Pitra Dosh Shanti & Tripindi Shradh: Causes, Effects, and Remedies

​​"Pitra Dosh Shanti'' and "Tripindi Shradh'' are special ceremonies deeply rooted in Hindu culture. Pitra Dosh Shanti helps to ease any problems caused by issues in our family history.

Have you ever wondered about the spiritual connection between your ancestors and the twists and turns of your life?

Have you ever felt the indefinite yet evident presence of ancestral energies shaping your life? Join us on a captivating journey as we delve into the depths of Pitra Dosh, a belief system that has been passed down through generations and deeply affects our lives.

​​”Pitra Dosh Shanti and “Tripindi Shradh” are special ceremonies deeply rooted in Hindu culture. Pitra Dosh Shanti helps to ease any problems caused by issues in our family history. On the other hand, Tripindi Shraddha is a ceremony to show respect and pray for our ancestors who have passed away.

People perform these ceremonies to make sure their ancestors are at peace and to bring blessing and good fortune into the family. It is believed that these rituals have a lot of helpful benefits when conducted in the observance of the priests and by chanting some powerful Mantras.

Have you ever explored the idea of how performing a Pitra Dosh Puja could potentially impact your lives and lives of your descendants?

Pitra Dosh Puja Benefits

In the journey to find solutions for Pitra Dosh, individuals often discover a deeper connection with their roots and a renewed sense of purpose in their life journey. Let’s reflect on some potential benefits that come from aligning ourselves with our ancestral energies.

1. Ancestral Blessings

The puja is believed to appease and seek blessings from one’s ancestors, which might lead to a sense of protection and guidance in life.

2. Family Harmony-

It is thought that by performing this puja, one can resolve ancestral issues that might be causing disturbances in the family and promote greater harmony.

3. Removal of obstacles

Devotees may believe that the puja can help them to get rid of obstacles and challenges that the negative influences of their ancestors might cause.

4. Spiritual Progress

Performing the puja is also seen as a way of honouring one’s ancestors and progressing spirituality by acknowledging and addressing any past unresolved issues.

5. Health and Well-being

It is believed that the puja can contribute to improved physical and mental well-being by seeking blessings from ancestors who can offer protection and healing.

Pitra Dosh Nivaran puja

Pitra Dosh Nivaran Puja

Pitra Dosh may cast its shadow, but it also provides a roadmap to healing and freedom` . Join us as we explore the various Pitra Dosh Nivaran techniques that can guide us towards harmony and balance.

1. Pitra Dosh Nivaran Puja

Devotees who perform this Pitra Shanti Puja dedicated to appeasing ancestors by seeking blessings are a common remedy. It is believed that by conducting this puja, the adverse effects are reduced. This puja consists of performing rituals, prayers, and offerings to honour and appease the ancestors.

2. Trapan and Shraddha

This is one of the most prominent rituals performed by the head of the family after the death of their ancestors. Performing rituals like Trapan (offering water) and Shraddha(offering food) during specific times such as Pitru Paksha or on Amavasya days can help alleviate ancestral energies.

3. Visiting Holy Places

Visiting religious places and performing rituals with a procedure under the observation of a priest helps one eliminate all such types of negative afflictions.

4. Chanting Mantras

Chanting specific mantras will help you to connect with your higher self. Maintaining peace and positivity mantras such as the Gayatri Mantras or the specific Pitra Dosh Mantras will benefit the family.

5. Conducting Havan

These are fire rituals where some offerings are made to fire while chanting mantras. It is believed that this balances the house’s aura and appeases ancestors.

6. Offering Food to Brahmins

Providing food to priests is considered to be one of the best ways to show honour to ancestors and seek their blessings.

7. Worshiping Lord Shiva and Vishnu

As we all know, Lord Vishnu is known to be the creator of the universe, and Lord Shiva is the destroyer. So,Seeking blessings from the deities like Vishnu and Shiva is believed to be the best way to get rid of negativity

At last, if you wish to get rid of the negative effects of the Pitra Dosh. Then, you can book your Puja at Vama App.

Have you ever felt a deep connection with your ancestors, and do you believe their actions might influence your life?

What is a Tripindi Shradh?

As we find ourselves at the crossroads of the past and the present, Tripindi Shradh serves as a kind of spiritual time machine. It gives us a peek into the past and a chance to shape our future. This ritual connects us to our ancestors, making their voices heard in our lives today and helping us find balance with them. It’s like a starting point for building a better relationship with our ancestors.

Tripindi Shraddha is a combination of two words Tri which means Three and Pind means contribution to the left spirits of the Pitr. The pind is made up of a combination of boiled rice, dark sesame seeds, barley flour and pure ghee.

The Tripindi Shradha Puja is for giving proper respect to three generations of ancestors. These are the customs that purge every one of the wrong doings that led the withdrawn spirit to find happiness. The ritual of offering “pind” or “pind daan”, by a person to the ancestors during the Tripindi Shraddha Puja.

The belief is that by offering these symbolic heaps of rice, the negative energies that departed souls might be holding can be pacified. It is conducted by the priests, and it includes recitation of powerful Mantras.

Families undertake Tripindi Shraddha Puja with the intention of resolving ancestral afflictions, balancing Karmic debts and fostering generational harmony. As with many rituals, Tripindi Shradh Puja reflects the intricate interplay of cultural beliefs, spiritual values, and the desire to maintain a connection with one’s ancestors across the fabric of time.


In Conclusion, Tripindi Shraddha and Pitra Dosh Puja are two important rituals deeply rooted in Hindu Traditions that revolve around the concept of honouring and seeking blessings from the departed soul.

Tripindi Shradh Puja stands as a spiritually significant ceremony aimed at providing peace and resolution to departed soul who might be in the state of unrest.By doing Pind Daan or offering heaps of rice to the three generations of ancestors, families believe they can provide calmness to the souls’ and foster generational harmony.

On the other hand, Pitra Dosh Puja states the astrological connection of ancestral negative affliction,which can be easily controlled by performing some remedies.

Both rituals reflect the intricate blend of cultural beliefs and spiritual values, showcasing the deep connection between the living and the departed soul. It is important to know that these practices are steeped in tradition and faith, with their benefits interpreted through the lens of individual beliefs.

Whether one seeks to find harmony through ancestral appeasement or aims to get rid of negative effects, these rituals stand as reminders of the enduring bond between the past and the present, as well as the eternal cycle of life, death and rebirth.

Pitra Dosh shanti Ke Upay