Category Astrology

Know The Story Behind Hindu Immortals

There are many Hindu deities and characters that have been immortalized in stories and legends. Each has a unique story to tell, some of which are outlined below.   Kubera: Kubera is the god of treasures and wealth. He is…

Hinduism And Fasting: What Your Body Wants

Hinduism involves many different practices, including fasting during important festivities. This is a good practice to follow because it helps keep your body healthy as well as allows you to get a break from food. In this article, learn more…

The Physics of Karma

Karma is the Sanskrit word for action. It is one of the key concepts in the scriptures of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Sikhism. It means ‘effect’ or ‘deed’. The word karma derives from the verb root kri, which means “to…

Mercury In Retrograde: What It Means For You

Mercury retrograde is when Mercury, the planet of communication and travel, moves backward in its orbit. It is a period where there are delays in communications and interruptions in travel plans. This can lead to misunderstandings and frustration as you’re…