Astrology And Legal Problems: Connecting The Two

Astrology And Legal Problems: Connecting The Two

Recent advances in the field of astrology have led to the development of a new, interesting concept: forensic astrology. Forensic astrologers are often consulted by attorneys and law enforcement agencies when they encounter a case that is complicated, when they need some insight into the individual’s mental state, or when they need to build an argument on why it’s possible that this person might not have acted alone.


Astrology and legal problems may seem like two completely different topics, but they actually have quite a lot in common. For one thing, both astrology and the law deal with the concept of cause and effect. In astrology, we believe that the positions of the planets and other celestial bodies at the time of our birth can have an impact on our lives and our destiny. In the legal system, cause and effect is also important, as the actions of people can have consequences that may be positive or negative.

Another similarity between astrology and the law is that both deal with cycles. In astrology, we believe that the universe operates in cycles, with certain planetary alignments occurring over and over again throughout history. This cyclical nature is also reflected in the law, which often deals with repeating patterns of behavior. For example, people who commit crimes often do so because they were victims of crime themselves, or because they saw others get away with breaking the law.

So what does all this mean for those of us who are dealing with legal problems? Well, it means that we can sometimes use astrology to help us understand our situation better and to find solutions that we might not have thought of otherwise.

Background To Astrology

People have been looking to the stars for guidance since the dawn of time. Ancient cultures all over the world from the Mayans to the Chinese used astrology to help them make decisions about everything from when to plant crops to when to wage war. Even today, astrology is a popular way for people to get insights into their lives and relationships.

But what exactly is astrology? And how can it help you with your legal problems?

Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies in order to interpret their influence on human affairs and terrestrial events. The word astrology comes from the Greek word astros, meaning star and logos, meaning reason or study.

There are four main branches of astrology: natal astrology, electional astrology, horary astrology, and mundane astrology. Natal astrology deals with the study of an individual’s birth chart, while electional astrology deals with choosing the best time to start something new, like a business or a relationship. 

If you’re facing legal problems, you may be wondering if there’s anything that astrology can do to help. The answer is yes! Astrology can provide valuable insights into your situation, and it can also give you guidance on how to best deal with your legal problems. Here are some ways that astrology can help you with your legal troubles:

  1. Astrology can help you understand your situation.

When you consult an astrologer about your legal problems, they will look at your birth chart and analyze the planetary influences at play. This will give you a better understanding of the underlying causes of your problems, and it can also give you some insight into how to best deal with them.

  1. Astrology can offer guidance on how to proceed.

Once you have a better understanding of your situation, your astrologer can offer guidance on the best way to proceed. They may suggest certain actions that you can take to improve your situation, or they may advise you to avoid certain things that could make your problems worse.


In conclusion, astrology and legal problems are two areas that are often interconnected. If you find yourself experiencing legal problems, it may be helpful to consult with an astrologer to get a better understanding of the situation. Additionally, if you are facing a major life decision, such as whether or not to get divorced, an astrologer can help you understand how the planets might be affecting your life.