How to Celebrate Diwali? Know How To Celebrate It Traditionally

How to Celebrate Diwali: There comes positive vibrations and joy during the festival of Diwali. The festival is celebrated remembering the win of good over evil. The main rituals during Diwali involve performing of Diwali Puja where we praise Lord Ganesh along with Goddess Lakshmi.

This five day festival is celebrated by everyone around the world. Diwali in India is an amazing and divine experience. People decorate their house and perform different sorts of rituals. 

In this blog, we will discuss the various rituals of Diwali. In addition, we’ll learn how to Celebrate Diwali and how you can make it memorable.

How to Celebrate Diwali?

Diwali, also known as the festival of lights, is known for happiness, and unity. It represents the victory of goodness over sin, depicted through the lighting up of houses and spirits. 

Although the outer beauty of decorations and celebrations is enchanting, the real meaning of Diwali is in finding the inner light and honouring the divine.

Let’s explore the beloved traditions that create a truly enchanted atmosphere during Diwali.

Purchasing Diwali Items For Celebration And Decoration 

Diwali is a time when shopping is abundant! If you are thinking about how to celebrate Diwali, then individuals purchase fresh clothing, presents, and ornaments. It’s incredibly enjoyable! The day of Dhanteras is ideal for shopping. 

People believe it is fortunate to make purchases on this particular day. A lot of individuals purchase gold or silver, while others opt for expensive items such as cars or houses!


Preparing Rangoli

A colourful design made on the floor is called Rangoli. It is made by using powdered materials. Rangolis are made by people during Diwali to welcome Goddess Lakshmi, who is worshipped as the deity of wealth and good luck.

What is used to make a rangoli pattern?

  • Rice coloured with dyes.
  • Flour produced by crushing wheat or similar grains.
  • Flower petals

What is the ideal location for a rangoli to be placed?

People place rangolis at the entrance of their homes to welcome guests and the goddess Lakshmi.

What are the dimensions of a rangoli?

Rangolis can come in different sizes, ranging from small to large. It depends on the space you have access to.

How does one go about creating a rangoli pattern?

Designs are created by the movement of your fingers. It’s like drawing with your hands! If you are looking for how to celebrate diwali at home then you can make rangolis at home easily!

Lightning Diya

Diwali is a celebration centred around lights! Individuals enjoy illuminating their houses with unique lamps known as diyas. Diyas, which resemble tiny bowls, are crafted from clay. You add oil to them and ignite a small cotton wick.

The glow emitted by diyas is beautiful and cosy. It brings cheer and a celebratory atmosphere to homes. If you are looking for how to celebrate diwali festival, then additional lighting, such as vibrant electric lights and candles, for embellishment.

Preparing Delicacies

During Diwali, houses become radiant sanctuaries of happiness and unity as the festival of lights is celebrated. The festive occasion is enhanced by the pleasant smell of delicious treats in the air. Swapping candies with dear ones is a beloved custom that signifies the transfer of joy and abundance. 

If you are looking for how to celebrate Diwali at home, then homemade Diwali treats have an irresistible charm. Made with love and care, these treats often handed down through generations hold a distinct taste that mirrors the creator’s passion and essence. 

Enjoying The Fireworks

Diwali is a festive period illuminated by lights and happiness. If you are thinking about how to celebrate Diwali, then observing the fireworks is among the most thrilling experiences! The dark night sky becomes a stunning palette of colours with vibrant explosions illuminating the blackness. 

Individuals of various ages come together to witness these spectacular shows. Remember that fireworks are dangerous, so always keep a safe distance and never attempt to play with them alone. 

Final Words

Diwali, known as the festival of lights, is a period filled with great happiness, togetherness, and a sense of spiritual rebirth. Recognized globally, it symbolises the success of righteousness over malevolence and the win of brightness over obscurity. 

The celebration is characterised by colourful decorations, the giving of presents, and the enjoyment of tasty treats.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you celebrate Diwali at home?

Diwali is a time when shopping is abundant! Individuals purchase fresh clothing, presents, and ornaments. It’s incredibly enjoyable! The day of Dhanteras is ideal for shopping. 

How do we celebrate Diwali?

Diwali, known as the festival of lights, is a period filled with great happiness, togetherness, and a sense of spiritual rebirth. Recognized globally, it symbolises the success of righteousness over malevolence and the win of brightness over darkness. 

How to best celebrate Diwali?

Individuals of various ages come together to witness these spectacular shows. Remember that fireworks are dangerous, so always keep a safe distance and never attempt to play with them alone. 

How to Celebrate Diwali in a Traditional Way?

Although the external aspects of Diwali are impressive, the real importance of the festival is in tapping into one’s inner brightness and promoting a sense of kindness and generosity.

How is Diwali Celebrated?

This five day festival is celebrated by everyone around the world. Diwali in India is an amazing and divine experience. People decorate their house and perform different sorts of rituals.