The Role of Astrology in Understanding Past Lives and Karma | Secret Behind Astrology

Understanding Astrology and Karma

Astrology is an ancient science that has been used to understand the influence of cosmic and planetary forces on our lives. It can also be used to gain insight into our past lives and karma. The planets in a person’s birth chart represent the various karmic influences they are born with, while the zodiac signs provide further insight into how these energies manifest in their life. The astrological houses signify the specific areas of life where we will experience certain karmic lessons or challenges, while transits reveal when those experiences may occur. By understanding how astrology affects karma, we can look at our own chart for clues as to why certain events have occurred in our life and what steps need to be taken for future growth and healing.

Role of Astrology in Understanding Past Lives

Astrology has a long history of being used to gain insight into our past lives and the karmic influences that form the basis of our current life. By studying one’s birth chart, we can see which planets rule certain areas of life and how their influence affects us. We can also look at transits to understand when major events may occur in our lives due to the changing planetary positions. Through understanding astrology and its connection with karma, we are able to gain valuable insight into our own personal growth and spiritual journey.

Not only does astrology help us understand why certain things have happened in our lives, but it can also provide guidance for making better choices going forward. By recognizing patterns in one’s birth chart or by noting upcoming transits that could bring about change, we can be prepared for these events as they come up. Additionally, by looking at past karmic cycles and trends we may be able to take proactive steps towards creating a more balanced future for ourselves.

In conclusion, astrology is an ancient science rooted in the understanding of karma that provides great insights into both our present and past lives. By using it as a tool for self-reflection and exploration, we can gain greater clarity on where we are on this path through life while gaining direction on how best to approach future challenges or opportunities along the way.

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