterness or conflicts will come to an end. 

Career: The favourable alignment of luck indicates positive opportunities in your career today. Leo natives are likely to receive new and promising prospects. 

Family: The troubles at home will end, leading to a more harmonious family environment. Leo natives are encouraged to cherish these moments of peace and unity within the family. 

Health: Engaging in activities that promote good health will complement the positive energy surrounding you today.

Today’s Lucky Number– 3

Today’s Lucky Colour– Magenta

Today’s Remedy– Donate clothes to the poor.

Today’s Virgo Horoscope (10th March 2024)

VIRGO horoscope

Today is going to be a very good day for Virgo natives. Today you can make important decisions in new tasks. Today your enemies will be defeated by you. There will be an end to physical suffering. The mind will remain happy. Energy will remain throughout the day.

Status: For Virgo natives, today presents an excellent opportunity to enhance their social status. Making important decisions in new tasks will garner respect and admiration from peers and acquaintances. 

Relationship: The positive energy today extends to your personal relationships. Your content and happy state of mind will positively impact your interactions with your loved ones. 

Career: Virgo natives can capitalise on the positive momentum to make significant decisions in their professional endeavours. This may involve taking on new tasks, projects, or responsibilities that contribute to career growth. 

Family: The defeat of enemies and the end of physical suffering contribute to a harmonious and joyful atmosphere at home. Virgo natives are encouraged to share this positivity with their family members.

Health: The sustained energy throughout the day bodes well for your overall well-being. Virgo natives should channel this positive energy into activities that promote good health and vitality. 

Today’s Lucky Number– 2

Today’s Lucky Colour– Green

Today’s Remedy– Provide medicine to the poor and sick.

Today’s Libra Horoscope (10th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today is going to be a very special day for Libra natives. You may receive satisfactory news from your children. If you are in the field of business, today you may get unexpected financial gain. There will be chances of financial gain from the share market, working only under someone’s guidance.

Status: For Libra natives, today holds the promise of being a remarkable and special day. Satisfactory news from your children can bring joy and pride, positively influencing your social status.

Relationship: The positive energy surrounding unexpected financial gain can enhance the atmosphere in your love relationship. Your contentment and happiness may translate into stronger bonds with your partner. 

Career: If you are in the field of business, today presents an unexpected financial gain. Collaborating and working under someone’s guidance can be particularly rewarding. 

Family: The satisfactory news from your children contributes to a positive and harmonious atmosphere within the family. Libra nativesare encouraged to share these moments with family members, fostering a sense of unity and celebration.

Health: The overall positivity in various aspects of life can also positively impact your health. Embrace this energy by engaging in activities that contribute to your well-being. 

Today’s Lucky Number– 1

Today’s Lucky Colour– light green

Today’s Remedy– Donate clothes to the poor.

Today’s Scorpio Horoscope (10th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today will be a peaceful day for Scorpio natives. Your anger can get you into trouble. Do not get angry without any reason, it can spoil the family atmosphere. Maintain peace at home. Control your speech. Don’t get unnecessarily involved with anyone.

Status: It is crucial to be mindful of your expressions and emotions in social interactions. Maintaining a calm and composed demeanour can contribute positively to your social standing. 

Relationship: In your love relationship, stay away from unnecessary anger or disputes. Keeping the atmosphere at home serene will create a conducive environment for emotional connections. 

Career: In the professional sphere, practising control over speech and emotions is paramount. Unchecked anger can lead to complications at work. 

Family: Maintaining peace within the family is the key theme for Scorpio natives today. By avoiding unnecessary anger and conflicts, you contribute to a positive family atmosphere. 

Health: Emotional well-being directly impacts your health. Scorpio natives are should prioritise mental and emotional balance. Engaging in activities that promote relaxation and stress relief will be beneficial.

Today’s Lucky Number– 5 

Today’s Lucky Colour– blue 

Today’s Remedy– Provide medicine to the poor and sick.

Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope (10th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today will prove to be a very happy day for Sagittarius natives. Today you will get results as per your wish. The tasks for which you were waiting for completion will be completed today. If you want to enter into new work, today is a favourable day. There will be a possibility of bringing a new vehicle to the house.

Status: For Sagittarius natives, today will bring happiness and contentment. Your achievements and successful endeavours will contribute positively to your social standing. 

Relationship: In matters of love, the day promises favourable outcomes. Your wishes and desires in your romantic relationship are likely to be fulfilled. 

Career: Professionally, today you will get success and completion of pending tasks. Initiating new ventures or projects is highly encouraged, as the stars align in your favour. 

Family: Bringing joy to your family, the successful completion of tasks and the possibility of acquiring a new vehicle will contribute to a positive and celebratory atmosphere at home.

Health: The overall positive energy of the day will likely have a positive impact on your health. Embrace this well-being by maintaining a healthy balance in your lifestyle. 

Today’s Lucky Number– 7

Today’s Lucky Colour– Light Yellow

Today’s Remedy– Provide food to the poor.

Today’s Capricorn Horoscope (10th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today, Mars transiting in the ascendant will prove to be very influential for Capricorn people. Enemies will get frightened due to your influence. Today your courage will increase. There will be opportunities to get a higher position in the work field. There will be chances of wealth and prosperity for those doing business. The pending money will be received.

Status: With Mars transiting in the ascendant, your influence and courage will have a positive impact on your social status. Others will take notice of your capabilities, and your ability to overcome challenges will earn you respect in social circles. 

Relationship: In matters of love, the increased courage and positive energy will reflect in your relationship. You may find yourself more assertive and passionate, contributing to a deeper connection with your partner. 

Career: Professionally, the influence of Mars indicates a period of increased opportunities and advancements. Your assertiveness and courage will be key factors in climbing the career ladder. 

Family: The positive energy of Mars will extend to your family life, creating a harmonious atmosphere. Your influence within the family will strengthen, and you may find support and encouragement from family members.

Health: The increased courage and positive influences from Mars will also contribute to your overall well-being. Engage in activities that promote physical health and vitality. 

Today’s Lucky Number– 8 

Today’s Lucky Colour- Red 

Today’s Remedy– Feed flour to the fish.

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Today’s Aquarius Horoscope (10th March 2024)

today's horoscope 6th march

Today is going to be a lazy day for Aquarius natives. Give up your laziness. Maintain cordial relations with your father. Today your father may suffer some unexpected physical problem. Spend time with family. There may be a possibility of a sudden trip.

Status: The laziness mentioned in your horoscope may impact your social engagements. It’s advised to engage with your social circles.

Relationship: Spend quality time with your family, as mentioned in the horoscope. In your love relationship, be attentive to your partner’s needs. 

Career: While the day will be lazy, it’s important to remain engaged in your professional responsibilities. Laziness may hinder your productivity, so try to overcome this and focus on your tasks. 

Family: Family plays a significant role today. Your father’s unexpected physical problem may require your attention and care. Be supportive and present for your family members. 

Health: The laziness mentioned in the horoscope can also affect your health. It’s crucial to resist lethargy and engage in activities that promote well-being. 

Today’s Lucky Number– 5 

Today’s Lucky Colour– Black

Today’s Remedy– Gift something to the eunuchs.

Today’s Pisces Horoscope (10th March 2024)

Weekly Horoscope 18th to 24th february

Today will prove to be a favourable day for Pisces natives. The mistakes made in the past will give you results today, but your behaviour will make all the results favourable. Today you will get financial benefits from the share market. If you are thinking of travelling abroad, the time is not favourable. You will receive benefits from your children.

Status: The favourable day for Pisces natives suggests that your past mistakes will resolve today. Your behaviour plays an essential role in shaping the outcomes, so maintain a positive and considerate approach. The results can positively impact your social standing.

Relationship: The overall positive energy of the day can extend to your personal relationships. Ensure open communication and understanding with your partner.

Career: The positive outcomes from past mistakes may also reflect in your professional life. This could be a good day for resolving any work-related issues or making amends. 

Family: Financial benefits from the share market can have a positive impact on your family’s financial situation. Ensure transparent communication with family members regarding any financial decisions.

Health: The overall positive tone of the day can contribute to your well-being. Use this positive energy to engage in activities that promote good health.

Today’s Lucky Number– 8

Today’s Lucky Colour– Cream

Today’s Remedy– Donate to a handicapped person. 

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