Mercury Transit 2024: Mercury Transit Timings, and affect on all zodiac signs

Let us know in this blog - what will be the effect of Mercury Transit 2024 and what measures should be taken to avoid it

Mercury Transit 2024: Rahu has transited in Pisces from 30 October 2023. On March 7, 2024, Buddha will also transit in Pisces. 

According to astrology, Mercury is debilitated in Pisces. Along with being below, Buddha is going to be conjunct with Rahu. According to Buddha Astrology, Vidya is considered to be the creator of wisdom and career. 

Due to Mercury being below, some zodiac sign people will see special profit and some zodiac sign people will see special loss in business purposes.

So, let us know in this blog – what will be the effect of Mercury Transit 2024 and what measures should be taken to avoid it?

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, Annual Horoscope 2024.

LEO 2024VIRGO 2024

Rahu Mercury Conjunction 2024

It will happen on March 7, 2024 at 9:18 am. Buddha will enter Pisces, this zodiac change will happen on Thursday and will be in the zodiac sign of Jupiter. Entry of Buddha also makes this change important because no planet in Jupiter’s house gives inauspicious results but according to celestial calculations, Mercury is debilitated in Pisces and hence is not able to give much auspicious results.

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For Aries people, Mercury is the lord of the third and sixth house. Due to which the bravery of Aries people may decrease a little. Being the lord of the sixth house will also reduce the troubles of Aries people. You have to control your speech, so as to avoid the effect of suffering Buddha. 


For Taurus people, Buddha rules the second and fifth houses. According to the result of the second house, there may be some quarrel in your house or someone may suffer in the house. According to the fifth house, students will face instability and disinterest in studies along with failure in exams. Weakness of patience, harshness in speech and dental problems may also emerge. 


During the Mercury Transit 2024, for Gemini people, Buddha is the lord of the ascendant. Viparita Raja Yoga is being formed for you. During this time you may benefit from the stock market. But along with physical pain and lack of energy, you may have to face problems due to speech. 

According to your zodiac sign, Buddha is also the lord of the fourth house. There may be a lack of happiness related to home. If you are planning to buy buildings, land etc., then you should stop now. 


For Cancer people, Buddha is the lord of the 2nd and 3rd house. Due to which you are likely to live longer. You may also suddenly have to travel far away. Being the lord of the third house indicates any dispute with your siblings or their failure. You may also have to face failure. 


For people of Leo zodiac sign, Buddha is the lord of both the houses of wealth and income. For you, this combination creates a possibility of earning money from commission work. During this time, someone in your house may suffer from physical pain, so you will have to take care of them as well. Students should prepare well for the examination during this time, otherwise you will not get satisfactory results. 

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This conjunction will not be very auspicious for Virgo people, because Buddha is the lord of your employment as well as the ascendant. During this time, you may face physical problems as well as employment related problems. You will get an opportunity to do new employment, but now is not a favorable time. You may have a dispute with your boss in your office. 


People of Libra zodiac may get some good information related to abroad due to the conjunction of Buddha and Rahu. There is a possibility of you going abroad. You can use this time to accomplish your work. Luck will be on your side. Your enemies will become weak. You do not need to have unnecessary disputes with anyone. If possible, settle the dispute peacefully.


The combination of Buddha and Rahu is going to prove very good for Scorpio people. During this time, you are going to get a lot of profit from the share market and commission work. This time will free you from debt. But do not lend money to anyone during this time, the money will be lost. Students will be worried about the exams. You need to meditate. 


The combination of Rahu and Buddha will not be very good for Sagittarius people. The lords of your seventh and tenth house will transit with Rahu in the fourth house, due to which you may face problems in employment. If you are thinking of changing employment, then you should stop now. If you are thinking of buying land or buying a house, you will have to stop now. There may be a dispute with your life partner. If you are eligible for marriage now, you need to wait for this time. Do not add new relationships in your lives.


This time will create hindrances of destiny for Capricorn people. During this time, you will have to give up the risk of relying on luck. Your enemies will remain weak during this time. Brother, if there is going to be a child in your house, then take care of him now, he may suffer. You may have to face some dispute due to your speech, hence avoid any dispute.


For Aquarius people, this combination will create an atmosphere of conflict at home. You may be worried because of your child. Students will remain worried due to not getting good results. You may have stomach and teeth problems. There will be a sudden change in someone’s behaviour. During this time you may suddenly have to travel a long distance. 

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For Pisces people, Buddha will transit in the ascendant during this time. Buddha is the factor of your fourth and seventh house. During this time, do not invest money in buying land or buildings. This time is not favourable for attaining any kind of happiness. During this time, your life partner may suffer physical problems. If you are looking for a life partner for your marriage, then this time is not favourable for forming new relationships.

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What measures should be taken to avoid the Buddha and Rahu conjunction? 

  • You should do yoga during these days
  • plant a peepal tree
  • circumambulate the Peepal tree 
  • feed green fodder to the cow
  • worship ganesh ji
  • Buddha take measures for peace 

This was the matter of Mercury Transit 2024. Download VAMA app for information about planetary transits, astrology and horoscopes .