Diwali Mantras: List of Mantras to Chant During Diwali Puja

Diwali Mantras: Diwali is a special time to connect with the divine. Chanting mantras is the major part while performing puja. Mantras are ancient songs of praise. They are chanted to honour the gods and goddesses.

The Diwali mantras create a powerful connection. Chanting with focus brings you closer to the divine. Mantras bring positive energy. They can cleanse your soul and fill you with peace. They can even heal! Some people believe mantras can cure illness and chase away bad things.

By chanting diwali mantras, you can reach a state of true joy and peace. Reciting the Lakshmi Diwali mantras during Diwali is seen as particularly significant because it allows us to call upon the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi. Mantras are chanted by individuals during Diwali to attain prosperity and have their desires realised.

In this blog we will know the various Diwali mantras. Along with this we will know the List of Mantras to Chant During Diwali Puja.

Diwali Mantras for Puja

Lakshmi Mantra

“Om Mahalakshmi Namaha

Om Gaja Lakshmi Namaha

Om Jaya Lakshmi Namaha

Om Thana Lakshmi Namaha

Om Santana Lakshmi Namaha

Om Seetha Lakshmi Namaha

Om Dhairya Lakshmi Namaha

Om Thannya Lakshmi Namaha

Om Vidya Lakshmi Namaha

Om Maha Vishu Mahalakshmi Namaha“

Meaning of Lakshmi Mantra

These Lakshmi mantras are dedicated to Mahalakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and fortune. Chanting these mantras regularly is believed to attract prosperity, abundance, and happiness.

Benefits of Lakshmi Mantra

This mantra is helpful in bringing wealth and prosperity to your life. If you chant this mantra lots of times, it can help you get rid of bad luck that stops money from coming to you.

Bali Namaskar Mantra

Baliraja Namastubhyam Daitya Danava Vandita।

Indrashatroamararate Vishnusannidhyado Bhava॥

Balimuddishya Diyante Danani Kurunandana।

Yani Tanyakshayanyahurmayaivam Sampradarshitam॥

Meaning of Bali Namaskar Mantra

This shloka, from the Mahabharata, is spoken by Bhishma to Malaraja, a powerful demon. The shloka praises Malaraja as a powerful and respected demon who enjoys the proximity of Vishnu. It then compares Arjuna’s generosity to that of Malaraja, highlighting Arjuna’s noble character.

Benefits of Bali Namaskar Mantra

Regular recitation can improve your understanding and appreciation of Sanskrit literature. It deepens your knowledge of Hindu mythology and epics. The rhythmic structure of the shloka can be used as a focus point for meditation.

Narak Chaturdashi Deepdan Mantra

Datto Dipashchaturdashyam Narakapritaye Maya।

Chaturvartisamayuktah Sarva Papapanuttaye॥

Meaning of Narak Chaturdashi Deepdan Mantra

The shloka criticises the practice of giving a lamp on a specific day out of fear of hell and the desire to absolve sins. It implies that true spiritual liberation comes from knowledge and understanding, represented by the Vedas, rather than mere rituals.

Benefits of Narak Chaturdashi Deepdan Mantra

This shloka encourages deeper thought about the meaning of religious practices and the pursuit of spiritual liberation.

Govardhan Mantra

Govardhana Dharadhara Gokulatranakaraka।

Bahubahukritachchaya Gavam Kotiprado Bhava॥

Meaning of Govardhan Mantra

In essence, this shloka beautifully encapsulates Lord Krishna’s divine attributes, his role as a protector, and his connection to nature and his devotees. It is a verse often recited in Hindu prayers and devotional songs.

Benefits of Govardhan Mantra

Regular recitation can deepen your connection with Lord Krishna and Vaishnavism. Chanting the shloka can improve concentration and mindfulness. The shloka’s content can inspire positive thoughts and affirmations.


Lakshmi Diwali Mantra

Om Hreem Shreem Lakshmyai Namah॥

Meaning of Lakshmi Diwali Mantra

This Lakshmi Diwali mantras is a powerful invocation to Goddess Lakshmi, seeking her blessings for abundance, good fortune, and prosperity.

Benefits of Lakshmi Diwali Mantra 

Regular chanting of this mantra is believed to invoke the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, leading to various benefits. While these are spiritual beliefs, many people have reported positive experiences.