4 Mukhi Rudraksha: Know its Meaning, Benefits, and Significance

Read this blog to know about 4 Mukhi Rudraksha. We will also ;discuss about its benefits, significance, and procedure. 

4 Mukhi Rudraksha: Wearing a 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is also said to change your physical appearance. The wearer often gains bright, intelligent eyes and a calm demeanor. This change is due to the calming and focusing energies of the Rudraksha, which enhance the person’s overall presence and charisma.

Wearing it improves memory, increases concentration, along with your speaking skills. This bead can help one calm their mind and bring peace. The physical appearance of someone wearing a Four Mukhi Rudraksha is also said to change.

They say people who wear this Rudraksha get bright, intelligent eyes! You can wear it or even just keep it around for good vibes. It’s like a lucky charm for your brain! Apart from its mental benefits, the 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is believed to bring balance to the mind.

Read this blog to know about 4 Mukhi Rudraksha. We will also ;discuss about its benefits, significance, and procedure. 

Participate in online puja organised by VAMA(Get the puja done with your name and gotra)
Name of PujaTemple (Place)
Rin Mukti PujaRin Mukteshwar Mahadev Temple (Ujjain)
Mata Kamakhya MahapujaMata Kamakhya Shakti Peeth (Guwahati)
Shani Sade SatiShani Shingnapur Devsthanam ,Maharashtra
Shri Lakshmi Kuber Mahayagya Aur RudrabhishekJageshwar Kuber Mandir,Almora, Uttrakhand
Rahu Grah Shanti PujaJarkutinatheshwar Mahadev Temple,Prayagraj

Want to know about Ek Mukhi Rudraksha? Read this blog – Ek Mukhi Rudraksha Mala: Know its Meaning, Benefits, and Significance

What is 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Mala?

The Four faced Rudraksha is ruled by the planet Jupiter, which helps people who are shy in nature, or are the most introvert. It helps in increasing self-confidence, and creativity. The one who wears it gains the power of knowledge and intelligence.

The four faces represent the four Vedas, who are the ancient holy texts. Wearing this bead helps in the deep connection of vedic knowledge, making you smarter and intelligent. The four faces represent four important goals in life. 

It includes your dharma which means performing good deeds, and attaining of Moksha. It serves as the reminder of the purpose of life which helps you to follow the right path. 

Children can wear this Rudraksha to improve their concentration in studies and enhance their memory. Many students, teachers, and professionals who engage in mental and skilled work have reported excellent results from wearing this bead.  

This bead also enhances the power of speech, making it more effective. It helps the wearer in enhancing their public speaking.

Significance of 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Mala

The Four faced Rudraksha is ruled by the planet Jupiter, which helps people who are shy in nature, or are the most introvert. It helps in increasing self-confidence, and creativity. The one who wears it gains the power of knowledge and intelligence.

This bead also enhances the power of speech, making it more effective. Wearing this bead helps in the deep connection of vedic knowledge, making you smarter and intelligent. 


The four faces also tells about the four directions: north, south, east, and west. This reminds you to stay down to earth and be present in the moment, even during the various challenges that arrives in one’s life. It can also help you see different forms of perspectives.

The four faces represent four important goals in life. It includes your dharma which means performing good deeds, and attaining of Moksha. It serves as the reminder of the purpose of life which helps you to follow the right path. 

What are the Benefits of Wearing 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Mala?

Brings Mental Happiness and Reduces Stress

This bead is thought to make you sharper! It might improve your memory, focus, and even how you make decisions. This bead is believed to calm your mind and ease anxiety. Feeling shy or nervous talking in front of others? This bead might give you a confidence boost! It’s said to help you express yourself clearly. This bead is like a shield against bad stuff! It’s believed to create a force field of positive energy around you, keeping you healthy and strong. This might help you fight off illnesses or breathe easier. This bead is linked to your heart, so it might help keep it healthy and strong!

Increases The Divine Connection 

The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is a special bead some people wear that’s said to connect you to powerful stuff! Feeling scattered during meditation? This bead is thought to help you focus and reach a calmer state of mind. It might make your meditation sessions even more awesome! This bead is like a shield against bad vibes! It’s believed to clear negativity and protect you from anything that might bring you down. It can help you overcome challenges and feel more positive. This bead is linked to the planet Mercury, known for being super smart. Wearing it might boost your intuition and make you learn things even faster. It can help you make wise decisions on your spiritual journey. 

Enhances Communication Skils and Releases Stress

This bead is said to make you think clearer and focus better. It can be helpful for students, workers, or anyone who wants to be mentally sharp! This bead is linked to the planet Mercury, known for being super smart. Wearing it might boost your problem-solving skills and help you find creative solutions. This bead might improve your memory and help you remember things easier.

4 Mukhi Rudraksha Mantra

The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is believed to work best if you wear it on a special day and follow all the rituals. Thursdays are lucky days for this bead. Here’s how to get it started:

Clean Up: In the morning, take a shower and wear fresh clothes.

Find Your Spot: Look for a quiet place to sit where you won’t be bothered. Make sure you’re facing north.

Secret Words: Now for the special part! Chant “Om Hreem Namah” 108 times. This unlocks the power of the Rudraksha.

Threading Time: Thread your 4 Mukhi Rudraksha onto a string made of silk or wool. Bonus points if you use a gold or silver thread – those are extra lucky!

While holding the Rudraksha, say “Om Brahma Devaaya Namah” once. This means “Hi super-powered bead, I respect Lord Brahma!”

Want to know about Panch Mukhi Rudraksha? Read this blog – Panch Mukhi Rudraksha Mala: Know its Meaning, Benefits, and Significance

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Beej mantra for 4 Mukhi Rudraksha in English?

Om Brahma Devaaya Namah.

What is 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Mala?

The Four faced Rudraksha is ruled by the planet Jupiter, which helps people who are shy in nature, or are the most introvert. It helps in increasing self-confidence, and creativity. The one who wears it gains the power of knowledge and intelligence.

What are the Benefits of Wearing 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Mala?

Feeling forgetful or stuck on a problem? This bead is thought to make you sharper! It might improve your memory, focus, and even how you make decisions. This bead is believed to calm your mind and ease anxiety. It can help you feel more peaceful and happy. 

What is the Significance of 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Mala?

The Four faced Rudraksha is ruled by the planet Jupiter, which helps people who are shy in nature, or are the most introvert. It helps in increasing self-confidence, and creativity. The one who wears it gains the power of knowledge and intelligence.