3rd March 2024, Today’s Horoscope: Read your horoscope on VAMA

Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how 3rd March today’s horoscope is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

[Today’s Horoscope, 3rd March 2024]: Everyone wishes to know their horoscope for the day. In this regard, the renowned astrologer Acharya Dev brings today’s horoscope for you.

Today’s horoscope includes predictions about career, business, health, relationships with family and friends, love life, and the events that may unfold throughout the day. Additionally, there are remedies suggested based on your zodiac sign.

Today is the seventh day (until 8:44 AM) of the Krishna Paksha of the Phalguna month, followed by the eighth day. The day is Sunday, the nakshatra is Anuradha, the yoga is Harsana, and the karana is Bav, followed by Balav.

Today’s auspicious time will be from 12:10 PM to 12:57 PM and inauspicious time will be from 4:54 PM to 6:21 PM.

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2024.

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So, let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how 3rd March today’s horoscope is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

Today’s Aries Horoscope (3rd March 2024)

On this day, individuals with Aries natives will enjoy a day off and sleep in. Some fathers may exert pressure to discipline their children. Financial conditions will remain stable today, and daily income will be strong. There will be a meeting with the love partner, spending quality time together. Health may experience some laxity. Changes in the weather can affect well-being.

Status: Individuals with Aries zodiac may experience a day off, providing a break from social engagements. This could be a time to recharge and step back from social responsibilities.

Relationship: There will be an opportunity for Aries individuals to meet their love partner and spend quality time together. It’s a positive aspect for nurturing romantic relationships.

Career: Financial conditions are expected to remain stable, indicating a secure period in the career aspect. However, some may face pressure, possibly from authoritative figures like fathers, which could influence the work environment.

Family: The family aspect suggests a possible influence from fathers in terms of discipline. This may indicate a need for structure or guidance within the family unit.

Health: A slight laxity in health is anticipated. Changes in the weather may contribute to this, highlighting the importance of taking care of one’s well-being during such transitions.

Today’s Lucky Number – 4

Today’s Lucky Colour – Red

Today’s Remedy (aaj ka upay) – Offer water (arghya) to Lord Surya.

Today’s Taurus Horoscope (3rd March 2024)


On this day, Taurus natives will begin their daily tasks a bit late. There will be the enjoyment of delicious food within the family. Financial gains are foreseen from business. They will dine with their love partner at a restaurant. People connected to the social sphere will gain recognition today. They will participate in some matrimonial event in the evening, including family. Be cautious while discussing any matter with friends in the evening.

Status: Taurus natives may experience social recognition today, especially those involved in social activities. Participating in a matrimonial event in the evening might enhance their social standing. H

Relationship: The day indicates a pleasant time for love relationships. Dining with the love partner at a restaurant suggests a romantic and enjoyable experience. 

Career: Financial gains are anticipated from business-related activities, indicating a positive day for career and financial aspects. 

Family: Within the family, there is a likelihood of enjoying delicious food, creating a harmonious and joyful atmosphere at home. 

Health: Overall well-being of Taurus natives remains unaffected on this day. However, it’s always essential to prioritise health and well-being in daily life.

Today’s Lucky Number – 8

Today’s Lucky Colour – Pink

Today’s Remedy – Offer a hibiscus flower to Lord Surya while expressing your desires.

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Today’s Gemini Horoscope (3rd March 2024)


On this day, Gemini natives will spend almost the entire day at home. They will engage in family activities with their spouse and children. Spending time with parents, they will discuss various matters. They might review old investment documents. Communicating with their love partner and making an effort to meet them will be on their agenda. It is advisable not to have outside food; otherwise, there could be issues related to digestive health.

Status: Engaging in family activities can indirectly contribute to a positive social image.

Relationship: Communication with the love partner and efforts to arrange a meeting suggest a focus on maintaining and nurturing the love relationship.

Career: Success in work and leaving competitors behind in business implies a positive and successful day in their career.

Family: The day is significantly centred around family, involving activities with spouse, children, and discussions with parents.

Health: The advice not to have outside food indicates a concern for digestive health. Following this advice may contribute to overall well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number: 1

Today’s Lucky Colour: Green

Today’s Remedy: Recite the twelve names of the Sun.

Today’s Cancer Horoscope (3rd March 2024)


On this day, Cancer natives are advised not to indulge in unnecessary anger, as it may lead to facing troubles. Providing moral education to children is not just a duty but also a righteous action. Maintain sweetness in your relationships with your life partner. From a business perspective, the day is expected to be ordinary. Spend time with your love partner, making efforts to bridge any existing gaps. Be cautious about your health.

Status: The advice to avoid unnecessary anger suggests maintaining composure for a smoother social interaction. Unbridled anger may lead to unnecessary troubles.

Relationship: Emphasising the importance of providing moral education to children, the horoscope highlights the significance of maintaining harmonious relationships with one’s life partner.

Career: The day is expected to be ordinary from a business perspective. No specific indications regarding career activities are provided.

Family: The horoscope underscores the duty of imparting moral education to children, emphasising the importance of this responsibility in family life.

Health: The advice to be cautious about health implies a need for attention to one’s well-being. It’s a reminder to be mindful of health-related matters.

Today’s Lucky Number: 5

Today’s Lucky Colour: Silk

Today’s Remedy: Distribute jaggery and gram (gud-chana) among people on this day for beneficial outcomes.

Today’s Leo Horoscope (3rd March 2024)

LEO horoscope

On this day, Leo natives will make special efforts to showcase themselves. Your leadership abilities will create an enthusiastic atmosphere within the family. Avoid imposing your opinions on others today, as it may lead to receiving a response that could cause mental distress. There will be an increase in attraction with your love partner in romantic relationships. Some people may suddenly fall ill, posing a threat to their lives.

Status: On this day, Leo natives will shine and make special efforts to showcase themselves. Your natural leadership abilities will not only be recognized but also create an enthusiastic atmosphere within the family and social circles. 

Relationship: In the realm of love, Leo individuals will experience an increase in attraction with their love partners. 

Career: Your leadership qualities will not go unnoticed in the professional sphere. However, it’s essential to avoid imposing your opinions on others at work, as it may lead to unexpected reactions and potential mental distress. 

Family: Your enthusiastic and dynamic approach will create a vibrant atmosphere within the family. Family members will appreciate your efforts, and there may be positive developments in family relationships.

Health: While everything else seems promising, there is a cautionary note regarding health. Some individuals, including yourself, may face sudden health issues that pose a threat. 

Today’s Lucky Number: 2

Today’s Lucky Colour: Saffron

Today’s Remedy: For victory over enemies, recite the Aditya Hridaya Stotra.

Today’s Virgo Horoscope (3rd March 2024)

VIRGO horoscope

On this day, Virgo natives will approach their work with new energy and enthusiasm. Those involved in writing or poetry may participate in a gathering or event, contributing to an increase in their fame. It’s an excellent time to showcase your talents and make a positive impact on your social status. Some individuals may experience discord in their family with their life partners; however, resolving conflicts through communication is advised. 

Status: Today, Virgo natives will approach their work with new energy and enthusiasm. Those involved in writing or poetry may participate in a gathering or event, contributing to an increase in their fame. It’s an excellent time to showcase your talents and make a positive impact on your social status.

Relationship: Some Virgos may experience discord between life partners in their families. It’s advised to resolve conflicts through communication and understanding. 

Career: Financial gains are indicated today for Virgos, with the possibility of receiving commissions, royalties, or interest. 

Family: In family matters, it’s essential to address any ongoing discord with your life partner. Effective communication and dialogue will play a crucial role in resolving issues and maintaining harmony within the family. 

Health: Virgos will feel a surge of vitality and well-being on this day. Engaging in yoga and exercise while basking in the sun will enhance your overall health. 

Today’s Lucky Number= 10

Today’s Lucky Colour = Sky blue

Today’s Remedy = Practice yoga and exercise.

Today’s Libra Horoscope (3rd March 2024)

LIBRA horoscope

On this day, Libra natives will feel a sense of laziness, causing a delayed start to their work. Within the family, they will engage in some creative activities. Today, they will dedicate time to fulfilling their hobbies. They will enjoy quality time with their love partner, engaging in meaningful conversations. Any lingering health issues will find relief today. 

Status: Today, Libra natives may experience a sense of laziness, potentially affecting their social status if it leads to delays in their work. It’s essential to stay vigilant and ensure that this temporary lapse in energy does not impact their reputation or social standing.

Relationship: Within the family, Libra individuals will engage in creative activities, fostering a positive atmosphere. When it comes to love relationships, they will dedicate time to fulfilling their hobbies and enjoy quality time with their partner. 

Career: The sense of laziness may cause a delayed start to their work, impacting their career. Libra individuals should overcome this lethargy and focus on their professional responsibilities. 

Family: Engaging in creative activities within the family will contribute to a positive and joyful environment. Libra natives should ensure that their temporary laziness doesn’t affect their familial relationships. 

Health: Any lingering health issues will find relief on this day. It’s an opportune time for Libra individuals to prioritize their well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number = 3

Today’s Lucky Colour = Mixed colours

Today’s Remedy = Keep a copper sun at home and worship it.

Today’s Scorpio Horoscope (3rd March 2024)

today's horoscope 26th february

Today, Scorpio natives will feel very happy and forget all their worries. They will assist their wife within the family. They will also go to the park with their children. Some individuals will plan to invest in a tax-saving scheme. They will work hard in the right direction to improve their financial situation. It is advisable to avoid arguments over small matters with their love partner.

Status: Scorpio natives may experience positive social interactions today, contributing to an overall sense of happiness. Their involvement in family activities and community engagements can enhance their standing in social circles.

Relationship: In love relationships, Scorpios are advised to steer clear of arguments over trivial matters. Focus on maintaining harmony and expressing affection.

Career: In terms of career, some Scorpios may contemplate investment in a tax-saving scheme. It’s a day to work diligently and channel efforts in the right direction to enhance their financial well-being. 

Family: Within the family, Scorpio individuals will find joy in assisting their wives and engaging in familial activities. Going to the park with children reflects a commitment to family bonding. 

Health: Engaging in outdoor activities and spending time with family can contribute positively to one’s well-being. It is important to maintain a balance and avoid unnecessary stress for overall health and happiness.

Today’s Lucky Number = 26

Today’s Lucky Colour = light red

Today’s Remedy = is to flow a copper coin in running water or a river.

Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope (3rd March 2024)

today's Horoscope 26th february

Today, Sagittarius natives will remain engaged in their daily tasks. There are plans to undertake a spiritual journey, including visits to religious places with the family. Some may go sightseeing. Due to increased expenditures, the domestic budget may get disrupted. It is advisable not to engage in excessive arguments with the lover; a little patience will strengthen the love relationship. 

Status: Sagittarius natives will focus on their daily tasks, maintaining a stable and routine status. Undertaking a spiritual journey or visiting religious places with the family may enhance their spiritual connections in the social sphere.

Relationship: For love relationships, it is recommended to avoid excessive arguments. Instead, patience and understanding will contribute to strengthening the bond. 

Career: In terms of career, the day may involve routine tasks, and there might be a need for financial caution due to increased expenditures. 

Family: Family-oriented plans, such as a spiritual journey or visiting religious places, will contribute positively to family bonds. 

Health: Maintaining emotional balance and avoiding unnecessary stress can contribute to overall well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 2

Today’s Lucky Colour – Yellow

Today’s Remedy – Feed jaggery and chickpeas to a cow.

Today’s Capricorn Horoscope (3rd March 2024)

today's Horoscope 26th february

On this day, Capricorn natives may jeopardise their work due to haste; it is essential to stay vigilant. Bring a change in your behavior to maintain sweet relationships with everyone in the family. Instead of contemplating wealth, focus on actions, and efforts will lead you in the right direction. You will meet a renowned person today, and interacting with them will fill you with enthusiasm and energy. It is crucial to maintain control over your character, or it may affect your love relationship negatively.

Status: Capricorn natives should be cautious in their social interactions today. Hasty actions might jeopardize their social status. It is advised to maintain composure, communicate thoughtfully, and avoid impulsive decisions to safeguard their reputation.

Relationship: In the realm of love, a change in behavior is paramount for Capricorn individuals. Impulsive actions or words may negatively impact their love relationship.

Career: The professional front may face challenges due to hastiness. Capricorns should be vigilant at work, avoiding rushed decisions that could compromise their career. 

Family: Maintaining harmonious relationships within the family is crucial today. Capricorns are advised to bring about a positive change in their behavior, fostering sweetness in relationships. 

Health: While dealing with the hustle, it’s important for Capricorns to take care of their health. Stress and haste can have adverse effects. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 9

Today’s Lucky Colour – Brown

Today’s Remedy – Offer water to the Sun in a copper vessel with rice grains, red flowers, and roli.

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Today’s Aquarius Horoscope (3rd March 2024)

today's horoscope 26th february

Today, Aquarius natives will undertake a journey to another city, and some may even travel abroad. Whatever you do today will be successful. Be cautious of gossipmongers as they might disrupt your family relationships. While dealing with clients in business today, it is essential to maintain restraint during conversations. Due to confusion in thinking, there is a possibility of making wrong investments, so be mindful.

Status: Aquarius natives may find themselves on the move, possibly undertaking a journey to another city or even traveling abroad. This movement could bring about positive social interactions and new connections. 

Relationship: In love relationships, Aquarius individuals should be mindful of their communication. While interactions with their love partner can be successful, it’s crucial to pay attention to the choice of words. 

Career: Career-wise, Aquarians are likely to succeed in their endeavors today. However, when dealing with clients in business, they should exercise restraint during conversations. 

Family: Aquarius natives may experience disruptions in family relationships, possibly due to gossip or external influences. It is essential to be cautious about the information shared within the family circle. 

Health: Stress and confusion in thinking may lead to physical discomfort for Aquarius individuals. It’s crucial to manage stress levels and adopt relaxation techniques. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 12

Today’s Lucky Colour – Lemon

Today’s Remedy – Performing the worship and recitation of Lord Surya will ensure that all your tasks outside the house are successful.

Today’s Pisces Horoscope (3rd March 2024)

1st march today's horoscope

Today, Pisces natives will not undertake any significant tasks in the right direction. There will be financial losses in business as well. Peace and happiness will prevail in the family, and everyone will receive mutual support. Maintain sweet relationships with your spouse. There is a possibility of foreign travel today. Financial gains are happening with the help of friends. Your love partner will assist you today, and your desired wishes will be fulfilled. Enemies might cause trouble for you.

Status: For Pisces natives, today is not conducive for undertaking any significant social activities. It’s advisable to take a step back and avoid making major decisions that could impact social standing. 

Relationship: In matters of love, Pisces individuals are likely to receive support and assistance from their partners. 

Career: Pisces natives may experience financial losses in business today. It’s recommended to exercise caution and avoid making major financial decisions.

Family: Family life for Pisces individuals is expected to be peaceful and harmonious. Mutual support and cooperation within the family will prevail.

Health: Health-wise, Pisces individuals might encounter challenges posed by adversaries. It’s important to stay vigilant and take measures to address any health concerns promptly. 

Today’s Lucky Number: 2

Today’s Lucky Colour: Saffron

Today’s Remedy: Donate copper utensils in a temple.

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