1st March 2024, Today’s Horoscope: Read your horoscope on VAMA

Let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how 1st March today’s horoscope is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

[Today’s Horoscope, 1st March 2024]: Everyone wishes to know their horoscope for the day. In this regard, the renowned astrologer Acharya Dev brings today’s horoscope for you.

Today’s horoscope includes predictions about career, business, health, relationships with family and friends, love life, and the events that may unfold throughout the day. Additionally, there are remedies suggested based on your zodiac sign.

Today is the sixth day of the waning phase of the Falgun month, with the day being Friday. The lunar constellation is Swati, the yoga is Dhruva, and the Karana is Taitula. Additionally, the Gar Hasta is in effect. The auspicious time for today is from 12:10 PM to 12:57 PM, and the inauspicious time will be from 11:07 AM to 12:34 PM.

How will the year 2024 be for all of you? Read on VAMA, your yearly Horoscope 2024.

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So, let’s hear from the renowned astrologer, Dr. Acharya Dev, and find out how 1st March today’s horoscope is expected to be for all zodiac signs.

Today’s Aries Horoscope (1st March 2024)

On this day, Aries natives will bring about changes in their behaviour at the workplace. There might be tension in the family due to some issue. You are likely to experience financial stability today. Sweetness will prevail in love relationships. Some people may participate in marital events. It is essential to be conscious of your health, as mental stress can lead to depression. 

Status: Today, individuals with Aries natives will undergo changes in their behaviour at the workplace. It’s a time to focus on professional interactions and make adjustments that can positively impact your social standing. 

Relationships: Tension may arise in the family due to some issues, so it’s important to handle interpersonal relationships with care. Despite family challenges, there will be sweetness in love relationships. 

Career: The focus at the workplace is on self-improvement and altering your approach. Consider how your behaviour and actions contribute to your professional image. 

Family: Issues within the family may cause tension on this day. It’s essential to address conflicts calmly and find resolutions that maintain harmony at home. 

Health: Health should be a priority, as mental stress may lead to feelings of depression. Take steps to ensure your well-being, both physically and mentally. 

Today’s Lucky Number 7

Today’s Lucky Colour – Pink

Today’s Remedy – Chanting the hymns of Goddess Lakshmi will alleviate financial troubles.

Today’s Taurus Horoscope (1st March 2024)


Today, Taurus natives will get success in their work area with the help of colleagues. There will be auspicious events in the family. You will get a chance to attend a wedding ceremony with your family. The financial situation looks good. There are ways to get money from many sources. Try to reduce tension with your love partner. You will be troubled by cold, fever and cough.

Status: The day may pose challenges to Taurus natives in terms of social status. It is advised to be mindful of interactions to avoid disrespect. 

Relationship: Efforts to reduce tension with your romantic partner are advised. Focus on improving communication and understanding to strengthen your relationship. 

Career: Today, Taurus natives will find success in their professional endeavours with the assistance of colleagues. Collaborative efforts in the workplace will lead to achievements and accomplishments. 

Family: There might be significant family celebrations or auspicious activities taking place. The overall family atmosphere appears harmonious and positive.

Health: Health concerns such as cold, fever, and cough may cause discomfort. It is advisable to take care of your health and seek appropriate remedies for any ailments. 

Today’s Lucky Number: 3

Today’s Lucky Colour: Cream

Today’s Remedy: Today, visit the temple of Goddess Lakshmi and offer a lotus flower with sincere devotion. This gesture is believed to fulfil your wishes.

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Today’s Gemini Horoscope (1st March 2024)


Today, Gemini people will use new technology in their workplace. Do not get angry with your children to maintain peace in the family. Today, before investing in the stock market, understand the direction of the market and then invest. Arguing on small things in love affairs is not good, there will be a separation in relationships. You should control your addiction, it is important for your health and family.

Status: In terms of social status, Gemini individuals can enhance their image by incorporating new technology into their workplace. 

Relationships: In love affairs, avoid unnecessary arguments over trivial matters, as they can lead to separations. Gemini individuals should focus on effective communication and compromise to maintain the harmony in their relationships.

Career: Gemini natives are advised to incorporate new technology into their workplace today. Embracing innovation and staying updated with the latest advancements can enhance professional performance and efficiency. 

Family: To maintain peace in the family, it’s essential for Gemini natives not to get angry with their children. Patience and understanding are key in family relationships. 

Health: Gemini natives are encouraged to control their addictions for the sake of their health and family well-being. Recognizing and addressing unhealthy habits is essential for maintaining overall well-being. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 12

Today’s Lucky Colour – Grey

Today’s Remedy – Today you should feed bread and biscuits to dogs, your work area will be strong.

Today’s Cancer Horoscope (1st March 2024)


Today, Cancerians have to be careful in their workplace as opponents will dominate you. Try to reduce tension between your loved ones in the family. Today, there may be a dispute with someone in a money transaction or in asking for a loan back. You will feel stressed in the evening due to not talking to your love partner. Heart patients should not take any kind of mental stress.

Status: In terms of social status, Cancerians should be mindful of their interactions in the workplace to prevent opponents from dominating them. Demonstrating resilience, strategic thinking, and maintaining a positive professional image are crucial.

Relationships: There is a possibility of experiencing stress in the evening due to a lack of communication with a love partner. Cancerians should make efforts to bridge any communication gaps and address concerns with openness and sensitivity. 

Career: Cancerians need to exercise caution in their workplace today, as there is a likelihood of opponents trying to dominate them. 

Family: To foster a harmonious family environment, Cancerians should focus on reducing tension among their loved ones. Effective communication, empathy, and understanding play a pivotal role in resolving conflicts within the family. 

Health: For individuals with heart conditions, it is essential to avoid any kind of mental stress. Stress can adversely affect heart health, so Cancerians should prioritise activities that promote relaxation and well-being. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 5

Today’s Lucky Colour – White

Today’s Remedy – Donate rice today.

Today’s Leo Horoscope (1st March 2024)

LEO horoscope

Today, Leo natives will be in a strong position in their workplace. There will be harmony in the family and everyone will help each other. Financially, today is going to be a very good day. You will invest in some new financial plans. In love affairs, you will meet your love partner today and have long talks together. Your health will improve.

Status: Career-wise, Leo natives will be in a strong position at their workplace today.

Relationship: In family matters, harmony will be there, with everyone contributing and helping each other. Love affairs are highlighted positively. Leo people may meet their love partner today and have fulfilling, long talks, leading to happiness.

Career: Leo natives will be in a strong position in their workplace today, indicating a positive and successful day professionally.

Family: Family life will be harmonious, with everyone in the family providing support and assistance.

Health: There will be improvement in health, indicating that Leo natives may experience better well-being today.

Today’s Lucky Number – 7

Today’s Lucky Colour – Saffron

Today’s Remedy – Make kheer at home today and feed it to the guests and all the family members should eat it with great devotion.

Today’s Virgo Horoscope (1st March 2024)

VIRGO horoscope

Today, Virgos will achieve success in the workplace due to their eloquence. There will be peace and happiness in the family. Some people will try to take loans to grow their business. There may be a disagreement with your love partner, which will cause some stress. People associated with the political field will have to face allegations. Some people will feel a lot of trouble due to back pain.

Status: Virgos will achieve success in their workplace, attributed to their eloquence. This suggests positive recognition or accomplishments in their professional sphere.

Relationship: In the family, there is anticipated peace and happiness, indicating a harmonious domestic environment.

Career: Success is on the way for Virgos, with their eloquence playing a crucial role in this achievement.

Family: Peace and happiness will be there within the family, suggesting positive and joyful dynamics at home.

Health: Some individuals, presumably Virgos, may experience back pain, leading to a sense of trouble or discomfort in their physical well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number – 3

Today’s Lucky Colour – Green

Today’s Remedy – Offer rose flowers in the temple today and pray to Maa Lakshmi for wealth growth.

Today’s Libra Horoscope (1st March 2024)

LIBRA horoscope

Today, Librans will be successful in their work and will be very happy. However, there will be tension in the family due to the poor health of their mother. From an economic point of view, today’s investment will give good returns. In love relationships, you will give each other gifts to maintain sweetness. Today is a good day to buy property, and some people will register it. However, be careful of diseases caused by infections.

Status: Librans are forecasted to be successful in their work today, contributing to a sense of accomplishment and happiness in their social or professional status.

Relationship: In love relationships, Librans are expected to exchange gifts to maintain sweetness, suggesting a positive and affectionate approach to their romantic relationships.

Career: Librans will experience success in their work today, contributing to a positive and fulfilling day in their professional life.

Family: Tension is anticipated in the family due to the poor health of the mother, emphasising a need for care and attention to family matters.

Health: The caution is given about diseases caused by infections, advising individuals to be careful about their health and take preventive measures.

Today’s Lucky Number: 30

Today’s Lucky Colour: Dark Grey

Today’s Remedy: Bow to Lord Ganesha before leaving home for success.

Today’s Scorpio Horoscope (1st March 2024)

today's horoscope 26th february

Today, Scorpios will have to run around a lot in the workplace. Household expenses will increase. You will buy clothes for all family members at a shopping mall. Due to the good financial condition, you will invest somewhere which will become a regular source of income. When you are with your love partner, do not talk about anyone else, otherwise there will be tension between you. Diabetic patients should pay special attention to their diet and should also exercise.

Status: Scorpios are indicated to be quite busy in the workplace today, suggesting a day filled with various activities and responsibilities that may contribute to their social status.

Relationship: When being with a love partner, Scorpios should avoid talking about anyone else to prevent tension in the relationship. 

Career: Scorpios will be on the move a lot in the workplace, indicating a day that involves significant effort and engagement in professional activities.

Family: Household expenses will increase, possibly due to the shopping activity where clothes are bought for all family members at a shopping mall.

Health: Diabetic patients among Scorpios have to pay special attention to their diet and incorporate exercise into their routine for health management.

Today’s Lucky Number – 17

Today’s Lucky Colour – Brown

Today’s Remedy – Today you should worship Maa Durga.

Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope (29th February 2024)

today's Horoscope 26th february

Today, Sagittarians will work hard for success in their workplace. There will be a festive event in the family, and the arrival of all relatives will strengthen your relationships. Your financial situation is going to improve a lot. You will also receive financial help from people and your investments will also give good returns. You can go on a short trip with your love partner where you will feel happy. Due to the change in weather, there will be some weakness in health.

Status: Sagittarians have to work hard for success in their workplace today, indicating efforts aimed at achieving professional accomplishments and possibly enhancing social status.

Relationship: A festive event in the family will be there, and the arrival of all relatives is expected to strengthen relationships within the family, fostering a sense of togetherness.

Career: Sagittarians will exert effort for success in their workplace, highlighting a focus on career advancement and achievements.

Family: The festive event in the family, along with the presence of all relatives, suggests a positive and joyful family gathering that contributes to relationship strengthening.

Health: Due to a change in weather, some may face weakness in health. This serves as a caution for Sagittarians to be mindful of their well-being during weather variations.

Today’s Lucky Number: 9

Today’s Lucky Colour: Saffron

Today’s Remedy: Reciting Kanakadhara Stotra will remove all kinds of financial crises from you.

Today’s Capricorn Horoscope (1st March 2024)

today's Horoscope 26th february

Today, Capricorns will be busy with their work. Those who are thinking of changing jobs should not make any changes today. You will get full support from your father in the family, which will also remove some of your financial troubles. Your mind will be happy due to financial improvement. Today you will also invest in tax saving plans. You will meet your love partner and have a good day. There is a possibility of headache due to migraine.

Status: Capricorns will be busy with their work today, indicating a focus on professional activities and potentially contributing to their social status.

Relationship: To keep the relationship with the wife sweet, both people should behave properly.

Career: Capricorns should not make job changes today, implying a day where stability and continuity in the current job will be there.

Family: You will get full support from your father, suggesting a positive family dynamic and potential resolution of financial issues within the family.

Health: Financial improvement is expected to bring happiness to the mind, indicating a positive impact on mental well-being.

Today’s Lucky Number: 5

Today’s Lucky Colour: Blue

Today’s Remedy: You should chant the Navarna Mantra today.

Today’s Aquarius Horoscope (1st March 2024)

today's horoscope 26th february

Today, Aquarians will have to work hard to achieve success in their workplace. To maintain peace and happiness in the family, you will have to remain silent today. For business expansion, today you will plan to increase your credit limit. The process of house construction will start. You will buy some household items to increase physical comfort. You will be happy with your love partner today. Pay attention to health, problems will increase due to eye infection.

Status: Aquarians have to work hard to achieve success in their workplace today, implying a focus on professional efforts that may contribute to their social status.

Relationship: To maintain peace and happiness in the family, Aquarians should remain silent today, suggesting a need for communication restraint to foster a harmonious family environment.

Career: You need to work hard for success in the workplace, emphasising the importance of dedication and effort in career-related activities.

Family: You will plan today for business expansion, specifically intending to increase the credit limit. The process of house construction will also start today, indicating significant developments in family-related matters.

Health: Give proper attention to your health, with a caution about potential problems increasing due to an eye infection. This signals the need for preventive measures and care for eye health.

Today’s Lucky Number of the day: 9

Today’s Lucky Colour: Dark blue

Today’s Remedy: Today you should distribute Kheer among the poor.

Today’s Pisces Horoscope (1st March 2024)

1st march today's horoscope

Today, Pisces natives will work on a new strategy. Your creativity will bring you success today. You will attract the hearts of all the members of the house with your positive influence. Economic improvement will be due to your hard work. Do not invest in risky schemes today, as you are sure to lose money. There will be an argument with your love partner. You will have to go to the hospital due to the ill health of a family member.

Status: Pisces natives have to work on a new strategy, indicating a focus on innovation and planning that may impact their social status positively.

Relationship: Your creativity will bring success today, suggesting that Pisces individuals may find success in their relationships by expressing their unique and imaginative qualities.

Career: Working on a new strategy will suggest a proactive approach in the professional sphere will bring success.

Family: Pisces natives will attract the hearts of all family members with their positive influence, implying a positive and harmonious atmosphere within the family.

Health: Some people will be troubled by toothache. Some people will have to get treatment from an orthopaedic doctor due to leg injuries. It is right for you to get your health checked regularly. 

Today’s Lucky Number – 6

Today’s Lucky Colour – Yellow

Today’s Remedy– Throw five black peppercorns to the east, west, north, south, and up when you leave the house. You will be successful in your work.

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