How astrology has struck a chord with the belief system of the Gen-z ?

“Astrology has struck a chord with the belief system of the #genz. It’s not just that they love to have their horoscopes read, but they also believe in astrology as a way to understand themselves and their relationships with others.

Gen-z has a strong belief in #destiny and #believes that they were born with a purpose. Astrology resonates with this belief as it provides a way to understand life in relation to past events and how those events impacted the present.

Gen-z have a fast life, and
they want a quick answer for the situation they’re in.
They want to know what to do and how to do it- in no time.

They are also more likely than other generations to wear remedial elements like gemstones in the form of bracelets and pendants. It’s a #fashion  statement, not just another accessory.

It makes sense that they would be drawn to #astrology–which is all about understanding yourself- and that’s something our generation really appreciates.”

Himanshu Semwal, Co-Founder At VAMA App

Virtual Puja: Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is virtual puja, and how does it differ from traditional puja?

Ans: Virtual puja is a religious ceremony that is performed online using technology such as video conferencing or virtual reality. It allows individuals to participate in puja from the comfort of their own homes or wherever they have access to the internet. Traditional puja, on the other hand, is performed in person at a designated place of worship.

Q. Can virtual puja be performed alone or does it require a group of people?

Ans: Both solo and group virtual pujas are possible, depending on personal preference and the type of puja being performed. Some pujas may be more effective or meaningful with a group of people, while others can be performed solo.