The Epic Friendship Between Krishna And Sudama

Krishna and Sudama were two of the closest friends in ancient India. Their friendship is legendary and has been written about extensively.

The story of Krishna and Sudama is an epic Indian tale about two friends who meet in a most unusual way.

The friendship between Krishna and Sudama

Krishna and Sudama were two of the closest friends in ancient India. Their friendship is legendary and has been written about extensively. It is said that they were so close that Krishna would often visit Sudama’s house just to chat and catch up. Sudama was a simple man, who lived a very humble life.

He was content with what he had and didn’t desire anything more. Krishna, on the other hand, was the King of Dwarka and had everything one could possibly want. Despite their different lifestyles, the two friends remained close throughout their lives. 

One story that exemplifies their friendship is when Sudama visited Krishna’s kingdom after many years. He was overwhelmed by the opulence of Krishna’s palace and felt out of place. However, Krishna welcomed him with open arms and treated him like royalty. He even gave Sudama a priceless jewel as a gift. Sudama was so touched by this gesture that he began to cry. This story illustrates the selfless nature of their friendship and how much they cared for each other.

The friendship between Krishna and Sudama is truly inspiring and shows that people from all walks of life can be friends.

The backstory of the two

Krishna and Sudama’s friendship is one of the most epic and heartwarming stories in Indian mythology. The two friends met as young boys and instantly hit it off. They would spend hours playing together and getting into mischief. As they grew older, their friendship only grew stronger.

Even after Krishna became a powerful king and Sudama remained a humble peasant, their bond remained unbreakable. Sudama would often visit Krishna in his palace, and the two would catch up on old times.

One day, Sudama finally gathered the courage to ask Krishna for help. His family was suffering from poverty and he was hoping that his friend would be able to help him out. Krishna didn’t hesitate to give Sudama whatever he needed, and even went above and beyond to make sure his friend’s family was taken care of.

This story is a testament to the power of true friendship. No matter what our circumstances are, we can always count on our friends to be there for us.

How the divine Lord Krishna provided for his friend

The Bhagavata Purana tells the story of the divine Lord Krishna and his friend Sudama. Although Sudama was born into a Brahmin family, he was not wealthy. In fact, he was so poor that he could only afford a single piece of cloth to wear. Despite his poverty, Krishna always treated Sudama with love and respect.

One day, Krishna asked Sudama to come and visit him. Sudama was overjoyed and set off immediately. However, when he arrived at Krishna’s palace, he became self-conscious about his appearance and felt that he was not worthy to enter. Krishna reassured Sudama that he was always welcome and led him inside.

Krishna then sat down with Sudama and asked him about his family. Sudama told Krishna about his wife and children and how they were struggling to make ends meet. Moved by Sudama’s plight, Krishna reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of rice. He told Sudama to take this rice back to his family and they would never go hungry again.

Sudama was overwhelmed with gratitude. He had never expected such generosity from Krishna.


The story of Krishna and Sudama’s friendship is truly an epic one. Their friendship is the perfect example of how friends should be loyal, supportive, and always there for each other. No matter what life throws at them, their friendship always manages to stand strong. If you’re ever feeling down or need a friend to lean on, remember the story of Krishna and Sudama and let it inspire you to find your own true friend.